在公民科學與學術研究以外,我也很關心自由軟體和硬體的相關議題與它們和公民參與的關係.在2018年我獲得了美國Creative Commons團體的認證,對著作權和自由開源授權機制也略知一二.
希望在此能向大家學習,有機會也希望可以有所貢獻! 🙏
English version:
Hi everyone. My background is in ecological research but have in recent years been a citizen science practitioner. With partners in the United Kingdom, I co-founded a citizen science wildlife monitoring project called MammalWeb (https://www.MammalWeb.org/ Twitter: @MammalWeb). Other than that, I also closely follow issues around free (as in freedom, not free-of-charge) software and open source hardware, and their relationship with civic engagement. In 2018 I was among the first to receive official certification from the Creative Commons organisation on issues related to copyright and open licenses.
I hope to learn much from you, and - if possible - contribute a little to all the wonderful work being done as part of g0v! :pray:
MammalWeb (@MammalWeb) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from MammalWeb (@MammalWeb). A Durham Wildlife Trust and Durham University project with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund using volunteers to deploy cam traps to monitor our mammals. County Durham, England