moedict-webkit - 萌典網站
councilor-voter-guide - 議員投票指南
tw-law-corpus - Taiwan law corpus, generated by <>
councilor-voter-guide - 縣市長 / 議員 投票指南
搜尋建議出現族語,但內頁沒有族語,使搜尋導向到首頁 · Issue #202 · g0v/councilor-voter-guide
搜尋欄按 c 會出現建議人名: 車牧勒薩以‧拉勒格安Cemelesailjaljegan (註:此處 Cemelesai 和 Ljaljegan 應分隔) 按下人名會搜尋不到,重新導向到首頁: <>...
柯路加(Istanda Ciban)議員服務處. 259 likes · 82 talking about this. Personal Blog
Open Heroines
Announcing the Open Heroines Call for Applications for Travel Grants to #IODC18!
This blog is available in English and French!
Newsclipping:Judeg slams DOJ for broad application of dishonest use of computer
The news: 協和教師洩露試題維持無罪 法官指「取用」電腦訊息不等於「使用」電腦 <> This case is important because the judge slam the DOJ over interpretation of the law dishonest use of computers.
An exploration of computer-network architectures as civic structures.
Verifying your organization's domain - User Documentation
You can verify the domains controlled by your organization to confirm your organization's identity on GitHub. …
Vim community for Japanese developers and users
不知道大家有沒有看過有一份 hackpad 叫做 g0v 黑話及語錄,沒有的話你等等可以看看裡面記載了一些 g0v 社群運作過程中的有趣語錄! ipa 許願 summit 的時候想看到這些經典語錄成為拍照看板或背板 XD,所以要請大家來幫忙挑選喜歡的句子!因為不是很正式的票選,所以直接在喜歡的句子後面留下暱稱就好了~ ↓↓↓ 票選連結 ↓↓↓...
拿人民的納稅錢,就該做公開透明的資訊系統 - 呼籲公家機關之資訊系統應採用自由軟體
url-normalizer.js - Normalize URL
Google Docs
ipa 許願 summit 的時候想看到這些經典語錄成為拍照看板或背板 XD 所以要請大家來幫忙挑選喜歡的句子! 一個人上限十票XD,統計到 8/17! g0v 黑話語錄:<> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如果你還有時間的話!! g0v 揪松團正在徵求公民科技獎助金的相關意見,歡迎花五分鐘幫我填寫 不論有無聽過、參加過獎助金計畫都可以填寫~ ↓↓↓獎助金問卷 ↓↓↓ <>
BarCamp HK 2018 is ON! Started by a group of organisers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise, the Barcamp HK has brought the Un-conference paradigm in Hong Kong. Twelve years on, we have joined by over 1000 genuinely open-minded people. We foster countless interest groups, which in turn make technology and knowledge sharing events vibrant in Hong Kong. We open the stage for all Hong Kongers who eager to share instead of sell. This year, Barcamp HK will be held at the Eaton Workshop in Kowloon. It would also be the launch event of the the Station of Open Culture. Come and join us, shine your light and to pass on the culture of knowledge sharing! Schedule, map and other information can be found on our website, <>. Check out our Facebook and Twitter for latest updates. Event Hashtag: #barcamphk - please use this tag for any blog/tweet/facebook post about BarCamp Hong Kong. Questions? Send Message to Barcamp HK Page Barcamp HK 2018聚會,正式展開! 一群志同道合的組織者,在十多年前將「反轉會議」的文化帶到香港。十多年來,Barcamp HK 獲得過千位真正擁抱開放精神的朋友響應。我們更帶動了不同的議題小組,進一步推動了香港的科技和知識分享活動。我們把舞台開放給各位香港人,不推銷,不洗腦;互相分享,動手做事。 今年 BarcampHK 將於九龍 Eaton Workshop 舉行,同時亦人作為Station of Open Culture的啟動禮。我們邀請一齊參與,把分享精神延續下去,發動開放分享的光芒。 節目表、地圖和其他相關資料,可瀏覽在我們的網站 <> 。我們亦會在Facebook及Twitter為各位提供活動最新動向。 誠邀你在網誌及社交媒使用 #barcamphk 參與交流。 如有任何問題,請發訊息給 Barcamp HK Page FAQs What are my transportation options for getting to and from the event? You may take the MTR to Jordan Station and leave from Exit B1, turn right/north on Nathan Road for 5 minutes to Eaton Hotel, take the elevator to 1/F. 如何前往會場Eaton Workshop? 坐港鐵到佐敦站,離開B1出口轉右往北行走五分鐘到逸東酒店門口,再走到電梯大堂乘電梯到一樓。
我們需要更多 Pizza!在 COSCUP 聊科技政策 -
在今年 COSCUP 的 BoF 有超過八十個人跑來討論「科技社群如何參與科技政策規劃」,到底在聊什…
全球最重要的"開放政府"夥伴大會,今年辦在唯一不發給臺灣人簽證的喬治亞共和國?! 突破萬難前進喬治亞參與大會的臺灣民間代表團,使盡全力在這重要個國際場合與全球交流公民參與、開放資料、開放政府各項經驗。
Ptt 批踢踢實業坊
Hello大家好,最近桃園市在舉行市民卡擴充功能的市民提案、市民票選的活動,小弟有IT 背景也跑去參與,在他們的工作坊上面聽到志工們的抱怨,發現可以用虛擬加密貨幣、區塊 鏈的技術作很好的解決,所以就提出了: 桃桃幣的提案 簡單一句話,就是以桃桃幣促生新經濟—作志工有功德也能換麵包。
g0v 第拾貳次基礎建設松將於 9/2(六)14:00 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹、喝啤酒!
