
Month: 2023-12


chewei 01:41:30
也開一份共筆討論:議題團體如何活用 g0v 黑客松?
yulun_chang 03:53:05
@pinky_chang has joined the channel
Vivian Chen 10:34:36
Hello 大家好,

#web3-da0 下週末 12/9 -10 在松菸五號倉庫即將舉辦一場叫 *Funding the Commons* 的活動,專門討論公共財生態係和資金挹注機制設計。活動中我們會討論如何透過各種機制讓開源社群經營更加永續,期待邀請 g0v 的大家來參與,特別提供所有社群成員*20張免費票*。附上本次活動議程和講者名單,我知道活動第一天跟大松,但不管是只來參與第二天,或是剛好人在台北不在新竹也想要參加活動都可以來!(cc 會來擔任講者的社群夥伴 @sdfghj1001 @isabelhou@hcchen5600 @noah226

g0v 免費票折扣碼:G0V
TAIPEI Highlighted Talks.png

Funding the Commons: Taipei 2023 · Luma

Taipei is known as the land of digital democracy. Located in the center of Asia, Taipei presents itself with traditional sceneries. It is also home to g0v, the civic tech community that plays a...

💯 2 ❤️ 2 3 1 1
k5714 11:54:40
@k5714 has joined the channel
Sumah 12:27:17
@callnowking has joined the channel
Ying 17:00:04
*`2024 第一場大松,下週一中午開始報名`*

👉 *大選即將到來,請大家記得返鄉投票唷* 👈
4 年一次的總統、副總統與立委選舉投票日即將在 1 月 13 日舉行,2024 的第一場大松邀請大家在選前一週(*1/6 週六*)一起 hacking 松一下!參加大松只要保持基本禮貌與尊重,並遵守 g0v 社群守則,不論你是什麼顏色與立場,都歡迎你一起來玩!

政黨及任何人於投票日前 10 日起至投票時間截止前,不得以任何方式,發布有關候選人或選舉之民意調查資料,亦不得加以報導、散布、評論或引述。

【 *g0v 台灣零時政府第陸拾次記得投票黑客松* 】

:ballot_box_with_ballot: 時間:2024/1/6(六)9:30 - 17:00
:pushpin: 地點:中央研究院 資訊科學研究所(台北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號)
:ballot_box_with_ballot: 報名: (12/4 中午開始報名)
:pushpin: 共筆(活動首頁):
:ballot_box_with_ballot: 直播:無法到場的朋友,歡迎收看 g0v 臉書粉專或 YT 的大松直播

g0v hackath60n | 台灣零時政府第陸拾次記得投票黑客松

g0v 第陸拾次大黑客松將在 2024.01.06(六)於中研院資訊所舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

5 4 5 6 3 2
Ying 17:00:04
*`2024 第一場大松,下週一中午開始報名`*

👉 *大選即將到來,請大家記得返鄉投票唷* 👈
4 年一次的總統、副總統與立委選舉投票日即將在 1 月 13 日舉行,2024 的第一場大松邀請大家在選前一週(*1/6 週六*)一起 hacking 松一下!參加大松只要保持基本禮貌與尊重,並遵守 g0v 社群守則,不論你是什麼顏色與立場,都歡迎你一起來玩!

政黨及任何人於投票日前 10 日起至投票時間截止前,不得以任何方式,發布有關候選人或選舉之民意調查資料,亦不得加以報導、散布、評論或引述。

【 *g0v 台灣零時政府第陸拾次記得投票黑客松* 】

:ballot_box_with_ballot: 時間:2024/1/6(六)9:30 - 17:00
:pushpin: 地點:中央研究院 資訊科學研究所(台北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號)
:ballot_box_with_ballot: 報名: (12/4 中午開始報名)
:pushpin: 共筆(活動首頁):
:ballot_box_with_ballot: 直播:無法到場的朋友,歡迎收看 g0v 臉書粉專或 YT 的大松直播
Ya-Ciao Liang 17:47:10
@codingblackcat1122 has joined the channel
Briony Chiu 17:56:22
@yuikuta0618 has joined the channel
b0979527778 18:26:26
@b0979527778 has joined the channel
Lukas 18:37:07
@lukasz113 has joined the channel


陳銘仕 Frank0x0 15:10:24
@frank860312 has joined the channel
Sungjoon Moon 15:29:59
@sumoon has joined the channel
李湛智(CI404-001alpha) 22:06:00
@cvn404jp has joined the channel
dy Tru 22:06:15
@3a02chatgpt has joined the channel
Chat GPT01 22:16:08
@3a01chatgpt has joined the channel
Ray Ch 22:19:35
@rayc57429 has joined the channel
37afishjshan 22:28:49
@37afishjshan has joined the channel
luyunqiao2008.2.16 22:48:53
@luyunqiao2008.2.16 has joined the channel
chewei 22:50:19
本屆零時小學校徵件競賽,邀請提案團隊上傳專案介紹影片,更能生動理解提案團隊的想法 !
初選階段,還有 youtube 按讚數最高者入選保障名額一組 !
chewei 22:50:19
本屆零時小學校徵件競賽,邀請提案團隊上傳專案介紹影片,更能生動理解提案團隊的想法 !
初選階段,還有 youtube 按讚數最高者入選保障名額一組 !


李湛智(CI404-001alpha) 00:44:53
不好意思打扰一下,请问能麻烦工作区管理员帮忙把频道:appinventor 改为公开的频道吗,非常感谢!
slack 的設計,管理員沒有權限修改他不在裡面的頻道,只有頻道的創始人才有權利把私有頻道變公開喔
李湛智(CI404-001alpha) 2023-12-03 21:36:09
原來如此..那請 @cvn404jp 把我拉進去,我來把他改成公開的吧
李湛智(CI404-001alpha) 00:44:53
不好意思打扰一下,请问能麻烦工作区管理员帮忙把频道:appinventor 改为公开的频道吗,非常感谢!
slack 的設計,管理員沒有權限修改他不在裡面的頻道,只有頻道的創始人才有權利把私有頻道變公開喔
李湛智(CI404-001alpha) 2023-12-03 21:36:09
原來如此..那請 @cvn404jp 把我拉進去,我來把他改成公開的吧
Steven Chen 01:59:33 has joined the channel 12:09:17
`零時小學校專案孵化競賽 延長徵件至 12/10`
提案主題包含了 Linux 系統學習、個人網域支援方案、立法院會議資料視覺化、尋找指導教授、民主教育交換生、職涯探索,以及商業企劃類提案等,若想找專案做、累積經驗和作品集,卻苦於沒有點子的人,不妨來看看感興趣提案是否正在招募夥伴,也許你就是他們要的那個人!
提案列表 ▶︎

徵件截止:延長至 12月10 日(日)23:59
專案孵化競賽 (2).png
2 2 3 📢 2
流星若風的烤肉屋 16:59:19
hi各位,我又來了!我是一個南一中的學生,感謝上一次大家對共編文件([行人地獄 - HackMD](的踴躍參與,這次是研究的第二部份,想蒐集大家對「法規與交通文化」的意見,歡迎關心交通議題的你填寫!



