plv8 - V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
Faster Builds with Container-Based Infrastructure and Docker
Stability and reliability in your builds is the one thing we aimed to give since Travis CI came about. But we haven't always been able to live up to this expectation. Network issues, insuffic...
最中肯死刑存廢線上調查 96%同意... | 即時新聞 | 20150601 | 蘋果日報
pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
<|> - 監察院陽光法案相關資料 Ex: 政治獻金、財產申報...
councilor-voter-guide - 議員投票指南
Keith Cirkel
Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp
If you're building a modern JavaScript app or site, there's a good chance you're using Grunt or Gulp. Let me cover why I think these are bad choices...
A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
TechNews 科技新報
台北市長選舉期間,柯文哲陣營祭出讓支持者建構野生官網的活動,透過 API 讓支持者設計出他們心目中理想的市長候選人競選網站。如今這股風潮吹到中央政府,在開放資料政策的大旗下,行政院副院長張善政在民間倡議社團的協助下,宣布中央政府開放旗下網站內容,進行「政府網站引進民間創意競賽」,優勝者最高獎金 60...
…o `global.Promise`.
atom-typescript - The only TypeScript package you will ever need
Atom Discussion
Performance of atom 205-7c96854 is amazing
I had just copy pasted over 2200000 chars , made up of 21 lines. Atom take it like a champ , only stall a bit , can still select word , enter new line , cut , delete. I am amazed. I tried the same to ST3 and it just stop responding and i had to force closed. Proof included , try for your self and see it works. If thats then , the long standing argument of Stuffs built with purely Web technologies (ATOM) can't match performance of Native apps \ is no longer true. [image]