How Game Design Principles Can Enhance Democracy
Our democracies are already gamified. Our goal should be to do it better.
# 貼紙許願池與設計圖檔 2022.07 各類貼紙照片 <> 已發完、接近發完: - 20221005
# g0v Slack 註冊步驟圖解 g0v Slack Registration Tutorial #### ==Step 0 打開 g0v Slack 的邀請網址== ==Click the
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
零宇宙大爆炸 - 零時政府 g0v 十週年生日派對於台北的社會創新實驗中心
零時政府十週年了!「零宇宙大爆炸」將以生日派對的形式,舉辦在台北的社會創新實驗中心,透過短講、表演、開放工作坊、闖關遊戲、和源力不絕的生日蛋糕與美食,我們邀請「沒有人」化身為「零時空旅人」一同來回顧 g0v 的第一個十年,並且想像第二個、第三個、第 n 個十年!
g0v Underground 零時電台 | Linktree
BY g0v 沒有人。隔週更新。與聽眾分享 g0v專案、g0v貢獻者,以及很多關於 g0v 公民科技社群的專案幕後故事。歡迎定期追蹤收聽!
Dear all, 今天下午五點 <@U042G49KE7R> 會分享 <|SeeDAO> 的經驗與做法,SeeDAO 是個非常值得我們借鑑的案例,對於 DAO 的實際做法有興趣的人歡迎參加 下午參與連結:<>
Dear all, 今天下午五點 <@U042G49KE7R> 會分享 <|SeeDAO> 的經驗與做法,SeeDAO 是個非常值得我們借鑑的案例,對於 DAO 的實際做法有興趣的人歡迎參加 下午參與連結:<>
Conference for Truth and Trust Online
Conference for Truth and Trust Online 2022 - Pre-Conference Workshops
TTO-2022 will take place on October 13th-14th as a hybrid conference, with both an in-person event in Boston, MA and an online event scheduled.
Carbon Hack 22 by Green software Foundation @ TAIKAI
Carbon Hack 22 is a hackathon event promoted by Green software Foundation
Code for All | The largest civic tech network in the world
We are an international network of civic tech changemakers. We connect organizations that drive change through technology.
Carbon Hack 22. Decarbonize software. Win $90K.
Make software do more when the energy is clean and less when it's dirty, join the carbon aware hackathon with a total prize pool of $90K.
Taiwan Insight
Written by Sam Robbins. The best answer is thus that g0v could be replicated abroad, but it should not be. G0v is unique in the specific ways it approaches problems but thoroughly un-unique in being a group of activists dedicated to solving problems. We cannot forget the second part of this when we reflect on the first part. How activists come together to work towards a common goal depends deeply on political contexts. Tech and civil society can collide in a range of different forms. A look at the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) members, a global network of civil society groups promoting equality through information and communications technology, also reveals that many groups are already engaging with digital technology as a liberating tool.
Taiwan Insight
Written by Peter Cui. All projects above were born by the participant under the environment of flexibility, diversity, and vitality. In recent years, we have started a series of works under the project “sch001” to promote the open-source value and g0v society to the students at colleges and senior high schools in Taiwan. I am deeply persuaded that with more younger participants joining the organisation, more possibilities will come true in the next ten years of g0v society.
The News Lens 關鍵評論網
g0v社群的情緒政治:社會運動可以快樂嗎?如何使用娛樂氣氛引起政治行動? - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
g0v Taiwan | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Nobody can do everything, and you are that "nobody".
Created with Figma
da0 零週年 :closed_book: - HackMD
da0 零週年 議題手冊 :closed_book:
Join Slido: Enter #code to vote and ask questions
Participate in a live poll, quiz or Q&A. No login required.
全端工程師 開放資料 揪松
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
政見不失憶:臺灣 2022 選舉政見協作平台
政治總是選前端牛肉,選後變空頭?談政見嚴肅不討好,認真實踐卻鮮少獲得關注?READr 協作平台邀請你一起追蹤候選人選舉時提出的政見,並監督他是否在任期內達成。
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
slack 頻道列表與簡介短句,整理成容易貼入 slack 內的格式 - HackMD
# slack 頻道列表與簡介短句,整理成容易貼入 slack 內的格式 格式:#頻道名稱 中文簡介 英文簡介 範例: :::success #self-intro 歡迎來到 g0v-slac
YouTube hackath52n - Opening 開幕、提案、徵人
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Join Slido: Enter #code to vote and ask questions
Participate in a live poll, quiz or Q&A. No login required.
