
Month: 2025-03


Sunny Hsiao 00:29:44
@hsiaochingfang has joined the channel


到咖手885 20:36:06
@info882 has joined the channel


kuantzu huang 17:22:35
@huang82610 has joined the channel


Yi Alexander (小 Yi) 13:37:19
@alexanderehs0914 has joined the channel
Pan Siquare 17:10:17
@siquare has joined the channel
Chiao Chang 18:02:13
@kay4043 has joined the channel
traderbagel 20:42:21
@traderbagel has joined the channel


陳怡廷 12:45:24
@a0952027189 has joined the channel
貝比肯尼斯 13:04:28
@paot.kenneth has joined the channel
yuliu1801 13:49:25
@yuliu1801 has joined the channel
李旻祐 14:42:21
@jacky850324 has joined the channel


sherry10261 00:35:58
@sherry10261 has joined the channel
Chun-Han Chen 01:14:58
@chunhanchen11235 has joined the channel
TSZ 15:39:37
@wa731110 has joined the channel
Ruby Chu 16:20:42
@dev.rubyc has joined the channel


SC 13:19:00
@forever180081 has joined the channel


邱榮彥 23:12:39
@960901iain has joined the channel


Hao Dawei 01:29:48
@dwsamurai84 has joined the channel


Chian Chen Huang 10:35:10
@etincelle_hikari has joined the channel
陳竑齊 16:12:24
@chenjustin824 has joined the channel
LFG GLM 21:25:04
@guillaume.feger has joined the channel


保羅狄拉克 09:20:04
@minimaro93 has joined the channel
林荷碼 09:47:40
@linhema0921 has joined the channel


Captain Kim 02:38:01
@carlsnap0008 has joined the channel
Gwen Chen 10:57:24
@gwenelin has joined the channel
C-M CHANG 16:47:11
@chungming.chang has joined the channel
CC 17:21:26
@loveractno1 has joined the channel
Hello Vicky 23:36:38
@chiu8278 has joined the channel


lucky 11:18:57
@lucky has joined the channel
小中 14:57:47
@joyyoungcloud2022 has joined the channel
小宇宙 15:54:11 has joined the channel
Daewon Park 16:20:52
@pdw has joined the channel
Jin 17:32:25
@jintu has joined the channel
王宥閔 19:47:29
@ymwang.cs13 has joined the channel


Aayush Gupta 12:39:57
@aayushgupta219 has joined the channel
曾文保 13:05:56
@abocweb has joined the channel
Tonny 13:53:19
@tonny.0955 has joined the channel


Landy 01:25:38
Hello everyone,我是 Landy
1. 三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:好奇心 / 產業 / 跨領域
2. 怎麼知道 gOv 的 / How did you know about g0v? 好幾年前在讀大學就知道,但不曉得有 slack 😓
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? / What do you do? PM/產品設計
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:Project、社群、教育,對產品、學習、幫助社會更好這類很有興趣
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:LinkedIn or Discord
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:至今想做想學的事都算是完成或是正在進行中,今年在加拿大玩耍,很高興認識大家!
分享 slack 頻道彙整 清單
Landy 01:25:38
Hello everyone,我是 Landy
1. 三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:好奇心 / 產業 / 跨領域
2. 怎麼知道 gOv 的 / How did you know about g0v? 好幾年前在讀大學就知道,但不曉得有 slack 😓
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? / What do you do? PM/產品設計
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:Project、社群、教育,對產品、學習、幫助社會更好這類很有興趣
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:LinkedIn or Discord
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:至今想做想學的事都算是完成或是正在進行中,今年在加拿大玩耍,很高興認識大家!
分享 slack 頻道彙整 清單
紹子 14:23:37
@lisawu has joined the channel
Lin Jing-Hau 14:42:34
@w54154123 has joined the channel
Tady Chen 14:42:53
@tadychen983 has joined the channel
Lynn 14:44:41
@r85080123 has joined the channel
gamelife4fun 14:46:28
@gamelife4fun has joined the channel
Frank Chang 14:56:43
@zfrank7777 has joined the channel
iris chen 15:36:39
@iris13191319 has joined the channel
heureuselnes 23:44:27
@heureuselnes has joined the channel


tweetyho1234 14:05:17
@tweetyho1234 has joined the channel
Vivi Chen 15:18:09
@vivichen0915 has joined the channel
Jingfei Yang 22:51:34
@jingfei955047 has joined the channel


