
Month: 2014-08


hlb 02:13:37
@hlb has joined the channel
clkao 02:14:23
@clkao has joined the channel
hlb 02:14:49
趁現在 slack 暫時送 pro trial ,來回覆一下十年前的第一則訊息 XD
第一則通知是 ly 加入 slack ,第一則訊息應該就是你貼的 XD
2024 問這到底是第幾次 pro trial
10 年前 slack 有 thread reply 功能嗎 XD
yhsiang 02:16:10
要邀請有點麻煩 ……
hlb 02:16:32
沒辦法設 "" 都可以註冊? :stuck_out_tongue:
yhsiang 02:17:10
對啊 我設了gmail跟hotmail都不行
hlb 02:17:51
um, "sorry, you can't use"
hlb 02:17:59
gugod 02:26:29
@gugod has joined the channel
clkao 02:28:51
clkao 02:29:02
takes forever to load
gugod 02:30:16
yhsiang 02:32:53
yhsiang 02:33:24
點開來的channel list header被遮了一點
clkao 02:33:34
github integration 要一個一選 XD 不能所有 org 裡面的 repo XD
yhsiang 02:34:20
@null 17:58:22

<|3dd873af915e>: update middle column - ipa

@null 18:00:25

<|3dd873af915e>: update middle column - ipa <|a90cd70c50a4>: regen for 3dd873a - g0v general (via TravisCI)


@null 20:39:26

<|f53c633f023e>: add project page - ipa

@null 20:41:45

<|f53c633f023e>: add project page - ipa <|5c292e5b2f5f>: regen for f53c633 - g0v general (via TravisCI)


@null 11:52:40

<|5b977febf6e4>: update project page - ipa

@null 11:54:33

<|80ddfab095c0>: add project to nav - ipa

@null 11:57:22

<|5b977febf6e4>: update project page - ipa <|80ddfab095c0>: add project to nav - ipa <|113ff3441a05>: regen for 80ddfab - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 12:11:10

#107 add sticky menu in project page

<|screen shot 2014-08-20 at 12 09 13> add sticky menu of project categories

@null 15:37:16

<|fc6ba5ceb2f7>: project url updates - ipa

@null 15:39:39

<|fc6ba5ceb2f7>: project url updates - ipa <|92d6b96efc54>: regen for fc6ba5c - g0v general (via TravisCI)


@null 00:52:59

<|a45dceb6dbf5>: Add sticky menu in project page. issue #107 - Lee

@null 00:58:33

<|a45dceb6dbf5>: Add sticky menu in project page. issue #107 - Lee <|e3e53fc6321f>: regen for a45dceb - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 01:14:01

<|556fe9909294>: fixed projects-right-container width (for firefox) - Lee

@null 01:19:26

<|556fe9909294>: fixed projects-right-container width (for firefox) - Lee <|c2447709999b>: regen for 556fe99 - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 13:58:35

<|c9499d559379>: fix stick menu position - ipa

@null 14:01:15

<|c9499d559379>: fix stick menu position - ipa <|d380b6e31dd5>: regen for c9499d5 - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 14:13:18

<|eb0eb3902caa>: project css fix - ipa

@null 14:17:06

<|eb0eb3902caa>: project css fix - ipa <|44ca283447db>: regen for eb0eb39 - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 14:40:19

<|47cbba86518c>: fix project width - ipa

@null 14:43:04

<|47cbba86518c>: fix project width - ipa <|48c7d1a9461b>: regen for 47cbba8 - g0v general (via TravisCI)

@null 16:46:43

<|43cd16252e21>: add project img - ipa

@null 16:49:30

<|43cd16252e21>: add project img - ipa <|68ecc448fa1a>: regen for 43cd162 - g0v general (via TravisCI)


@null 22:23:35

<|da131d3d70c1>: remove tiny-lr - Yuan Hsiang Cheng

@null 22:42:20

<|54a61ed9397c>: use change event - Yuan Hsiang Cheng

@null 22:44:11

<|da131d3d70c1>: remove tiny-lr - Yuan Hsiang Cheng <|54a61ed9397c>: use change event - Yuan Hsiang Cheng <|2ec541888011>: regen for 54a61ed - g0v general (via TravisCI)