
Month: 2025-02


JasonJungler 18:02:56
@jasons10219 has joined the channel


Meow Eric 11:06:38
@se2992151 has joined the channel
Sheen Z 15:47:44
@ommzhang has joined the channel


Kathleen 15:00:47
@kathleen.yc has joined the channel
楊時鈞 16:14:07
@shihjyun.yeo615 has joined the channel


GSC 14:03:59
@hcstanleychau has joined the channel


Winble Chang 13:56:39
@winble.chang has joined the channel


Lily Chang 03:05:37
@changl has joined the channel
Emily Saltz 06:25:14
@emilysaltz has joined the channel
keisuke2004oshima 06:43:45
@keisuke2004oshima has joined the channel


蔡炳火 11:42:30
@f600214 has joined the channel
mia.meiling.chen 20:15:46
@mia.meiling.chen has joined the channel


asd1111zxcv 10:42:23
@asd1111zxcv has joined the channel


Anna Andersen 00:40:55
@anna.rolsma has joined the channel
李孟洋 13:28:54
@tony1996 has joined the channel


Jill Chang 16:40:31
@jill.tpmo has joined the channel


duck8216 09:14:18
@duck8216 has joined the channel
林俊成(Mountain) 12:04:18
@mark216tw has joined the channel
Chang Ken 17:19:05
@kennethchangla has joined the channel


Andrei Lubalin, Ph.D. 09:19:20
@andrei.lubalin has joined the channel
Andrei Lubalin, Ph.D. 10:51:23
大家好,我是 Andrei,代表 Exodus 2.0 研发团队。今天,我非常激动地宣布一项革命性的民间社会创新 —— Exodus 2.0。这是一份现已成熟、可直接落地的蓝图,旨在变革全球社会。我们的研发工作已经全部完成,现在开发者的任务是创建一个面向终端用户的产品。一旦产品上线,网络自组织的进程将自动启动,带来一个可预见的未来、丰盛的资源以及每个人实现自我价值的无限可能。
请加入 Slack 讨论,频道 #

Hello, everyone, I'm Andrei from the Exodus 2.0 R&D group. Today, I’m excited to announce a revolutionary civil societal innovation – Exodus 2.0. This is a ready-to-implement blueprint for transforming our global society. Our R&D work is complete, and it's up to the developers to create an end-user product. Once the product is launched, the process of self-organization will start automatically, ushering in a predictable future, abundant opportunities, and the possibility of self-realization for everyone.
For details, please check out our teaser:
For questions, our guide bot is available at:
Join the discussion on Slack in channel #
And explore my related articles on Medium:
I look forward to collaborating with all innovators, developers, and visionaries dedicated to building a better future and making this groundbreaking concept a reality!

Digital Social Innovation Exodus 2.0

that provides a method and tool for self-organizing a global p2p social ecosystem, with proven mathematical inevitability.


ChatGPT - DSI EXODUS 2.0 Guide

P2P social registry of mutual insurance and cooperation.


Andrei Lubalin, PhD. – Medium

Read writing from Andrei Lubalin, PhD. on Medium. Progress emerges not from fighting old systems but from creating transformative alternatives. Every day, Andrei Lubalin, PhD. and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

Andrei Lubalin, Ph.D. 10:51:23
大家好,我是 Andrei,代表 Exodus 2.0 研发团队。今天,我非常激动地宣布一项革命性的民间社会创新 —— Exodus 2.0。这是一份现已成熟、可直接落地的蓝图,旨在变革全球社会。我们的研发工作已经全部完成,现在开发者的任务是创建一个面向终端用户的产品。一旦产品上线,网络自组织的进程将自动启动,带来一个可预见的未来、丰盛的资源以及每个人实现自我价值的无限可能。
请加入 Slack 讨论,频道 #

Hello, everyone, I'm Andrei from the Exodus 2.0 R&D group. Today, I’m excited to announce a revolutionary civil societal innovation – Exodus 2.0. This is a ready-to-implement blueprint for transforming our global society. Our R&D work is complete, and it's up to the developers to create an end-user product. Once the product is launched, the process of self-organization will start automatically, ushering in a predictable future, abundant opportunities, and the possibility of self-realization for everyone.
For details, please check out our teaser:
For questions, our guide bot is available at:
Join the discussion on Slack in channel #
And explore my related articles on Medium:
I look forward to collaborating with all innovators, developers, and visionaries dedicated to building a better future and making this groundbreaking concept a reality!