行人地獄 - HackMD


Google Docs


這是一份由南一中學生歐威霆所製作的「行人地獄——法規與文化」調查問卷,主要希望透過本問卷了解對於「 出現問題的法規、台灣的交通文化 」,調查對象為「任何對交通議題有興趣的你」。填寫本問卷約需3分鐘,感謝您撥冗填答。 各題的答案沒有對錯之分,請按照個人意願填答即可。選項之編號僅為方便統計與分析,無特殊意義。 本問卷採不記名且無法辨識個人的方式作答。我們會將收集的問卷調查內容進行統計與分析,分析結果將以統計數據或說明文字呈現,但不涉及特定個人之資料。研究團隊將盡力維護您的隱私及善盡保密責任,盡量減少可能的風險。

流星若風的烤肉屋 16:59:19
hi各位,我又來了!我是一個南一中的學生,感謝上一次大家對共編文件([行人地獄 - HackMD](的踴躍參與,這次是研究的第二部份,想蒐集大家對「法規與交通文化」的意見,歡迎關心交通議題的你填寫!

Charlie Hsu 18:29:26
今年的大重點是我們做了一個強大的內文編輯器 🎉



我們會公開每一筆訊息的來源與貢獻者(shoutout PrideWatch) ,留給選民自主判斷資訊的公正性。
截圖 2023-12-03 下午4.06.01.png
截圖 2023-12-02 凌晨3.48.16.png
截圖 2023-12-03 下午6.22.58.png
Charlie Hsu 2023-12-03 18:31:13
👍 15 12 ❤️‍🔥 6 🌈 4


tom kuo 14:52:37
@kuoiot12 has joined the channel
Sakhi Shah 16:07:54
@sakhi has joined the channel


幫助員 08:37:48
@bestianhelp has joined the channel
frank guo 11:28:07
@b28228250 has joined the channel
Kiyou 11:38:20
@rintarinta1234 has joined the channel
Peter 12:22:06
5 👍 6
Peter 12:22:06
Ching 19:11:17
@chingya.chang01 has joined the channel


Laura Lanford 06:17:55
@llanford has joined the channel
shs.hsiacho 15:14:24
@shs.hsiacho has joined the channel
Pace Hsu 15:47:47
@pace945 has joined the channel
chewei 18:53:28

[詢問] 左營高鐵站附近,有適合舉辦 黑客松活動的場地嗎?

chewei 18:53:28

[詢問] 左營高鐵站附近,有適合舉辦 黑客松活動的場地嗎?

novatseng 18:57:25
感謝分享! 我來增加到 場地列表中
另外還有一個... 有機體商務中心
novatseng 18:57:25
感謝分享! 我來增加到 場地列表中
另外還有一個... 有機體商務中心
💡 2
wang355152 19:17:02
@wang355152 has joined the channel
novatseng 21:14:24
另外還有一個... 有機體商務中心

有機體企業品牌顧問 –



💡 2


hlb 00:14:23
💡 2
EvAChU 00:25:42
(English below)
年度 Google 開發者大會臺北場將在 12/16 展開,也是年度最後一場。臺北場一如以往有許多主題與大家分享和討論。WTM (Women Techmakers) 臺北場也有些議題也將在大會當天分享和討論。我們不在乎您的年齡、性別、種族、身份和職業等;我們只在乎您是否有收獲;因此邀請您前來參與、交流和交朋友。

🎟️ 活動資訊:
• 活動日期:12.16.2023 (六)
• 活動時間:8:30 am - 4:30 pm
🥁 適合對象與工作角色:
• 對主題內容感興趣的朋友們
• 在科技領域的朋友們
• 職稱例如: 工程師, PM, 設計師, HR, C-Levels... 等

devfest, a yearly tech conference, is orchestrated by the Google Developer Groups (GDG) community—a worldwide network comprising chapters across the globe. devfest Taipei is the final of the conferences in Taiwan. As usual, we have so many topics would like to share with you, all. WTM (Women Techmakers) Taipei has its own tracks at this time. No matter who you are, we are all welcome if you would like to learn from those experts.

:admission_tickets: Conference Info:
• Date:12.16.2023 (Sat)
• Time:8:30 am - 4:30 pm
:drum_with_drumsticks: Welcome to join:
• If you are interested in this event and want to know what are we doing,
• If you are working in the tech field and industry,
• If your job title like manager, developer, designer and more, are all welcome!
Look 4 more WTM Track details :point_right:

devfest RSVP :point_right:

Google Developer Groups

Women Techmakers Tracks - devfest Taipei 2023

In-person Event - devfest 是由 Google 開發者社群 (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。devfest 是全球性的活動,每年在全球各地舉辦,涵蓋的技術領域廣泛,包括 Android、Web、雲端、機器學習等。devfest 的目的在於促進開發者交流和分享,幫助開發者學習新技術、建立人脈,並了解 Google 最新的開發者工具和技術。

Google Developer Groups

DevFest Taipei 2023

In-person Event - DevFest 是由 Google 開發者社群 (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。DevFest 是全球性的活動,每年在全球各地舉辦,涵蓋的技術領域廣泛,包括 Android、Web、雲端、機器學習等。DevFest 的目的在於促進開發者交流和分享,幫助開發者學習新技術、建立人脈,並了解 Google 最新的開發者工具和技術。

1 1
EvAChU 00:25:42
(English below)
年度 Google 開發者大會臺北場將在 12/16 展開,也是年度最後一場。臺北場一如以往有許多主題與大家分享和討論。WTM (Women Techmakers) 臺北場也有些議題也將在大會當天分享和討論。我們不在乎您的年齡、性別、種族、身份和職業等;我們只在乎您是否有收獲;因此邀請您前來參與、交流和交朋友。

🎟️ 活動資訊:
• 活動日期:12.16.2023 (六)
• 活動時間:8:30 am - 4:30 pm
🥁 適合對象與工作角色:
• 對主題內容感興趣的朋友們
• 在科技領域的朋友們
• 職稱例如: 工程師, PM, 設計師, HR, C-Levels... 等

devfest, a yearly tech conference, is orchestrated by the Google Developer Groups (GDG) community—a worldwide network comprising chapters across the globe. devfest Taipei is the final of the conferences in Taiwan. As usual, we have so many topics would like to share with you, all. WTM (Women Techmakers) Taipei has its own tracks at this time. No matter who you are, we are all welcome if you would like to learn from those experts.

:admission_tickets: Conference Info:
• Date:12.16.2023 (Sat)
• Time:8:30 am - 4:30 pm
:drum_with_drumsticks: Welcome to join:
• If you are interested in this event and want to know what are we doing,
• If you are working in the tech field and industry,
• If your job title like manager, developer, designer and more, are all welcome!
Look 4 more WTM Track details :point_right:

devfest RSVP :point_right:
陳柏中 10:42:04
@bravonhps2009 has joined the channel
阿柴柴 11:18:52
@chai114016 has joined the channel
Ying 12:14:49
✨ 2023/11 的 `g0v 社群九分鐘` 來囉!

11 月社群夥伴們舉辦了第 0 次數位韌性松、Cofacts 也前往美西與 g0v 矽谷灣區社群交流,也有社群夥伴開了新坑希望能解決偏鄉老師行政過量的問題。歡迎大家一起來共筆紀錄 11 月社群的各種活動與大小事,也歡迎專案坑主們共同彙整各坑最新進度唷!
👀 6 9 7 3 🕳️ 2
Ying 12:14:49
✨ 2023/11 的 `g0v 社群九分鐘` 來囉!

