
Month: 2021-06


Hedger 03:13:53
@hedgerwang has joined the channel
chihao 05:11:23
g0v not gov 😛
gov-zero /ˈɡʌv ˈzi.roʊ/ ガブ・ゼロ
說到這個想到 Code for Japan 朋友在翻譯 日文版的時候,有幫忙加上 `ガブ・ゼロ`,在想英文版是不是也需要加上唸法?
好欸 bess 要送 PR 嗎 😛
雖然有些人會念 g0v 但是我都唸 g0v 拉
bess 帥
♾️ 9 🙆‍♂️ 4 🙆‍♀️ 4 2 1
Yixun 05:54:47
@yixun has joined the channel
yt 09:04:08
@ytwei has joined the channel
Charles Chuang 11:51:15
@charles has joined the channel
黃兆聖 16:20:18
@johnson453 has joined the channel
廖家宏 16:29:17
@chris453 has joined the channel
騫念伍 16:42:54
@t8900614 has joined the channel
yoyoW 17:24:26
@yoyohotline has joined the channel
林丹Linda 17:36:03
@ncufinance509 has joined the channel
tanaka toshishige 17:39:37
@qazws11-24 has joined the channel
bess 18:44:43
gov-zero /ˈɡʌv ˈzi.roʊ/ ガブ・ゼロ
bess 19:46:23
@besslee set the channel topic: 下次線上大松 6/26 | 防疫協作請至 #covid19 | 注意:這裡有公開紀錄,請留意個資安全 | 自己邀請自己 | 新加入看教學 | 與 同步中
caleb 20:00:02
Ok, now that we're all in lockdown, it's the perfect time to start the bookclub some of us have been talking about. If you want to join, add your  name and some book suggestions (or not!) to here:

Book Club - HackMD

📚 2 💡 3
chewei 22:33:56
@shirley89225 建立了一份 bookmode 彙整「線上心理衛教資源.近期活動資訊」

線上活動類型,例如 身體伸展、敘事團體分享
線上資源,像是心理中心製作的影片、分享網頁、Podcast 等
歡迎加入 #psymap 共筆~
4 5 ❤️ 4 3 3 💞 3 🥼 2 👍 3
Ting Chang 22:51:50
@ding88510 has joined the channel
LUMI 嚕米 23:52:01
@faline1025 has joined the channel


chihao 08:14:16
general head count = 10207; last joined = 22:51 (-1)
linjack110 08:43:51
@linjack110 has joined the channel
洪鮭魚 10:14:02
@yinull has joined the channel
caleb 10:21:55
Ok, got a discount code for the hackathon event, who do I give it to?
ruoyun chang 15:43:30
@chang.ruoyun has joined the channel
caleb 16:24:56
In the USA, I was a member of CERT, which is a community emergency response organization run by the government. . Is there anything similar here in Taiwan?

Community Emergency Response Team |

The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills.

If not, I'd like to investigate starting an initiative like this. During earthquakes in San Francisco and Los Angeles, volunteers were able to save hundreds of lives. It's a very interesting program
All CERT training materials are available in Mandarin (although in simplified...) so a lot of the work has already been done 😛
😯 2
BLKSA 16:32:35
@9a4b0122 has joined the channel
caleb 16:33:13
現在還有其他人從 github 收到大量隨機 500 錯誤嗎?on a totally unrelated note lol
alec 17:13:05
@alec has joined the channel
fly 18:04:02
靈機一動開了一個坑,邀請 沒有人來把emoji翻譯成「坑、技能、沒有人關心的事…」
fly 18:04:20
靈機一動開了一個坑,邀請 沒有人 來把emoji翻譯成「坑、技能、沒有人關心的事…」 #skioji
Slackbot 18:04:25
very2000 18:47:30
@very2000 has joined the channel
paochia3201 19:02:52
@paochia3201 has joined the channel
SingYu 19:12:07


首頁 - 照顧醫家人|LTCare


👍 3
YY 21:27:55
主要是針對 台灣目前疫情的物資需求及愛心捐贈的問題


還在與 會接觸到第一線的人聯繫
先確認這個問題點是不是真的是痛點,再著手進行。 -> 草案在這 “>” 箭頭請記得點開


請發訊息告訴我,我們也可以加入你的專案 謝謝!

YYL on Notion

Side Project


@mrorz 謝謝 這個平台好厲害
萬華街友服務團體芒草心 使用 FB 粉絲頁私訊,sheet 進行公告
@chewei 如果我們平台有做出來
這個是針對 醫護的餐點與食材訂購
2014 322服貿
2016 官方的物資及志工整合平台待改進處
2018 Bifrost 物資管理平台
2021 #shared-tw
ael 21:40:33
@caleb I am thinking to throw a g0v online meetup for English speakers. What do you think? I realize there are more foreigners in the channel. It will be cool to accommodate new comers before the next g0v hackathon on June 26
There's that snowball squad kicking around as well that might want to help organize that @colin.hodge i know they've been looking for ways to help out and are more expat-centric
obviously i'd love to help as well. I keep tryna get my friends more involved.
Hmm, I am not only focusing on expats in Taiwan. I want to include global g0v participants
Colin Hodge 2021-06-03 00:16:41
yeah, we could probably help!
an online meetup would be great. i was planning for a weekly meetup at our community space before level 3 restriction…
there's also the booookcluuuub 🙂
Ael I didn't even think of the global participants, good point!
When are you thinking?
Colin Hodge 2021-06-17 15:01:33
@irvin @aelcenganda in case you missed it, we have an online event Saturday which will have a good number of english speakers:
👀 4 👍 7
kiang 22:06:51
日本的 CAP 是 300 萬日幣,不知道是個別專案還是總額(類似 g0v公民科技獎助金 ?)

Civictech Accelerator Program - Code for Japan

Code for Japanが企画・運営する、シビックテック特化型アクセラレータープログラムです。地域の困りごとや社会課題にアプローチするためのプロトタイプをつくるチームをメンタリングやコーディネートをしながら支援をしていきます。特に、①時事問題を取り上げているもの②地域間連携の可能性があるもの、他の地域にも展開することで利益享受者が増えるもの③多言語対応などで他国のシビックテックコミュニティと協働できたり、他国に対しても利益を享受してもらえるよう展開可能なものを募集しています。

一個團隊一次最高 300 萬日幣
Ting 22:20:21
@wangtina920306 has joined the channel
Pei 22:43:20
@venus841113 has joined the channel


chewei 04:29:44
2021 疫情紓困振興方案整理,歡迎瀏覽與補充內容 !
(1) 中央部會
(2) 縣市政府
(3) 紓困對象
(4) 相關 QA
(5) 立法院預算資訊

紓困方案的內容,該怎麼樣呈現比較便於查找呢? 以及便於分享這些網址與說明文字訊息 🤔
螢幕快照 2021-06-03 上午4.23.13.png
YT 資訊欄有簡報懶人包,詳細的還是要去看各部會的記者會😅

24:14 國發會 4.0原則 去年申請過的有符合4/6直接發 專線1988
34:06 衛福部 (沒投保的)
39:04 勞動部 (勞保有投職業工會)
45:37 農委會(農保的/漁會)
49:24 教育部
56:44 經濟部
1:01:04 交通部
1:04:47 文化部
1:09:30 財政部
1:33:59 QA打工族有投保職業工會→勞動部 / 沒投保就衛福部
1:36:34 QA疫苗平台
感謝 cai 整理! 我也搬上共筆頁面上~
👍 5
adzen 11:13:53
@101adzen has joined the channel
Pin-Ju Shih 14:06:04
@ivyshih1101 has joined the channel
Quentin Brasseur 16:00:18
I'm curious if there are "open justice" initiatives in Taiwan. I did some researches in English but couldn't find anything. #open-justice

I'm asking that because I follow an open justice initiative in my home country ( - only in French or Dutch). An example: citizens should have access to case law to understand how the law is applied. In practice, in Belgium, those decisions are collected by private companies and accessible only if you pay an expensive premium, paid by law firms/universities. That association is trying to change that and develops a tool to share and anonymise case law so it can be open to all.

There are many issues related to justice. I was wondering about what's going on in Taiwan because it has inspiring civictech initiatives :slightly_smiling_face:
Maybe you can contact PlainLaw. They are a group of lawyers trying to make law code more readable. Open Justice might be one thing they’re interested in (or even have been doing)
Quentin Brasseur 2021-06-03 17:38:35
Thanks. I'll contact them. I read the part in English. Totally agree with the fundamental necessity of having "plain laws", and it is an increasing issue among jurisdictions
@billy3321 may know something. He crawled the public cases from court’s poor database search and created unique url for each case’s mirror, which later pushed the Judicial Yuan to publish the records in more friendly formats
LawsNote is a LegalTech startup providing law related database search. They do provide free version for ordinary users
In 2016, National Conference on Judicial Reform was held by the Presidential Office. In the conference, there was a team dedicating to discuss how to open judicial process, including open data and online participation such as livestreaming. Although it is controversial whether the conference is truly open and deliberative, it is still a good reference case.
Quentin Brasseur 2021-06-04 02:07:43
Thanks. That's interesting to see number 2 (open / digitization) and 11 (legal education of citizens) among the 12 issues raised. That'll be another good start to direct some researches
🤔 3
@null 21:22:43
<finjonkiang> 有參與一陣子 sahana 案子,不過程式碼真的很混亂,對比之下 ushahidi 好很多,不過 ushahidi 公開的原始碼一直有很多問題,好像重心都放到自己的商業服務上了吧
XD 怎沒 slack 這邊反而沒看到 網誌網址連結
chewei 21:44:07
XD 怎沒 slack 這邊反而沒看到 網誌網址連結
minexo79 22:54:59
delightfullychaotic 2021-06-03 23:12:48
想聽八卦 (?)
你熟悉的系統是什麼? LinkIt? Ameba? ESP32? Arduino?
一個叫MSP430 德州儀器的MCU 來生產更多願意跳坑的人? XD
@minexo79 完全不認識wwww

突然不知道怎麼介紹 先丟WIKI XDD


Hannah Chang 00:16:28
@hannah1062 has joined the channel
blakeyang22 00:20:21
@blakeyang22 has joined the channel
ael 01:27:36
In 2016, National Conference on Judicial Reform was held by the Presidential Office. In the conference, there was a team dedicating to discuss how to open judicial process, including open data and online participation such as livestreaming. Although it is controversial whether the conference is truly open and deliberative, it is still a good reference case.




