
Month: 2021-07


Chen Po-Yun 02:01:15
@itemaa has joined the channel
anthonyhappens 07:36:50
@eokeok75311 has joined the channel
First General Technology Inc. 13:39:46
@mkt01.fgttw has joined the channel


piano 14:42:52
@s864372002 has joined the channel
Ryan 16:06:36
@ryan.huangyulun has joined the channel
Wayne Wu 21:57:48
@wusyong9104 has joined the channel


tery3693tery 00:00:30
@tery3693tery has joined the channel
莊貝潔 10:52:06
@jiiyee0712 has joined the channel


宗寶洪 02:42:39
@nano555nano has joined the channel
Kevin Hsieh 13:16:28
@kevin82917 has joined the channel
mikechen 15:32:55
@profmikechen has joined the channel
szuchengsimonlin 18:51:25
@szuchengsimonlin has joined the channel
Evis Chen 19:10:47
@evis0612 has joined the channel
Dawn Tsang 19:27:20
@tsangdawn has joined the channel
Henry H 19:59:38
@henrypsyc has joined the channel
Daniel.Kuo 20:22:51
@b96209021 has joined the channel
雷蒙 20:42:26
@pearlsagoissweet has joined the channel
Alice Tung 20:48:16
@alicetyj has joined the channel
蔡志忠 20:52:59
@123cctsai has joined the channel
Tim Chen 21:19:52
@ixg365 has joined the channel
minyuchen0409 21:49:33
@minyuchen0409 has joined the channel


Ching Wu 09:55:25
@chingyiwu0120 has joined the channel
Chun Kuo 10:05:01
@kazumi912 has joined the channel
Ching Wu 10:17:13
大家好,我是Ching,目前從事寓教於樂,鼓勵孩子們玩樂中學習,學習中玩樂,職位是 Production coordinator & content creator. 去年畢業由於疫情的發生,剛就職就轉變成WFH,至今去公司的次數了了無幾,平時多在閱讀、走讀、思考,因此似乎跟大眾對疫情的想法很不一樣? 
希望每個人都可以為了自己有興趣的事情而活,而不是為了錢工作,累到下班後放空划手機度過接下來的十年。( 觀察很多長輩都是這樣,但我沒有能力改變他們的生活環境 )
Wan Yu Hung 10:54:54
@wanyuhungu has joined the channel
929band 11:57:00
@929band has joined the channel
陳洧農 12:17:09
@xphiles0513 has joined the channel
yuneko 19:25:21
@ono.yuneko.6 has joined the channel


黃晧哲 10:26:53
@yuitokyo has joined the channel
立立安 11:28:36
@vilian has joined the channel
weiling lin 14:03:37
@weilingforwork has joined the channel
Victor Wang 14:58:25
@victorwangwei091 has joined the channel
吳思嫻 16:24:49
@li2493529 has joined the channel
9c1 17:34:30
@9c1 has joined the channel
Gamin Wu 20:12:31
@gamin1998 has joined the channel


sailplaneTW 09:26:46
@sailplanetw has joined the channel
吳浩宇 14:07:16
@brianwu291 has joined the channel
Nobuhiro Honjoh 14:58:56
@honjoh has joined the channel
盧亞蘭 15:24:19
@anyalu has joined the channel
eva8842 16:25:30
@eva8842 has joined the channel
Robin Tan 19:01:40
@robintan0526 has joined the channel
Cheng Chifeng 20:39:32
@hoekcheng has joined the channel
Sukie Lin 22:54:13
@sueckey has joined the channel
Yuansyun Yeh 23:42:47
@yuansyuntw has joined the channel


Tony Duan 12:53:12
@tony84727 has joined the channel
s120049 13:20:43
@s120049 has joined the channel
Huang Joyce 17:01:24
@huang.liling has joined the channel
周東慶 17:32:42
@d54924021 has joined the channel
Becker er 20:01:06
@adsfoihfgom has joined the channel
Bane Lin 22:02:08
@banelin30 has joined the channel
ChungHan Hsiao 23:24:52
@chunghan415 has joined the channel


