
Month: 2021-03


cloud 08:02:24
@forever125104 has joined the channel
kellyabc2267 09:53:10
@kellyabc2267 has joined the channel
Jared Scott 10:13:14
大家早安!我想讓大家知道,我們正在招聘。。 這是遠程工作,工作時間通常為14:00至24:00 (要求英語)。 如果您有興趣,請給我發消息。

Cross-Channel & Incrementality Measurement | Reporting & Data platform - Measured

Home - Cross-Channel & Incrementality Measurement | Reporting & Data platform - Measured

Leverage Measured to inform the TRUE INCREMENTALITY of paid media via our innovative experimental design, cross-channel reporting, and decisioning data platform.

👀 1
林禾堃 11:05:00
@ken1357924681010 has joined the channel
Elaine 11:25:14
@elaine921003 has joined the channel
ichieh 11:36:17
歡迎第一次進入 g0v slack 的朋友到 #edu 討論零時小學校的活動喔~~~
❤️ 2
xxx940505 11:52:33
@xxx940505 has joined the channel
Robyn Lin 13:34:40
@robynlin1218 has joined the channel
hsuan 13:52:01
@ryanchang1117 has joined the channel
tillymylifemystyle 14:34:08
@tillymylifemystyle has joined the channel
黎玟彤 16:13:47
@tngs1828 has joined the channel
Yoru 16:30:33
@a0918261900 has joined the channel
ichieh 16:54:20
彈幕在 #rand0m
Junichi Kagaya 17:26:05
@jkagaya has joined the channel
Borja 21:58:30
@borjaxvalencia has joined the channel
Nick Hu 23:18:03
@hunick1234 has joined the channel
Lynn Deng 23:50:41
@lynn520 has joined the channel


j31422210 02:27:45
@j31422210 has joined the channel
HAO 09:39:04
@chihhao1220 has joined the channel
evanho8040 15:05:27
@evanho8040 has joined the channel
David Chen 18:39:18
@twchen1258 has joined the channel
kevin118033 19:24:05
@kevin118033 has joined the channel
nothao 20:48:05
@nothao has joined the channel
Martin Mirax 21:47:00
@martin694 has joined the channel


康康 01:21:03
@jameskang0714 has joined the channel
staluo20 08:46:11
@staluo20 has joined the channel
林非帶你飛 12:00:35
@free700016 has joined the channel
caleb 13:20:41
Yo, a lot of gold card engineers are getting really curious about more gold card stats than just "how many gold cards have been issued." Is more granular data available? Is there an API? How can we help if not?
張翔 14:24:20
@b0644242 has joined the channel
蔣明憲 14:27:26
@b0644247 has joined the channel
吳紹齊 14:27:55
@b0829037352 has joined the channel
robynann1124 17:17:31
@robynann1124 has joined the channel
Kerrick (可達) 19:31:44
@kerrick has joined the channel
Kerrick (可達) 19:32:42
✋ 3
Kerrick (可達) 20:49:17
可以到 #vtaiwan 討論,每週三 19:00 - 21:00 在社會創新實驗中心有活動
3/20 也可以來參加下一次 g0v 黑客松喔
5 1 ❤️ 1
peii 20:57:33
@peii has joined the channel
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 23:23:45
我在 “以 g0v 為主題的學術研究” 加上了我最近投的一個paper,是有關 “fun" 在g0v社群裡面的重要性。在做訪談/參與g0v社群,感覺到底怎麼做比較好玩是一個不可避免的議題,決定針對這個議題寫我的一些感想與發現。paper摘要在這裡,我應該會之後開一個共筆,但是如果有人想要跟討論或者給意見,可以跟我聯絡或者直接在摘要下面留言!


基礎建設 - g0v 開源協作手冊(Book) - HackMD

g0v 社群開源協作手冊,剛進社群不知道可以做什麼?先來翻翻這本手冊吧!

HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

@sampeterrobbins 那個,你這篇 paper 是不是可以改一改後直接變成天下雜誌英文版 g0v 專欄的內容?
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-04 21:48:49
可以啊~@isabelhou 有跟我說一下專欄的是,非常願意幫忙
WATANABE Kenichi 23:35:52
@kamieurasia has joined the channel
chihao 23:49:41
@sampeterrobbins fun \o/
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-03 23:53:58
\o/ 是什麼
\o/ \0/ \o/
\0\ /o/ \0\
\o/ \0/ \o/
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-03 23:56:59
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-03 23:58:38
哈哈哈 think more fun! \o/
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-04 00:04:32
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-04 00:04:56
taking the fun out of fun q_q
覺得 fun 真的覺得 fun 嗎?是動機單純的 fun 嗎?
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-04 00:09:25
wait... pun? 😛
fun 松
@null 23:54:41
\o/ \0/ \o/