Warren Wu 13:31:48
@z.c.wu32 has joined the channel
AriesNan 14:41:49
@aries has joined the channel


Yi 14:31:56
@yhsin has joined the channel


Heart 10:30:50
@heart.work8294 has joined the channel
Jill Chang 14:11:24
1. Three keywords about yourself: DigiGoldCard, TalentExchange, SmartSolutions
2. How did you know about g0v? From facebook group
3. What do you do?International Talent Exchange Center of Taipei Computer Association
4. Issues you care about: Smart City Solutions, AI and Data Science trend
5. Leave your contact here: Slack or email:
6. Anything you want to say:
Hi I am Jill Chang on behalf of Taiwan DIGI Gold Card, an international program instructed by Taiwan Ministry of Digital Affairs.

*Taiwan Employment Gold Card* is a 4-in-1 visa combining Work Permit, Resident Visa, Alien Resident Certificate, and Re-entry Permit conveniently into one single card. Cardholders are granted the privilege of long-term residency in Taiwan, allowing them to freely seek employment, switch jobs at their convenience, legally take on part-time work, and even start a new business here. Additionally, holding the Employment Gold Card provides access to optimized tax benefits, eligibility for national health insurance, family reunion visas, and the possibility to apply for permanent residency.

We cordially invite digital professionals to apply for the Gold Card!
Jill Chang 14:11:24
1. Three keywords about yourself: DigiGoldCard, TalentExchange, SmartSolutions
2. How did you know about g0v? From facebook group
3. What do you do?International Talent Exchange Center of Taipei Computer Association
4. Issues you care about: Smart City Solutions, AI and Data Science trend
5. Leave your contact here: Slack or email:
6. Anything you want to say:
Hi I am Jill Chang on behalf of Taiwan DIGI Gold Card, an international program instructed by Taiwan Ministry of Digital Affairs.

*Taiwan Employment Gold Card* is a 4-in-1 visa combining Work Permit, Resident Visa, Alien Resident Certificate, and Re-entry Permit conveniently into one single card. Cardholders are granted the privilege of long-term residency in Taiwan, allowing them to freely seek employment, switch jobs at their convenience, legally take on part-time work, and even start a new business here. Additionally, holding the Employment Gold Card provides access to optimized tax benefits, eligibility for national health insurance, family reunion visas, and the possibility to apply for permanent residency.

We cordially invite digital professionals to apply for the Gold Card!


LinkedIn Login, Sign in | LinkedIn

Login to LinkedIn to keep in touch with people you know, share ideas, and build your career.

4 🎉 1


yoshemitzu 12:12:48
@yoshemitzu47 has joined the channel
yoshemitzu 12:39:59
1. Give us three keywords about yourself: Learn, laugh, love
2. How did you know about g0v? I actually transcribed conferences on g0v for many years when I worked as a freelance transcriptionist.
3. What do you do? These days, I'm more focused on musicianship, coding, and streaming/digital content creation.
4. Issues you care about: AI, equality, digital literacy, futurism
5. Leave your contact here: I'm yoshemitzu in most places on the Internet.
6. Anything you want to say: I'm still trying to find my place, here and in the world at large. But I know one thing I can do is learn as much about g0v as possible and then tell anyone who will listen.
yoshemitzu 12:39:59
1. Give us three keywords about yourself: Learn, laugh, love
2. How did you know about g0v? I actually transcribed conferences on g0v for many years when I worked as a freelance transcriptionist.
3. What do you do? These days, I'm more focused on musicianship, coding, and streaming/digital content creation.
4. Issues you care about: AI, equality, digital literacy, futurism
5. Leave your contact here: I'm yoshemitzu in most places on the Internet.
6. Anything you want to say: I'm still trying to find my place, here and in the world at large. But I know one thing I can do is learn as much about g0v as possible and then tell anyone who will listen.
chiao min chang 14:57:33 has joined the channel
Kite 16:54:18
@kitechen has joined the channel


