
Month: 2024-05


Yvonne JIN 03:52:47
@yvonne27hku has joined the channel
fafner1111 07:47:32
@fafner1111 has joined the channel


黃偉 11:55:12
@ranger has joined the channel
劉祖丞 15:23:32
@chorsengs.dbt has joined the channel
emmanuel Bertrand 18:27:30
@emmanuel.bertrand has joined the channel
adelaida Y. 19:44:36
@vegalys403 has joined the channel
Rieka 21:12:49
@132cindy22 has joined the channel


Sam Tsai 08:18:24
@oeo7777 has joined the channel
Chris Lin 14:28:40
@chrisl.chris has joined the channel
leiying931103 18:57:39
@leiying931103 has joined the channel
陳思瑋 19:12:37
@b11902027 has joined the channel
Donald Hsu 19:13:21
@donaldhsu93 has joined the channel
michael_chen4 21:15:49
@michael_chen4 has joined the channel
maggie.epaper 23:35:49
@maggie.epaper has joined the channel


翊婷 01:02:45
@yiting.lien7 has joined the channel
tungnan5636 07:13:53
@tungnan5636 has joined the channel
Gray 09:17:56
@graylearnone has joined the channel
J.Bryce Hidysmith 09:34:52
@jbryceh has joined the channel
張智傑 09:35:03
@lastmoon6201 has joined the channel
CW 09:35:13
@lochiwen1999 has joined the channel
Kent Chen 09:35:21
@ck1123581321 has joined the channel
Richard 09:35:25
@rhaddock2112 has joined the channel
pipperl 09:35:32
@pipperl has joined the channel
承德 09:35:34
@canyue030 has joined the channel
annkuo 09:35:38
@annkuo has joined the channel
婷婷 09:35:46
@ting990828 has joined the channel
佳威葉 09:36:14
@covernlp has joined the channel
陳軒立Franky 09:36:15
@franky920920 has joined the channel
colleen.mckenzie 09:36:19
@colleen.mckenzie has joined the channel
HYL 09:36:32
@yuling13905401 has joined the channel
John Albin Wilkins 09:37:24
@john523 has joined the channel
kupp59371 09:37:44
@kupp59371 has joined the channel
Andrew 09:48:39
@andrewwang0330 has joined the channel
Portia 11:24:46
@portia has joined the channel
chyeh 11:32:15
@andyyeh0406 has joined the channel
Cartus 11:42:25
@r10228013 has joined the channel
TsBG 11:48:34
@bta110103 has joined the channel
Rwong 11:53:27
@wacko.rwong has joined the channel
Seal Shen 13:37:57
@leondeseal has joined the channel
Naoki Sakata 14:15:34
I'm from 🇯🇵 to attend the g0v summit!

If you are involved in any similar activities, I would love to talk to you!
Please contact me if you are interested😇

I am the founder of a 4 year old company and we are doing various things for the cycle of mutual assistance.

• Developed an iOS app that automatically records volunteer activities and conducted experiments with foundations and NPOs.
• Made experiments with corporate CSR to improve NPO operations, which will be launched as a DAO project in the near future
• Proposing to the government the design of a system in accordance with the NPO roadmap.
• Designing a mechanism/system to collaborate with all NPOs in the region and to establish governance in the process of distribution for former volunteers who are now paid.
• Making research and development of an optimal system for policy advocacy DAOs with a grant from the foundation
• Making experiments to restore mutual assistance with neighbors through a token-mediated application
Here is a quick introductory document, although some of these above are not included.

Speaker Deck

[EN] About us - Hopin Inc.

👋 5 5 🇯🇵 2
Naoki Sakata 14:15:34
I'm from 🇯🇵 to attend the g0v summit!

If you are involved in any similar activities, I would love to talk to you!
Please contact me if you are interested😇

I am the founder of a 4 year old company and we are doing various things for the cycle of mutual assistance.