Laron Jeep 08:48:20
@cengkaipeng has joined the channel
李光翔 09:58:07
@steff0932 has joined the channel
Lauren Lai 10:37:02
@whps60634 has joined the channel
Yiyu Chang 13:47:57
@yiyuchang has joined the channel
陳嘉旻 14:37:54
@kennyjiamin has joined the channel
hkiwi0801 15:54:49
@hkiwi0801 has joined the channel
Zoyam Chuang 16:06:13
@laotiehtsai has joined the channel
小利 16:53:46
@3322351 has joined the channel
Zoyam Chuang 17:13:07
大家好, 我是Zoyam(綽號龍眼、老爹)
自我介紹三個關鍵詞: 自制自學、終身學習、樂於分享


社團-開源機器人研究社 - HackMD

## 開源機器人研究社 ### [*本講義連結*](<>)/[*說明會影片連結*](<>) /[活動照片](h

歡迎到 #edu 聊聊~~~
Zoyam Chuang 2021-07-09 17:15:22
有歐 我就是看到bess大大的黑客松演講進來的 目前也在規劃公司的GT 線上樂學營隊 跟 零時小學校有很多可以聊的部分
👋 5 🤖 2 1
Chiahsu Yang 17:57:46
1. 以數位發展部為例,建構兼顧資安與強韌性之行動及分散式作業環境與資訊平台,實現新而優質的政府辦公及為民服務型態如何以公私協力方式,建立與政府作業及便民服務相關之共用資訊服務開發環境以及類似GitHub的程式庫
Chiahsu Yang 18:01:57
1. 以數位發展部為例,建構兼顧資安與強韌性之行動及分散式作業環境與資訊平台,實現新而優質的政府辦公及為民服務型態
2. 如何以公私協力方式,建立與政府作業及便民服務相關之共用資訊服務開發環境以及類似GitHub的程式庫
👍 幫補充 hackmd 網址
有興趣的朋友討論請至 #digital_development
🙌 4 5 4 2 1 1 1 💡 1 👋 2
chewei 18:32:04
👍 幫補充 hackmd 網址
有興趣的朋友討論請至 #digital_development


gov x g0v 數位發展部 - HackMD

# gov x g0v 數位發展部 議題諮詢與交流 :speech_balloon: - [文件首頁](<>) - [加入公開

a106010503 19:13:26
@a106010503 has joined the channel
Kevin Zeng 19:25:45
@nightofwing16 has joined the channel
王崴漢 19:34:34
@vicvicvicr has joined the channel
chiu siu 19:39:31
@goodsleeptainan has joined the channel
ting hsiao 19:40:57
@wwendy11223 has joined the channel
mable Tseng 20:08:57
@mable.tseng has joined the channel
taiwan metoo 20:14:13
@metootaiwan has joined the channel
Wen-Yen Li 20:35:59
@r50527r50527 has joined the channel
Ray LIN 20:36:53
@ray598233 has joined the channel
吳家宏 20:51:38
@qu4qu426com123 has joined the channel
Lawson Yang 22:01:09
@ft.shrimp has joined the channel
立蛹 22:04:33
@a0968488848 has joined the channel
You Tong Shen 22:04:57
@ft.wwe2012 has joined the channel
micedtcss 22:08:35
@micedtcss has joined the channel
吳姿瑭 22:09:03
@ca86220 has joined the channel
Herbert Tsao 23:02:20
@herberttsao has joined the channel
Young Chen 23:17:55
@youngchen1004 has joined the channel
方欣 23:27:24
@fanghsin69 has joined the channel


李大鑽 00:42:08
@encounter has joined the channel
Pei-ju 14:11:10
@pjteng has joined the channel
yungliang1992 20:44:05
@yungliang1992 has joined the channel
Myron AI 21:07:37 has joined the channel
Jacky Wong 23:57:57
@wong.yiu.long has joined the channel