Dai -大輔/東京 04:29:24
Let’s eat more!
Project Directorhk 07:25:32
@projectdirectorhk has joined the channel
bunnytailgra22 10:37:39
@bunnytailgra22 has joined the channel
Tammy 11:39:16
@tammy.x.huie has joined the channel
justin daly 20:43:22
@justinhughdaly has joined the channel
Kevin Sison 23:14:22
@kevinasison has joined the channel


ichieh 12:13:13
下次大松在 3/20(六),歡迎大家空出時間來參加
【g0v | Hackath43n 台灣零時政府第肆拾參次源力犇騰黑客松】2021.03.08(一)12:00 開放報名 Registration Open from Mar. 08th 12:00 PM.
⚡ 時間 Date:2021.03.20(六)09:00 - 18:00
⚡ 地點 Location:中研院資訊所(台北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號)
⚡ 報名 Registration:
⚡ 共筆(活動首頁)Website:
⚡ 直播 Live Streaming:無法到場的朋友,歡迎收看 g0v Facebook 臉書粉專的大松直播

g0v Hackath43n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾參次源力犇騰黑客松

g0v 第肆拾參次大黑客松將在 2021.03.20(六)於中研院資訊所舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

@besslee 沒事沒事,我會去的,說不定到時見~~
歡迎你 👏
@guo-jim 我爸也說g0v可能會讓身處對岸的他們有危險QwQ
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-03-06 22:54:41

【宇宙憲章】 (為了迎接宇宙共和的新時代,法規也要更如實貼近自然和生活。這是宇宙通用的憲法,用簡單的概念保障宇宙社會的共和。歡迎討論和共筆)
Constitution of Universe (for a new era of Universal Republic, to ensure realistic improvement of life quality. Discussion & Edit much welcomed)

✅ 免費供能 - 能量自然產生,是太空、星辰和大地的產物。來自太陽和電磁場的能量取之不盡用之不竭,不得成為經貿對象或由少數人及團體掌握。
Free Energy - Energy is a gift from nature, from the space, sun and land. Light and electro-magnetic field contains infinite power to be enjoyed by all, thus should never be merchandized or controled by a few.

✅ 每個人生來享有一定面積的土地 - 我們是自然的孩子。生在自己的土地,是大自然給我們的恩惠,居住於自己生來所在的土地無須支付代價。
Ensure certain amount of Land for each person - We are nature's children. There is no reason for paying to live on the land one is born.

✅ 確保最低生存線 - 提供能夠安心活下去的生活環境。課稅對象僅為有相當收入、有餘地支付者。人權不是活著就好,是好好活著。
Assure Minimum Livelihood - To live without anxiety. Taxation only occurs to those having certain amount of income. Human rights should not only assure living, but to live in good quality.

✅ 自然療法 - 這一切都是波動和能量,沒有什麼能脫離它們兀自存在。作為自然的一部分,健康的維持,和心的調適還有波動、頻率息息相關。保健、療法等應當基於科學精神,確保學界的獨立,不得讓商業或政治行為影響健康權。在充分實踐規律生活的條件下,免費擁有健康是基本條件。
Natural Healing - Everything is wave and energy, nothing in our living space exists without them. As a part of nature, maintaining health is greatly related to balancing the mind and frequency. Research regarding health and healing should be academically independent, without intervention of economic and political causes. Upon keeping a healthy lifestyle, enjoying health is a fundamental right, free of charge.

✅ 以魂為本 - 不得讓外貌以及其他背景(族群、收入、位階、性別、年齡等)影響個體權益。對人的評價完全由行為和意識主導,同時力求消除個體和群體間的差異,自有生以來強調宇宙生命共通的特徵-心魂。
Based on Mind and Soul - Never let outer appearance or any background (ethnicity, income, class, gender, age etc.) to hamper individual rights. Assessment should only be based on one's behavior and consciousness, while endeavor to minimize differences. Upon birth, common characteristic - mind and soul - shared among universe lives should be emphasized.

✅ 對宇宙基於科學的理解 - 人對一些宇宙的機制一旦缺乏理解,就會造成迷惘、恐懼,提出非理性的假設。在理解到宇宙的機制和其中的極致,能促進對這一切的愛和敬畏,了解到自己也就是這一切的一部分,因而更加珍愛生命。人體無法觀測到的現象,應當用儀器輔助人體觀測範圍外的現象理解,加以探討和應用。
Understanding our living Space through Science - Human fears, panic and irrational explanations often derive from ignorance or misunderstanding of universe' mechanisms. By understanding how universe works, and the essence within, it leads to greater appreciation toward life and the space we live in, and know that we are part of this magnificence. For the phenomena unable to be observed with human senses alone, machines should be developed to assist the observation, for greater understanding and application.