11 月社群夥伴們舉辦了第 0 次數位韌性松、Cofacts 也前往美西與 g0v 矽谷灣區社群交流,也有社群夥伴開了新坑希望能解決偏鄉老師行政過量的問題。歡迎大家一起來共筆紀錄 11 月社群的各種活動與大小事,也歡迎專案坑主們共同彙整各坑最新進度唷!
Jon Ang 14:38:12
@jon.ang has joined the channel
PY Chong 16:11:57
@pychong has joined the channel
Zhenz 17:19:31
@jb01259 has joined the channel
Eloise Barber 19:10:53
@eloisebarber739 has joined the channel
和尚 19:21:06
@supermonk00 has joined the channel
Yun-Fang Juan 23:02:59
@yunfangjuan has joined the channel
Zoey Tseng 23:42:52
[English below]
八月在大松提案的FOSS and Open Data Playground,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。

:ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格:


:space_invader: 線上成果展:
1. Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project
2. DeSci -DARTA
3. 立法院大小聲
4. Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫
5. Cofacts
6. Shoutout
7. disfactory
📹 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 Founding the Commons Taipei的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot:
Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of The FOSS and Open Data Playground and a quadratic voting event. Participants who have successfully registered for the g0v hackath59n and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects!

:tada: Check out the projects online:
1. Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project
2. DeSci -DARTA
3. 立法院大小聲
4. Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫
5. Cofacts
6. Shoutout
7. disfactory
:film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at Founding the Commons Taipei.

Credits to contributors : @paigeliao1989 @anomalous!!! :nyan-parrot:

g0v hackath59n | 台灣零時政府第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松

g0v 第伍拾玖次大黑客松將在 2023.12.9(六)於新竹縣「竹北市中興里集會所」舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

關於平方投票:這篇文章。明天將採用這個工具 🤳
3 5 🤯 3 2 💫 4
Zoey Tseng 23:42:52
[English below]
八月在大松提案的FOSS and Open Data Playground,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。

:ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格:


:space_invader: 線上成果展:
1. Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project
2. DeSci -DARTA
3. 立法院大小聲
4. Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫
5. Cofacts
6. Shoutout
7. disfactory
📹 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 Founding the Commons Taipei的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot:
Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of The FOSS and Open Data Playground and a quadratic voting event. Participants who have successfully registered for the g0v hackath59n and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects!

:tada: Check out the projects online:
1. Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project
2. DeSci -DARTA
3. 立法院大小聲
4. Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫
5. Cofacts
6. Shoutout
7. disfactory
:film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at Founding the Commons Taipei.

Credits to contributors : @paigeliao1989 @anomalous!!! :nyan-parrot:
關於平方投票:這篇文章。明天將採用這個工具 🤳


Ying 11:19:35
嗨嗨大家,`12 月大松` 將在明天於*新竹竹北中興里集會所*與大家見面!
今晚 21:00 有 `松前哈拉`,由 @sdfghj1001 帶大家一起松前暖身,在線上聊聊。歡迎大家一起上線加入~不管是分享專案、或純粹閒聊,都熱烈歡迎!

❤️ 4 1
Ying 11:19:35
嗨嗨大家,`12 月大松` 將在明天於*新竹竹北中興里集會所*與大家見面!
今晚 21:00 有 `松前哈拉`,由 @sdfghj1001 帶大家一起松前暖身,在線上聊聊。歡迎大家一起上線加入~不管是分享專案、或純粹閒聊,都熱烈歡迎!

mandyliu822 20:47:45
@mandyliu822 has joined the channel
Peter 21:04:42
Peter 22:01:05
◦ 本次大松地點在新竹竹北「中興里集會所」,請不要跑錯地點喔!
◦ 如果身體不適,請在家休息或線上參與。
◦ 請大家自備餐具、杯子。
◦ 9:30 開始報到、10:00 正式開始提案。
◦ 無論是新手在活動中遇到困難&有問題的地方,或是*有任何活動參加者遇到騷擾&不愉快的事情,請讓揪松團知道*,揪松團職工將在活動現場穿*黃色背心*。
◦ 若因故無法參加實體活動、想線上參加的夥伴,可上 g0v YouTube 頻道 觀看直播。
Peter 22:01:05
◦ 本次大松地點在新竹竹北「中興里集會所」,請不要跑錯地點喔!
◦ 如果身體不適,請在家休息或線上參與。
◦ 請大家自備餐具、杯子。
◦ 9:30 開始報到、10:00 正式開始提案。
◦ 無論是新手在活動中遇到困難&有問題的地方,或是*有任何活動參加者遇到騷擾&不愉快的事情,請讓揪松團知道*,揪松團職工將在活動現場穿*黃色背心*。
◦ 若因故無法參加實體活動、想線上參加的夥伴,可上 g0v YouTube 頻道 觀看直播。

YouTube 台灣零時政府

<|> 台灣零時政府,是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發「公民參與社會」的資訊平台與工具。 將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。 <|> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。 資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。 繼續認識我們 <>

1 1
wu.messi.wu 22:15:49
@wu.messi.wu has joined the channel
Enzo Yang 22:59:11
@enzoyang990521 has joined the channel


minjen16 03:21:10
@minjen16 has joined the channel
Mike Gifford 03:21:47
@mike.gifford has joined the channel
Stamford 09:34:26
找到票了!感謝給我票的善心人士 🕺
Stamford 09:34:26
找到票了!感謝給我票的善心人士 🕺
peichuyngiang 09:37:15
@peichuyngiang has joined the channel
peichuyngiang 09:37:52
Wow oyes
peichuyngiang 09:37:52
Wow oyes
Tiff 09:42:23
`今日黑客松 Wifi`
• 帳號 SSID:cht104931
• 密碼 PWD:12345678
Tiff 09:42:23
`今日黑客松 Wifi`
• 帳號 SSID:cht104931
• 密碼 PWD:12345678
Tiff 10:03:30
dawei 10:15:55
@dawei has joined the channel
Miss a 10:16:03
@amy24124 has joined the channel
洪子茵 10:31:14
@zyh310515010.ee10 has joined the channel
bear.liu.1010 10:33:59
@bear.liu.1010 has joined the channel
Lorraine 10:43:57 has joined the channel
cai 10:44:30
cai 10:44:30
Teemo 10:45:49
今天 14:30 帶大家認識竹北在地的美好人文
就在我們舉辦 g0v 的周邊



Check out this Presentation designed by Teemo.