Yukie Liao Teramachi 10:01:22
@yukie has joined the channel


Soth K 02:16:00
@a22252277 has joined the channel
Soth K 02:25:56
Hi 大家好,我是凱超(Soth K),從事老人服務的職員,第一次接觸g0v,請多多指教。
4 1 🙌 1
mohsu 13:27:01
@maureen.hsu has joined the channel
毓球錢理路 17:06:29
@zxc32496428 has joined the channel
毓球錢理路 18:26:37
毓球錢理路 18:44:17
黃翌軒 22:36:25
@ianyshuang has joined the channel


JunJi Xu 13:20:03
@craze429 has joined the channel
Kuoying 15:11:44
@stu93303148 has joined the channel
Kuoying 15:16:41
Hi 各位朋友大家好,我是國穎(小K),從事雲端運算系統工程師,希望在資通訊方面有我能幫上忙的地方。
我的三個關鍵字是:PaaS、Public Cloud、Private Cloud
您好~ 想與您分享一個教育領域的專案
專案發起人 Ted 想彙整國內不同大學的線上課程資料,建立整合查詢的網頁,也希望能釋出這些課程資訊的 api,讓更多單位應用
工作頻道 #edu-open
👋 2 1 1
Michelle Ferng 15:30:38
@mferng623 has joined the channel


zeroplusone 11:46:02
@a711186 has joined the channel
陳敏華 14:10:33
@s0023115 has joined the channel
Simon Liu 16:19:29
@tysliu has joined the channel
Vic Huang 23:02:07
@volcomvic has joined the channel
黃正龍 23:52:03
@clhuang21 has joined the channel


Vivian Wang 12:01:57
@vivian9172001 has joined the channel
Kelly Lin 18:51:29
@kellykailin has joined the channel
Kelly Lin 18:59:53
Hi, 我是凱莉,在學電腦科學碩士。希望能找群人一起聊聊軟件開發或者等疫情結束去吃喝玩樂
kepler yung 23:33:11
@kepler.yung has joined the channel


Jolin LU 13:54:41
@chiehlinjo has joined the channel
jason tsai 18:36:01
@whiteice6666 has joined the channel
洪揚 20:16:13
@hongyang0326 has joined the channel
raypeng 20:16:34
@ray940413 has joined the channel
辛小潭 20:17:01
@st5912012 has joined the channel
盲盲 20:17:04
@a0901007580 has joined the channel
徐亦寬 20:17:07
@ax88dn has joined the channel
Lucky Ufo 20:17:09
@luckyufo55 has joined the channel
Annabelle Mak 20:17:43
@hiiamannabelle has joined the channel
萱妤鄧 20:20:13
@a0916367615.cts06 has joined the channel
Shi-Wei Luo 20:20:48
@yulaie1012 has joined the channel
Joe Jhan 20:20:54
@jhanjoe has joined the channel
Chia-An 20:20:55
@andy122403 has joined the channel
LB learner 20:22:38
@linguinbio has joined the channel
傅詩涵 20:24:48
@candyfu23 has joined the channel
Xuan Shen 20:31:31
@588megan has joined the channel
myc 20:32:01
@mychou09 has joined the channel
陳玥 20:34:31
@yue03142006 has joined the channel
jia 20:35:00
@gacll542.nick has joined the channel
陳品璇 20:44:28
@s0126144 has joined the channel
@jiangjhu0413 has joined the channel
張懷 21:04:34
@chloe858373840 has joined the channel
Peter Hsiao 21:56:02
@grpiso has joined the channel