王弘禹 12:01:13
@jaes1237712 has joined the channel
Kevin Ho 16:55:46
@kevinho has joined the channel


Elyem Chej 05:37:04
@echej has joined the channel
penelopewan 13:01:21
@penelopewan has joined the channel
- Micrain 20:56:28
@ganymede5035 has joined the channel
MeiJenHung 21:57:47
@meijhung has joined the channel


Nhật Anh Nguyễn Mai 00:15:37
@nmnanh1235 has joined the channel
u0962056640 02:31:11
@u0962056640 has joined the channel
jim181516 03:40:32
@jim181516 has joined the channel
harry141224 04:03:03
@harry141224 has joined the channel
johan456789 05:53:40
@johan456789 has joined the channel
edisonhklee 06:41:29
@edisonhklee has joined the channel
ian0124tw 07:34:26
@ian0124tw has joined the channel
royal0721 07:40:44
@royal0721 has joined the channel
szuhan.eng 08:18:46
@szuhan.eng has joined the channel
srbmladen 08:22:53
@srbmladen has joined the channel
JuiCheng Lai 09:49:17
@larry.jc.lai has joined the channel
Edy 10:46:32
@edweb21 has joined the channel
Retsnom 11:06:32
@112182ssss has joined the channel
Chih-Chieh Lin 11:15:19
@adams827262 has joined the channel
sophia1989.13 11:33:58
@sophia1989.13 has joined the channel
vicjht789 12:06:19
@vicjht789 has joined the channel
Lin Eric 12:25:33
@eric.330a has joined the channel
Edy 12:49:39
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 數位保存 / 擴增實境(AR)/ 區域振興
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的? 透過唐鳳的著作及網路媒體認識到 g0v。
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長: 目前沒有特定的專業領域,但個人對數位內容規劃、文化資產數位化保存、擴增實境(AR)專案及區域振興等議題高度關注,並已展開個人的調查與規劃。
4. 有興趣的議題:
◦ 透過數位保存及 3D 典藏保護台灣、日本及亞太地區(尤其是離島地區)的文化、歷史及身份認同
◦ 因應軍事侵略或自然災害等未來潛在風險的數位防災策略
◦ 從金門等離島區域著手,以 LiDAR 掃描、無人機空拍、VR 技術數位保存文化資產及城鎮景觀
◦ 善用數位技術維持及強化當地社群與文化認同
5. 怎麼聯絡: Slack(推薦) 或透過私訊告知 LINE 或電子郵件聯絡方式。
6. 想說的話或想做的事: 很高興加入富有創造力與社會意識的 g0v 社群。我目前關注的議題是:面對可能的軍事或自然災害風險,從最前線的離島(金門)開始,透過 3D 掃描與數位典藏將文化遺產、歷史記憶與地方認同保存於虛擬空間。同時,作為一位日本人,我也認為日本的與那國島、石垣島、宮古島也面臨類似的風險,因此希望從台灣的經驗出發,號召並鼓勵日本共同參與相關數位保存的討論及推動。
目前構想初步階段,希望在進一步整理出具體想法後,能於 g0v Slack 的適當頻道與大家交流。若您對這個主題感興趣,歡迎隨時與我聯繫,我期待與各位交流想法,並尋找合作推動的機會。

【English Version】
1. Three keywords about yourself: Digital Preservation / AR / Regional Revitalization
2. How did you know about g0v?: Through Audrey Tang's publications and online media coverage.
3. What do you do?: Currently, I don't specialize in any particular professional area. However, I have a strong personal interest in digital content planning, digital preservation of cultural assets, AR projects, and regional revitalization, and am conducting personal research and planning related to these topics.
4. Issues you care about:
◦ Digital preservation and 3D archiving of culture, history, and identity in Taiwan, Japan, and the broader Asia-Pacific region (particularly island areas).
◦ Digital disaster-prevention strategies to address future risks such as military invasion and natural disasters.
◦ Initiating detailed digital archiving (LiDAR scanning, drone aerial photography, VR) from strategically vulnerable islands like Kinmen.
◦ Utilizing digital technology to sustain and strengthen community and cultural identity.
5. Leave your contact here: Slack (preferred) Alternatively, you can contact me privately via DM for LINE or email information.
6. Anything you want to say: I’m delighted to join the creative and socially conscious g0v community. My current focus is preserving cultural heritage, historical memory, and local identity through digital technologies like 3D scanning and archiving, especially in regions like Taiwan’s outlying islands (e.g., Kinmen) that are at risk of military or natural disasters.
As someone with Japanese identity, I believe Japan’s Yonaguni, Ishigaki, and Miyako islands face similar risks. Thus, I hope to leverage Taiwan’s experience as a starting point to invite and encourage related digital preservation efforts and collaboration from the Japanese side.
Nonetheless, these technologies and data must never be used for military purposes. We must maintain a strong stance against military exploitation and leakage of sensitive information. The usage of these technologies should strictly remain within cultural preservation and peaceful purposes.
Currently, this project is still at the idea-formulation stage. Once ideas are more clearly organized, I look forward to sharing them openly in the appropriate g0v Slack channels. If you’re interested in this topic, please feel free to reach out anytime—I look forward to exchanging ideas and exploring opportunities for cooperation.
我在此引用我於 X(Twitter)上發現的相關技術示範帖文。

