▌ This is #rem0te ticket, come buy come buy! #g0vSummit2020 遠端無限議程參與票來了! ▌ 【華語說明請往下捲動】 Can’t travel to Tainan? Don’t like Tainan’s sunshine :sun_with_face: & want to stay in your room? Fortunately, g0v Summit...
PyCon Hong Kong
Ticket - PyCon HK 2020 Fall | PyCon Hong Kong
Tickets for PyCon HK 2020 Fall is on sales now! Multiple promotional offers are available from just Free session recording access to HK$600 Python Fan ticket. 50% of Ticket Income from Python Fan and Supporter Tickets will be donated to the Python Software Foundation (PSF). HK$600 Python Fan ticket includes session ticket, T-shirt and donation…Read More Read More
PyCon Hong Kong
Sponsors - PyCon HK 2020 Fall | PyCon Hong Kong
We would like to thank the sponsors of PyCon HK 2020 Fall.Please click on sponsor logos for further sponsor messages.
Google Docs
Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack Registration / 面海松報名表 / 바다를 보며 즐거운 밋&핵 / 海越えミート&ハック登録フォーム
:date: Date: 2020/12/3 (Thursday) :round_pushpin: Location: a break cafe, Tainan, Taiwan Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack (FtO) is an event for people of the West Pacific Ocean to meet and hack together. This event in particular is hosted by FtO organizers in Taiwan and g0v contributors, with help from civic hackers from Hongkong, Japan, and Korea, including members of <http://g0v.hk|g0v.hk>, Code for Japan, Parti Coop, Code for Korea & Nullfull. :white_check_mark: EVENT SCHEDULE & MORE 活動時程及更多資訊 ➞ <https://tinyurl.com/ftofto> 日期:2020/12/3(週四) 地點:午營咖啡,台南,台灣 面海松:西太平洋的公民黑客聚會。這次在台南的聚會是由 FtO 在台灣的貢獻者、g0v 貢獻者主辦,香港、日本、韓國的公民黑客們協助,包括以下社群的成員或貢獻者:<http://g0v.hk|g0v.hk>、Code for Japan、Parti 合作社、Code for Korea 以及 Nullfull。 In this FtO event we the organizers expect: ● No competition, no mentor, no prize, no winner, no loser, no theme, no fuzz. ● Free to do whatever. ● Do not violate CoC (<https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC>) :warning: Please register individually. :warning: If you have any question, find the organizers on g0v’s Slack #intl channel. (Join g0v’s Slack here: <https://join.g0v.tw>) :revolving_hearts: Share this form with your friends: <https://forms.gle/aMaWRYgMwwDkqdvn8> To register, begin by put in your email. :point_down::point_down::point_down: Your email address is only accessible by organizers of this event. 填入你的 email,開始報名 :point_down::point_down::point_down: 只有這次活動的主辦人看得到你的 email。
:computer: 線上揪松 @ g0v Summit 2020 :computer: 2020 年初,因為肺炎疫情影響,大家既不想停辦黑客松,也不想讓參與者冒著感染的風險參與百人活動。這時名稱很直白的「線上揪松 Jothon Online」正式成形。歷經一年的線上活動經驗,專案功能除了原先符合 g0v 黑客松需求外,也持續進化變成一個線上活動的解決方案。 而使用方式即將於 g0v Summit 2020...
SXSW PanelPicker®
Stop Schooling, Don’t Stop Learning
It is the connection of East Asia changing Education field after COVID-19 pandemic. Edu-system and Pedagogy is changing around the world during COVID-19 outbreak. We found that: It is difficult to stop schooling and deal with schooling problems, youth continue to learn along with digital solutions and experiments. What is different and difficult after pandemic? TW-JP-KR civichackers will share each country’s situation and new solutions for “new normal experiment” at the Post-Corona World.
VOTE for "Stop Schooling, Don’t Stop Learning" to SXSW EDU 2021 ONLINE! - HackMD
Sch001 & おうちで時間割 PanelPicker VOTING!!!
HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.
# g0v SNS 社群治理機制 ## 動機 以 g0v 為名的媒體平台們,也許可以有個一致的發文流程。 g0v 為開放社群,在媒體平台上的貼文,提供「所有」參與者都有可以發表的機會,因此建立一
辦桌特別場,除了有吃有喝以外,每桌將有不只一個 g0v Summit 2020 的議程講者坐鎮。台南道地美食,加上無法估量的腦袋交流,滿足肚皮滿足心。
Day 1 議程 | g0v Summit 2020 台灣零時政府雙年會
Day 1 議程
基礎建設 - g0v 開源協作手冊(Book) - HackMD
g0v 社群開源協作手冊,剛進社群不知道可以做什麼?先來翻翻這本手冊吧!
辦桌特別場,除了有吃有喝以外,每桌將有不只一個 g0v Summit 2020 的議程講者坐鎮。台南道地美食,加上無法估量的腦袋交流,滿足肚皮滿足心。
SXSW PanelPicker®
Stop Schooling, Don’t Stop Learning
It is the connection of East Asia changing Education field after COVID-19 pandemic. Edu-system and Pedagogy is changing around the world during COVID-19 outbreak. We found that: It is difficult to stop schooling and deal with schooling problems, youth continue to learn along with digital solutions and experiments. What is different and difficult after pandemic? TW-JP-KR civichackers will share each country’s situation and new solutions for “new normal experiment” at the Post-Corona World.
大家對維基有什麼特別的印象呢? 對我來說,當我需要查詢一樣事物時,維基百科常常快速給了我們答案。 其實維基百科只是維基媒體基金會其中一項計畫,為了推廣與保存知識,維基媒體基金會創建了眾多機構與專案。 保持著創立的初心,維基媒體基金會發布了「2030策略運動」,以「知識即服務」、「知識平權」兩大核心,驅使維基媒體步向完美。...
Facebook Groups
讓需要尋找夥伴的人在這能順利找到人 除了發文也可以主動留言,大家會更快速喔.
<https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2867472606861990&id=1502561953353069|https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2867472606861990&id=1502561953353069> 如果有認識的人因為旅費問題而遲遲沒有購票,歡迎轉傳
g0v Summit 2020 Remote Participation / 台灣零時政府雙年會 遠端無限議程參與
Register now to participate REMOTELY in g0v Summit 2020!
Day 1 議程 | g0v Summit 2020 台灣零時政府雙年會
Day 1 議程
辦桌特別場,除了有吃有喝以外,每桌將有不只一個 g0v Summit 2020 的議程講者坐鎮。台南道地美食,加上無法估量的腦袋交流,滿足肚皮滿足心。