YC 01:24:10
@irischengyi has joined the channel
yaxing119 10:06:18
@yaxing119 has joined the channel
ShihoYokoi 11:15:15
@shihoyokoi95 has joined the channel
Chiao 11:55:42
@butterpainter has joined the channel
Joy 14:25:32
@pttqiiwiiq has joined the channel
林芳如 14:38:22
@blithemimi has joined the channel
Jhenashia 14:57:49
@jhenashia0628 has joined the channel
Chieh 15:08:06
@qqmovie0311 has joined the channel
歐陽萱 15:08:17
@maydayfantacy has joined the channel
Wei-Yung Hsu 15:08:38
@cutecivet has joined the channel
風行者 15:09:24
@headwindrunner has joined the channel
姜宥甄 15:09:44
@180651tina has joined the channel
阿昇同學 15:09:54
@ldsfish0307 has joined the channel
詹于慶 15:10:11
@tony0919.868 has joined the channel
郭舒文 15:10:16
@sc1137 has joined the channel
山林野地 15:10:39
@blackframetoad has joined the channel
wei 15:10:57
@w991951 has joined the channel
Kris Huang 15:11:51
@l38443264 has joined the channel
曾靖棋 15:12:03
@vitus.tseng has joined the channel
brenda Hu 15:12:54
@brendanomin has joined the channel
徐莉舒 15:13:27
@xulishu0823 has joined the channel
SaintHsu 15:13:56
@b54071127 has joined the channel
Hansen Chan 15:14:45
@a040900 has joined the channel
212 0 15:14:47
@azxc07145130 has joined the channel
Zula 15:15:07
@sunny20050331 has joined the channel
brenda Hu 15:15:09
Yuchi Peng 15:15:33
@oscar5206 has joined the channel
tou_ 15:17:58
@irene940528508 has joined the channel
DnsMu 15:17:59
@iwei10021129 has joined the channel
Kyrus 15:18:38
@kyrus3310 has joined the channel
menghan 15:18:47
@menghanlin0110 has joined the channel
nicole950094 15:19:36
@nicole950094 has joined the channel
Kris Huang 15:22:12
Hello大家!I'm Kris,現在就讀臺中一中(準高二生),希望能在這裡更大家互相交流想法、互相學習,一起實踐「開源模式」、「行動主義」、「公民精神」!
8 ❤️ 4 4 2
HJ F 15:23:35
@zan993 has joined the channel
PeiJie Lin 15:25:06
@s1002500 has joined the channel
王國隴 15:25:09
@da60511 has joined the channel
Big Bird 15:26:48
@a963817 has joined the channel
Emma Chen 15:27:00
@emma.wt has joined the channel
lunce ro 15:27:11
@rolunce has joined the channel
kkc 15:27:27
@kkuanchang has joined the channel
116-01王彤 15:27:30
@chuyue0111 has joined the channel
ZYR 15:28:01
@zoe.1130t has joined the channel
Chang-Chi Li 15:28:46
@chauncei has joined the channel
Wang Lilin 15:29:36
@wang50416 has joined the channel
Pangyenc 15:29:53
@pangyenc has joined the channel
nikki hsieh 15:29:56
@nikkihsieh has joined the channel
蔡秀廷 15:30:15
@hsiuting16 has joined the channel
賴奕均 15:31:16
@a94018944 has joined the channel
Vivi Chang 15:33:44
@vivibabieee has joined the channel
菱形 15:34:20
@igmisabel0713 has joined the channel
peggy 15:35:01
@tcspeggy has joined the channel
Hansen Chan 15:35:07
Hi~ 各位大家好,我叫Alonso,本科是最近曝光度很高的公共衛生。不過因為最近相關的職場環境太可怕,已經先行跳船🤣 因為興趣使然,所以對於區塊鏈產業也微有涉略,並嘗試將這項技術與本科結合,實踐「開源」、「透明」、「行動主義」的精神與理想。
但還是可以在 side project 繼續貢獻公衛專業呀(誤
那先推 #vaccine
陳彥廷 15:41:35
@sao2463921 has joined the channel
稻禾 15:52:01
@abc890923 has joined the channel 15:55:03 has joined the channel
黃小鴨 15:58:06
@blueskyer1229 has joined the channel
Kit Huang 16:05:16
@cat81007 has joined the channel
邱晨境Ken 16:12:08
@chiu891106 has joined the channel
Wen-Chi Kuo 16:15:34
@rey.otter has joined the channel
Digoo Chang 16:17:17
@digoo.don9523 has joined the channel
tako 16:49:12
@cyc.tako has joined the channel
蔡欣翰 17:19:38
@shinhann.tsai has joined the channel
Liz Lin 18:10:19
@m0358834 has joined the channel
Monica 18:15:05
@hessmonica24 has joined the channel
莞琳鄭 19:06:55
@1070821 has joined the channel
rfaychen 19:13:06
@rfay.chen has joined the channel
張仁哲 22:28:41
@njional has joined the channel


