大家好. My name is Hidehito Aoki. I’m leader of Code for Nerima. (Code for Nerima is one of the Code for Japan Bligades.) Thank you for your using my application “UD Talk” in g0v summit. Anyway, I released new translating application. Name is “Smilingual”. Smile + Lingual = Smilingual. You can use this application in a short time conversation. You can use easier than UD Talk. And if you set same languages “left” and “right”. You can use this app in deaf and hard of hearing communication. UD Talk can create real time caption and documents. In your holding event, you can use UD Talk in the stage, and you can use Smilingual in a reception and support. This is a free application. There is an only iOS version but I will develop Android version. Please use it! <https://itunes.apple.com/app/smilingual/id1449029353>
Smilingual - Apps on Google Play
Smilingual is translation application which everyone can use easily. "Smile + Lingual = Smilingual" After you select your language, just you tap and speak to this application. You can share your favorite phrases. Smilingual has over 100 languages now from Android supported languages. We recommend "Smilingual" for your hospitality, travel, communication and so on. Use it now!
How To Use Slack Effectively in 2019
"How To Use Slack Effectively In 2019" is the most extensive playbook on using Slack to the utmost. We spent 500 hours to make it worthy of your time.
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Spotify Squad framework — Part I – Product Management 101 – Medium
I watched this video about the Spotify Engineering culture last year, and BOOM, my mind just exploded. I fell completely in love with…
An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. Organizations need to be efficient, flexible, innovative and caring in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Organizational structure can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.Organizations are a variant of clustered entities.An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on its objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs. Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup, and individual. Organizational structure affects organizational action in two ways: it provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest. it determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization’s actions.
7 Types of Organizational Structure & Whom They're Suited For [Diagrams]
Discover the benefits and drawbacks of seven types of organizational structure so you can find the best fit for your company.
機師工會 要求協商時間在 凌晨一點 還沒看到直播 想看看 更新: ETtoday新聞雲正在直播 <https://www.facebook.com/ETtoday/videos/2165530490177190/> 公視有話好說正在直播。...
她叫美玉姨,她來自台灣。她在LINE裡面聽到有趣的謠言會跟你聊聊。您跟她互加好友了嗎?【美玉姨的使命:挑戰網路謠言 <https://bbc.in/2EbzNKl> 】
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Let's write the presentation on multi-platform, with like a feeling of Markdown editor.
2/22(五)12:00 截止!
從小是星戰迷 台灣工程師研究「數位替身」奪奧斯卡[影] | 娛樂 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA
OCF 2019 常常酒酒聚 ft. PyCon Taiwan 志工回娘家
開放文化基金會感謝開源各界的好友支持,我們準備了 2019 的各成果報告給大家,也和 PyCon Taiwan 的志工朋友們一起同樂,伴隨著美味的下午茶(或是酒),大家一起來 2019 常常酒酒聚吧!
邱威傑市民服務系統. Contribute to FroggyTaipei/froggy-service development by creating an account on GitHub.
Code for Japan open-legislation vTaiwan workshop(2019/3/9-10) - HackMD
時間:2019-02-20 週三 19:00-21:00 地點:社會創新實驗中心 2F A9 會議室(地圖:<https://goo>.
2/22(五)12:00 截止!
Devin Balkind
I give presentations, organize panels and deliver trainings that help people understand how free/libre/open-source tools and techniques can be applied to a specific sector of work. Recently I&#8217…
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g0vhk 第三屆黑客松 – Carrie Lau – Medium
在過去的週未(2月23日),倡議以開源方式整合呈現公民數據的香港零時政府g0v.hk顆拍公民科技社群開放文化站Station For Open Cultures,舉辦了第三屆公民科技黑客松。
g0v hackath33n | 台灣零時政府第參拾參次不顧北京反對___黑客松
最近兩天符咒很夯 我也貼一張 ----
Plurk by 卓芭子✦CWT-H35 - 74 response(s)
Open source | RISE 2019 - The largest tech conference in Asia
Developer? We’re giving away 1,000 RISE tickets for you and a friend as a small thank you to the open source community. Apply for your ticket by connecting your Github account.
Contribute to g0v/election-day-bot development by creating an account on GitHub.
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