The White House
OSTP launches Year of Open Science to advance national open science policies across the federal government in 2023 Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced new actions to advance open and equitable research, including new grant funding, improvements in research infrastructure, broadened research participation for emerging scholars, and expanded opportunities…
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台灣數位外交協會《台灣社群守衛者計畫》尋求 g0v 貢獻者/專案/工作小組合作 - HackMD
# 台灣數位外交協會《台灣社群守衛者計畫》尋求 g0v 貢獻者/專案/工作小組合作 ## 授權 CC BY 4.0 by g0v contributors ## 0211 大松 課程: 希望有興趣
【The Good Class 3.0】 台大資工/網媒所|去中心化應用程式之設計實務 - HackMD
# 【The Good Class 3.0】 台大資工/網媒所|去中心化應用程式之設計實務 去中心化應用程式乃是運用密碼學及分散式運算建構而成的各種「去信賴(Trustless)」應用程式與服務機
台大資訊工程館(德田館) · No. 170, Section 2, Xinhai Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
★★★★☆ · University department
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Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Do you want to learn how AI can be used for combating disinformation? Register for our online Innovation for Democracy Cafe on June 27, Tuesday, GMT+8 17:00-18:30!
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응급환자, 우선 응급의료, 선의의 응급의료, 응급처치, 의료행위, 응급환자 우선치료, 형의 감면
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<> The local newspaper published our news! <|檢視原始訊息>
제주의 대표 신문 한라일보
코로나19 공공데이터 개방 요청과 공적 마스크 앱 개발을 주도했던 코드포코리아(Code for Korea)가 한국, 일본, 대만, 홍콩, 태국 등지에서 오는 참여자 70여명과 함께 국제적 연대와 협력을 다지는 소…
g0v summit (
0 嘟文, 3 正在跟隨, 0 跟隨者 · :construction_worker::construction: 2024 籌備已經開跑!Slack #summit-2024-bootstrap g0v Summit 台灣零時政府雙年會兩年舉辦一次,關注開放政府、開源協作、公民參與等議題,是國際開放政府社群的焦點活動。 g0v Summit is a biennial gathering focuses on open government, open-source collaboration, and citizen participation. It is a high-profile event of the international open government movement.
OpenSourceDesign 早餐會之交友交流篇|Accupass 活動通
開源設計是一種透過開放和共享的方式,讓人們可以自由地存取、使用、修改和分享設計資源的方法。這種方法不僅可以促進設計師、工程師、教育者以及整個社群之間的交流與合作,還能提升整個設計、專案與意想不到的創意。因此,6/17 早餐會我們來現場交流、交朋友認識彼此,也歡迎儶帶您目前正在進行有趣的專案或是您需要的幫助來現場分享,讓我們一同聽故事或解決難題!
「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。