Tzu Chien 10:26:07
@405417048 has joined the channel
Elizabeth Y 12:11:55
@etuyenliz has joined the channel
Lu Laura 16:18:48
@kokoa_ has joined the channel
陳誼熏 16:34:57
@eileen14eileentw has joined the channel
黃馨儀 17:58:59
@aikohuang has joined the channel
穆鸿翔 19:35:15
@mutou.leo.wood has joined the channel
Veronica Wu 19:49:14
@vrnica.wu has joined the channel
蔡小姐 19:57:13
@sandlittlemil has joined the channel
Janet Kuo 23:48:23
@kcyjanet has joined the channel


aa0906198787 04:29:57
@aa0906198787 has joined the channel
Everle 10:07:57 has joined the channel
Everle 10:14:11
Hello, 大家好!I'm Everle. 在數位音樂產業擔任PM一職,工作內容含慨程式技術、宣傳企劃、設計等。喜歡嘗試多方便的新事物!對於g0v和Gather Town還有很多不了解的地方,還請大家能多多幫忙!謝謝大家!
好奇問問你有沒有在做線上直播演唱會的案子。我最近有在研究 peertube 幫人家做私人直播。
peggy 14:22:00
@f411024 has joined the channel
kellyldavis1 19:36:48
@kellyldavis1 has joined the channel 19:37:42 has joined the channel
Void 22:26:32 has joined the channel


Kudoeil 松思帆 05:41:45
@julien.saintsevin has joined the channel
劉佳昀 12:33:13
@lauraliu87 has joined the channel
張育寧 19:53:39
@changyn has joined the channel
Anne Lin 19:55:40
@annelin626 has joined the channel
Han Lin 19:55:42
@hanlin has joined the channel
@carjeifadi has joined the channel
歡迎來到 g0v ~ 😄
6 👍 6 2
jillian67117 23:20:41
@jillian67117 has joined the channel


ChingHua 00:19:13
@edward.chan has joined the channel
tou_ 02:14:54
@irene940528508 has left the channel
Caspar Huo 03:20:53
@casparhuo has joined the channel
Martian Cheng 09:43:07
@icefu4k6 has joined the channel
三胞胎把拔 14:14:56 has joined the channel
愷 0 15:08:17
@258tony has joined the channel
vic just 22:58:28
@vic.just has joined the channel
Ben (本意) 23:16:54
@benjamin.beilharz has joined the channel
Ben (本意) 23:34:21
大家好,我是Ben(本意),德國海德堡大學生念書電腦/計算語言學。上年我在海德堡漢學系開始了學漢語。我希望你看得懂我在寫什麼,因為學了九月個以後我的漢語還是不好。我在我的碩士學位中願望進來台灣,為了念書人機交互。目前我在SAP是UX設計師並且做一些Data Science工作。我真正欽佩你們的工作。我平常法用語言像是Python、JS、Clojure(目前我試試更學)和Swift。我找到g0v,第一次聽說了在課,因為我的老師們給我一個介紹關於唐鳳。我在聽說後,我馬上對g0v有意思。你們都真棒喔!很開心見到你們!
Ben (本意) 2021-07-22 03:25:22
> 大家好,我是Ben(本意),在德國海德堡大學主修電腦科學/計算語言學。我去年在海德堡的漢學系開始學漢語,剛學九個月而已,程度不是很好,希望你們看得懂我在寫什麼。
> 我接下來想到臺灣讀碩士、研究人機互動。目前我在 SAP 擔任 UX 設計師,也做一些 Data Science 相關工作。我平常使用的程式語言有 Python、JS、Clojure(學習中)和 Swift 等等。
> 我很欽佩你們在做的事。第一次得知 g0v,是因為有位老師在課堂上介紹了唐鳳,我聽完後馬上對 g0v 產生了興趣。
> 我覺得你們真棒!很開心見到你們!
Ben (本意) 2021-07-22 12:48:01
@s864372002 感謝你的幫助!我還做許多錯誤,因此我很開心如果一個人幫我改我的句子🥰
❤️ 8 2 3