1 👍 5
Teemo 10:45:49
今天 14:30 帶大家認識竹北在地的美好人文
就在我們舉辦 g0v 的周邊
Mick 11:10:29
@mickjuang has joined the channel
5316eictlws.2 11:16:16
@5316eictlws.2 has joined the channel
a0901259566 11:16:18
@a0901259566 has joined the channel
tungyueh.en11 11:16:52
@tungyueh.en11 has joined the channel
hsiehshiyuan 11:17:58
@hsiehshiyuan has joined the channel
winliu95 11:18:29
@winliu95 has joined the channel
yimingyueyi 11:20:03
@yimingyueyi has joined the channel
a861440 11:20:10
@a861440 has joined the channel
55446544a 11:20:49
@55446544a has joined the channel
maxdev512 11:21:25
@maxdev512 has joined the channel
sonywuu 11:21:29
@sonywuu has joined the channel
irvin 11:27:07
aay8787aa 11:27:16
@aay8787aa has joined the channel
ronnywang 11:28:37
對開放政府體檢感興趣的朋友,可以參加 #ogp 頻道喔
ronnywang 11:28:37
對開放政府體檢感興趣的朋友,可以參加 #ogp 頻道喔
tmonk 11:45:07
@chihao 2024 選舉開放資料 專案中的 tpod 代表什麼意思呀? Taiwan P Open Data?
tmonk 11:45:07
@chihao 2024 選舉開放資料 專案中的 tpod 代表什麼意思呀? Taiwan P Open Data?
chihao 11:45:19
1 👍 1
chihao 11:45:19
chihao 11:45:35
昨晚睡前想的縮寫 XD
chihao 11:45:35
昨晚睡前想的縮寫 XD
Hawks 11:51:16
@seanhawks0321 has joined the channel
shengtehsu 11:54:59
@shengtehsu has joined the channel
inhail0819 12:05:57
@inhail0819 has joined the channel
Peixing 12:06:18

[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:

1 1 1
Peixing 12:06:18

[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:

mojoee 12:06:31
@teemocogs where is the group located at the hackathon?
mojoee 12:06:31
@teemocogs where is the group located at the hackathon?
昶惟 12:15:05
@shoutout @paigeliao1989 @zoeytseng0904 舉辦平方投票Playground!
昶惟 12:15:05
@shoutout @paigeliao1989 @zoeytseng0904 舉辦平方投票Playground!
shoutout 12:15:09
@shoutout @paigeliao1989 @zoeytseng0904 舉辦平方投票Playground! by~~~ @girofu 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
1 😂 2 💪 1 3
shoutout 12:15:09
@shoutout @paigeliao1989 @zoeytseng0904 舉辦平方投票Playground! by~~~ @girofu 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
ning773535 12:48:44
@ning773535 has joined the channel
tmonk 13:32:04
查了 tpod 的資料,資料中累積最多 facebook 按怒的貼文是張善政今年 8 月 2 日宣布桃園市明天正常上班上課
有 21,825 個怒 😆
😆 3 😡 3
tmonk 13:32:04
查了 tpod 的資料,資料中累積最多 facebook 按怒的貼文是張善政今年 8 月 2 日宣布桃園市明天正常上班上課
有 21,825 個怒
irishuang1022 14:40:47
@irishuang1022 has joined the channel
s110171 14:44:30
@s110171 has joined the channel
Nathan Tung 14:57:20
@nathan has joined the channel


Peixing 00:00:03
今天同一天在台北松菸舉辦Funding the Commons,同時間@anomalous 分享了"How to build Digital Public Goods with the Public?" 剛剛我才想到有收到現場夥伴的照片,應該趕快趁今天尚未結束前,以此來 @shoutout 一下今天在大松成發的七個參與FOSS and Open Data Playground的專案 (及報告者),依序為:本Playgound坑主 @zoeytseng0904#da0-desci-OpenDesign BioFabrication Device Project(@apinrec)、#thaubing-esg@ddio)、#立法院大小聲(@ccb50995)、#disfactory@peii)、#cofacts@mrorz)、#da0-desci -DARTA(@weitinglin66_)、#da0-shoutout@girofu

可惡XD 慢一秒(?) 送出剛好整點XDDDDDD
然後重點是照片!!! 沒放上去XDDD (photo credits: @liying)
Peixing 00:00:03
今天同一天在台北松菸舉辦Funding the Commons,同時間@anomalous 分享了"How to build Digital Public Goods with the Public?" 剛剛我才想到有收到現場夥伴的照片,應該趕快趁今天尚未結束前,以此來 @shoutout 一下今天在大松成發的七個參與FOSS and Open Data Playground的專案 (及報告者),依序為:本Playgound坑主 @zoeytseng0904#da0-desci-OpenDesign BioFabrication Device Project(@apinrec)、#thaubing-esg@ddio)、#立法院大小聲(@ccb50995)、#disfactory@peii)、#cofacts@mrorz)、#da0-desci -DARTA(@weitinglin66_)、#da0-shoutout@girofu



g0v hackath59n | 台灣零時政府第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松

可惡XD 慢一秒(?) 送出剛好整點XDDDDDD
然後重點是照片!!! 沒放上去XDDD (photo credits: @liying)
8 👻 2 2 2
shoutout 00:00:11
今天同一天在台北松菸舉辦Funding the Commons,同時間@anomalous 分享了"How to build Digital Public Goods with the Public?" 剛剛我才想到有收到現場夥伴的照片,應該趕快趁今天尚未結束前,以此來 @shoutout 一下今天在大松成發的七個參與FOSS and Open Data Playground的專案 (及報告者),依序為:本Playgound坑主 @zoeytseng0904#da0-desci-OpenDesign BioFabrication Device Project(@apinrec)、#thaubing-esg@ddio)、#立法院大小聲(@ccb50995)、#disfactory@peii)、#cofacts@mrorz)、#da0-desci -DARTA(@weitinglin66_)、#da0-shoutout@girofu

真的很謝謝這些專案準備超級精采豐富的成果簡報,錯過的人可以補看直播!或是直接點進頻道跳坑吧!! by~~~ @paigeliao1989 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
shoutout 00:00:11
今天同一天在台北松菸舉辦Funding the Commons,同時間@anomalous 分享了"How to build Digital Public Goods with the Public?" 剛剛我才想到有收到現場夥伴的照片,應該趕快趁今天尚未結束前,以此來 @shoutout 一下今天在大松成發的七個參與FOSS and Open Data Playground的專案 (及報告者),依序為:本Playgound坑主 @zoeytseng0904#da0-desci-OpenDesign BioFabrication Device Project(@apinrec)、#thaubing-esg@ddio)、#立法院大小聲(@ccb50995)、#disfactory@peii)、#cofacts@mrorz)、#da0-desci -DARTA(@weitinglin66_)、#da0-shoutout@girofu

真的很謝謝這些專案準備超級精采豐富的成果簡報,錯過的人可以補看直播!或是直接點進頻道跳坑吧!! by~~~ @paigeliao1989 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
jimmy85030 00:44:09
@jimmy85030 has joined the channel
Shaurya Dubey 07:41:39
@dubeyshaurya has joined the channel
Shaurya Dubey 07:48:10
Hi there! My name is Shaurya - I work with the team for Plurality, a movement dedicated to preserving digital democracy through the use of plural technologies. We are looking for contributors passionate about open-source technology and digital democracy to join our team. This is a great chance to get hands on communications experience and to involve yourself on the ground floor of a highly impactful project supporting digital democracy and plural technologies. g0v is a movement that is deeply aligned with the work Plurality does - much of this work builds on ideas developed by Audrey Tang and other leaders in this field. If you are interested in taking part, please fill out this quick form with them - would love to source contributors from g0v! Thank you for the consideration!
Shaurya Dubey 07:48:10
Hi there! My name is Shaurya - I work with the team for Plurality, a movement dedicated to preserving digital democracy through the use of plural technologies. We are looking for contributors passionate about open-source technology and digital democracy to join our team. This is a great chance to get hands on communications experience and to involve yourself on the ground floor of a highly impactful project supporting digital democracy and plural technologies. g0v is a movement that is deeply aligned with the work Plurality does - much of this work builds on ideas developed by Audrey Tang and other leaders in this field. If you are interested in taking part, please fill out this quick form with them - would love to source contributors from g0v! Thank you for the consideration!