• Developed an iOS app that automatically records volunteer activities and conducted experiments with foundations and NPOs.
• Made experiments with corporate CSR to improve NPO operations, which will be launched as a DAO project in the near future
• Proposing to the government the design of a system in accordance with the NPO roadmap.
• Designing a mechanism/system to collaborate with all NPOs in the region and to establish governance in the process of distribution for former volunteers who are now paid.
• Making research and development of an optimal system for policy advocacy DAOs with a grant from the foundation
• Making experiments to restore mutual assistance with neighbors through a token-mediated application
Here is a quick introductory document, although some of these above are not included.
中川夏紀 16:23:55
@aitouta0 has joined the channel
rlanday 17:33:49
@rlanday has joined the channel
relin1001 19:06:40
@relin1001 has joined the channel
胡桃 19:11:26
@mutokurumi has joined the channel
胡桃 19:31:14
大家好。我的名字是胡桃,是日本人。(我日文名字真的是胡桃! 有胡桃的意思。)我去年參加了在韓國的Facing the Ocean認識很多人在g0v活動。 我今年不會參加g0v summit 可是我覺得g0v非常非常有意思。我今天要向朋友教g0v的時候,發現了一個在g0v landing page的bug regarding how to render Japanese letters. 然後我做了第一PR。很高興。

我的興趣是編程, open source. 我是chromium committer 😄

好久不見 哈哈
13 💯 9 6 7 🏯 4 🇯🇵 6
胡桃 19:31:14
大家好。我的名字是胡桃,是日本人。(我日文名字真的是胡桃! 有胡桃的意思。)我去年參加了在韓國的Facing the Ocean認識很多人在g0v活動。 我今年不會參加g0v summit 可是我覺得g0v非常非常有意思。我今天要向朋友教g0v的時候,發現了一個在g0v landing page的bug regarding how to render Japanese letters. 然後我做了第一PR。很高興。

我的興趣是編程, open source. 我是chromium committer 😄

好久不見 哈哈
yiping 23:26:09
@yiping97huang has joined the channel


陳宥輔 11:39:55
@tofu has joined the channel
天知道 11:54:50
@hantingsu has joined the channel
Andrew Kuo 12:28:22
@andrew.mutien has joined the channel
yuhsuan660 14:24:49
@yuhsuan660 has joined the channel
IFang Hsu 14:26:56
@whalekiller03 has joined the channel
auszyi 14:27:09
@auszyi has joined the channel 14:36:16 has joined the channel
陳謙 14:39:00
@chrischen0618 has joined the channel


Shoko Matsui 11:37:33
@shoko56516 has joined the channel
Albert Zhang 13:32:53
@albertzhang has joined the channel
fishyuk691 17:38:56
@fishyuk691 has joined the channel
Eli Tyre 19:29:15
@elityre has joined the channel
Eli Tyre 20:07:16

I’m an American. My colleague Jacob and I are in the early stages of working on an AI app for efficient negotiation and multi-stakeholder decision-making (overview here), as well as considering some other projects to improve humanities collective epistemology (such as this).

We’re currently visiting Taiwan to get an on-the-ground view of the semiconductor industry, and get a sense of what the AI / tech scene is like in that part of the world. We’re actively interested in effective AI governance and developing tools to improve governance outcomes.

While we’re in the country, we’re meeting with people who work in or around those fields.

We would love to meet people in the g0v community. If you’re interested in chatting about what you’re working on with us, please reach out in dm’s, or simply respond in this thread.

About us:

• I’m currently a grant-maker for the Survival and Flourishing fund, grant-making vehicle focused on increasing the chances of humanity’s long term flourishing (allocated 33 million last year).
• Jacob is a cofounder of lightcone infrastructure, which runs the online forum, in addition to other projects (like their recently renovated 6-building campus in SF).
Hope to talk with some of you soon!
Eli Tyre 20:07:16

My colleague Jacob and I are in the early stages of working on an AI app for efficient negotiation and multi-stakeholder decision-making (overview here), as well as considering some other projects to improve humanities collective epistemology (such as this).

