
Month: 2024-12

2024-12-02 14:46:03 has joined the channel
Zhong Yu Huang 15:36:59
@kt65310608 has joined the channel


Annie Chen 11:06:28
@anniechen has joined the channel
Annie Chen 11:22:13
• 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: (edited)
Annie Chen 11:41:03
Hi, 我是Annie,
• 是怎麼知道 g0v:參加ADPList Meetup 有人介紹的
• 我的職業及專長:UX研究員,也會一些設計、醫護健康
• 我感興趣的議題:設計研究/ 任何議題
• 如何聯絡我, LinkedIn
• 想說的話或想做的事:我是一位有醫護背景的UX研究員,但還想探索更多不同的領域和議題,所以跳進這個Slack探索新的可能。有設計研究需要幫忙的朋友,目前待業中,歡迎聊聊。
分享一個進行中的專案 Collage 空間改造輔助工具,提供一個網頁工具,協助使用者針對一個場景照片,用素材拼貼的方式創作出空間改造的願景,以下有網頁網址與專案說明簡報影片

歡迎來 #
Annie Chen 11:41:03
Hi, 我是Annie,
• 是怎麼知道 g0v:參加ADPList Meetup 有人介紹的
• 我的職業及專長:UX研究員,也會一些設計、醫護健康
• 我感興趣的議題:設計研究/ 任何議題
• 如何聯絡我, LinkedIn
• 想說的話或想做的事:我是一位有醫護背景的UX研究員,但還想探索更多不同的領域和議題,所以跳進這個Slack探索新的可能。有設計研究需要幫忙的朋友,目前待業中,歡迎聊聊。

Annie (Hong-Ting) Chen - Arizona State University | LinkedIn

A UX Researcher driven by the desire to understand people's needs and develop innovative and evidence-based solutions. Proficient in analyzing data and translating insights into actionable recommendations. Passionate about balancing user satisfaction and business strategy at forefront with cross functional team collaboration.<br><br>Prior to UX, Annie was a nurse, conducting interviews with patients to gain valuable insights into their needs and enhance their comfort level. Her transition was inspired by her involvement in developing a children's inhaler prototype, using evidence-based design interventions to encourage children to adhere to treatment and recover faster. · Experience: Arizona State University · Education: Arizona State University · Location: Austin · 402 connections on LinkedIn. View Annie (Hong-Ting) Chen’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

分享一個進行中的專案 Collage 空間改造輔助工具,提供一個網頁工具,協助使用者針對一個場景照片,用素材拼貼的方式創作出空間改造的願景,以下有網頁網址與專案說明簡報影片

歡迎來 #


TMU邵軒磊 11:31:11
@hlshao has joined the channel
James Chang 17:03:43
@sichang41 has joined the channel


haochen0628 00:57:28
@haochen0628 has joined the channel
C.H Weng 18:24:57
@chasel.weng has joined the channel
tofus 20:34:38

安安大家! 下個禮拜有放輕松喔! —- 共筆連結:<|> 報名連結:<|> --- *近期小聚: 【g0v Rand0mTh15n 第拾伍次放輕松】 活動地點:NPO Hub 四樓廚房 活動地址:台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號4樓 活動時間:12/10 週二晚上 7:00 - 9:00 ( 6:30 就可以入場囉) 活動共筆:*<|共筆連結> *Event Location:* NPO Hub, 4F Kitchen Lab *Address:* 4F, No. 2, Section 3, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei *Event Time:* Tuesday, 12/10, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Entry starts at 6:30 PM) *Collaborative Note:* <|Link to notes>

tofus 20:34:38

安安大家! 下個禮拜有放輕松喔! —- 共筆連結:<|> 報名連結:<|> --- *近期小聚: 【g0v Rand0mTh15n 第拾伍次放輕松】 活動地點:NPO Hub 四樓廚房 活動地址:台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號4樓 活動時間:12/10 週二晚上 7:00 - 9:00 ( 6:30 就可以入場囉) 活動共筆:*<|共筆連結> *Event Location:* NPO Hub, 4F Kitchen Lab *Address:* 4F, No. 2, Section 3, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei *Event Time:* Tuesday, 12/10, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Entry starts at 6:30 PM) *Collaborative Note:* <|Link to notes>



陳美樺 13:29:42
@sabai930808 has joined the channel


Yang Chieh Ju 00:33:19
@chiehjuy has joined the channel
blueworrybear 12:05:28
@blueworrybear has joined the channel
YuTing 14:23:42
@traveldream84 has joined the channel
許君咏 17:58:23
@helenhahaha6 has joined the channel
kk 22:10:20 has joined the channel


林書勤 19:16:48
@ttttt123465 has joined the channel
jonas.seiferth 22:32:46
@jonas.seiferth has joined the channel


Taiwan Democracy 07:33:14
@taiwandemocracy1 has joined the channel
Selina Cheng 12:05:11
@chihyun900131 has joined the channel
cindy 13:34:19
@cindy10535461 has joined the channel
毛宇禾 13:34:40
@11330210 has joined the channel
johnson0912080288 13:42:42
@johnson0912080288 has joined the channel
陳秀曼 14:28:38
@serene has joined the channel
chibald.wei 17:47:27
@chibald.wei has joined the channel