Google Docs

Plurality Book Publicity Team Interest

Our team is looking for a handful of volunteers to join the publicity team for the Plurality Book. Ideal participants have an active desire to advance digital democracy, ownership mentality, and strong communication skills. Experience with publicity work not required. Please fill out the information below and our team will be in touch. The Work: We require contributors that can serve in a project manager capacity for the Plurality Book. The work entails driving publications in various channels, sourcing and organizing engagements and logistics, and growing/managing a social media presence. Plurality Book Website Plurality Book GitHub <> About The Plurality Book: In most of the world, digital technology is tearing us apart through polarization, inequality, loneliness and fear. Yet on one delicate, diverse and deeply divided island, things are different. In the decade since the trauma of a weeks-long occupation of their parliament, Taiwan has achieved inclusive, technology-fueled economic growth, defeated the pandemic without lockdowns and the infodemic without takedowns and empowered groups of ordinary citizens to protect the environment, workers and innovation by “hacking the government”. In this book, the Digital Minister who architected this world-leading digital democracy and her collaborators for the first time share the philosophy behind this success. Plurality harnesses digital tools not to replace humans or our trust, but to bring us together across our differences. From intimate digitally-empowered telepathy to global trade that runs on social networks rather than money, Plurality offers tools to radically enrich relationships while reaching out to those we too often turn our backs on. Promising to transform every social sector from health care to media and written as an open, self-governing collaboration of hundreds around the world, Plurality shows as well as tells how everyone from farmers in Africa to Hollywood performers can help build a more dynamic and harmonious world.

🎉 1
stella 14:43:48
昨天大松的提升防災準備開了 #disaster-go 頻道,有興趣持續關注的朋友歡迎加入和我們一起討論。感謝大家~(OvO)
👍 5 ⚡ 4 2 1
stella 14:43:48
昨天大松的提升防災準備開了 #disaster-go 頻道,有興趣持續關注的朋友歡迎加入和我們一起討論。感謝大家~(OvO)
chewei 21:10:19
有興趣的朋友可以使用 g0v 成就系統
由 Ronny 開發,可以看到您的各種社群貢獻軌跡 !
修好囉~不過資料已經很久沒更新了 XD
👍 10 1 😍 3
chewei 21:10:19
有興趣的朋友可以使用 g0v 成就系統
由 Ronny 開發,可以看到您的各種社群貢獻軌跡 !
修好囉~不過資料已經很久沒更新了 XD


Season Ho 13:50:47
@season08888 has joined the channel
YiLing 14:39:42
@liopaper has joined the channel
kevyourdev 15:20:10
@kevyourdev has joined the channel
kevyourdev 15:23:12
👋 Hello, team!
kevyourdev 15:23:12
👋 Hello, team!
John Tsai 15:41:31
@johnruby80 has joined the channel
SwimmingInTerror 23:15:51
@iamtsman has joined the channel


Teemo 09:01:00


正體中文開源資料集 社群課程:大語言模型的民主化

#正體中文開源資料集社群課程【大語言模型的民主化】線上直播時間:2023年12月12日,晚上8:00-8:30課程簡報 <> tw hackath56n — 中場短講 — 從 ...

1 1
Zoey Tseng 09:36:52
Hi All,

感謝大家於 12/9 參與 `FOSS and Open Data Playground` 於竹北大松舉辦的平方投票!以下為本次投票與資金分配結果:

• 投票人數(線上線下)/ 總發出投票連結: *76/ 133*
◦ 投票率為 57.1%
• 下圖為本次根據得票數算出的資金分配結果
• playground 將於接下來三天與各坑的訪談時段中於線上進行資金分配,詳細說明請見此文件說明
• 若有任何人關心這個回溯型公共資助的實驗專案成果,也可以私訊 @zoeytseng0904 !了解更多資訊。

@shoutout to @paigeliao1989 @anomalous for the mechanism design
6 👻 4 6 2 3 🙏 1 2 3 2
shoutout 09:36:57
Hi All,

感謝大家於 12/9 參與 `FOSS and Open Data Playground` 於竹北大松舉辦的平方投票!以下為本次投票與資金分配結果:

• 投票人數(線上線下)/ 總發出投票連結: *76/ 133*
◦ 投票率為 57.1%
• 下圖為本次根據得票數算出的資金分配結果
• playground 將於接下來三天與各坑的訪談時段中於線上進行資金分配,詳細說明請見此文件說明
• 若有任何人關心這個回溯型公共資助的實驗專案成果,也可以私訊 @zoeytseng0904 !了解更多資訊。

@shoutout to @paigeliao1989 @anomalous for the mechanism design by~~~ @zoeytseng0904 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
shoutout 09:36:57
Hi All,

感謝大家於 12/9 參與 `FOSS and Open Data Playground` 於竹北大松舉辦的平方投票!以下為本次投票與資金分配結果:

• 投票人數(線上線下)/ 總發出投票連結: *76/ 133*
◦ 投票率為 57.1%
• 下圖為本次根據得票數算出的資金分配結果
• playground 將於接下來三天與各坑的訪談時段中於線上進行資金分配,詳細說明請見此文件說明
• 若有任何人關心這個回溯型公共資助的實驗專案成果,也可以私訊 @zoeytseng0904 !了解更多資訊。

@shoutout to @paigeliao1989 @anomalous for the mechanism design by~~~ @zoeytseng0904 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
❤️‍🔥 3 ⚡ 4 🔋 3
mavisliu654 10:44:35
@mavisliu654 has joined the channel
Ying 16:48:19
💪 1 月大松 `小幫手招募中`

嗨 👋 大家,前幾天剛結束 12 月大松,感謝小幫手們協力讓大松圓滿落幕!而 1 月 `第陸拾次記得投票黑客松` 已經開放 報名 囉,本次大松是 *1/6(週六)*在「*中研院 資訊所*」與大家見面 :meow_party:

*為讓大松順利進行、也讓大家更有參與感,需要參與者們一起來當 *小幫手* :raised_hands:,協力讓黑客松更溫暖熱絡!本次徵求的小幫手如下,歡迎想要試試看的朋友留言或私訊我,*熱烈歡迎大家踴躍跳坑!*

• *主持人*(5 人次)`長期參與者`:
◦ 松前哈拉 已徵(1/5 週五 21:00-22:00)
◦ 開場提案 + 自我介紹 已徵(9:20 - 11:00)
◦ 新手導覽團 x1 (13:10 - 13:45)
◦ 短講 已徵(14:30 - 15:00)
◦ 成果報告 x1、(16:30 - 17:30)
• *攝影* x1
• *直播+錄影 已徵*
◦ 時段:
▪︎ 開場提案 + 自我介紹 x1 (9:20 - 11:00)
▪︎ 短講 x1(14:30 - 15:00)
▪︎ 成果報告 x1、(16:00 - 17:00)
• *報到*:協助活動報到 x2(9:00-11:00)
Ted 顥天 2023-12-12 16:52:47
開場主持 ++!
耶死~~~~~~感謝 @sean076 🤩:face_holding_back_tears:🤧(太感動痛哭流涕)
paulpengtw 2023-12-20 13:51:35
排報到台,如果有 > 2 個人要的話我可以退 XD
感謝 @lu.wennie!!
💪 1 2 2 2
Ying 16:48:19
💪 1 月大松 `小幫手招募中`