Ahead of Colombia’s elections, this women-driven initiative fact-checks information on WhatsApp
Chicas Poderosas' project, El Poder de Elegir, tackles misinformation on WhatsApp, one of the most-secretive social platforms, to help ensure that Colombian voters are making their decisions based on facts.
MIT Technology Review
The simple but ingenious system Taiwan uses to crowdsource its laws
vTaiwan is a promising experiment in participatory governance. But politics is blocking it from getting greater traction.
博物館地面巨大坑洞「太像3D塗鴉」 遊客墜8英尺深穴送醫 | 鍵盤大檸檬
全球最重要的"開放政府"夥伴大會,今年辦在唯一不發給臺灣人簽證的喬治亞共和國?! 突破萬難前進喬治亞參與大會的臺灣民間代表團,使盡全力在這重要個國際場合與全球交流公民參與、開放資料、開放政府各項經驗。
moedict-webkit - 萌典網站
Break Dengue
Gravitraps: One way to catch Aedes mosquitoes effectively
Gravitraps are being used in Singapore by the National Environment Agency as a low-cost means of stopping mosquitoes that spread diseases like dengue fever.
雖然行政院已經允諾修法,要邁向真正的公開透明,還得看立委們在這個屆期願不願意讓法案三讀。為了不讓「趙敏在大都等張無忌」的悲劇再次發生,g0v 政治獻金透明化專案復活啦!鍵盤解密立委金主,就差你一個!
Campaign finance refers to all funds raised to promote candidates, political parties, or policy initiatives and referenda. Political parties, charitable organizations, and political action committees (in the United States) are vehicles used in aggregating funds to keep campaigns alive. "Political finance" is also popular terminology, and is used internationally for its comprehensiveness. Campaign finance deals with "the costs of democracy", a term coined by G. Alexander Heard for his famous analysis of campaign finance in the U.S.Political campaigns have many expenditures, such as the cost of travel of candidates and staff, political consulting, and the direct costs of communicating with voters via media outlets. Campaign spending depends on the region. For instance, in the United States, television advertising time must be purchased by campaigns, whereas in other countries, it is provided for free. The need to raise money to maintain expensive political campaigns diminishes ties to a representative democracy because of the influence large contributors have over politicians.Although the political science literature indicates that most contributors give to support parties or candidates with whom they are already in agreement, there is wide public perception that donors expect government favors in return. (such as specific legislation being enacted or defeated), so some have come to equate campaign finance with political corruption and bribery. These views have led governments to reform campaign financing in the hope of eliminating big money influence. The causes and effects of campaign finance rules are studied in political science, economics, and public policy, among other disciplines.
此處為負責統一整理要轉貼到各社群網站專頁的新聞集中地。 希望在 g0v 粉絲頁宣傳的專案可先在此pad編輯文字、圖片,由有空的小編幫忙貼出。 Facebook <> logdown <> Google+ <> 短網址 <http://gplus>.
g0v 第拾貳次基礎建設松將於 9/2(日)14:00 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹、喝啤酒!
檢視政治獻金資料 中國打壓捐款綠營台商 - 焦點 - 自由時報電子報
演講紀錄:Blupa 跨界量表 + 同名主題曲 @ g0v summit 2016
ETBlue the Minstrel - 外星人吟遊地球