✅ 以知識和永續性為導向 - 多次經驗證實,以商貿、經濟為導向,或以政治高壓統治的社會注定失敗。商業只看得見量化的數字,對健康、環境、心的層面不能保障永續性。資訊的提供應當實際、中立,不得牽涉個人私利或造成壟斷。
Driven by Knowledge and Sustainability – Many real stories tell us, a society driven by economy or political oppression is doomed to fail. Economic activity only visualizes the quantified part, and ensures no sustainability for health, economy and the mind. Supply of information should be based on reality and neutrality, without monopolizing or catering to individual interest.

✅ 合作取代競爭 - 學習和服務,是社會參與中神聖的活動。在這一個共生社會中,每個人多少幫助過他人,也接受過他者的協助。在各種場面促進討論和互助合作,以壯大宇宙族群,而不是對立造成力量的細分化。
Collaboration not Competition – Studying and working are divine activities to be participated in society. In an interdependent society, everyone has helped and be helped by another individual. Discussion and cooperation is encouraged in all settings, to fortify the universe family rather than dividing our power.

✅ 生活實質化 -教條、規章、制度之類的框架,如果未能促進實際生活的改善,應當隨時調整或廢除,臨機應變。問題的發現應盡快提出,不得讓人為的框架成為阻礙前進的絆腳石。
Realistic Framework for Life – Shall frameworks such as teachings, law and policy fail to improve real life, should be adjusted or abolished any time. The purpose of human-made frameworks are for positive regulations, and should adapt into dynamic changes of real environment. Once detecting a problem, it should be addressed and not let the frameworks become stumbling blocks.

✅ 罰則(愛的懲處)- 多次重複違反憲章者,將被帶往人跡未到的自然界,與自然相處一段期間,透過觀察生命的機制用心感受宇宙的愛。
Punishment of Love - Those repeatedly break the constitution will be taken away from humans and live with nature for certain time, to feel the love of universe by observing nature's mechanism.
Oh 12 today lmao
Holy fuck they already sold out?
@caleb they fixed earlier.
阿美語萌典這次會在早上 11am 開中研院民族所博物館的導覽,參觀*台灣原住民文化展*~ 歡迎大家一起來 :)))
大松報名剩下 25 個名額!請大家告訴大家!

📶 3 3 🐂 3 🐃 3 🐄 1 🦬 3 3 3 1 3
zoee 17:32:03
‼️ 2
justin daly 19:30:45
i have some questions about open parliament data: is there a listing of current and past members of parliament, their voting history, and upcoming votes available? is there a primary contact person on parliament data? any pointers would be greatly appreciated :smile:
notice @ronnywang
There is no voting history with structure data format now.
If you want to find voting history, You need to find it in gazettes.
Like this
mi628 19:50:03
@mi628 has joined the channel


Dai -大輔/東京 03:57:08
Hi! Myanmar is in crisis. We’ve started a social project to stop the violence there. Our AI is translating Burmese lang into Japanese for gov mass media big companies etc. Anyone familiar about its PR and marketing in this kind of social project? We need to boost this ASAP. People are not updated about this crisis. Media is way too mild.


We commit to leverage our customer's productivity with the state-of-the-art AI(machine learning NLP) and try to boost human's evolution.With the network of 8,000 machine learning engineers "Team AI",we build and sell our machine translation software "Kiara" to the global market.

This might not be something we had done before so I have no idea if #sns would pass it, but maybe we can post this information on g0v twitter account. Do you have a tweet for this so that we can retweet? I can make a request on #sns so that people can review it.
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-03-09 07:04:26
Thank you. Trying to boost this one which we made 2days ago
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-03-09 07:05:14
Still the language barrier is a problem. I hope we can join sns channel
🙏 1 💗 1
chrlee261 08:21:08
@chrlee261 has joined the channel
Peter 16:11:59
成功開了一個g0v 的club
Peter 16:19:38
Image from iOS
🏡 4
dora 19:30:38
@dora has joined the channel
正常的 19:45:07
@p0905454319 has joined the channel


gustavodias 03:49:35
@gustavodias has joined the channel
Wombat007 20:18:56
@chihhao.wang007 has joined the channel


wildjcrt 15:11:07
阿美語萌典這次會在早上 11am 開中研院民族所博物館的導覽,參觀*台灣原住民文化展*~ 歡迎大家一起來 :)))


台灣原住民文化展 - 當期展覽 - 展覽資訊 - 博物館


Jasmine ow 16:10:31
@jasmineow13 has joined the channel
Gene Li 17:07:01
@gorange310 has joined the channel
anthony lin 20:54:36
@m1073301 has joined the channel


tmonk 09:29:33