嗨 👋 大家,前幾天剛結束 12 月大松,感謝小幫手們協力讓大松圓滿落幕!而 1 月 `第陸拾次記得投票黑客松` 已經開放 報名 囉,本次大松是 *1/6(週六)*在「*中研院 資訊所*」與大家見面 :meow_party:

*為讓大松順利進行、也讓大家更有參與感,需要參與者們一起來當 *小幫手* :raised_hands:,協力讓黑客松更溫暖熱絡!本次徵求的小幫手如下,歡迎想要試試看的朋友留言或私訊我,*熱烈歡迎大家踴躍跳坑!*

• *主持人*(5 人次)`長期參與者`:
◦ 松前哈拉 x1(1/5 週五 21:00-22:00)
◦ 開場提案 + 自我介紹 x1(9:20 - 11:00)
◦ 新手導覽團 x1 (13:10 - 13:45)
◦ 短講 x1(14:30 - 15:00)
◦ 成果報告 x1、(16:30 - 17:30)
• *攝影* x1
• *直播+錄影* x1
◦ 時段:
▪︎ 開場提案 + 自我介紹 x1 (9:20 - 11:00)
▪︎ 短講 x1(14:30 - 15:00)
▪︎ 成果報告 x1、(16:00 - 17:00)
• *報到*:協助活動報到 x2(9:00-11:00)
Ted 顥天 2023-12-12 16:52:47
開場主持 ++!
耶死~~~~~~感謝 @sean076 🤩:face_holding_back_tears:🤧(太感動痛哭流涕)
paulpengtw 2023-12-20 13:51:35
排報到台,如果有 > 2 個人要的話我可以退 XD
感謝 @lu.wennie!!


Peter 10:48:11
大家早安,關於 summit 2024 的 keynote 講者,目前國內人選部分我們希望能夠收集更多的提案,歡迎大家12/19之前踴躍提案!

大家好,昨天議程組討論,目前在國內 keynote 講者的人選上,希望讓大家提案到12/19,下週議程組會議會排定志願序並開始邀請。目前人選有陳瑞霖、劉致昕、李梅君三位,歡迎大家踴躍提案!連結:<|>

Peter 10:48:11
大家早安,關於 summit 2024 的 keynote 講者,目前國內人選部分我們希望能夠收集更多的提案,歡迎大家12/19之前踴躍提案!

大家好,昨天議程組討論,目前在國內 keynote 講者的人選上,希望讓大家提案到12/19,下週議程組會議會排定志願序並開始邀請。目前人選有陳瑞霖、劉致昕、李梅君三位,歡迎大家踴躍提案!連結:<|>

Amos 11:31:23
想好奇一下:為什麼 KKTIX 的一月大松報名表單,全部都有中文雙語,唯有 CoC 條文部份沒有?
因為英文字元太長塞不下只好再最後附連結 🥲
傑生 11:39:24
@junhui.wuu has joined the channel
李孟霖 13:35:53
@coldfu4gjo3 has joined the channel
程品奕 23:57:45
@a931eric has joined the channel


lpcc0301 05:04:11
@lpcc0301 has joined the channel 11:13:07
⭐*零時小學校 4th 專案孵化競賽 專案介紹影片播放清單*⭐

• 【零時小學校】4th 專案孵化競賽 參賽提案介紹影片 (影片順序按照網站提案順序)



【零時小學校】4th 專案孵化競賽 參賽提案介紹影片

【歡迎透過「喜歡」給予各專案鼓勵!】 #影片順序按照網站提案順序 若想更了解各專案,請至專案列表,也歡迎於專案下方給予回饋:<> 為了鼓勵與培育專案實作的公民力量,g0v 零時小學校籌備專案孵化競賽,希望能陪伴大家一起走過專...

5 🎥 3 3 1 1 1 1 11:13:07
⭐*零時小學校 4th 專案孵化競賽 專案介紹影片播放清單*⭐

• 【零時小學校】4th 專案孵化競賽 參賽提案介紹影片 (影片順序按照網站提案順序)

Wayne 15:05:14
@wyc has joined the channel
Chihlun Chang 17:27:46
@chihlun.dd has joined the channel
latcanass 17:36:44
@latcanass has joined the channel


tonyl 05:16:30
@h.tonyliang has joined the channel
jerry970812 07:09:31
@jerry970812 has joined the channel
covert0123 19:46:28
@covert0123 has joined the channel
JJinha 20:04:18
@lizabell1213 has joined the channel
covert0123 20:28:25
不知道可不可以在這裡求救 🙏
我需要樂於分享的大神救救碩士快畢不了業的我 😭

我論文主題在研究「軟體開發生命週期在 iOS App 開發上的應用」

我想請問有沒有 iOS 開發大神有經歷過 App 需求規格討論、系統分析、開發、測試、部署、維運等開發階段,App 也有成功上架被使用者使用,願意分享這些過程資料、文件和程式碼,公開作為學術研究使用?

paulpengtw 2023-12-16 13:19:56
感覺去 github 上直接聯繫 repo maintainer 比較快 😅
1. 我是 iOS App 開發者,但自己能公開的專案都沒有特別走這些規劃流程。一般商業公司比較可能照這個流程走,但不太可能公開這些資料給你用。
2. 你可以去 weak self Discord 徵人,在 podcast 節目敘述裡都有邀請連結。但沒想清楚需求的話,也會被無視的哦。
我在前公司有上架過 iOS App,你需要的問題大部分我都可以回答,但是程式碼的部分無法提供
2 😮 1
covert0123 20:28:25
不知道可不可以在這裡求救 🙏
我需要樂於分享的大神救救碩士快畢不了業的我 😭

我論文主題在研究「軟體開發生命週期在 iOS App 開發上的應用」

我想請問有沒有 iOS 開發大神有經歷過 App 需求規格討論、系統分析、開發、測試、部署、維運等開發階段,App 也有成功上架被使用者使用,願意分享這些過程資料、文件和程式碼,公開作為學術研究使用?

paulpengtw 2023-12-16 13:19:56
感覺去 github 上直接聯繫 repo maintainer 比較快 😅
1. 我是 iOS App 開發者,但自己能公開的專案都沒有特別走這些規劃流程。一般商業公司比較可能照這個流程走,但不太可能公開這些資料給你用。
2. 你可以去 weak self Discord 徵人,在 podcast 節目敘述裡都有邀請連結。但沒想清楚需求的話,也會被無視的哦。
我在前公司有上架過 iOS App,你需要的問題大部分我都可以回答,但是程式碼的部分無法提供


Nicholas Hu 16:19:46 has joined the channel


17 M 00:21:55
@maoshiqim17 has joined the channel
yu11025011 00:58:38
@yu11025011 has joined the channel
Twone 01:13:38
@twonehk2016 has joined the channel
Anke Liu 07:27:26
@anke has joined the channel
LU 08:01:11
This is my project of h@ckthon in response of besiegement of G@z@. Ple@se h@ve @ look in the concept @nd mind the present. Whether it is to be re@lize or not, it is @ c@ll of PE@CE for G@Z@ in recent moment @nd the future.