We’re currently visiting Taiwan to get an on-the-ground view of the semiconductor industry, and get a sense of what the AI / tech scene is like in that part of the world. We’re actively interested in effective AI governance and developing tools to improve governance outcomes.

While we’re in the country, we’re meeting with people who work in or around those fields.

We would love to meet people in the g0v community. If you’re interested in chatting about what you’re working on with us, please reach out in dm’s, or simply respond in this thread.

About us:

• I’m currently a grant-maker for the Survival and Flourishing fund, grant-making vehicle focused on increasing the chances of humanity’s long term flourishing (allocated 33 million last year).
• Jacob is a cofounder of lightcone infrastructure, which runs the online forum, in addition to other projects (like their recently renovated 6-building campus in SF).
Hope to talk with some of you soon!
👍 2
Jacob Lagerros 21:07:12
@jacobklagerros has joined the channel
Jiaen 22:27:00
@nn750137 has joined the channel


mcmorrischen 07:15:30
@mcmorrischen has joined the channel
nonaka.hiroshi.52 09:25:42
@nonaka.hiroshi.52 has joined the channel
Leo Lee (李祐頡) 18:58:11
@leojoe2580 has joined the channel
eddiefuh123 20:13:14
@eddiefuh123 has joined the channel
sam931226 20:15:18
@sam931226 has joined the channel
Kuan-Wen 22:26:41
@cent7362 has joined the channel


猫王 10:44:36
@xinluzhang0 has joined the channel


小弘 10:11:52
@tgh120893 has joined the channel


Jim Rootham 09:12:12
@jrootham has joined the channel


Jacob Lagerros 20:38:09
Hi all! I am very familiar with web development (React, html, js, css) and okay with backend (SQL, node, js, express, Redis, ...)

Potentially interested in helping with web development, feel free to ping me! :)
#cofacts have some good first issues
Sebastian Ruan 2024-05-13 10:45:54
Hi Jacob, I'm working on an open source project with a few others called Polis. I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard of it. It's heavily web based so if you're interested:
Jacob Lagerros 2024-05-13 11:37:38
Ooh didn't actually know Polis was open source,but that makes so much sense! :)
Sebastian Ruan 2024-05-14 10:41:45
it was closed at one point but no longer!
Jacob Lagerros 20:38:09
Hi all! I am very familiar with web development (React, html, js, css) and okay with backend (SQL, node, js, express, Redis, ...)

Potentially interested in helping with web development, feel free to ping me! :)
#cofacts have some good first issues
Sebastian Ruan 2024-05-13 10:45:54
Hi Jacob, I'm working on an open source project with a few others called Polis. I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard of it. It's heavily web based so if you're interested:
Jacob Lagerros 2024-05-13 11:37:38
Ooh didn't actually know Polis was open source,but that makes so much sense! :)
Sebastian Ruan 2024-05-14 10:41:45
it was closed at one point but no longer!
❤️ 3
Sohee Yang 21:32:51
@soheestellaa9617 has joined the channel


Sebastian Ruan 10:24:15
@saruan has joined the channel



Ellie Wu (吳紫莛) 10:24:12
@elliewu has joined the channel
Ellie Wu 10:24:37
@purple8182 has joined the channel
Eric 13:27:55
@ericstyle1998 has joined the channel


Haewon Park 09:13:53
@h.park has joined the channel
Curtis Lee 19:09:59
@curtis has joined the channel


qiqihuang0831 22:40:26
@qiqihuang0831 has joined the channel


swang31 12:47:36
@plupayking has joined the channel


John Nelson 13:06:39 has joined the channel
natsumikuo214 18:01:50
@natsumikuo214 has joined the channel


睿璟 18:54:39
@a0918860497 has joined the channel


Izzy Chan (陳佩琪) 11:34:47
@elizabethcpq has joined the channel
Han Yang 14:41:09
@apas2891 has joined the channel 15:08:39 has joined the channel
Xiaohui Lyu 18:00:28
@xiaohuilyu2022 has joined the channel
jenova770216 18:18:54
@jenova770216 has joined the channel
ninacao1010 23:49:14
@ninacao1010 has joined the channel


