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g0v Summit 2024 是 g0v 台灣零時政府社群兩年一次的大聚會,也是全球公民黑客、公民科技的盛會。民主不只投票凍蒜,Summit 2024 邀你一起持續貢獻、全球連結,公民不打烊。
Nangang Station · 4.3★(24) · Bus station
115, Taiwan, Taipei City, Nangang District
R0 Simultaneous Interpreting Day 2
R1 Simultaneous Interpreting Day 2
R2 Simultaneous Interpreting Day 2
g0v Summit 2024 collaboration notes overview - HackMD
# g0v Summit 2024 collaboration notes overview - [關於共筆 About collaboration notes](/tuKaU2PnRM-n8gS
如何用解殖視角看台灣自身的公民科技參與?How to decolonise Taiwan's civic tech in international discourse? - HackMD
# 閃電講 Lightning Talk :::info Welcome to g0v summit 2024 collaboration notes! Entry Point: https://
Google Docs
g0v Summit 2024 特定議程會後滿意度問卷 Satisfaction Survey
這次 g0v Summit 兩天的議程之中有 6 場是台灣維基媒體協會研究計畫「公民科技促進數位民主之資訊發展研析與推動」的相關場次,因為研究需要,請你協助台灣維基填寫這個表單,測量這 6 場議程的參與者滿意度。 6 sessions in this g0v Summit 2024 are part of the research project titled “Research and Promotion of Civic Tech in Advancing Digital Democracy”, currently run by Wikimedia Taiwan. Please fill out this survey to help out this research project! 透過這個表單蒐集的資料只會用於上述研究計畫資料分析,絕不會移作他用,也不會交予研究案無關的任何第三者。 Data collected through this form will only be used by this research project, will not be used in other purposes, nor will it be shared with unrelated third parties.
g0v 放輕松 Rand0mth0n 大全 - HackMD
{%hackmd L0dLpQ_zTzGoNxeURzO2kw %} g0v 放輕松 Rand0mTh0n 大全 === ## 社會行動的產地|是學校,是平台,是相遇的機會 ## The bi
Naming something we see and benefit from every day
113 年數位發展部公民科技試驗場域開發案團隊及實習生招募辦法|行政公告 - 公告訊息|moda — 數位發展部 Ministry of Digital Affairs
113 年數位發展部公民科技試驗場域開發案團隊及實習生招募辦法
立法院全球資訊網 -「臺灣開放國會行動方案2021-2024」獨立審查報告
# Workshop on Digital Citizenship Education and Building the Civic Tech Collaboration Models within
Google Docs
Date: June 5, 2024 Time: CEST 14:00pm-16:00pm Location: Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. Haus der Deutschen Caritas, Reinhardtstraße13, 10117 Berlin-Mitte Lecturer and facilitator: Isabel Hou (Former chairman of g0v jothon, g0v contributor) Language: English Event page: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/2024Berlinworkshop> Intro: Civic tech empowers citizens worldwide to innovate tech projects for public participation, government transparency, environmental protection, and improved public services. But how to initiate a civic tech project, even a community? How do make better cooperation between civic tech projects/communities and the government? And even more to transfer the experience from civic tech communities into the promotion of digital citizenship education. This workshop will bring you the experience from the largest civic tech community in Taiwan, g0v and to have further discussion with the workshop kit of the the topics above. In this workshop, you will: 1. Start your civic tech project/community with guidance. 2. Co-build the civic tech collaboration models within the community and government 3. Find more possibilities to promote digital citizenship education Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a dynamic dialogue shaping the future of digital democracy and citizenship education. Your participation will contribute directly to the "g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook," ensuring that your insights and experiences are shared with a global audience. :point_right::skin-tone-2: Register now to secure your spot and join us in Berlin for an inspiring and impactful workshop! ____ Please read the following notice and fill in this form if you would like to sign up for this event: 1. Deadline for registration: June 4, 2024, CEST 12:00 pm 2. Please note that participants who fail to register on time or provide wrong or fake information will not be accepted. 3. After registration, please remember to check your email inbox for acceptance notice of the event 4. Due to the limitation of spaces that our online software can accommodate, please note that FNF reserves the right to decide the audience list. 5. Should you have any questions, please send an e-mail to <mailto:yawei.chou@freiheit.org|yawei.chou@freiheit.org> Thank you very much.
521 守護民主台灣
「國會濫權,民主倒退,公民搶救,立院集結」 行動公告 全力阻止立法院違背民主程序,未經充分討論情形通過《立法院職權行使法》等國會濫權法案。 ...
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You can view and join @emfont right away.
只要你對台灣網路韌性的議題感興趣,都歡迎來參加! 一起來動腦動手,提案協作來提升台灣的網路韌性吧!
*三、四、五月社群九分鐘努力撰寫中* 三月:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/community99-2403>(待大松提案影片上傳後補上大松部分) 四月:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/community99-2404>(待努力爬文?) 五月:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/community99-2405>(待補上各專案在 summit 的進度更新)
2024 國會松,歡迎對於國會透明感興趣,想要更了解國會運作的朋友一起參加喔!
Tâigí Taiwanese / Taioanese Lán News - Hâⁿ-About
Tng leh bú--ê-Ongoing project #台文外交龜 :TâigíDiplomat (FormosanTW) Feel free to share any of your insight, world, the interesting/meaningful things with us~ 台文、外交、郵政、翻譯、台配、創作有志 tng 募集
g0v 放輕松 Rand0mth0n 大全 - HackMD
{%hackmd L0dLpQ_zTzGoNxeURzO2kw %} g0v 放輕松 Rand0mTh0n 大全 === ## 社會行動的產地|是學校,是平台,是相遇的機會 ## The bi
Google Docs
最近還好嗎?想要找人聊聊嗎,或是,純粹來找個地方做自己的事情 我們舉辦了 g0v 放輕松 (社群小聚活動),不設限內容,歡迎大家來參加! How's it going? Want to find someone to chat with? Or, maybe you're just looking for a place to do your own thing. We've organized a "g0v RandomTh0n" community meetup, with no set agenda. Everyone is welcome to join! - 近期小聚: 【g0v Rand0mTh2n 第貳次放輕松】 活動地點:NPO Hub 四樓廚房 活動地址:台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號4樓 活動時間:6/4 週二晚上 7:00 - 9:00 ( 6:30 就可以入場囉) 活動共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@tofus/rand0mth0n/%2FYsGvF1BpSNGr0owRylG3Vg> Event Location: NPO Hub, 4F Kitchen Lab Address: 4F, No. 2, Section 3, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei Event Time: Tuesday, June 4, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Entry starts at 6:30 PM) Collaborative Note: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@tofus/rand0mth0n/%2FYsGvF1BpSNGr0owRylG3Vg>