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 &gt; [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] &gt; @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign

LU 08:01:11
This is my project of h@ckthon in response of besiegement of G@z@. Ple@se h@ve @ look in the concept @nd mind the present. Whether it is to be re@lize or not, it is @ c@ll of PE@CE for G@Z@ in recent moment @nd the future.


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 &gt; [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] &gt; @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign

LU 08:06:59

Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.

Nobody project release.
I am nobody.
LU 08:06:59

Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.

Nobody project release.
I am nobody.
LU 08:50:26

For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.

LU 08:50:26

For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.


Paradox 08:10:22
@higgsboson365pro has joined the channel
Stream 14:43:50
大家好,我前幾天發了一個 pull request,可以修復 g0v 官網的 dashboard 頁面在小寬度螢幕上的顯示問題。請問在這個 pull request 被 merge 之前,是否還有其他我需要做的事情?
也同步轉至 #g0v-landing-page
感謝 @chewei 🙏
Stream 14:43:50
大家好,我前幾天發了一個 pull request,可以修復 g0v 官網的 dashboard 頁面在小寬度螢幕上的顯示問題。請問在這個 pull request 被 merge 之前,是否還有其他我需要做的事情?
也同步轉至 #g0v-landing-page
感謝 @chewei 🙏
3 2 2
9k 16:11:40 has joined the channel
濱田太陽 20:03:38
@hamada_h has joined the channel


Anderson.Cho 18:59:51
@cho68813 has joined the channel
Yusei Miyabayashi 21:24:17
@miyabayusei1108 has joined the channel
Alexia Liu 23:22:08
@sixfishfreespace has joined the channel


Clara Fontaine-Say 07:18:02
@inform_ethique has joined the channel
rain72510 13:02:32
@rain72510 has joined the channel
宸宇 14:22:48
@jeremy900425 has joined the channel
Clara Fontaine-Say 18:10:17
Hello everyone,
My name is Clara, I am a French student in cybersecurity and geopolitics, currently in a gap year.
I intend to make a *documentary on Taiwan* and its perspective on cyber sovereignty, tackling subjects such as *cyber resilience* against cyberattacks or information war, including the influence of TikTok and its algorithm.
I am reaching out to you to know if someone would be interested and available for a little *informational interview (in English)*.
I am particularly interested in hearing your views on these topics, as well as more details about the g0v initiative.
I will be *going to Taipei from January 17 to 31, 2024*, if by chance you are available and interested in this little interview. Otherwise, we could of course do it remotely.
Thank you in advance for reading my message!
@irvin @paulpengtw maybe digital resilience can have something to share!
@sdfghj1001 this might be a sensitive topic to some and you might want to consider willingness of other contributors to be tagged here
Sorry, I did not think of this!
I hesitated for a long time before commenting as well so ;)
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-20 20:05:11
@chihao @sdfghj1001 hello! sorry if I did something wrong, I tried to follow the tutorial on your website! I understand that my request is special, and I am available if you want to discuss it with me in private! :)
I can exchange some thoughts with you on information war. I’m not the professional but it’s something in my concern especially on the tech policy side.

We also had a monthly internet freedom meetup (in Chinese) on Jan 18 with open culture foundation and some other contributors, the topic is not determined yet but could be decided by tomorrow.
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-21 04:27:13
@irvin Great, thank you very much for your answer! If still interested, can we maybe discuss the details in private? Btw, for the issue of anonymity, don't worry about it, we will do as it suits you!
@inform_ethique Bon séjour!
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-21 06:54:48
@hypothesquerelle Merci beaucoup! 🙂
🎥 1 1
Clara Fontaine-Say 18:10:17
Hello everyone,
My name is Clara, I am a French student in cybersecurity and geopolitics, currently in a gap year.
I intend to make a *documentary on Taiwan* and its perspective on cyber sovereignty, tackling subjects such as *cyber resilience* against cyberattacks or information war, including the influence of TikTok and its algorithm.
I am reaching out to you to know if someone would be interested and available for a little *informational interview (in English)*.
I am particularly interested in hearing your views on these topics, as well as more details about the g0v initiative.
I will be *going to Taipei from January 17 to 31, 2024*, if by chance you are available and interested in this little interview. Otherwise, we could of course do it remotely.
Thank you in advance for reading my message!
@irvin @paulpengtw maybe digital resilience can have something to share!
@sdfghj1001 this might be a sensitive topic to some and you might want to consider willingness of other contributors to be tagged here
Sorry, I did not think of this!
I hesitated for a long time before commenting as well so ;)
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-20 20:05:11
@chihao @sdfghj1001 hello! sorry if I did something wrong, I tried to follow the tutorial on your website! I understand that my request is special, and I am available if you want to discuss it with me in private! :)
I can exchange some thoughts with you on information war. I’m not the professional but it’s something in my concern especially on the tech policy side.

We also had a monthly internet freedom meetup (in Chinese) on Jan 18 with open culture foundation and some other contributors, the topic is not determined yet but could be decided by tomorrow.
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-21 04:27:13
@irvin Great, thank you very much for your answer! If still interested, can we maybe discuss the details in private? Btw, for the issue of anonymity, don't worry about it, we will do as it suits you!
@inform_ethique Bon séjour!
Clara Fontaine-Say 2023-12-21 06:54:48
@hypothesquerelle Merci beaucoup! 🙂


YG 22:01:23

Speech-to-Text Webcam Overlay

Web Speech API で音声認識した結果の字幕をWebカメラ映像に重ねて表示するWebページです。ブラウザを画面収録して,ビデオ会議や生配信等で使用できます。

👍 1


teriwhitcraft 03:52:38
@teriwhitcraft has joined the channel
gugod 09:45:58
我收到 github 通知信說有 g0v org 成員要求要用 github copilot...... 但是以目前月費為零元的狀況之下,應該是沒辦法開來用的。
4 3
gugod 09:45:58
我收到 github 通知信說有 g0v org 成員要求要用 github copilot...... 但是以目前月費為零元的狀況之下,應該是沒辦法開來用的。
mrorz 10:18:13
mrorz 10:18:13
chihao 12:42:57
沒有人想用 github copilot
我最近在 FB 上一直被對活動有興趣的動態打到
g0v 社群的人們會按有興趣嗎
paulpengtw 2023-12-22 15:07:42
Ted 顥天 2023-12-22 15:23:14
我覺得是我在害 MrOrz 被打到 XDDDD 每次看到好笑的也都會邀請 Paul
paulpengtw 2023-12-22 15:30:27
已經變產業鍊了 Ted 邀我我就會邀回去...
話說除了活動名稱之外,banner picture 是不是很重要
未看先猜,或許會有 2112 年見證多啦a夢穿越
chihao 12:42:57
沒有人想用 github copilot
我最近在 FB 上一直被對活動有興趣的動態打到
g0v 社群的人們會按有興趣嗎
paulpengtw 2023-12-22 15:07:42
Ted 顥天 2023-12-22 15:23:14
我覺得是我在害 MrOrz 被打到 XDDDD 每次看到好笑的也都會邀請 Paul
paulpengtw 2023-12-22 15:30:27
已經變產業鍊了 Ted 邀我我就會邀回去...
話說除了活動名稱之外,banner picture 是不是很重要
未看先猜,或許會有 2112 年見證多啦a夢穿越
Justina 16:40:15
@morebetter88 has joined the channel


bestian 14:32:14


Andy 03:00:59
@chienting0101 has joined the channel
jungchen.lee1226 14:03:12
@jungchen.lee1226 has joined the channel
May Pan 18:06:49
@maypan1107 has joined the channel
Charlie Hsu 18:26:40

截圖 2023-12-24 下午6.15.10.png
截圖 2023-12-24 下午5.44.58.png



2 👍 4
Wendy Shih 21:53:57
@wendy7559886 has joined the channel


Kevin Hsu 07:33:16
@a0306g has joined the channel


Carmen 02:06:59

在新的一年裡,我們還將在 J-WAVE 廣播節目 "JAM THE PLANET "中讓Cofacts的議題亮相!
Carmen 02:06:59

在新的一年裡,我們還將在 J-WAVE 廣播節目 "JAM THE PLANET "中讓Cofacts的議題亮相!