Adria Meira 05:03:22
@adria_meira has joined the channel


nina.hsueh 00:10:51
@nina.hsueh has joined the channel
nina.hsueh 00:24:27
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 塔羅牌 工程師
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 朋友介紹的
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 熱流分析師,python PMP/Agile
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 我們的未來 社會議題 詐騙
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: slack 或
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
🐍 2 2 🪄 1 💯 1 🎃 1 🦊 1
nina.hsueh 00:24:27
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 塔羅牌 工程師
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 朋友介紹的
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 熱流分析師,python PMP/Agile
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 我們的未來 社會議題 詐騙
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: slack 或
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
Chia-Wei Lin (Eric) 10:53:08
@eric.c.w.lin has left the channel
人傑劉 14:22:26
@gary601052003 has joined the channel


Li3 10:10:21
@j3pxy6 has left the channel


Bin Chang 09:41:50
1.與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 創業 / 工程師 / 製造業
2.怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 最近第一次參加開源社群
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在傳統製造業從事精實生產改善與軟體結合
4.有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 目前與團隊正開發幾個項目中:交通、製造業生管軟體
5.怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6.想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

各位好,我是Bin,在我的職涯中,有幸能跟許文治老師邊學邊做2年的精實,爾後在海外大型傳產8年與台灣中小型傳產3年,驗證精實生產是一種低成本但高效的改善方法。 十多年來調研不少市面上的ERP與MES鮮少有成功結合精實生產的系統。 不僅很幸運找到志同道合的夥伴,並將精實理念與系統結合的產品成功推進台灣工廠。 努力創業中
🚀 3 1 1
Bin Chang 09:41:50
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 創業 / 工程師 / 製造業
2. 怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 最近第一次參加開源社群
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在傳統製造業從事精實生產改善與軟體結合
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 目前與團隊正開發幾個項目中:交通、製造業生管軟體
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
各位好,我是Bin,在我的職涯中,有幸能跟許文治老師邊學邊做2年的精實,爾後在海外大型傳產8年與台灣中小型傳產3年,驗證精實生產是一種低成本但高效的改善方法。 十多年來調研不少市面上的ERP與MES鮮少有成功結合精實生產的系統。 不僅很幸運找到志同道合的夥伴,並將精實理念與系統結合的產品成功推進台灣工廠。 努力創業中
Blanca 14:48:54
@smalltreeblueman has joined the channel
Milk 15:09:45
@milk84623 has joined the channel
Gerhard 17:34:03
@gv.v90j3 has joined the channel
Castle Cheng 17:39:05
@g25502133 has joined the channel
Milk 17:44:40
1.三個關鍵字: MIS工程師 / 機器學習 / 暫存記憶七天清空一次
2.怎麼知道gOv的? Google TW Hackathon
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域, 專長? Linux OS / Python / Shell Script
4.有興趣的議題: AI應用 / 公開資料庫數據應用 / 環境議題 data
Hi 很高興認識您, AI 界越來越熱鬧了, 如果您有興趣一起研究製作有趣的 project 應用拿來自娛娛人, 歡迎您隨時與我聊聊~
# 是關注於 國會資料 的頻道
近期有一個 每日生成 立法院今日新訊 podcast 的專案,立院知更
推薦 # 透明足跡
哇~ 超感謝~~
Milk 17:44:40
1.三個關鍵字: MIS工程師 / 機器學習 / 暫存記憶七天清空一次
2.怎麼知道gOv的? Google TW Hackathon
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域, 專長? Linux OS / Python / Shell Script
4.有興趣的議題: AI應用 / 公開資料庫數據應用 / 環境議題 data
Hi 很高興認識您, AI 界越來越熱鬧了, 如果您有興趣一起研究製作有趣的 project 應用拿來自娛娛人, 歡迎您隨時與我聊聊~
# 是關注於 國會資料 的頻道
近期有一個 每日生成 立法院今日新訊 podcast 的專案,立院知更
推薦 # 透明足跡
哇~ 超感謝~~


edenherorockybatman 13:10:31
@edenherorockybatman has joined the channel
nori326 15:01:50
@nori326 has joined the channel
Kiat Han 17:29:37
@me1319 has joined the channel
peggie cheng 18:05:36
@ipeggie.cute has joined the channel
Mark Tsai 18:28:53
@mark543 has joined the channel
Jo 19:35:38
@giyoo0525 has joined the channel
LC 20:43:37
@andy2004.yen has joined the channel
Lilia 20:58:02
@liliadharta84 has joined the channel
Amos 21:28:57
@airopst has joined the channel
leo 21:33:47
@leolinzu0725 has joined the channel
Bob Chen 22:14:36
@eapdb20211116 has joined the channel
Bob Chen 23:32:49
👋 團隊成員們好!
Bob Chen 23:32:49
👋 團隊成員們好!
Bob Chen 23:33:25
20250104 第0次網路黑魔法防禦松 可以網路參與嗎

可以先到 # 這個頻道的討論串瀏覽,有一些初步討論
💡 3
Bob Chen 23:33:25
20250104 第0次網路黑魔法防禦松 可以網路參與嗎

可以先到 # 這個頻道的討論串瀏覽,有一些初步討論
alan 23:51:28
@alan.tseng.cs has joined the channel


sshc91 01:02:30
@sshc91 has joined the channel
0.0 12:17:03
@a39955720 has joined the channel
Min 13:32:05
@caro84810 has joined the channel
jackson Scott 15:39:08
@cdbcorperation has joined the channel


wh 15:52:32
@wh has joined the channel
GuanXun Chen 20:43:13
@gxcmarco has joined the channel


李欣安 16:23:12
@11335202 has joined the channel
Chieh Hsing (π) 21:43:31
@chsing.mg13 has joined the channel