Andrei Lubalin, Ph.D. 05:35:57
*1. 关于我 | About me:*
我是工程师和社会学家(博士),*DSI Exodus 2.0* 的作者和首席开发者。*DSI Exodus 2.0* 是一种数字社会创新,使人们能够 *自组织为一个去中心化的全球互助与直接合作网络*。
I am an engineer and sociologist (PhD), author, and lead developer of *DSI Exodus 2.0*—a digital societal innovation that enables *self-organization into a decentralized global network of mutual aid and direct cooperation*.
*2. 我是如何了解 g0v 的?| How did I learn about g0v?*
g0v 是一个专注于开放数据和公民参与的去中心化社区的强大示例。我长期研究 *自组织模型* 和 *去中心化社会结构*,在探索 *不同形式的去中心化自组织* 过程中了解到了 g0v。
g0v is a powerful example of a decentralized community focused on open data and civic engagement. I have been researching *self-organization models* and *decentralized societal structures*, which led me to g0v while exploring *various forms of decentralized self-organization*.
*3. 我在做什么?| What do I do?*
我已经 *开发了* *DSI Exodus 2.0* (*数字社会创新 Exodus 2.0*)—*一种全新的自组织方式*,它在技术和社会层面上都 *消除了对信任的需求*。
与区块链解决方案不同,*Exodus 2.0 基于现有的共情连接*,从架构上消除了恶意行为的可能性。它建立在 *数学证明的自催化不可避免增长模型* 之上,使其全球扩展 *成为必然*。
现在,我正在寻找 *志同道合的人和开发者*,一起 *将这项创新变成现实*。我们需要开发一个 *小部件——社交组织工具*,让人们可以 *形式化并扩展现有的互助网络*。*原型和文档已经完全准备就绪*。
I have *developed* *DSI Exodus 2.0* (*Digital Societal Innovation Exodus 2.0*)—*a new method of self-organization* that eliminates the need for technological and social trust.
Unlike blockchain-based solutions, *Exodus 2.0 leverages existing empathic connections* and removes the structural conditions for harmful actions. It is based on a *mathematically proven model of autocatalytic inevitability*, making its global expansion *inevitable*.
I am now seeking *like-minded individuals and developers* ready to *bring this innovation to life*. We need to create a *widget—a social organizer* that will allow people to *formalize and scale existing* mutual aid networks. *The prototype and documentation are fully ready.*
*4. 我关心的问题 | Issues I care about:*
• 去中心化自组织模型 | Decentralized self-organization models
• 数字社会变革 | Digital societal transformation
• 无强制的自组织 | Self-organization without coercion
• 全球 P2P 合作 | Global P2P cooperation
*5. 联系方式 | Contact:*
[您的邮箱 |
*6. 我想说的话 | Anything I want to say:*
如果技术创新 *不能改变人类互动的基本方式*,那么它是没有意义的。*Exodus 2.0* 不是对旧世界的优化,而是 *一个全新的结构的诞生*,它 *可以自我调节、无需信任就能增长,并在架构上防止滥用*。
如果你感兴趣的 *不是改进旧系统,而是建立一个新的系统*,让我们一起讨论 *如何将其变为现实* :rocket:。
你可以在 *我的 Slack 个人资料中找到更多信息和联系方式* [插入个人资料链接 | Insert profile link].
*感谢你的关注!| Thank you for your attention!*
Andrei Lubalin, Ph.D. 05:35:57
*1. 关于我 | About me:*
我是工程师和社会学家(博士),*DSI Exodus 2.0* 的作者和首席开发者。*DSI Exodus 2.0* 是一种数字社会创新,使人们能够 *自组织为一个去中心化的全球互助与直接合作网络*。
I am an engineer and sociologist (PhD), author, and lead developer of *DSI Exodus 2.0*—a digital societal innovation that enables *self-organization into a decentralized global network of mutual aid and direct cooperation*.