Briefing of Judicial Reform

Briefing of Judicial Reform

Vicki 06:01:43
@vickiychung has joined the channel
isabelhou 08:53:45

g0v hackath44n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾肆次世界最危險黑客松

g0v 第肆拾肆次大黑客松將在 2021.06.26(六)於線上舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

5TU 10:36:45
@ruby223371 has joined the channel
susiesweet 14:04:25
@susiesweet has joined the channel
kolumbiadc 14:11:03
@kolumbiadc has joined the channel
徐連毅 16:29:16
@lily1996 has joined the channel
chewei 17:14:28
萬華街友服務團體芒草心 使用 FB 粉絲頁私訊,sheet 進行公告
AT 17:36:56
@adelberteng has joined the channel
MaxineMaz 17:41:33
@ovomis2u has joined the channel
Ming-luen Li 18:54:51
@kanyli has joined the channel
Bob Yeh 19:26:05
@bob.yeh has joined the channel
chewei 19:29:38
蒐集 歷年衛星影像的小工具或應用情境,歡迎共筆至 hackmd~

提供給協助介接 衛星圖資的朋友~ 依照目前各家衛星影像的探討: :thinking_face: google engine 收存的圖資都不太適用肉眼研判,<|LASS 社團 Jhih-Cyuan Shen 有列出目前圖資清單與解析度> :thinking_face: 福衛二號與五號,解析度2 公尺,有點吃力,<|不過有提供 Taiwan Data Cube API 採用 Jupyter Notebook 國網中心提供雲端即時運算> 所以目前推薦的是: :doraemon: SPOT 1996-2020 每年釋出一套, 解析度 1.5 公尺,肉眼判斷 ok 已提供 wms: <> :doraemon: 最新的圖,可以考慮使用 mapboxed: Generate assembled mapbox tilesets 圖磚由商業公司維護,主要是他們永保最新,高解析度 1公尺以下,也可以扮演對照 SPOT 影像的角色 <> ------ :open_mouth: 衛星圖資+瀏覽器,這裡有一個 多視窗對照工具 可以參考以下網址 <>

空拍圖比對計畫 - HackMD

Warren Chen 22:17:58
@warrenchen512 has joined the channel


exitcnc 01:42:09
@exitcnc has joined the channel
Ted 顥天 08:58:12
#edu 或許可以問問看
Ted 顥天 2021-06-06 20:36:32
Ted 顥天 09:00:39
台灣碩博士論文知識加值系統蠻多的 但其他來源的期刊有嗎?
BO-KUN WU 09:26:58
@jason90703 has joined the channel
yuiseki 09:44:37
@yuiseki has joined the channel
howard 10:14:38
@howard168 has joined the channel
CJ 15:56:25
@c.j.yen has joined the channel
Mike 16:59:07 has joined the channel
Grace 19:56:10
@linda780123 has joined the channel
Chris LAM 20:04:56
@fdq09eca has joined the channel
amgtier 20:36:32
@aaa3air has joined the channel


Chiahsu Yang 09:41:46
@dtjxy1 has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 09:44:59
hi! do you know to use this “Say It” as a user?
Dai -大輔/東京 09:45:30
this is awesome platform for Q&A style interview - I want to use this for my interview
Dai -大輔/東京 09:45:44
but is this only taiwan gov people??
Dai -大輔/東京 09:46:12
(this is given by Audrey-san when I interviewed her in Dec 2020)
yhsiang 11:43:53
@dai you could create a sayit instance by youself. (You will need some knowledge about python, django and elasticseach) And follow the format called Akoma Ntoso, it is a XML format.
🙇 1
yhsiang 11:44:51
Other information you could check


Transcripts for the modern internet

MJ Klein 12:21:27
@thenhbushman has joined the channel
MJ Klein 12:24:41
Is anyone investigating Ivermectin? The FLCCC has many case studies that indicate it would be very helpful for us in Taiwan. My doctor (and another one I asked) have not heard of Ivermectin being given as a Covid treatment. I cannot get this medicine as a prophylaxes even though it's being successfully deployed in India, Peru, South Africa and other countries.
TC Liu 12:36:13
@liuderchi has joined the channel
Coco Z 15:20:06
@oo3127 has joined the channel
MJ Klein 15:39:38

FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

Ivermectin in COVID-19 | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

The MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for Covid-19 is a physiologic-based combination treatment regimen created by leaders in critical care medicine.

Andrew Tsai 15:40:39
@theinborndisciple has joined the channel
MJ Klein 16:03:24

FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

COVID-19 协议| FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

热带地区的 MATH+ 医院治疗方案 Covid-19 是由基于重症监护医学的领导者创建的基于生理的联合治疗方案。

MJ Klein 16:03:54
(sorry, it's only in Simplified Chinese)
Rich Chang 16:30:15
@dloorvae has joined the channel
bettyvisualtech 19:35:30
剛剛covid-19確診足跡地圖的discord 被中共攻擊了
👀 3
minexo79 19:39:52
還好啦 我當管理員的 都看過好幾次這種來亂的了 什麼國家的都有
😮 3
bettyvisualtech 19:39:54
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
😩 4 🙏 1
bettyvisualtech 19:40:10
bettyvisualtech 19:40:54
是擔心... 他們會不會也攻擊這裡 和大家討論共筆之類的 ... 擷取資訊和意圖攻擊 大家架設的
這裡應該 還好啦
大家都馬是這裡的一份子 如果看到了就互相幫忙
• slack 內容本身有備份,至於是否發生整個 workspace 消失等操作,#g0v-slack 近期管理員名單持續確認中,可以讓管理員們評估這個風險
• hackmd 營運端,與社群有聯繫管道
• google 線上協作工具,本身有版本回溯機制
• github g0v-github
bettyvisualtech 2021-06-07 04:41:55
👀 1
Ling Chen 20:02:03
@ling.inotherwords has joined the channel
Peter 21:00:30
大家好,我是紓困計畫共筆坑的Peter,明天預計用 vTaiwan的線上小聚繼續整理紓困相關政策的資訊,並且想要開始著手將資訊視覺化呈現,方便有需要的人進行檢索。所以非常歡迎大家來參與討論、幫忙整理資訊,或是貢獻可以如何整理繁雜資訊的想法~

2021 疫情紓困振興方案整理 - HackMD

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

4 2 2 💪 2 3 😃 2 ✍️ 3 3
Matt 21:22:38
@c6427733 has joined the channel
Lee Chia-Chen 21:26:10
@estelle.chiachen.lee has joined the channel
Jason Zeng 21:26:13
@dj4871114 has joined the channel
Josh 21:26:52
@a777441a has joined the channel
sanomika0926 21:50:18
@sanomika0926 has joined the channel
Charles Su 22:00:26
@bolabu321 has joined the channel
CC 22:40:26
@info.cchsu has joined the channel


_ Wu 08:57:53
@weeihua1003 has joined the channel
濱大輔 09:56:22
@d.hama1021 has joined the channel
@null 14:31:33
@null 14:54:53
@null 14:55:04
@null 14:55:49
Guo-Jim 15:01:09
這是 #covid19 頻道的 @cwnelson88 整理的人數圖表,我找不到指揮中心官方的圖(來人呀幫幫我)
gasolin 15:02:40
請問若想在 slack 上增加新的 emoji 分類 (如 Remote Work) 需要額外權限嗎?
#skioji 討論可能會用到
截圖 2021-06-07 下午2.54.18.png
mitsunchieh 2021-06-07 15:06:18
Remote work 是 slack 自己新加的分類(feature)。

