我在此引用我於 X(Twitter)上發現的相關技術示範帖文。
以下是 DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas 製作的 Web 觀光應用技術原型的展示影片。
假如某地區的文化遺產因為自然災害或政治壓力而消失,或被強行改變並被否認其存在過去時,我們仍可透過這種方式保留下來。此外,相比於 Google Street View,這種互動式體驗尤其適合難以前往的離島地區,能帶給人更加真實的體驗。
Here I'd like to share related technical demonstration posts I found on X (formerly Twitter).
The following examples demonstrate DuckbillStudio’s experimental Web tourism apps using PlayCanvas as technical prototypes.
I have no relationship with this company, but I think this approach has significant potential for preserving regional culture and landscapes. If cultural heritage is lost due to natural disasters or political pressures—or is deliberately changed and erased—digital preservation methods like this can effectively safeguard it. Moreover, compared to platforms like Google Street View, this type of interactive experience would be particularly valuable for remote islands, offering users a more realistic experience.
引用的內容如下 / The quoted content is as follows:
• [4K] 碓氷第三橋梁 3DGS + PlayCanvas
• DuckbillStudio 使用 PlayCanvas + 3D Gaussian Splatting 開發出逼真的第三人稱視角 Web 觀光應用技術示範,可在三崎港場景內自由移動,海浪有動畫效果,並且有虛擬人物(NPC)與角色陰影互動。
• DuckbillStudio developed a technical demonstration of a third-person Web tourism app using PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting, where users can walk freely around Misaki Port. The scene includes animated ocean waves, NPC characters, and avatar shadows.
• 使用 PlayCanvas 開發的 Web 觀光應用技術示範,近景使用3D Gaussian Splatting 技術展示碓氷第三橋梁,碰撞判定使用 Photogrammetry 網格,遠景採用日本地理院地圖,場景還包含根據地點變化的環境音效 (3D Audio)。
• DuckbillStudio created a technical demonstration of a Web tourism app using PlayCanvas, demonstrating the Usui Third Bridge with near-field rendering via 3D Gaussian Splatting, collision detection with photogrammetry mesh, and distant scenery via Japan GSI maps. It also includes location-based 3D audio environmental sounds.
• DuckbillStudio 已開始嘗試將 PlayCanvas 和 3D Gaussian Splatting 技術結合的技術示範。此應用程式完全可透過 Web 瀏覽器即時互動。
• DuckbillStudio has begun technical demonstrations integrating PlayCanvas with 3D Gaussian Splatting technology. This application runs directly in a web browser!
That's all for the quoted posts.
@chewei 介紹相關頻道。
[4K]碓氷第三橋梁3DGS + PlayCanvas
X (formerly Twitter)
ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X
PlayCanvasで三人称の視点の3D Gaussian Splattingを使ったリアルなWeb観光アプリを試作してみました。三崎港の風景の中を歩けます。
X (formerly Twitter)
ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X
碓氷第三橋梁の近景は3DGS、衝突判定はフォトグラのメッシュ、遠景は地理院地図。場所によって環境音が変わる3D Audioも付いています。(映像加工は早送りだけ)
X (formerly Twitter)
ダックビル@STUDIO DUCKBILL LLC (@DuckbillStudio) on X
PlayCanvas(@playcanvas) + 3D Gaussian Splatting始めました。