*2. 我是如何了解 g0v 的?| How did I learn about g0v?*
g0v 是一个专注于开放数据和公民参与的去中心化社区的强大示例。我长期研究 *自组织模型* 和 *去中心化社会结构*,在探索 *不同形式的去中心化自组织* 过程中了解到了 g0v。
g0v is a powerful example of a decentralized community focused on open data and civic engagement. I have been researching *self-organization models* and *decentralized societal structures*, which led me to g0v while exploring *various forms of decentralized self-organization*.
*3. 我在做什么?| What do I do?*
我已经 *开发了* *DSI Exodus 2.0* (*数字社会创新 Exodus 2.0*)—*一种全新的自组织方式*,它在技术和社会层面上都 *消除了对信任的需求*。
与区块链解决方案不同,*Exodus 2.0 基于现有的共情连接*,从架构上消除了恶意行为的可能性。它建立在 *数学证明的自催化不可避免增长模型* 之上,使其全球扩展 *成为必然*。
现在,我正在寻找 *志同道合的人和开发者*,一起 *将这项创新变成现实*。我们需要开发一个 *小部件——社交组织工具*,让人们可以 *形式化并扩展现有的互助网络*。*原型和文档已经完全准备就绪*。
I have *developed* *DSI Exodus 2.0* (*Digital Societal Innovation Exodus 2.0*)—*a new method of self-organization* that eliminates the need for technological and social trust.
Unlike blockchain-based solutions, *Exodus 2.0 leverages existing empathic connections* and removes the structural conditions for harmful actions. It is based on a *mathematically proven model of autocatalytic inevitability*, making its global expansion *inevitable*.
I am now seeking *like-minded individuals and developers* ready to *bring this innovation to life*. We need to create a *widget—a social organizer* that will allow people to *formalize and scale existing* mutual aid networks. *The prototype and documentation are fully ready.*
*4. 我关心的问题 | Issues I care about:*
• 去中心化自组织模型 | Decentralized self-organization models
• 数字社会变革 | Digital societal transformation
• 无强制的自组织 | Self-organization without coercion
• 全球 P2P 合作 | Global P2P cooperation
*5. 联系方式 | Contact:*
[您的邮箱 |
*6. 我想说的话 | Anything I want to say:*
如果技术创新 *不能改变人类互动的基本方式*,那么它是没有意义的。*Exodus 2.0* 不是对旧世界的优化,而是 *一个全新的结构的诞生*,它 *可以自我调节、无需信任就能增长,并在架构上防止滥用*。
如果你感兴趣的 *不是改进旧系统,而是建立一个新的系统*,让我们一起讨论 *如何将其变为现实* :rocket:。
你可以在 *我的 Slack 个人资料中找到更多信息和联系方式* [插入个人资料链接 | Insert profile link].
*感谢你的关注!| Thank you for your attention!*
Kiân-Guân Tân 06:14:24
@tkgn327 has joined the channel
yi 09:52:26
@mithangi1101 has joined the channel
Uta Aipotu 09:56:16
@aipotu1001 has joined the channel
aprilvic79 16:22:30
@aprilvic79 has joined the channel
mantingmusic 21:21:06
@mantingmusic has joined the channel
mantingmusic 21:26:49
1. 3個關鍵字 / NGO,人權,罷免
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / OCF
3. 熟悉的專長/ NGO,人權,政治
4. 有興趣的議題 / 人權、民主、政治
5. 怎麼聯絡 / 現場找
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / 二階段罷免怎麼高效率整理數據
mantingmusic 21:26:49
1. 3個關鍵字 / NGO,人權,罷免
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / OCF
3. 熟悉的專長/ NGO,人權,政治
4. 有興趣的議題 / 人權、民主、政治
5. 怎麼聯絡 / 現場找/DM
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / 二階段罷免怎麼高效率整理數據


