How Game Design Principles Can Enhance Democracy
Our democracies are already gamified. Our goal should be to do it better.
# 貼紙許願池與設計圖檔 2022.07 各類貼紙照片 <> 已發完、接近發完: - 20221005
# g0v Slack 註冊步驟圖解 g0v Slack Registration Tutorial #### ==Step 0 打開 g0v Slack 的邀請網址== ==Click the
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
零宇宙大爆炸 - 零時政府 g0v 十週年生日派對於台北的社會創新實驗中心
零時政府十週年了!「零宇宙大爆炸」將以生日派對的形式,舉辦在台北的社會創新實驗中心,透過短講、表演、開放工作坊、闖關遊戲、和源力不絕的生日蛋糕與美食,我們邀請「沒有人」化身為「零時空旅人」一同來回顧 g0v 的第一個十年,並且想像第二個、第三個、第 n 個十年!
g0v Underground 零時電台 | Linktree
BY g0v 沒有人。隔週更新。與聽眾分享 g0v專案、g0v貢獻者,以及很多關於 g0v 公民科技社群的專案幕後故事。歡迎定期追蹤收聽!
Dear all, 今天下午五點 <@U042G49KE7R> 會分享 <|SeeDAO> 的經驗與做法,SeeDAO 是個非常值得我們借鑑的案例,對於 DAO 的實際做法有興趣的人歡迎參加 下午參與連結:<>
Dear all, 今天下午五點 <@U042G49KE7R> 會分享 <|SeeDAO> 的經驗與做法,SeeDAO 是個非常值得我們借鑑的案例,對於 DAO 的實際做法有興趣的人歡迎參加 下午參與連結:<>
Conference for Truth and Trust Online
Conference for Truth and Trust Online 2022 - Pre-Conference Workshops
TTO-2022 will take place on October 13th-14th as a hybrid conference, with both an in-person event in Boston, MA and an online event scheduled.
Carbon Hack 22 by Green software Foundation @ TAIKAI
Carbon Hack 22 is a hackathon event promoted by Green software Foundation
Code for All | The largest civic tech network in the world
We are an international network of civic tech changemakers. We connect organizations that drive change through technology.
Carbon Hack 22. Decarbonize software. Win $90K.
Make software do more when the energy is clean and less when it's dirty, join the carbon aware hackathon with a total prize pool of $90K.