Summer Chen 11:45:16
@summerchen2006 has joined the channel
Isaac Wu 12:46:16
@shocker945516 has joined the channel
imyulun83 19:04:20
@imyulun83 has joined the channel
左手寫字 23:00:58
@08370013 has joined the channel


Alan Huang 00:31:09
@alan.dc2010 has joined the channel
左手寫字 01:23:31
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字:數據分析、政治狂人、晚上不睡教
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的:社群媒體
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長:資料工程師,擅長使用 Python 數據分析及視覺化,對於資料庫優化及維護有實際經驗
4. 有興趣的議題:社會議題、政治、輿情分析
5. 怎麼聯絡
左手寫字 01:23:31
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字:數據分析、政治狂人、晚上不睡教
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的:社群媒體
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長:資料工程師,擅長使用 Python 數據分析及視覺化,對於資料庫優化及維護有實際經驗
4. 有興趣的議題:社會議題、政治、輿情分析
5. 怎麼聯絡
🙌 1
Michael Mo 01:49:33
@me1585 has joined the channel
Michael Mo 01:59:36
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 香港人;議員;政治博士生
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 林祖怡跟 *wHisKy* 年代已經認識
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 政治研究,網站製作,R Studio (學習中)
4. 有興趣的議題 : 東亞政治,民主倒退
5. 怎麼聯絡 :
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 在找人出席2025年2月台北RightsCon
Michael Mo 01:59:36
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 香港人;議員;政治博士生
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 林祖怡跟 *wHisKy* 年代已經認識
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 政治研究,網站製作,R Studio (學習中)
4. 有興趣的議題 : 東亞政治,民主倒退
5. 怎麼聯絡 :
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 在找人出席2025年2月台北RightsCon
a4861616 11:35:02
@a4861616 has joined the channel

2024-05-25 01:32:28 has joined the channel
KAI JUN YANG (EarthlyEric6) 01:40:12
@earthlyeric6 has joined the channel
Andy / 小t 18:34:42
@tiwb has joined the channel
fafa 21:59:03
@shengtinghuang has joined the channel
Yoyo Young 22:06:36
@yoyoys has joined the channel


walking.0521.tzu 13:40:51
@walking.0521.tzu has joined the channel
Nathanael Hutchison 14:12:55
@natohutchison has joined the channel
karasu 20:53:34
@gtr12534 has joined the channel
karasu 21:09:00
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字:技術、拖延症、資訊焦慮
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的:318
3. 平時從事的職業:遊戲業前端
4. 有興趣的議題:都
5. 怎麼聯絡:@gtr12534
karasu 21:09:00
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字:技術、拖延症、資訊焦慮
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的:318
3. 平時從事的職業:遊戲業前端
4. 有興趣的議題:都
5. 怎麼聯絡:@gtr12534


Yoyo Young 12:07:48
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 前後端;雜學;完美主義
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 很久以前就知道了,這次是透過 TonyQ 的介紹和 Ronny 的簡報才加入的
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 軟體開發公司技術負責人,其他雜學
4. 有興趣的議題 : 資訊應用協助政治運作、國會開放 API
5. 怎麼聯絡 : line, github: yoyoys, slack 也可以
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 我有多年前後端軟體開發經驗,公益類的開發案我都可以無償協助。
歡迎加入 #tw-ly-and-council 頻道
👍 3
Yoyo Young 12:07:48
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 前後端;雜學;完美主義
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 很久以前就知道了,這次是透過 TonyQ 的介紹和 Ronny 的簡報才加入的
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 軟體開發公司技術負責人,其他雜學
4. 有興趣的議題 : 資訊應用協助政治運作、國會開放 API
5. 怎麼聯絡 : line, github: yoyoys, slack 也可以
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 我有多年前後端軟體開發經驗,公益類的開發案我都可以無償協助。
歡迎加入 #tw-ly-and-council 頻道