以下是 DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas 製作的 Web 觀光應用技術原型的展示影片。
假如某地區的文化遺產因為自然災害或政治壓力而消失,或被強行改變並被否認其存在過去時,我們仍可透過這種方式保留下來。此外,相比於 Google Street View,這種互動式體驗尤其適合難以前往的離島地區,能帶給人更加真實的體驗。

Here I'd like to share related technical demonstration posts I found on X (formerly Twitter).

The following examples demonstrate DuckbillStudio’s experimental Web tourism apps using PlayCanvas as technical prototypes.
I have no relationship with this company, but I think this approach has significant potential for preserving regional culture and landscapes. If cultural heritage is lost due to natural disasters or political pressures—or is deliberately changed and erased—digital preservation methods like this can effectively safeguard it. Moreover, compared to platforms like Google Street View, this type of interactive experience would be particularly valuable for remote islands, offering users a more realistic experience.

引用的內容如下 / The quoted content is as follows:
• [4K] 碓氷第三橋梁 3DGS + PlayCanvas
• DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas + 3D Gaussian Splatting 開發出逼真的第三人稱視角 Web 觀光應用技術示範,可在三崎港場景內自由移動,海浪有動畫效果,並且有虛擬人物(NPC)與角色陰影互動。
• DuckbillStudio developed a technical demonstration of a third-person Web tourism app using PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting, where users can walk freely around Misaki Port. The scene includes animated ocean waves, NPC characters, and avatar shadows.
• 使用 PlayCanvas 開發的 Web 觀光應用技術示範,近景使用3D Gaussian Splatting 技術展示碓氷第三橋梁,碰撞判定使用 Photogrammetry 網格,遠景採用日本地理院地圖,場景還包含根據地點變化的環境音效 (3D Audio)。
• DuckbillStudio created a technical demonstration of a Web tourism app using PlayCanvas, demonstrating the Usui Third Bridge with near-field rendering via 3D Gaussian Splatting, collision detection with photogrammetry mesh, and distant scenery via Japan GSI maps. It also includes location-based 3D audio environmental sounds.
• DuckbillStudio 已開始嘗試將 PlayCanvas 和 3D Gaussian Splatting 技術結合的技術示範。此應用程式完全可透過 Web 瀏覽器即時互動。
• DuckbillStudio has begun technical demonstrations integrating PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting technology. This application runs directly in a web browser!
That's all for the quoted posts.

感謝 @chewei 介紹相關頻道。
Edy 12:49:39
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 數位保存 / 擴增實境(AR)/ 區域振興
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的? 透過唐鳳的著作及網路媒體認識到 g0v。
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長: 目前沒有特定的專業領域,但個人對數位內容規劃、文化資產數位化保存、擴增實境(AR)專案及區域振興等議題高度關注,並已展開個人的調查與規劃。
4. 有興趣的議題:
• 透過數位保存及 3D 典藏保護台灣、日本及亞太地區(尤其是離島地區)的文化、歷史及身份認同
• 因應軍事侵略或自然災害等未來潛在風險的數位防災策略
• 從金門等離島區域著手,以 LiDAR 掃描、無人機空拍、VR 技術數位保存文化資產及城鎮景觀
• 善用數位技術維持及強化當地社群與文化認同
5. 怎麼聯絡: Slack(推薦) 或透過私訊告知 LINE 或電子郵件聯絡方式。
6. 想說的話或想做的事: 很高興加入富有創造力與社會意識的 g0v 社群。我目前關注的議題是:面對可能的軍事或自然災害風險,從最前線的離島(金門)開始,透過 3D 掃描與數位典藏將文化遺產、歷史記憶與地方認同保存於虛擬空間。同時,作為一位日本人,我也認為日本的與那國島、石垣島、宮古島也面臨類似的風險,因此希望從台灣的經驗出發,號召並鼓勵日本共同參與相關數位保存的討論及推動。
目前構想初步階段,希望在進一步整理出具體想法後,能於 g0v Slack 的適當頻道與大家交流。若您對這個主題感興趣,歡迎隨時與我聯繫,我期待與各位交流想法,並尋找合作推動的機會。