TOKYO MX+(プラス)

フェイクニュースで世界が変わる? 「認知戦」防衛最前線、台湾のファクトチェック機関を堀潤が取材|TOKYO MX+(プラス)

フェイクニュースで世界が変わる? 「認知戦」防衛最前線、台湾のファクトチェック機関を堀潤が取材

👍 9 🎉 8 🎯 3 3 4 4 🙏 3 🙌 3 🌏 2
Elishah Yousaf 12:09:07
@elishahyousaf has joined the channel
Dave Fleming 12:19:13
@xshapes has joined the channel
jchuangsa 12:53:54
@jchuangsa has joined the channel


Gobby Chen 22:47:15
@gobbychen has joined the channel
🙌 1


craft 3 love 12:08:42
@lksh1005lk has joined the channel
Ted 顥天 20:55:36
💥💥💥 OCF 年末募款倒數三天 💥💥💥

🧥 OCF 年末募款滿額送教練外套,非常稀有限量,現主時只剩下個位數囉!
👘 一起穿著帥氣的開源教練外套,走向美好的數位未來!

🦺 Sōsu 外套是由激進工作室設計師 LILJAYCHEN 操刀設計,靈感源自於「開放原始碼」的核心理念。這件外套以三種不同語言詮釋了開源軟體的無國界、開放共享的特質,呈現了開源多元共存的精神。
🍶 美味的 Sōsu(醬汁)是經過時間的沉澱和精心醞釀而成,它是料理中的靈魂所在!
🥂 就如同 Open Source(Sōsu)所代表的精神一樣,公開討論、既透明又安全的數位環境,也需要充足的時間、眾人的力量推進!

🪢 【年末募款限定】倒數 3 天!捐款滿額拿外套 👉

您的捐款支持,將能幫助 OCF 發揮開源共享的初心。
• 人才培育:OCF 預計於 2024 年招收 10 位 OCF / 社群實習生,培養新一代開源專業、數位民主人才,為學子提供社群學習機會及實戰力。
• 主題活動舉辦:OCF 將此部分募款所得,作為每月數位人權與網路自由活動的舉辦費用,持續提供公部門、企業、社群三方的溝通管道與交流活動。
• 國際交流:OCF 期待持續透過國際會議參與、海外組織合作,深入瞭解國際數位趨勢、促進專業交流,也將在台灣開放科技推廣、跨界合作及銜繫科技社群與其他公/私領域帶上國際舞臺。
• 知識分享:OCF 希望建立更完善的開放知識管道,以彙整我們持續發布的開源資訊、數位趨勢、政策討論和社群專案,讓豐富資源能更便利地為民所用。

OCF 年末募款,與我們走向下個十年 - 財團法人開放文化基金會

在後疫情時代,OCF 致力於推動科技社群活動,播下開源議題種子,促進網路自由的發展。我們誠邀您參與,共同延續開源精神,支持 OCF 的成長,與更多開源社群合作,打造更完善的數位世界。OCF 即將迎來第十年,在開放科技圈已蓄積豐厚的社群能量,得以與國際接軌、穩定前行。回顧 2023 年,我們積極培養新

p09322007 22:33:24
@p09322007 has joined the channel


Yang Min 03:29:30
@ymin0614 has joined the channel
billy3321 14:49:34
大家好,我這邊用 把幾個總統大選的政見發表會轉成逐字稿了。但裡面可能還有很多問題,想請問有沒有朋友願意花點時間幫我們調整內文格式、糾正錯字錯誤、修正換行等等,把他調整得更好讀呢?謝謝!

billy3321 14:49:34
大家好,我這邊用 把幾個總統大選的政見發表會轉成逐字稿了。但裡面可能還有很多問題,想請問有沒有朋友願意花點時間幫我們調整內文格式、糾正錯字錯誤、修正換行等等,把他調整得更好讀呢?謝謝!



2023 台灣總統大選逐字稿集 - HackMD

title: 2024 台灣總統大選逐字稿集

🙌 4
paulpengtw 14:58:08
活動資訊請見 #civil-defense

(學 發文)
結果 12/31 加碼再開一場
😆 8


yutin 01:37:07
最近在想 大松提案 “預錄影片” 是不是應該要求 提案人 / 代表人要到現場,又或者 有一個線上會議室,要不然提完案少了交流,又如何有機會 go to action ?
預錄影片,主要目的是避免 現場視訊 可能遇到的設備問題,還是需要請 坑主 當天一起參加活動,實體與線上會議室等方式
paulpengtw 2023-12-30 10:30:07
如果是線上提案,就會特別拉一個 Google Meet 聊天室或 Slack Thread 讓對這個專案有興趣的人可以參與
才能 bridge 線上線下的參與者,不會有其中一邊的人被晾著~
「預錄影片 (提案者現場參加活動)」
「預錄影片 (提案者開設線上視訊會議)」並填入線上會議網址
9 👀 3
yutin 01:37:07
最近在想 大松提案 “預錄影片” 是不是應該要求 提案人 / 代表人要到現場,又或者 有一個線上會議室,要不然提完案少了交流,又如何有機會 go to action ?
預錄影片,主要目的是避免 現場視訊 可能遇到的設備問題,還是需要請 坑主 當天一起參加活動,實體與線上會議室等方式
paulpengtw 2023-12-30 10:30:07
如果是線上提案,就會特別拉一個 Google Meet 聊天室或 Slack Thread 讓對這個專案有興趣的人可以參與
才能 bridge 線上線下的參與者,不會有其中一邊的人被晾著~
「預錄影片 (提案者現場參加活動)」
「預錄影片 (提案者開設線上視訊會議)」並填入線上會議網址
yutin 02:17:15
話說 … g0v summit 2024 一個帳號只能提案一個?還是要送出後才能下一個?
然後他會一直循環 你正在編輯中的專案,沒辦法建立新的
🔂 2
yutin 02:17:15
話說 … g0v summit 2024 一個帳號只能提案一個?還是要送出後才能下一個?
然後他會一直循環 你正在編輯中的專案,沒辦法建立新的
Skyler 14:57:03
各位午安,我是Skyler,g0v Summit 2024紀念品專案的負責人之一。

Jonathan Kung 2024-01-04 00:04:31
When is the g0v Summit?
Skyler 14:57:03
各位午安,我是Skyler,g0v Summit 2024紀念品專案的負責人之一。

Jonathan Kung 2024-01-04 00:04:31
When is the g0v Summit?
6 4 3