使用者只能新增客製化 emoji,而沒法有分類喔
thanks a lot~ 歡迎大家來為 g0v-tw slack 的 emoji 們上別名,可代表人/坑/松/技能,感覺會很有趣 #skioji 歡迎大家來為 g0v-tw slack 的 emoji 們上別名 alias,可代表人/坑/松/技能,感覺會很有趣 #skioji 不過別名不能重覆,所以應選最直觀好意會的字/emoji
Guo-Jim 15:03:11
MJ Klein 15:07:53
Yeah, but today was less than 1/2 that. So it's going down.
fly 15:08:44 歡迎大家來為 g0v-tw slack 的 emoji 們上別名 alias,可代表人/坑/松/技能,感覺會很有趣 #skioji 不過別名不能重覆,所以應選最直觀好意會的字/emoji
MJ Klein 15:10:53
Ivermectin is being ignored.
@null 15:14:23
Guo-Jim 會跳通知嗎
Guo-Jim 15:15:18
Guo-Jim 15:15:47
Guo-Jim 15:16:13
Guo-Jim 15:17:37
Guo-Jim 會跳通知嗎
Chase W. Nelson 倪誠志 15:33:50
Sorry for the delay, friend @guo-jim! Here are the REPORTED totals and REVISED totals, with 7-day averages, updated for today. Will post more soon at
wen0407 16:50:19
@joler32820173 has joined the channel
ଘ小路ଓ 20:51:57
@todayzoo has joined the channel
Alex Vandiver 23:34:28
@alexmv has joined the channel


iyh512 05:15:18
@iyhogm512 has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 12:51:06
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
8 6 🥢 6 😍 4
Yujin Chiang 14:38:43
@yuji.chiang has joined the channel
isabelhou 14:41:53
這邊蒐集的是 討論區 的頻道
6 4 3 👍 1
wen0407 15:47:39


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wen0407 15:48:40
wen0407 15:49:32
wen0407 15:50:32
wen0407 15:52:06
wen0407 15:52:28
fly 16:54:53
太好了,現在 g0v slack也有另做圖片存檔,更方便任何人(包括 沒有人 )引用歷史圖片了,謝謝 @ronnywang 花時間升級  g0v slack archive

破圖的問題我修掉了,主要是他圖片需要權限,所以 g0v archive 那邊現在圖片統一再經過 archive 再另外抓取

Slackbot 16:54:58
Ik ben niemand
bess 17:31:58
發現了一個有 g0v as speaker 的線上活動

A Planet of Citizen Laboratories | madrimasd

Curso en inglés: A Planet of Citizen Laboratories  - Citizen Innovation in Urban and Rural Areas Online Workshop June 14, 16, 21 and 23 16:00-17:30 (CEST)

4 🌐 3
Peter 20:13:16
不太確定有沒有分享過,不過最近法國導演 Alain Lewkowicz 的紀錄片〈台灣v.s. 中國,脆弱的民主〉在公視+上可以免費收看至7/3,裡面有很多跟g0v有關的內容!



😮 4
bess 21:23:05
最近在想說,之前曾經在知名語音聊天平台出現過的 g0v Lunch Break 可能要重新江湖了?希望可以在某天平日晚上揪起來,沒有主題,主要是想邀請最近加入 g0v 的朋友一起亂聊,歡迎詢問任何問題。有朋友會有興趣嗎?


g0v 新手村民聊天室 - HackMD

# g0v 新手村民聊天室 ## 主要概念 曾經在 clubhouse 出現過的 g0v Lunch Break 可能要重出江湖了? 希望可以在某天平日晚上揪起來,沒有主題,主要是想邀請最近

++ ~
Slackbot! 沒有人要來揪?
Slackbot! 沒有人 要來揪嗎?
stuffedwith 21:23:48
@stuffedwith has joined the channel
Teemo 22:40:40

```第 9 條
是呱辦的小天使耶 😄
👍 7


Hungju Lu 04:00:37
@jefflen has joined the channel
Nikki Xu 08:41:27
@hres88888 has joined the channel
kim philip 08:53:53
@philip.kim0719 has joined the channel
Sephora Sephora 11:15:58
@kinkojiang has joined the channel
Ada 11:38:19
@slack1087 has joined the channel
ichieh 12:19:37
• 大松名額還有一些,要參加的朋友請手刀報名
• 想要提案找人一起開工的坑主們,請記得到提案列表寫上提案唷!!
【g0v 第肆拾肆次世界最危險黑客松 Online Hackath44n 限量報名中 Very Limited Quota】
時間 Time:2021/6/26(六)9:00 - 17:00 GMT+8
地點 Place:KKTIX 報名,主辦單位會在活動前寄信提供上線網址
報名 Registration:
活動直播 Live Broadcast:
 特別注意!!本次線上會議需要使用電腦/筆電開啟,若使用平板或行動裝置則無需報名,請觀看 g0v Youtube 同步直播,文字參與。
本周六就是 Hackath44n 啦~~~ 提醒大家:
• 請坑主們記得到提案列表寫上你的提案唷!
• 這兩天預計會發出行前通知,若有沒報名成功的朋友可以關注一下 KKTIX 活動頁面,有機會掉落大松門票唷!
• 本次一樣可以錄製「三個關鍵字自我介紹」請大家到 Ronny 製作的頁面填寫及錄製~
8 4 5
Gin Liu 13:32:35
@gingirlliu has joined the channel
Joanne Sun 14:35:02
@joanne.yuhan.sun has joined the channel
蔡秉憲 15:39:35
@brian.20040722 has joined the channel
Emily Tsai 16:57:46
@emily.tsai has joined the channel
Meng-Yan Shen 18:40:10
@shenmengyan has joined the channel
SJer Cheng 19:09:13
@ywin1117 has joined the channel
Chingteng Hsiao 21:38:10
@cthsiao has joined the channel
Guo-Jim 22:44:27
要 講個秘訣 嗎?
Slackbot 22:44:32
你知道 Sketch 在貝茲節點上面點兩下會切換圓角和直角的模式嗎?


isabelhou 06:23:20
4 3
Lydia 10:01:37
@yt.lydia.han has joined the channel
Vicki 10:50:38
@vicfor3d has joined the channel
張家華 11:24:33
@feymnan has joined the channel
徐郁淞 13:27:16
@tand23744 has joined the channel
林嵩堉 13:57:34
@sony1232431 has joined the channel
chewei 14:49:05
*「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」*是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。

目前正在彙整與撰寫 2021.05 的內容,歡迎共筆寫工作日誌(?) ~


g0v 社群每月九分鐘 - HackMD

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。

補了一遍所有段落,加上連結跟圖片。也歡迎想要介紹專案的人來共筆喔~預計本週五傍晚五點之後貼到 g0v 後勤中心等地方。
\ 歡迎協作、轉貼,分享再分享 /

所有在 g0v 社群協作的大家,真的辛苦了,明天開始就好好待在家裡休息吧 🥚🥢 現在還有人會立蛋嗎?

五月好快又過去了(尤其在一陣兵荒馬亂中 ),g0v 社群的大家這個月也非常熱絡的在線上協作,快來看看「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」,用一點點時間更新 g0v 社群的最新近況。

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間(#但是2021年5月值得用90分鐘來看),跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。
5 3 📰 2 9️⃣ 3
Liwei Chou 16:00:24
@wanpeebaw has joined the channel
Benson Chen 18:18:06
@benson.bost has joined the channel
bess 19:51:12
補了一遍所有段落,加上連結跟圖片。也歡迎想要介紹專案的人來共筆喔~預計本週五傍晚五點之後貼到 g0v 後勤中心等地方。
3 3 👍 1
Yueh Han Huang 19:51:59
@yhhuang has joined the channel
yiji 20:13:38
1. 我去年底從台北搬到台中,發現台北好空氣的天空跟台中的天空用肉眼可以看出差異。就是台中天空沒有雲的部分不像台北那麼高彩度的藍,而是有點粉藍,甚至讓雲的邊界看不清楚。就是一片霧霧白白,不像台北,雲跟沒有雲的地方邊界很清楚。另外,遠眺山頭,台北的山很乾淨,但台中的遠山明顯霧霧的。這一兩個月,台中的天空依然偏粉藍,遠山依然霧,但指標卻那麼好。
2. 新聞說今天早上9點中火失火,濃霧遮蔽半邊天(。且今天環保局網站說吹東南風,擴散條件不佳,但今天台中依然是綠色。


突然想 cue @wuulong
TzuWei 22:16:08
@ap9940506 has joined the channel
gasolin 22:30:34
這套 openemoji 有提供許多額外的各種災害(火,水, 地, 核, 傳染) emoji
截圖 2021-06-10 下午10.27.56.png
一直把最左邊看成 safety shower ...
😮 2


MJ Klein 01:02:14
It's about time that someone serves the WHO with legal papers for blocking known successful treatments of Covid-19.
Yuka 02:37:28
@gyakniquwy has joined the channel
chihao 08:11:51
general head count = 10282; last joined = 2:37
tmonk 10:08:21
開放國會委員會大會 ep9
2 👀 2 1
caleb 11:18:51
A book club made by some gold card holders is now voting for its first book to read! It's not too late to join the club 🙂

Book Club - HackMD

the hope is that non GC people join 🙂
most of the books so far seem to have mandarin translations readily available as well!
I will do that later. Count me in
3 2 2
Cate 11:28:38
@happycat0521 has joined the channel
acechen 11:31:56
今年 8/28 公投要避免疫情南北大風吹的話,也許是時候來推動和測試不在籍投票?
假設先由 TWID 認證身分,在截止日前登記現居地址,然後跟著鄰里造冊。這次沒有選地方代表與首長,應該比較簡單?
👍 3
Wendy 11:45:40
@nekosensei0701 has joined the channel
caleb 13:28:39
Hey everyone! Snowball and Women in IoT will be hosting an online one day idea-generation hackathon on June 19th from 14-18:00. Snowball is a community focused on furthering human rights and freedom in Asia, and is looking to generate ideas of promoting forms of empowered consumerism, and other ideas to empower citizen engagement! Find more details at eventbrite (free of course!)

嘿大家! Snowball 和物聯網中的女性將於 6 月 19 日 14-18:00 舉辦為期一天的在線創意黑客馬拉松。 Snowball 是一個專注於促進亞洲人權和自由的社區,並希望產生促進賦權消費主義形式的想法,以及其他增強公民參與權的想法! 在 eventbrite 上查找更多詳細信息(當然免費!)


Snowball Online Hackathon: Empowering daily consumer purchasing behavior

Snowball is an impact-focused community on human rights and freedom in Asia.

@colin.hodge can help answer any questions people have 🙂 As can @zoe113
Colin Hodge 2021-06-11 13:39:00
Looking forward to hosting everyone and hearing your great ideas!
Yeah it’s the similar idea of Scan before Purchasing app!
Snowball is more focusing on Human rights and freedom causes! @chewei 😄
Colin Hodge 2021-06-28 13:47:44
Following up here from our brainstorming hackathon a week ago!

Thanks to all who attended our brainstorming event last Saturday! 感謝來參加上週六「腦風暴」黑客松的大家!
│ English below │
我們一直在想有趣的方式,來和社群內的大家互動,第一次舉辦的線上黑客松,真的也很有意思!這次活動在虛擬辦公室軟體「Gather town」上進行,首先藉著內建的「猜猜畫畫(Pictionary)」遊戲,大家互相認識熟悉彼此。
接著,參加活動的約廿人,分成下列三組,來到小組房間發想討論:1) 增加資訊透明度 2) 利用前述透明度的數據,打造軟體 3) 推廣的方式,及擴大資訊透明的數據。
同場感謝 Caleb RogersZoe Chen 規劃這次的黑客松!
Based on our mission, we wanted to hear from a wide range of people in Taiwan, providing an opportunity for fresh & creative ideas.
We’re always looking for fun ways for our Snowball Community to interact, and this was a blast! We were able to get to know one another through the built-in games, like a guessing game based on Pictionary, in addition to brainstorming.
Approximately 20 total attendees split up into groups to generate ideas on 3 main categories: 1) Transparency projects 2) Products to utilize transparency data 3) Methods to educate & amplify transparency data
We were really impressed with the different perspectives and direction that many provided, including some projects that may be carried forward for a future hackathon event.
Some examples include a meme analysis & creation project, building a map of sanctioned entities and those connected to them, a virtual museum for visualizing a topic vs. long documents, and short video challenges to summarize what’s at risk when using CCP-connected apps.

We’ll be posting a more thorough summary later this week, along with more posts to continue the idea generation here!

Thanks again to @caleb and @zoe113 for organizing!


*We’ve posted the ideas for further discussion & development to our community. Feel free to request an invite and keep developing the ideas* 🙂
4 👀 3 📣 3 2
Sear Huang 14:55:26
@lonely854 has joined the channel
Elton 16:17:34
@plscd748 has joined the channel
gugod 16:50:53 有個坑 -- 疾管署那邊提供的「每日疫苗日報表 pdf」格式變了。看來會讓 OurWorldInData 那裡的爬蟲抓不到正確數字。
需要會 python + pandas 的人送個 PR 過去 XD
`owid/covid-19-data.git` 超大啊 …
看來需要 10GB 空間才能 clone
用 git clone --depth 1 做 shallow clone 哩?
```diff --git a/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/output/Taiwan.csv b/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/output/Taiwan.csv
index dc5497c..cbf9eca 100644
--- a/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/output/Taiwan.csv
+++ b/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/output/Taiwan.csv
@@ -64,3 +64,4 @@ Taiwan,2021-06-06,Oxford/AstraZeneca,
+Taiwan,2021-06-10,"Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna",,782300,782300,0
diff --git a/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/src/vax/incremental/ b/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/src/vax/incremental/
index ad4eb86..c80a2d2 100644
--- a/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/src/vax/incremental/
+++ b/scripts/scripts/vaccinations/src/vax/incremental/
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ def parse_table(url_pdf: str) -> int:

def parse_total_vaccinations(df: pd.DataFrame) -> int:
- num = df.iloc[-1, 5]
+ num = df.iloc[-1, 2]
num = re.match(r"([0-9,]+)", num).group(1)
return clean_count(num)

def parse_people_vaccinated(df: pd.DataFrame) -> int:
- num = df.iloc[-1, 4]
+ num = df.iloc[-1, 2]
num = re.match(r"([0-9,]+)", num).group(1)
return clean_count(num)

@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def enrich_location(ds: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:

def enrich_vaccine(ds: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
- return enrich_data(ds, "vaccine", "Oxford/AstraZeneca")
+ return enrich_data(ds, "vaccine", "Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna")

def pipeline(ds: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:```
`parse_total_vaccinations` 看來本來是拿「累計配送劑數」,但那個數字現在沒了
疫苗日報表 pdf 這三天都沒更新了啊 ;zzz
今天有更新了 (*phew*)
😮 2 3
gugod 16:51:29
需要會 python + pandas 的人送個 PR 過去 XD
🐍 1 🐛 1
bess 19:08:50
\ 歡迎協作、轉貼,分享再分享 /

所有在 g0v 社群協作的大家,真的辛苦了,明天開始就好好待在家裡休息吧 🥚🥢 現在還有人會立蛋嗎?

五月好快又過去了(尤其在一陣兵荒馬亂中 ),g0v 社群的大家這個月也非常熱絡的在線上協作,快來看看「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」,用一點點時間更新 g0v 社群的最新近況。

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間(#但是2021年5月值得用90分鐘來看),跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。


g0v 社群每月九分鐘 - 2021/05 - HackMD

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。

Peter 19:11:24
大家好,抱歉有點晚發,我跟 @chewei 今天晚上 8:30想要討論一下紓困方案資訊共筆的資訊呈現(因為目前資訊有點雜亂)希望使用psymap的方式快速刻一個網站供大家檢索。


Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

2021 疫情紓困振興方案整理 - HackMD

2 👍 4 2
Peter 19:11:35
吳冠霖 19:12:05
@timmylinl40595 has joined the channel
angel7801470 20:27:42
@angel7801470 has joined the channel
minexo79 21:36:58
@sdfghj1001 麻煩同意我加入一下 謝謝
Stacey Shih 21:37:52
@chshih22 has joined the channel
JT 22:12:26
@winghojackwork has joined the channel
AKARI 22:26:51
@xiujia.mingxiangli has joined the channel
chewei 23:30:34
對於紓困方案登載至 airtable 有興趣跳坑的朋友請至 #vtaiwan ~

紓困方案訊息彙整 Hackmd:<> 資料逐步放在 Airtable:<> 簡易查找網頁:<>

👍 2 1 1


Cameron Chow 00:06:41
@cameronchow has joined the channel
Kenny Lu 08:02:34
@kennylu.hl has joined the channel
江謙 10:39:24
@rexrexchian has joined the channel
yingchih 14:11:28
@tot23106 has joined the channel
王聖方 14:13:14
@frankwang95174 has joined the channel
王崧阡 14:15:20 has joined the channel
尤奕紅 17:08:36
@henry840227 has joined the channel
tmonk 20:34:46
正在透過 hackmd 單獨整理新北市的疫苗施打資訊。
預計入口跟最重要的資訊擺放在這份 hacmkd 裡頭
盡量完備的資料跟資訊會放在這份 google spreadsheet 裡頭。
歡迎大家來協作。討論請至 #vaccine


新北市 COVID-19 疫苗接種資訊 - HackMD

# 新北市 COVID-19 疫苗接種資訊 ## 最新疫苗接種資訊 ### 目前開放施打對象(共計約 8.2 萬人): - 第一階段於 2021-06-15 ~ 2021-06-17 接種疫

👍 1
tmonk 20:35:26


chewei 01:48:04
@iacmai 與社群朋友整理了 AZ疫苗75歲以上 22 縣市施打方案 !
包含:在籍與不在籍居民的 通知方式、預約方式、分流方式、攜帶物品提醒、政策訊息網頁、移動工具預約或到府施打

👉 您或家人收到通知了嗎?歡迎回報,讓更多人可以參考縣市通知近況,線上回報網址:

螢幕快照 2021-06-13 上午1.44.29.png
9 🩺 1
caleb 09:41:19
This is really interesting, something I've never experienced. I just tried to ride my motorcycle to Wulai and my whole crew was stopped by a couple volunteers saying nobody is allowed into Wulai. I can't find any information online, is this like... Normal? Allowed? How can someone close the only road to many towns? How can I find out if other cities are uh... Closed lol
where is the location you are stopped? Wulai Old town is a passenger-only area during holidays and it's not because of Covid-19.
Stopped here
looks like crowd control measures
Yap, this checkpoint is mentioned in the news.
I also find out this fact-check
so people are not really staying at home during this long weekend... 😟
The hotel is still operating, just the restaurant closed for indoor service.
I believe the safe thing to do is not go out and see people, which we didn't do. We road motorcycles and stayed outside lol. By my understanding of the science, our covid transfer risk was near zero
😮 1
Slackbot 09:41:24
許宮璉 16:46:29
@xukunglien has joined the channel