【English Version】
1. Three keywords about yourself: Digital Preservation / AR / Regional Revitalization
2. How did you know about g0v?: Through Audrey Tang's publications and online media coverage.
3. What do you do?: Currently, I don't specialize in any particular professional area. However, I have a strong personal interest in digital content planning, digital preservation of cultural assets, AR projects, and regional revitalization, and am conducting personal research and planning related to these topics.
4. Issues you care about:
• Digital preservation and 3D archiving of culture, history, and identity in Taiwan, Japan, and the broader Asia-Pacific region (particularly island areas).
• Digital disaster-prevention strategies to address future risks such as military invasion and natural disasters.
• Initiating detailed digital archiving (LiDAR scanning, drone aerial photography, VR) from strategically vulnerable islands like Kinmen.
• Utilizing digital technology to sustain and strengthen community and cultural identity.
5. Leave your contact here: Slack (preferred) Alternatively, you can contact me privately via DM for LINE or email information.
6. Anything you want to say: I’m delighted to join the creative and socially conscious g0v community. My current focus is preserving cultural heritage, historical memory, and local identity through digital technologies like 3D scanning and archiving, especially in regions like Taiwan’s outlying islands (e.g., Kinmen) that are at risk of military or natural disasters.
As someone with Japanese identity, I believe Japan’s Yonaguni, Ishigaki, and Miyako islands face similar risks. Thus, I hope to leverage Taiwan’s experience as a starting point to invite and encourage related digital preservation efforts and collaboration from the Japanese side.
Nonetheless, these technologies and data must never be used for military purposes. We must maintain a strong stance against military exploitation and leakage of sensitive information. The usage of these technologies should strictly remain within cultural preservation and peaceful purposes.
Currently, this project is still at the idea-formulation stage. Once ideas are more clearly organized, I look forward to sharing them openly in the appropriate g0v Slack channels. If you’re interested in this topic, please feel free to reach out anytime—I look forward to exchanging ideas and exploring opportunities for cooperation.
我在此引用我於 X(Twitter)上發現的相關技術示範帖文。

以下是 DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas 製作的 Web 觀光應用技術原型的展示影片。
假如某地區的文化遺產因為自然災害或政治壓力而消失,或被強行改變並被否認其存在過去時,我們仍可透過這種方式保留下來。此外,相比於 Google Street View,這種互動式體驗尤其適合難以前往的離島地區,能帶給人更加真實的體驗。

Here I'd like to share related technical demonstration posts I found on X (formerly Twitter).

The following examples demonstrate DuckbillStudio’s experimental Web tourism apps using PlayCanvas as technical prototypes.
I have no relationship with this company, but I think this approach has significant potential for preserving regional culture and landscapes. If cultural heritage is lost due to natural disasters or political pressures—or is deliberately changed and erased—digital preservation methods like this can effectively safeguard it. Moreover, compared to platforms like Google Street View, this type of interactive experience would be particularly valuable for remote islands, offering users a more realistic experience.

引用的內容如下 / The quoted content is as follows:
• [4K] 碓氷第三橋梁 3DGS + PlayCanvas
• DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas + 3D Gaussian Splatting 開發出逼真的第三人稱視角 Web 觀光應用技術示範,可在三崎港場景內自由移動,海浪有動畫效果,並且有虛擬人物(NPC)與角色陰影互動。
• DuckbillStudio developed a technical demonstration of a third-person Web tourism app using PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting, where users can walk freely around Misaki Port. The scene includes animated ocean waves, NPC characters, and avatar shadows.
• 使用 PlayCanvas 開發的 Web 觀光應用技術示範,近景使用3D Gaussian Splatting 技術展示碓氷第三橋梁,碰撞判定使用 Photogrammetry 網格,遠景採用日本地理院地圖,場景還包含根據地點變化的環境音效 (3D Audio)。
• DuckbillStudio created a technical demonstration of a Web tourism app using PlayCanvas, demonstrating the Usui Third Bridge with near-field rendering via 3D Gaussian Splatting, collision detection with photogrammetry mesh, and distant scenery via Japan GSI maps. It also includes location-based 3D audio environmental sounds.
• DuckbillStudio 已開始嘗試將 PlayCanvas 和 3D Gaussian Splatting 技術結合的技術示範。此應用程式完全可透過 Web 瀏覽器即時互動。
• DuckbillStudio has begun technical demonstrations integrating PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting technology. This application runs directly in a web browser!
That's all for the quoted posts.