十週年論壇 slido:<>
Join Slido: Enter #code to vote and ask questions
Participate in a live poll, quiz or Q&A. No login required.
g0v 轉眼十年。 幾位老 g0ver 參與了尚未名之的發想階段,以及後續社群密集發展的過程,雖然近兩三年較少貢獻,十年週期觸發了一些對發起人的提問,我們都有一點感想和整理,ipa clkao Kirby 三人遂共寫這篇文。
每個專案 30-50 萬、8 個月一期、2019/1/13 提案截止
嗨嗨大家,揪松團正在針對*十週年黑客松與論壇撰寫新聞稿*,歡迎大家來共筆,預計今日 18:00 前彙整合併寄發給媒體! <>
嗨嗨大家,揪松團正在針對*十週年黑客松與論壇撰寫新聞稿*,歡迎大家來共筆,預計今日 18:00 前彙整合併寄發給媒體! <>
civic hacknight #0 (pil0t): welcome to the g0v community, Wed, Oct 26, 2022, 6:30 PM | Meetup
‣ DETAILS Come help us chip away at civic challenges! We've got everything you need for a fun and purposeful hacknight: a presentation to learn from, wonderful co-conspirat
g0v 10 year anniversary + intro in London - HackMD
Let the good times roll, for as long as they last.
Google Docs
1.時間:10/28(五)中午12:00~16:00(敬備午餐) 2.地點:北科大會議中心-岱爾達廳(304室)台北市大安區忠孝東路三段1號2樓~3樓億光大樓) 主辦單位:口袋國會 補助單位:財團法人臺灣民主基金會
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
11.23 D3 conference: Taiwan Democracy panel - HackMD
防堵詐騙! 指揮中心「短網址」服務上路 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報
Taiwan Insight
Written by Sam Robbins. The best answer is thus that g0v could be replicated abroad, but it should not be. G0v is unique in the specific ways it approaches problems but thoroughly un-unique in being a group of activists dedicated to solving problems. We cannot forget the second part of this when we reflect on the first part. How activists come together to work towards a common goal depends deeply on political contexts. Tech and civil society can collide in a range of different forms. A look at the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) members, a global network of civil society groups promoting equality through information and communications technology, also reveals that many groups are already engaging with digital technology as a liberating tool.
Taiwan Insight
<strong>Labours of g0v: Rethinking Work from the Perspective of Data Activists</strong>
Written by Aaron Su. How does such civic tech activism – whose results have indeed been transformative – proceed amidst limited resources and a wide variety of training and vocations? Beyond the material outputs of g0v, we must also not forget what activists and scholars have had to say about the distribution of infrastructural or emotional labour within grassroots or activist communities. There are members whose caretaking, organizing, and managing help to reproduce the bare conditions for activist work in the first place. Others have further written about the particular costs of serving as a digital activist, noting that such practices often intensify demands on members in ways inflected by class background, gender, and other social factors.
Taiwan Insight
<strong>The Bot Fighting Disinformation: The Story of Cofacts </strong>
Written by Billion Lee. Disinformation affects everyone, but everyone can become part of the solution. This is a simple idea that powers Cofacts and many other g0v projects. Although Cofacts has had experts contribute and have worked with other organisations, the fact-checking process is open to all. Disinformation breeds distrust and polarisation, but collaborative fact-checking breeds trust and collaboration. When governments get too involved in fighting disinformation, it can look like an infringement on free speech. That is why it is so important for civil society groups to get involved. The process can be slow: disinformation spreads earlier than fact-checking, but just like the tortoise and the hare, our strength lies not in our speed but our innovation and resilience. Cofacts is fighting the long fight, and it is only possible by creating a structure that is open to anyone and for everyone.
探究與實作課程如何更跨領域並與真實社會連結?活動邀請 LASS 創辦人哈爸與善於跨領域教學的竹東高中韓中梅老師引導大家,一同嘗試把公民科技專案融入探究與實作課程!
看起來資料還沒完全上線,目前能夠取得的 <>
在 運作的 Mastodon 站點
Google Docs
da0 Learning即將迎來第一次的活動會議! da0 Learning是讀書會的計畫,我們希望透過跨界交流,可以探索更多不同的解決方案,也讓大家能踏上前人的肩膀。每個月我們會舉辦活動,開放2~3人承諾讀書並製作簡報分享該書內容與心得,在下個月的活動上分享,期間也歡迎參與者一起閱讀。 第一次的啟動會議時間在:11/4(五)20:00~21:30。 作為第一次的會議,我們會討論: 討論與交流的平台? 我們要使用 #web3 頻道交流,還是另外開個平台,讓大家一起交流最近的心得與想法? 誰要先跳坑讀書? 誰要先開始讀書,要讀什麼書? 其他待決事項: 還有什麼想要跟大家聊聊的? 歡迎大家一起參與!請填寫我們的表單,方便我們把您加入未來的行事曆,一起來讀書! 相關資料: 閱讀清單: <> 介紹投影片: <>
How we make the world a better place w/ Vivian - 陳依靖
Schedule a call with me if you: Once volunteered (whether you enjoyed the experience or not) Once donated (to whatever organization) Wanted to do good, have impact in the world, but didn't think you can make money with it, so didn't do anything