Dai -大輔/東京 02:20:39
Today visited Hiroshima and met A-bomb survivor Mito-san. He guided me for 3hrs to all the places in the peace memorial park. I prayed for the world peace. 🕊️
Image from iOS
🙏 9 🕊️ 2
aiden.tuonoin 04:11:00
@aiden.tuonoin has joined the channel
Cliff 11:20:34
@comntwd has joined the channel
Ching-Hsiang Kuo 14:07:23 has joined the channel
Ke Rou Wong 17:55:29
@kryvaliun1129 has joined the channel
吳政達 18:12:18
@pandaoao has joined the channel
darkmangod 18:28:02
@darkmangod has joined the channel
Wang YiHao 20:20:57
@zero5011 has joined the channel


tinlans 02:43:46
@tinlans has joined the channel
Heron 11:24:34 has joined the channel
江曦澈 14:27:05
@xichejiang0601 has joined the channel
bis La 16:27:27
@labis0907 has joined the channel
楊舒婷Sandy 16:59:36
@ysting1101 has joined the channel
chi 17:14:17
@andy51311 has joined the channel
shimitsu896412 18:58:04
@shimitsu896412 has joined the channel
Peter 21:00:04
大家好,我是疫情紓困方案資訊彙整坑的坑主家瑋,目前感謝 @chewei chewei的協助,我們已經利用sheet2site初步將彙整好的資訊放上去了,現在則是會希望大家協助將共筆上的相關資訊放進airtable的資料後台(因為資訊真的有點多,加上有一些中央的紓困方案在6/30前申請截止,因此會需要加快腳步)因為目前只有我這個被期末跟國考的大學生在搬運跟彙整,進度有點緩慢,所以想徵求小幫手幫忙將相關的資訊搬運到airtable上。以下共筆上有相關連結與說明,如果有興趣的都可以透過slack 聯繫我,或是在 #vtaiwan 頻道發問~


Airtable | Everyone's app platform

Airtable is a low-code platform for building collaborative apps. Customize your workflow, collaborate, and achieve ambitious outcomes. Get started for free.

2021 疫情紓困振興方案整理 - HackMD

紓困方案 :woman::computer: 搜尋網頁

powered by g0v

Bryce Barros 21:19:04
@bcbarros1990 has joined the channel


jojochi093 00:39:58
@jojochi093 has joined the channel
KUANG-YU LI 02:58:46 has joined the channel
samlee17tw 08:16:25
@samlee17tw has joined the channel
jasmine00519 09:22:13
@jasmine00519 has joined the channel
Jenna Chen 21:00:26 has joined the channel
Alan yang 22:33:25
@aren9564056 has joined the channel


白杰 10:47:50
@michael.bowcutt has joined the channel
ichieh 10:47:57
嗨嗨大家~ 本周六 6/19 19:30 - 21:30 g0v 揪松團和 Wikimedia Taiwan 會一起辦一場「線上活動怎麼辦?」的工作坊,本次活動會使用 Gather Town 作為視訊會議室,名額很有限,歡迎有興趣的朋友手刀報名!

• 時間:2021/06/19(六) 19:30 - 21:30 GMT + 8
• 共筆(活動資訊):
• 報名頁面:


「線上活動怎麼辦?」線上協作工作坊 - HackMD

# 「線上活動怎麼辦?」線上協作工作坊 * 時間:2021/06/19(六) 19:30 - 21:30 GMT + 8 * 地點:[Gather Town](<https://gather.tow>



活動結束後會錄影釋出,之後還有很多線上課程或工作坊等,相關的活動可以關注 #edu 唷!
活動錄影已經上傳 g0v yt 了!
👍 4 1
白杰 10:53:38
大家好! 我是白杰,就業金卡進來台灣的,2011-2013年在台灣傳教。目前再美商 Romaric 做亞洲區域經理,我們做工廠自動化物料控制軟體。

我們家最近開 Youtube 頻道。歡迎交流,高興認識大家!
👍 14 ❤️ 4 👋 2
Yu Shen 12:20:36
@hyy6983 set the channel topic: 下次線上大松 6/26 | 防疫協作請至 #covid19 | 注意:這裡有公開紀錄,請留意個資安全 | 自己邀請自己 | 新加入看教學 | 與 同步中
abieler 19:35:43
@abieler has joined the channel


chewei 02:41:33
2014 322服貿
2016 官方的物資及志工整合平台待改進處
2018 Bifrost 物資管理平台
2021 #shared-tw

物資捐贈類專案 - HackMD

Allie 04:16:12
@yuchu.allison.tang has joined the channel
@null 09:08:06
咦!?現在 Freenode 沒向 NickServ 註冊帳號就不能 Private message 給任何人嗎?
@null 09:09:24
[S] 477 NewCliCker ******** :You need to be identified to a registered account to message this user
@null 10:02:29
應該是 Freenode turned on antispam 了, 看來兩邊大戰依然加速進行中 XD
Roi Ariel 10:11:44
@roi.ariel has joined the channel
Frank Lü 15:41:41
@lu.phrank has joined the channel
Lynn Deng 20:18:01
*【Snowball 線上黑客松:如何透過消費力帶來社會影響力?】*
Snowball和物聯網女力 Women in IoT 將於*明天下午6月19日(六*)舉辦第一場線上黑客松,找出如何能透過消費者的力量,做出改變,歡迎來自各背景的你加入!
• 時間:2021/06/19(六) 14:00 - 18:00 GMT + 8
• 活動資訊:
• 報名連結:
Snowball is hosting its first online brainstorm Hackathon with Women in IoT: *Empowering daily consumer purchasing behavior*.
How can consumers help promote democracy and freedoms? Snowball aims to empower people to make more conscious financial decisions to support companies that do good to the society. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Join us tomorrow afternoon.
• Time: *June 19 (Sat) 14:00 - 18:00 GMT + 8*
• Register:
What’s Snowball? Latest podcast:


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Snowball Online Hackathon: Empowering daily consumer purchasing behavior

Snowball is an impact-focused community on human rights and freedom in Asia.

RTI Radio Taiwan International

Support through buying from the right companies

On this week&amp;#39;s In the Spotlight, you can learn from Colin Hodge of the Snowball Community&amp;nbsp;how to support human rights through maybe changing ...

🙌 1
@null 21:52:55
<gugod> [公告] 由於 freenode irc 那邊營運狀態變得有點怪異,所以這群聊就不再跟 freenode irc 頻道互相轉發了。
啊。這是給 Telegram 那邊看的訊息。「這群聊」 指的是 Telegram 群。
不過總之就是我把 irc <-> telegram 的訊息互轉切斷了
gugod 21:54:53
啊。這是給 Telegram 那邊看的訊息。「這群聊」 指的是 Telegram 群。
gugod 21:56:04
不過總之就是我把 irc <-> telegram 的訊息互轉切斷了


蕭存佑 17:26:03
@jonathan has joined the channel
ichieh 19:24:16
gasolin 20:59:48
在構想「我有參加」徽章計劃, 初步想法是為參加本次 (2021/6/26) 黑客松的人發數位徽章(NFT), 以供展示/證明確實有參加過
hackmd 在
有興趣的人歡迎留一下言, 看有興趣的人數再決定要不要開 channel

「我有參加」徽章計劃 attendence-badge - HackMD

我覺得可以跟 #edu-aray 結合
@little78926 @besslee 你怎麼看👀👀👀
(上面那圖是我畫的) 太好了,
圓形 500x500px PNG, 需 < 200KB
@little78926 因為我也還沒有發 badge 經驗, 也許讓我們先拿這次大松試驗, 再透過反饋看看適不適合 ARAY 之後採用類似的方式
感謝 提供徽章圖面, 頁面在
弄清楚怎麼領 badge 就可以開張了
已經收到 150 枚, 可透過發 redeem code/url 的方式領取
event 敘述加上了 designer credit
詢問 jothon 團是否能在發放技能貼紙時一併發放
@little78926 @chnejohnson @chiehg0v 想了一下不打算獨立開坑, 若會場上有人對後續討論感興趣, 適合轉到 Aray 或是 jothon 團的場地嗎
@gasolin 嗨我是 ARAY 坑主之一,適不適合可能要後續再討論,這禮拜事情有點多還來不及,拍謝~
@chnejohnson 讚!
@chiehg0v 可以協助修改Gather Town販賣機改開到上面的連結嗎? 或開一下建造權限我來改
@gasolin 想到一個問題,這個流程是不是沒辦法預防一個人可能認領多個徽章?
對, 跟 ptt 上交換博客來 coupon 一樣
做個網站或App, 輸入報名者的id或序號可以換一組 redeem code
kktix 好像也沒有給每個報名者一個 id 或序號
想到一個方法是,jothon 應該有報名者的 email 清單,所以網站的話需要 google oauth 後,比對這個人的 email 有無在清單上,有的話就可以給他 redeem code
有11位已領徽章, 其中九位拿到它的第一個POAP徽章
🦡 1 2 ❤️ 1
Jessie 22:26:26
@jessielu has joined the channel
🖐️ 2
SYT 22:51:35
@miaow579 has joined the channel