Ernie Tu 00:09:42
@ernie5715 has joined the channel
joy9399 00:11:30
@joy9399 has joined the channel
shaochieh.chiang 04:46:16
@shaochieh.chiang has joined the channel
Karin Huang 08:21:06
@sinhuei1112 has joined the channel
Mar Marín 19:57:00
@mar has joined the channel


alex chuang 00:26:36
@alexfishesyyttbb2 has joined the channel
賴和隆 10:30:11
@lnylonl2 has joined the channel
irene2944 11:31:08
@irene2944 has joined the channel
hayashi 13:03:12
@forestgrovetrees has joined the channel
mingchichen1213 13:36:18
@mingchichen1213 has joined the channel
Yonye Ma 14:17:17
@ianjiajiama has joined the channel
Misawai 15:31:16
@misamisawai has joined the channel
C.H. 17:25:22
@chihengjp has joined the channel
Patrick Huang 18:09:28
@chinewei has joined the channel
minaerpapa 21:10:49
@minaerpapa has joined the channel


YC (Yichun) 11:49:15
@j61120713 has joined the channel
淺羽SF 15:46:17
@kent1129o0 has joined the channel
Lee Yuhao 17:51:11
@victorlee850531 has joined the channel
LU 21:49:09
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel


祐仔 21:02:36
@c4882488 has joined the channel
Guo-Jim 22:32:32
set the channel topic: 歡迎來到 g0v-slack,自我介紹可以讓大家認識你唷!Welcome to g0v slack! Please introduce yourself to g0v community :heart:

題目請參考置頂文章/Introduction Template:
Choi Minwoo 22:41:16
@minuscholastica0209 has joined the channel
Guo-Jim 23:40:54
原本 channel topic 裡置頂文章已經太久以前看不到了,我改成 slack archive 裡的連結
Guo-Jim 23:56:56
*g0v slack archive =


cwj0325 02:39:11
@cwj0325 has joined the channel
Leda 03:53:29
@light9shadow has joined the channel
Rae Lai 04:36:26
@jyunninglai has joined the channel
S. 14:25:26
@to has joined the channel
isabelhou 17:57:59
set the channel topic: 歡迎來到 g0v-slack,自我介紹可以讓大家認識你唷!Welcome to g0v slack! Please introduce yourself to g0v community :heart:

題目請參考置頂文章/Introduction Template:
minghan Xu 18:51:58
@xuhan0325 has joined the channel
ocy 20:05:25
@ocyloban has joined the channel
李柏均 20:12:55
@et9515 has joined the channel
小朱 23:34:11
@lhcaleb0526 has joined the channel


Scott K. Wong 00:19:18
@skwong78 has joined the channel
desireegrace.tan 00:22:44
@desireegrace.tan has joined the channel
Laura Stahl 07:20:00
@l.a.stahl has joined the channel
Alice Rock 11:23:23
@eatalice has joined the channel
Shao X 12:12:04
@shaoqp has joined the channel
Sohee Yun 13:56:16 has joined the channel
williams8199 17:12:15
@williams8199 has joined the channel
shandy 20:55:19
@s0920881288 has joined the channel
Charlie Smith 22:56:28
@charlie has joined the channel


tico88612 22:35:40
@tico88612 has joined the channel


Yio Chou 01:15:05
@yiochou1227 has joined the channel
HS W 07:39:50
@hw11209 has joined the channel
Carol 17:48:17
@wu.yen08 has joined the channel
a885131 18:01:27
@a885131 has joined the channel
Ryan 22:44:59


Joshua Kase 12:10:28
@kasejg has joined the channel
twjchen11 13:54:50
@twjchen11 has joined the channel
Jeff C 16:11:00
@yutingc has joined the channel


MA 00:06:00
@murasakio.korudo has joined the channel
吳浩愷 15:59:37
@benwooo01 has joined the channel
DokiDokiPB 22:23:34
@a1091150 has joined the channel