On BBC World Service Digital Planet 22:03-28:15 <https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct31zs>
BBC World Service - Digital Planet, Ukraine’s drone spotting app
Ukrainian’s are using an app to identify drone attacks more quickly and accurately.
On BBC World Service Digital Planet 22:03-28:15 <https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct31zs>
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【g0v 零時小學校】數位公民素養推廣藍圖 - HackMD
# 【g0v 零時小學校】數位公民素養推廣藍圖 是哈佛法學院的法學博士候選人,專注於知識產權法,目前擔任哈佛網路法律診所的研究助理。
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new safeID 來換外洩的身分證字號 提案共筆 - HackMD
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