Jessie 00:05:00
@u3511710 has joined the channel
John Huang 00:37:01
好像是被問過兩百次的問題… 有api嗎~~~
好像…還沒 XD
@yukai @jackymaxj ~~~
對的,請使用 CLI,目前沒有正式對外的 API,也還沒實作 API 驗證機制等
John Huang 2021-06-20 01:29:35
好的 謝謝
6 6
Richard Li 05:32:13
@largemaths has joined the channel
Jade Fang 05:51:02
@mitylene has joined the channel
chihao 07:33:08
general head count = 10330; last joined = 5:32
caleb 15:41:04
I got really grumpy about trash in the park but now I don't know what to do with this fuckhuge bag lol what do I do? Wait for the trash truck? 打掃完公園後,我應該把大垃圾袋放在哪裡?
Is it ok to leave a huge bag there?
Inside the can ~
It's a really big bag lol
Like half as tall as a person
Can probably fit 200L water in it
call local 清潔隊. Taipei for example:
They take away large items for free. Give them the address and you only need to leave the bag at the place they assign you. You don’t need to meet them. They often come to pick it up in the very early morning.
Search for “清潔隊” on Google map, most of them had dumpster that you can leave the bag.
And please don’t leave at or near trash can on street without inquiry first, it’s actually illegal and could be fined
You may have to take it home and leave it outside until the trash truck comes.
5 👍 4 1
Freyja van den Boom 15:49:22
@fvandenboom has joined the channel
Alice Lo 15:58:12
@alice426 has joined the channel
a4615227346152273 19:27:08
@a4615227346152273 has joined the channel


Eddie Hsieh 11:18:15
@senkukogetsu98738 has joined the channel
Hannes Grassegger 14:48:59
@hannes.grassegger has joined the channel
Kai 16:56:48
@kz.g0v-tw has joined the channel
love10000yes 23:39:09
@love10000yes has joined the channel


Catie Chou 00:14:33
@catherine.l.chou has joined the channel
Clarence Leung 02:46:44
@cleung0 has joined the channel
Jerry Weng 08:42:07
@wengj532 has joined the channel
ichieh 10:42:50
本周六就是 Hackath44n 啦~~~ 提醒大家:
• 請坑主們記得到提案列表寫上你的提案唷!
• 這兩天預計會發出行前通知,若有沒報名成功的朋友可以關注一下 KKTIX 活動頁面,有機會掉落大松門票唷!
• 本次一樣可以錄製「三個關鍵字自我介紹」請大家到 Ronny 製作的頁面填寫及錄製~

g0v hackath44n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾肆次世界最危險黑客松

g0v 第肆拾肆次大黑客松將在 2021.06.26(六)於線上舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

caleb 11:32:11 does anybody know if hosting is safe from chinese shutdown? People are archiving and want to focus resources as-needed. 有谁知道 托管是否可以避免中国关机? 人们正在归档并希望根据需要集中资源。


Help Wanted: Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper in imminent danger

Hello friends, &amp;#x200B; Hong Kong's most-read pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, [has had its office raided, its executives arrested, its...

chihao 12:52:45
chihao 12:54:08
ichieh 15:34:53

本週六「g0v 第肆拾肆次世界最危險黑客松」就要登場囉!剛剛已將行前信寄出給大家(含活動當天會議室網址),若有朋友沒收到信,請來信並告知你的報名大名至 回報,感謝!

※ 活動特別須知:
1. 本次活動將使用 Gather Town 作為視訊會議室,需使用電腦/筆電上線,並建議使用 Chrome 瀏覽器,更多操作教學可參考此文件:
2. 記得填寫/錄製自己的「三個關鍵字自我介紹」:
3. 想要提案的朋友請記得到提案列表自行登記時段:
4. 最重要的本次活動(6/26)會議室網址可於行前信中找到。
5. 本次活動 9:00 準時開始,並會於 17:00 結束,特此注意。

【g0v Hackath44n 黑客松活動資訊】
時間:2021/06/26(六) 09:00 - 17:00 GMT+8(08:55 上線準備,09:00 開場)

HackMD 使用說明 - HackMD 使用說明

其實我開 Gather 都用 Firefox 沒遇到問題~
John Huang 2021-06-24 01:16:12
> 我要錄自介 I want to record my intro
> 您需要有 g0v Slack 帳號,才能在這裡錄自介喔。 You need to sign up on g0v Slack first.
> 註冊帳號請按 Sign up這裡 HERE
> 已經有 g0v Slack 帳號請按 Or 登入 Sign In
@chiehg0v @ronnywang 自介沒辦法用slack登入
可能明天請 ronny 確認一下,我這邊按登入之後他會導到 slack 網頁版,不過我再按一次自介的網址登入的時候會跳出一個畫面是 Jothon Helper is requeesting peemission to access g0v slack workspace
John Huang 2021-06-24 02:30:28
@little78926 你是在哪個環境下出現這畫面的呢?是手機嗎
John Huang 2021-06-24 07:58:22
John Huang 2021-06-24 08:07:14
剛剛又點了一次 我想應該是因為之前放在hackfolder底下 有cors問題
dragli 15:36:46
@chiehg0v 想請教,過幾天就是g0v Hackath44n,我發現我下午有事無法參與,是否該退票?
對唷~ 沒關係!不一定要全程出席,但出席的時段會很建議跟大家多聊天多交流
cullan 16:52:51
@cullandiffee has joined the channel
Laisan 17:31:58
@laisan86 has joined the channel
jennie1401 17:55:05
@jennie1401 has joined the channel
Terry Liu 18:04:03
@liut1316 has joined the channel
酷奶茶 18:39:48
@ru03ru03123 has joined the channel
Filipa Barros 21:41:56
@filipa.barros has joined the channel
Yahsin Huang 23:23:50
@yahsinhuangtw has joined the channel


Alma Hsu 01:13:40
@alma1124 has joined the channel
snhou 09:08:45
@shawnhou0221 has joined the channel
wendong 10:27:26
@smith.wendong has joined the channel
Drew Chan 16:21:13
@jinglu.sw has joined the channel
caleb 18:09:03
There is a petition to allow Taiwan to participate in the Tokyo Olympics as Taiwan that will be presented directly to the Tokyo Olympics Committee this Friday. It is close to 150,000 signatures, if you agree with this, please sign it! 有一份請願書允許台灣以台灣的身份參加東京奧運會,該請願書將於本週五直接提交給東京奧委會。 已經接近15萬個簽名,如果你同意,請簽名![…]stom_url&recruited_by_id=f010b660-8c7b-11e3-a49e-07d3c22e4019

Sign the Petition

Let Taiwan Be Taiwan at the Tokyo Olympics

Lykas97 19:44:52
@lykaslin97 has joined the channel
王翔 22:06:31
@adsl23589 has joined the channel
Dustin Carlino 23:58:14
@dabreegster has joined the channel


Dustin Carlino 00:15:26
Hello, I'm Dustin from Seattle, USA! I heard about the presidential hackathon, and I'm considering forming a team. I work on A/B Street, which uses OpenStreetMap, traffic simulation, and a friendly UI to encourage citizens to re-design streets to encourage more walking and bicycling. I've not visited Taiwan yet, so I don't have any context on what transportation problems there are or if most people already choose sustainable modes. (Most of my work has been in the US and UK, where everything centers around driving cars.) After talking to a few friends from Taipei, I'm learning that car ownership is low, and there aren't many barriers to cycling, using a moped, or public transit -- so maybe the project isn't a good fit. But if you're interested in OpenStreetMap, the idea of this software, or learning some Rust, let me know, and we can either form a team for this hackathon, or just work on things.

(Sorry to cross-post here and #self-intro; I didn't realize this channel is 20x bigger)
Screenshot from 2021-06-21 23-17-28.png
Screenshot from 2021-06-21 23-06-30.png
Taiwan is extremely lack of sidewalks, especially for cities other than Taipei. And road traffic accidents took 3000 people away last year. Your project is great for us. But the major problem is that there are not many people care about it. XD

(It's great to talk about your project here. ;) )
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-24 00:33:38
Sidewalks are very expensive to pave/construct. Is there any sort of movement towards "low traffic neighborhoods" where streets are closed to through-traffic to give people more room to walk? This idea was unheard of in the US before 2020, but low traffic due to COVID caused a bunch of places to try it out, and the idea seems to be sticking.

(I'll close off the thread in the other channel)
"Low traffic neighbourhood" is cool. But it's never happened in Taiwan. We have a stupid "_quiet traffic zone_" policy, asking cars to keep silent/slow when passing. And just like many traffic rules, people only follow it when there's policeman nearby.
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-24 00:49:35
You mentioned that not enough people care about the accident rate. What do you think would convince the government / citizens to try this kind of idea? If you can get temporary permits, the "tactical urbanism" approach is to use cheap barriers to block off streets and add temporary seating or playground equipment to let people imagine how road space could be used in other ways. Or are people afraid closing a few streets would back up traffic, and visualizing with a simulation would ease fears?
I'm living in Tainan. People always put their personal belongings in public area, including roads. It's very hard to close just one street for several days. XD
in 2020 presidential hackathon, there was a WayFic Project dealing with ambulance dispatching problem
SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility)
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-24 01:24:38
WayFic looks pretty cool! Google translate is throttling me right now, so I can't read the writeup just yet. Happen to have a github link? Calibrating a SUMO model with a realistic network and demand is very hard; I'm interested in how this group did it
@cckaron28 !
Chun Kai Kao 2021-06-24 02:27:07
Hi Dustin, I'm Aaron Kao. Greeting from WayFic team 🙂. ABstreet is really an amazing project!

Most of our works are open-source on github but not updated for a while. However, we are very willing to share our project development and contest experience with you.

In brief, we were focus on building a navigation platform for *emergency vehicles*, included the navigator (Client), data sharing platform (Server) with traffic data model (common ML Algorithm) and interact with SUMO by TraCI Interface.

Trying to integrate them into a total solution to *decrease emergency vehicle's traffic time in Taipei City*.
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-24 04:00:59
Hi @cckaron28! I'd love to explore what you've built, even if the code's a bit outdated. Is the right repo?