Joey 04:32:49
@sharedpic2024 has joined the channel
黃怡菁 13:56:39
@tnicko has joined the channel
蔡怡雅 13:56:46
@tsarah has joined the channel
胡雅萱 13:56:51
@tyahsuan has joined the channel
陳珈慧 13:57:35
@tccpink has joined the channel
t110820046 14:04:06
@t110820046 has joined the channel
tomobenjaminpeng 16:06:20
@tomobenjaminpeng has joined the channel
chiuchengliang 20:24:46
@chiuchengliang has joined the channel
tshulian 21:35:42
@tshulian has joined the channel
Shane 23:06:52
@guanhuiyuanl has joined the channel
ansel.kuohuei.lin 23:35:41
@ansel.kuohuei.lin has joined the channel


Cloud Lee 17:27:29
@leechia1103 has joined the channel
tomobenjaminpeng 22:02:57
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 投融資決策者;創業者;組織者
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 看到未來大人物呂颢天
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 投融資、策略、組織、執行
4. 有興趣的議題 : 資本主義、歷史、自由開源軟體、非營利組織、漢彌爾頓旋轉門、社會主義、人性
5. 怎麼聯絡 : slack, signal, instagram, linkedin, facebook, line, phone, email
tomobenjaminpeng 23:15:11

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 投融資決策者;創業者;組織者
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 看到未來大人物呂颢天
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 投融資、策略、組織、執行
4. 有興趣的議題 : 資本主義、歷史、自由開源軟體、非營利組織、漢彌爾頓旋轉門、社會主義、人性
5. 怎麼聯絡 : 請直接加此帳號好友,slack, signal, instagram, linkedin, facebook, line, phone, email
6. 想做的事或想說的話:

• 清楚、簡單的訴求。為什麼你要做這個?這個有什麼用處?





所有現存營利節點,如google, facebook…….等所提供的免費服務。

• 初步的規畫與想法。先跑先贏!用你的初稿引出更多回饋。





• 缺乏的資源與需求。會吵的小孩有糖吃,大聲說出你哪裡需要幫忙。


• 最終成果如何分享。大家一起蓋的橋,就要讓大家一起用。

tomobenjaminpeng 2024-06-02 12:41:02

Facebook曾經投入Libra, diem等cryptocurrency, 但無法解決的是現行政權的反對問題及所有人的信任問題,畢竟人們出於心理問題及現存利益問題很難接受全世界出現一個帝王般的人物,乘載了數十億人的信任。




tomobenjaminpeng 23:15:11
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字: 投融資決策者;創業者;組織者
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 ? 看到未來大人物呂颢天
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長? 投融資、策略、組織、執行
4. 有興趣的議題 : 資本主義、歷史、自由開源軟體、非營利組織、漢彌爾頓旋轉門、社會主義、人性
5. 怎麼聯絡 : 請發個聲加我好友表達興趣,slack, signal, instagram, linkedin, facebook, line, phone, email
6. 想說的話或想做的事 :
• 清楚、簡單的訴求。為什麼你要做這個?這個有什麼用處?
所有現存營利節點,如google, facebook…….等所提供的免費服務。
• 初步的規畫與想法。先跑先贏!用你的初稿引出更多回饋。
• 缺乏的資源與需求。會吵的小孩有糖吃,大聲說出你哪裡需要幫忙。
• 最終成果如何分享。大家一起蓋的橋,就要讓大家一起用。
tomobenjaminpeng 2024-06-02 12:41:02

Facebook曾經投入Libra, diem等cryptocurrency, 但無法解決的是現行政權的反對問題及所有人的信任問題,畢竟人們出於心理問題及現存利益問題很難接受全世界出現一個帝王般的人物,乘載了數十億人的信任。






jimmyhsu82722 04:42:43
@jimmyhsu82722 has joined the channel
Ofelia Y.J. Yang 14:43:42
@yaluyang has joined the channel
NewCliCker 19:36:38
@newclicker has joined the channel