Funding the Commons: Taipei 2023 · Luma
Taipei is known as the land of digital democracy. Located in the center of Asia, Taipei presents itself with traditional sceneries. It is also home to g0v, the civic tech community that plays a...
g0v hackath60n | 台灣零時政府第陸拾次記得投票黑客松
g0v 第陸拾次大黑客松將在 2024.01.06(六)於中研院資訊所舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。
Google Docs
這是一份由南一中學生歐威霆所製作的「行人地獄——法規與文化」調查問卷,主要希望透過本問卷了解對於「 出現問題的法規、台灣的交通文化 」,調查對象為「任何對交通議題有興趣的你」。填寫本問卷約需3分鐘,感謝您撥冗填答。 各題的答案沒有對錯之分,請按照個人意願填答即可。選項之編號僅為方便統計與分析,無特殊意義。 本問卷採不記名且無法辨識個人的方式作答。我們會將收集的問卷調查內容進行統計與分析,分析結果將以統計數據或說明文字呈現,但不涉及特定個人之資料。研究團隊將盡力維護您的隱私及善盡保密責任,盡量減少可能的風險。
有機體企業品牌顧問 –
Google Developer Groups
Women Techmakers Tracks - devfest Taipei 2023
In-person Event - devfest 是由 Google 開發者社群 (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。devfest 是全球性的活動,每年在全球各地舉辦,涵蓋的技術領域廣泛,包括 Android、Web、雲端、機器學習等。devfest 的目的在於促進開發者交流和分享,幫助開發者學習新技術、建立人脈,並了解 Google 最新的開發者工具和技術。
Google Developer Groups
In-person Event - DevFest 是由 Google 開發者社群 (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。DevFest 是全球性的活動,每年在全球各地舉辦,涵蓋的技術領域廣泛,包括 Android、Web、雲端、機器學習等。DevFest 的目的在於促進開發者交流和分享,幫助開發者學習新技術、建立人脈,並了解 Google 最新的開發者工具和技術。
g0v hackath59n | 台灣零時政府第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松
g0v 第伍拾玖次大黑客松將在 2023.12.9(六)於新竹縣「竹北市中興里集會所」舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。
<|> 台灣零時政府,是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發「公民參與社會」的資訊平台與工具。 將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。 <|> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。 資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。 繼續認識我們 <>
Check out this Presentation designed by Teemo.
[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:
[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:
Google Docs
Plurality Book Publicity Team Interest
Our team is looking for a handful of volunteers to join the publicity team for the Plurality Book. Ideal participants have an active desire to advance digital democracy, ownership mentality, and strong communication skills. Experience with publicity work not required. Please fill out the information below and our team will be in touch. The Work: We require contributors that can serve in a project manager capacity for the Plurality Book. The work entails driving publications in various channels, sourcing and organizing engagements and logistics, and growing/managing a social media presence. Plurality Book Website Plurality Book GitHub <> About The Plurality Book: In most of the world, digital technology is tearing us apart through polarization, inequality, loneliness and fear. Yet on one delicate, diverse and deeply divided island, things are different. In the decade since the trauma of a weeks-long occupation of their parliament, Taiwan has achieved inclusive, technology-fueled economic growth, defeated the pandemic without lockdowns and the infodemic without takedowns and empowered groups of ordinary citizens to protect the environment, workers and innovation by “hacking the government”. In this book, the Digital Minister who architected this world-leading digital democracy and her collaborators for the first time share the philosophy behind this success. Plurality harnesses digital tools not to replace humans or our trust, but to bring us together across our differences. From intimate digitally-empowered telepathy to global trade that runs on social networks rather than money, Plurality offers tools to radically enrich relationships while reaching out to those we too often turn our backs on. Promising to transform every social sector from health care to media and written as an open, self-governing collaboration of hundreds around the world, Plurality shows as well as tells how everyone from farmers in Africa to Hollywood performers can help build a more dynamic and harmonious world.
#正體中文開源資料集社群課程【大語言模型的民主化】線上直播時間:2023年12月12日,晚上8:00-8:30課程簡報 <> tw hackath56n — 中場短講 — 從 ...
大家好,昨天議程組討論,目前在國內 keynote 講者的人選上,希望讓大家提案到12/19,下週議程組會議會排定志願序並開始邀請。目前人選有陳瑞霖、劉致昕、李梅君三位,歡迎大家踴躍提案!連結:<|>
大家好,昨天議程組討論,目前在國內 keynote 講者的人選上,希望讓大家提案到12/19,下週議程組會議會排定志願序並開始邀請。目前人選有陳瑞霖、劉致昕、李梅君三位,歡迎大家踴躍提案!連結:<|>
【歡迎透過「喜歡」給予各專案鼓勵!】 #影片順序按照網站提案順序 若想更了解各專案,請至專案列表,也歡迎於專案下方給予回饋:<> 為了鼓勵與培育專案實作的公民力量,g0v 零時小學校籌備專案孵化競賽,希望能陪伴大家一起走過專...
HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 > [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] > @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign
HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 > [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] > @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign
Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.
Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.
For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.
For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.
Web Speech API で音声認識した結果の字幕をWebカメラ映像に重ねて表示するWebページです。ブラウザを画面収録して,ビデオ会議や生配信等で使用できます。
TOKYO MX+(プラス)
フェイクニュースで世界が変わる? 「認知戦」防衛最前線、台湾のファクトチェック機関を堀潤が取材|TOKYO MX+(プラス)
フェイクニュースで世界が変わる? 「認知戦」防衛最前線、台湾のファクトチェック機関を堀潤が取材
OCF 年末募款,與我們走向下個十年 - 財團法人開放文化基金會
在後疫情時代,OCF 致力於推動科技社群活動,播下開源議題種子,促進網路自由的發展。我們誠邀您參與,共同延續開源精神,支持 OCF 的成長,與更多開源社群合作,打造更完善的數位世界。OCF 即將迎來第十年,在開放科技圈已蓄積豐厚的社群能量,得以與國際接軌、穩定前行。回顧 2023 年,我們積極培養新
title: 2024 台灣總統大選逐字稿集