Routing for emergency vehicles is a really interesting topic -- do you need to know traffic signal timing, street width/clearance in the case of street parking? I've been unsuccessfully trying to convince the Seattle authorities to release signal timing as public data, and have tried surveying it in person in the meantime. How was it to build on top of TraCI?
Sup Dustin, admirable efforts, I love A/B street. I think your project idea is good. Obviously there are lots of obstacles to any form of street reform in Taiwan, beyond just legal, but I think it's absolutely necessary. Taiwan already has, imo, the best public transit in the world. If it could be a vanguard of safe and clean streets as well, that'd be one more thing to add to the list of "stuff Taiwan does better than anybody else." The information gathered from an app like you propose would be very useful to have when discussing with the government ideas for reform. I'm not Taiwanese, and I only have a year and a half of experience under my belt, but I motorcycle and bicycle here and think it could be fun to give you a little walkaround of my part of town and chat with you about what the road situation is like here
Taiwan in particular has some unique attributes that could dramatically flesh out the complexity for your app. For example, there's a different set of rules for cars, motorcycles over 500cc, motorcycles between 250 and 500cc, scooters/motorcycles between 250 and 500cc, and scooters <50cc. The rules can be HUGE difference, for example scooters <250cc often aren't allowed to make left turns: they have to cross an intersection, then stop at the perpendicular-going-leftwards road ("hook turn") light, and then wait for it to turn green.
Chun Kai Kao 2021-06-25 00:03:41
Hi @cckaron28! I'd love to explore what you've built, even if the code's a bit outdated. Is the right repo?

Routing for emergency vehicles is a really interesting topic -- do you need to know traffic signal timing, street width/clearance in the case of street parking? I've been unsuccessfully trying to convince the Seattle authorities to release signal timing as public data, and have tried surveying it in person in the meantime. How was it to build on top of TraCI?

Yes, it's the right repo. We used OSM to generate road map in Da-an District, and simulated a normal emergency task that started from fire station to hospital.

It's a great chance to get *real-world data* in hackathon contest. By cooperating with different departments in Taipei City, we could get traffic signal timing rule of some intersections and emergency vehicle's GPS records, which help us understand the real-world scenario. But these aren't public data due to security and privacy issues, and the data integrity still has room for improvement.
Chun Kai Kao 2021-06-25 00:25:46
Yes @dabreegster, it's the right repo. We used OSM to generate road map for Da-an District in Taipei City, and simulated a normal emergency task that started from fire station to hospital. Also, demonstrate the concept of emergency lane that could make way for ambulance by using SUMO sublane model.

It's a great chance to get *real-world data* in hackathon contest. By cooperating with different departments in Taipei City, we could get traffic signal timing rule of some intersections and emergency vehicle's GPS records, which help us understand the real-world scenario. But these aren't public data due to security and privacy issues, and the data integrity still has room for improvement.

Therefore, we also collaberate with tech company in Taiwan that has more complete maps information in Taiwan. To build up a customized simulation environment for emergency vehicle, road info like street width and high limitation is indispensable because it will affect their driving path and behavior.
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-25 01:41:31
@caleb, thank you for the context -- I didn't know about all the different vehicle classifications and that they affect the rules so much. Just getting regular traffic moving semi-realistically and not getting stuck has been incredibly tough. I'd have to give lots of thought about how to handle hook turns both in the map representation (OSM has for tagging something similar) and simulation layer.

I've got plenty of other projects on my plate and since Taiwan has such different road setups, I might not try this anytime soon, unless there's strong interest from other people in collaborating. I'd still like to chat and learn more of your experiences biking/motorcycling around, and keep hook turns in mind for the future!
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-25 01:42:58
@cckaron28, it's really great that there are ways to cooperate with the departments and other companies and get all the data you need. In the US, maybe the only way to do that is to be affiliated with an academic group
👍 7 🏘️ 3 🗺️ 2 🚲 1
kiang 00:32:05
Taiwan is extremely lack of sidewalks, especially for cities other than Taipei. And road traffic accidents took 3000 people away last year. Your project is great for us. But the major problem is that there are not many people care about it. XD

(It's great to talk about your project here. ;) )
👍 1
ichieh 00:33:32
活動錄影已經上傳 g0v yt 了!


20210619 「線上活動怎麼辦」線上工作坊

Chun Kai Kao 01:39:01
@cckaron28 has joined the channel
1 1
Ian 13:49:39
@ian711 has joined the channel
蘇冠彰 19:35:32
@lovekangaroo0126 has joined the channel
Milo Chen 20:46:31
@joanmirochen has joined the channel
Milo Chen 20:47:16
Milo 嗨嗨嗨~~~ 有甚麼問題都歡迎發問
SHAO 21:03:56
@junlin5525 has joined the channel
Ching-Chih Wu 23:35:06
@chingchih.wu has joined the channel


MJ Klein 11:15:53
@dabreegster in Taiwan, cycling is a recreation, not a mode of transportation. You never see Taiwan people riding a bike (unless they are elderly, or a foreigner) without full racing apparel. Taipei though, is not really an accurate representation of the rest of Taiwan. Outside of Taipei there are tons of gas scooters, increasing use of electric scooters (but not as replacements for gas, just additional units as foreign labor are buying them). But even where I live, the Hsinchu industrial park, there is a $1 USD bus to the High Speed Rail and other buses to the major train stations, all very cheap. So-called city "bicycle lanes" are ill placed and taken over by car parking and bus stops. So, people prefer to cycle in rural areas. I'd like to know more about what you meant by encouraging citizens to "re-design streets".
Philippe Chiu 2021-06-25 18:11:38
`So-called city "bicycle lanes" are ill placed and taken over by car parking and bus stops` this isn’t specific to Taiwan. So many examples all around the world (Paris, New York…) 😡
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-26 04:24:58
It sounds like public transit is leaps and bounds ahead of most of the world. I'd love to visit soon and check it out. 🙂

I know the pain of bike lanes being abused by parking / deliveries, and from following urbanists from different cities, it's unfortunately a pretty universal problem.

> I'd like to know more about what you meant by encouraging citizens to "re-design streets".
A few very specific examples:
1. There's a gated/private community in Seattle that, if it was opened to people walking & biking, would cut a common trip's time significantly, take those people off of a busy/dangerous street, and let them avoid steep incline. In A/B Street, you can modify access restrictions for through-traffic and simulate what would happen if this is opened up. We're putting together a blog post with videos following specific simulated people before and after the proposed opening. And we have lots of aggregate statistics from the simulation about travel time and risk/safety impact.
2. A similar example is There's a third lane on this stretch of highway that's barely used. Another group has proposed putting up a barrier and letting people bicycle on it. We're writing a blog using the simulation to show how good of an idea this is. We can measure how dangerous / slow the alternate routes are and how much steep hills people have to fight through without this.
The simplest story for getting people to redesign streets would be something like:
1. Get a small section of one city/town in Taiwan imported into A/B Street, clean up data quality problems, find census / commuter data to create a demand model. This is the "baseline" of how things are today.
2. Use the GUI to modify lanes along some roads. Common example is changing street parking to a bike lane + physical buffer / flexposts.
3. Run the simulation before and after the modified road, compare individual people's routes/experiences, compare aggregate data using the GUI.
4. Write up some kind of blog post / share the idea with whoever has the power to make the change for real
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-26 04:25:57 is an old draft of a blog post covering _some_ of these steps. We're working on two newer ones now.
🙌 2 🥲 2 🚲 1
uxbackpacker 12:05:43
@uxbackpacker has joined the channel
1 1
ichieh 18:39:36
今天晚上 21:00 GMT+8 將會有黑客松的暖身活動 ── 松前哈啦,歡迎想提前來跟大家聊天、練習使用 Gather Town,或是沒有搶到大松門票的朋友都一起上線相聚。

另外有報名週六黑客松的朋友們,也要記得事先填寫/錄製三個關鍵字自我介紹唷 >>>
👍 2 😉 1 1
chihao 21:44:17
有 gather town 的松前哈拉蠻不一樣的
chihao 21:44:44
chihao 21:45:04
chihao 21:45:11
ichieh 22:17:24
20th 松前哈拉.png
👍 2
Carmen 22:17:46
1 👍 1
chewei 23:25:06
想詢問 週六大松第一個提案的 TJ,目前有開 slack channel 嗎?


irvin 02:24:31

自介目前才 19 個人喔~大家快來在 9 點前填好 <>

eric 07:59:43
@publicrelation has joined the channel
Ming-der Wang 08:42:50
請問 gather town, 怎麼進?
Ming-der Wang 2021-06-26 08:54:19
I got it, thanks
Hyuma Yamaguchi 08:45:39
@hyumayamaguchi has joined the channel
ichieh 09:01:58

g0v hackath44n | 零時政府第肆拾肆次 | 世界最危險黑客松


g0v hackath44n | 零時政府第肆拾肆次 | 世界最危險黑客松

哈囉哈囉~ 再 10 分鐘 16:00 就是這次大松的成果報告囉!請坑主記得填寫成果報告時段,跟大家分享今日工事
4 👍 1
chihao 09:18:44
線上大松開始了,有報名的大家記得收 KKTIX email,裡面有連結喔! — 連結請**不要**貼在這 XD
Shun ya Chang 10:02:23
@ginayaya0418 has joined the channel
chihao 11:45:22
剛剛在聊天的時候聊到 g0v 早早出現的那個 3 個圈圈 vann diagram — 開源模式、行動主義、公民精神 — 想說可以做出一個協作的版本,讓大家可以在上面加入自己覺得是 g0v 精神一部分的關鍵字 → Google Slides 歡迎協作!
4 1
ichieh 11:53:45

Google Forms - create and analyze surveys, for free.

Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.

🍕 5
陳毓軒 14:15:36
@20061020frank has joined the channel
👍 1
張兆宜 15:03:11
@t107370728 has joined the channel
Kazuho OHTA 15:05:03
@otkzh77 has joined the channel
y-chan 15:08:20
@y_chan_crypto has joined the channel
Isabel Hou 15:23:48
@isabel.hou has joined the channel
ichieh 15:52:47
哈囉哈囉~ 再 10 分鐘 16:00 就是這次大松的成果報告囉!請坑主記得填寫成果報告時段,跟大家分享今日工事

Google Docs

hackath44n | 第肆拾肆次世界最危險黑客松 專案列表

專案列表 發表時間,房號,發表者 (slack ID),錄影以 CC-BY 釋出?,主題,專案授權,共筆/討論連結,目前成果/投影片連結,新參者友善(Y/?),專案三個關鍵字,專案徵人(專長),坑主聯絡方式,youtube url: 專案報告,youtube url: 成果報告,slides url 09:00開場,09:20提案開始【3分鐘提案報名】每個 present 3min,提案、徵人。 1,9:20,1,TJ,Y,政府機關面對政府資訊公開申請的態度與回應性調查,CC BY-SA 4.0,請聯絡坑主(右方有聯絡方式),43次黑客松提案開始,目前進度請見右方slide連結,Y,...

songwahn 16:10:06
@hansh1029 has joined the channel
ichieh 17:04:29

Google Docs

g0v 活動參與者活動滿意度與影響力調查

g0v participation satisfaction and impact survey

👍 7 5 3 1 2 1
caasi 19:38:32
hello 您好嗎?
@null 19:39:33
👍 4
caasi 19:48:02
目前 IRC 改接 的 g0v-general 頻道,但因此 logbot 的頻道名稱也變了,現在是
caasi 19:59:06
要讀之前的 log 請拜訪
@null 22:16:59
看來 上「如何參與」這一節裡面已經沒有 IRC 了。所以 IRC 端變成怪怪的人(?)
@null 22:17:00
gtw 22:23:39
@gtw has joined the channel
@null 22:33:34
真 hacker ~
@null 23:34:54
怪怪的人 +1 😂


Shaowen Chen 00:03:55
@ghost19970312 has joined the channel
Yuchih Fu 01:47:40
@nttu94507 has joined the channel
nikimyoung 11:42:04
@nikimyoung has joined the channel
Brian Meehan 14:44:08
@emt244671 has joined the channel
chewei 23:28:46
• 「失物」、「拾得物」、「拾得遺失物」、「招領」、「遺失」、「掉東西」各自能查到不同的資料集
• 「白蝦」俗名,其魚種中文名為「凡納對蝦」兩種都可以查到不同的資料集,不同的主管機關用詞不同
• 想了解住家附近的水溝分佈位置,下列哪一個名稱才能搜尋到資料集?
◦ 水溝 (X)
◦ 排水溝 (V) 但僅會找到「排水溝渠的清疏統計」
◦ 下水道 (V) 才會找到地理資料
◦ 水溝蓋 (X)
◦ 人孔 (V) 才會找到地理資料

蒐集「相異名稱但概念相同」的資料集 - HackMD

嗯嗯,目前是以 政府資料開放平台 來探討,先蒐集這種「查找小秘訣」,看最後比較適合的解決方案是什麼


Pan Ian 00:56:18
@yabee.cm96 has joined the channel
Pan Ian 01:01:04
嗨~ 忽然想到一個梗~

現在疫情要保持社交距離 但悶久了很難受
讓每個人都可以分時分地不會接觸 但也可以散步走走運動@@?

想說要長期抗戰 沒有一點幽默還是好玩 整天互幹互罵好像也很難有幫助
我記得之前有人在中研院裡面的Gather town裡面玩躲貓貓,不知道可不可以達成同樣的效果👀👀👀
我覺得這還是會被罵 因為光是出門走走就有問題了
為什麼上Gather town要出門走走👀👀👀
不好意思沒標人 我說的是版主的那邊文
應該用遊戲化 讓被管理的人們不會感到被限制而是樂在其中
不然用要求幾點去哪裡幾點不能去哪裡 會讓人覺得失去自主
@mario 我也想說GPS居家點名抽獎抽解封後的商家折價券抵用券XD 集字抽汽車等等
Patrick Bai 10:29:49
@w_l_c_g has joined the channel
nimg yang 13:18:00
@billcome2000 has joined the channel
Colin Hodge 13:47:44
Following up here from our brainstorming hackathon a week ago!

Thanks to all who attended our brainstorming event last Saturday! 感謝來參加上週六「腦風暴」黑客松的大家!
│ English below │
我們一直在想有趣的方式,來和社群內的大家互動,第一次舉辦的線上黑客松,真的也很有意思!這次活動在虛擬辦公室軟體「Gather town」上進行,首先藉著內建的「猜猜畫畫(Pictionary)」遊戲,大家互相認識熟悉彼此。
接著,參加活動的約廿人,分成下列三組,來到小組房間發想討論:1) 增加資訊透明度 2) 利用前述透明度的數據,打造軟體 3) 推廣的方式,及擴大資訊透明的數據。
同場感謝 Caleb RogersZoe Chen 規劃這次的黑客松!
Based on our mission, we wanted to hear from a wide range of people in Taiwan, providing an opportunity for fresh & creative ideas.
We’re always looking for fun ways for our Snowball Community to interact, and this was a blast! We were able to get to know one another through the built-in games, like a guessing game based on Pictionary, in addition to brainstorming.
Approximately 20 total attendees split up into groups to generate ideas on 3 main categories: 1) Transparency projects 2) Products to utilize transparency data 3) Methods to educate & amplify transparency data
We were really impressed with the different perspectives and direction that many provided, including some projects that may be carried forward for a future hackathon event.
Some examples include a meme analysis & creation project, building a map of sanctioned entities and those connected to them, a virtual museum for visualizing a topic vs. long documents, and short video challenges to summarize what’s at risk when using CCP-connected apps.

We’ll be posting a more thorough summary later this week, along with more posts to continue the idea generation here!

Thanks again to @caleb and @zoe113 for organizing!


*We’ve posted the ideas for further discussion & development to our community. Feel free to request an invite and keep developing the ideas* 🙂


Join the movement to meet :handshake: brilliant minds and warm hearts :heart:. Learn more about human rights &amp; freedoms in Asia. Discuss :speech_balloon: how to empower regular people :family: with positive impact. Organize and build :hammer: effective pressure to secure a bright future for Asia.

Jared Scott 19:14:05

我是高低軟體(Variable)的業主。我正在招聘以下職位的工程師在我公司。 工作是遠程的。需要流利的英語。

• 後端開發工程師
• 數據工程師
• 高級前端開發工程師
• Tableau 數據開發人員
• 技術運營工程師
如果你有興趣,請PM我。 謝謝您們!

Hello Everyone!

I am the owner of Variable Software, a Taiwanese company. I am currently looking for Engineers for the following positions. Fully remote work, Fluent English is required.

• Back-end Engineer
• Data Science Engineer
• Senior Front-end Engineer
• Tableau Data Developer
• Technical Operations Engineer
If you have any interest, please PM me. Thanks everyone!
kjcl 21:21:56
吃掉了 (?
8 🤔 3
chewei 21:25:30
東西咧 XD
calee 21:28:47
@samuel.c.a.lee has joined the channel
minexo79 22:01:43


J.K ROGER &amp; VONIK Ft.TraZan &amp; 李夢涵Panay - 守護到最後

大家疫情期間加油 希望可以再次看到明亮的台灣


丁國騰 03:02:27
@rapirent has joined the channel
gugod 05:43:05
@gugod set the channel topic: 下次線上大松 6/26 | 防疫協作請至 #covid19 | 注意:這裡有公開紀錄,請留意個資安全 | 自己邀請自己 | 新加入看教學 | 與 #g0v-general 同步中
2 2
annlee 13:58:10
@annli740217 has joined the channel
庄表伟 14:58:50
@zhuangbiaowei has joined the channel
林哲民 16:39:15
@calvin.lin has joined the channel
貢幼穎 21:57:49
@yoyok0829 has joined the channel


Richard Sun 09:49:08
@sun960062 has joined the channel
Intl_Track PH 14:35:48
@ph.intltrack has joined the channel
ichieh 16:00:12
@chiehg0v set the channel topic: 下次大松在八月 | 防疫協作請至 #covid19 | 注意:這裡有公開紀錄,請留意個資安全 | 自己邀請自己 | 新加入看教學 | 與 #g0v-general 同步中
Kyri Theos 16:12:53
@kyri.theos has joined the channel
Jared Scott 17:33:53
台灣有很好用的招聘網站嗎? 我不要在這裡招聘打攪您們。🙏
請與 CakeResume 接洽
Jared Scott 2021-06-30 21:42:37
歡迎貼 #rand0m
Jared Scott 2021-07-01 12:58:35
🤔 好的,@irvin
Jared Scott 2021-08-25 21:52:32
Jared Scott 2021-08-25 21:54:03
@hsiangtai.chien 我安裝好CakeResume的profile:,感謝您