感謝 @chewei 介紹相關頻道。
Eden Chen 12:53:22
@zouenc has joined the channel
c an 14:30:19
@candy0104623 has joined the channel
Hsin信哥 15:47:21
@j12345453 has joined the channel
blue521487241 17:20:04
@blue521487241 has joined the channel
Yun Fang 18:24:35
@connie205 has joined the channel 19:02:49 has joined the channel
wendy.chou 19:08:06
@wendy.chou has joined the channel
pupss90034 19:25:43
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awdrgyj0487 20:24:20
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Yi Lin Chuang 20:53:00
@irenechunag has joined the channel
Amelia 23:09:03
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Camila 23:30:15
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mibo0310 23:46:12
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Edy 10:45:01
我在此引用我於 X(Twitter)上發現的相關技術示範帖文。

以下是 DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas 製作的 Web 觀光應用技術原型的展示影片。
假如某地區的文化遺產因為自然災害或政治壓力而消失,或被強行改變並被否認其存在過去時,我們仍可透過這種方式保留下來。此外,相比於 Google Street View,這種互動式體驗尤其適合難以前往的離島地區,能帶給人更加真實的體驗。

Here I'd like to share related technical demonstration posts I found on X (formerly Twitter).

The following examples demonstrate DuckbillStudio’s experimental Web tourism apps using PlayCanvas as technical prototypes.
I have no relationship with this company, but I think this approach has significant potential for preserving regional culture and landscapes. If cultural heritage is lost due to natural disasters or political pressures—or is deliberately changed and erased—digital preservation methods like this can effectively safeguard it. Moreover, compared to platforms like Google Street View, this type of interactive experience would be particularly valuable for remote islands, offering users a more realistic experience.

引用的內容如下 / The quoted content is as follows:
• [4K] 碓氷第三橋梁 3DGS + PlayCanvas
• DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas + 3D Gaussian Splatting 開發出逼真的第三人稱視角 Web 觀光應用技術示範,可在三崎港場景內自由移動,海浪有動畫效果,並且有虛擬人物(NPC)與角色陰影互動。
• DuckbillStudio developed a technical demonstration of a third-person Web tourism app using PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting, where users can walk freely around Misaki Port. The scene includes animated ocean waves, NPC characters, and avatar shadows.
• 使用 PlayCanvas 開發的 Web 觀光應用技術示範,近景使用3D Gaussian Splatting 技術展示碓氷第三橋梁,碰撞判定使用 Photogrammetry 網格,遠景採用日本地理院地圖,場景還包含根據地點變化的環境音效 (3D Audio)。
• DuckbillStudio created a technical demonstration of a Web tourism app using PlayCanvas, demonstrating the Usui Third Bridge with near-field rendering via 3D Gaussian Splatting, collision detection with photogrammetry mesh, and distant scenery via Japan GSI maps. It also includes location-based 3D audio environmental sounds.
• DuckbillStudio 已開始嘗試將 PlayCanvas 和 3D Gaussian Splatting 技術結合的技術示範。此應用程式完全可透過 Web 瀏覽器即時互動。
• DuckbillStudio has begun technical demonstrations integrating PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting technology. This application runs directly in a web browser!
That's all for the quoted posts.

感謝 @chewei 介紹相關頻道。


[4K]碓氷第三橋梁3DGS + PlayCanvas

X (formerly Twitter)

ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X

PlayCanvasで三人称の視点の3D Gaussian Splattingを使ったリアルなWeb観光アプリを試作してみました。三崎港の風景の中を歩けます。 海がアニメーションしていて、アバターの影もありNPCもいますw

X (formerly Twitter)

ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X

PlayCanvasでWeb観光アプリを試作してみました。 碓氷第三橋梁の近景は3DGS、衝突判定はフォトグラのメッシュ、遠景は地理院地図。場所によって環境音が変わる3D Audioも付いています。(映像加工は早送りだけ)

X (formerly Twitter)

ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X

PlayCanvas(@playcanvas) + 3D Gaussian Splatting始めました。 このアプリはWebブラウザ上で動いています!



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