Dave Lin 09:48:48
@yokobless has joined the channel
yubei Sung 14:47:15
@yubei710290 has joined the channel
lh h 20:04:40
@h14759255525 has joined the channel
Zeng Kevin 20:31:21
@kevinz93a2 has joined the channel
Oui 23:24:01
@weichiou1101 has joined the channel


CHENG PENG( 01:10:52
@cheng has joined the channel
Gina Chen 09:50:49
@gina850405 has joined the channel
Allison Shan-Ping Ni 11:15:17
@allisonnisp has joined the channel
AN L 11:25:52
@lpp054170 has joined the channel
Yu Heng有恆 11:49:39 has joined the channel
changyalan2010 11:56:38
@changyalan2010 has joined the channel
neil.perng 11:56:44
@neil.perng has joined the channel
eddie wang 15:27:52
@wang8119 has joined the channel
helen.yen 16:10:58
@helen.yen has joined the channel
sjun420 16:18:05
@sjun420 has joined the channel
nesessityemail 17:45:39
@nesessityemail has joined the channel
yyhuang 18:18:18
@yyhuang130 has joined the channel
Edward SC Wei 18:33:06
@ed.wei.2021 has joined the channel
jodic4 20:20:04
@jodic4 has joined the channel
Frank Wang 20:43:23
@frankwang5168 has joined the channel
Howard Kuo 21:06:49
@howard900126 has joined the channel
1087 howard 22:21:40
1.3個關鍵字/公務員 NGO 人權
2.怎麼知道g0v 的/ 臉友分享
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ 戶政事務所、戶政相關人權議題(婚姻平權、選舉罷免與公民投票、原住民身分、身分證等等)、日治時代戶口調查簿與戰後戶籍資料(興趣:台籍日本兵、戶政資料的轉型正義)
4. 有興趣的議題/ 人權、歷史與考古學、(特別是上述業務上會接觸到的)科學技術與社會
5. 怎麼聯絡:臉書 本名
6. 想說的:威權統治已結束,公務體系需要有自己的轉型正義
1087 howard 22:21:40
1.3個關鍵字/公務員 NGO 人權
2.怎麼知道g0v 的/ 臉友分享
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ 戶政事務所、戶政相關人權議題(婚姻平權、選舉罷免與公民投票、原住民身分、身分證等等)、日治時代戶口調查簿與戰後戶籍資料(興趣:台籍日本兵、戶政資料的轉型正義)
4. 有興趣的議題/ 人權、歷史與考古學、(特別是上述業務上會接觸到的)科學技術與社會
5. 怎麼聯絡:臉書 本名
6. 想說的聯絡或想做的事
legendcw 22:26:01
@legendcw has joined the channel
Josh Du 23:07:48
@aijoshteam has joined the channel
陳議添 23:11:49
@alanytc has joined the channel


cathy897 08:00:25
@cathy897 has joined the channel
Yoyo Tang 11:54:11
@peiryau has joined the channel
wicotang 16:28:33
@wicotang has joined the channel
Zoe Lin 17:12:04
@zoecoo has joined the channel
ooo 17:17:27
@c751c021l has joined the channel
frank mondragon 21:28:31
@fmp9111027 has joined the channel


Wen-Yi Huang 09:09:22
@wenyi_huang has joined the channel
Zoe Hsiao 16:29:13
@cuterightwork has joined the channel
UB 16:36:32
@bill3350 has joined the channel
Lelouch L 16:43:59 has joined the channel
YuLi 17:32:57
@yulichen77 has joined the channel
Nate 17:55:15
@s1312540321 has joined the channel


jimmy7453 01:27:58
@jimmy7453 has joined the channel
姚在府, Zai-Fu Yao 08:53:40
@zaifuyao has joined the channel
Szu Chi Huang 18:54:33
@cityminutes has joined the channel
余家豪 22:31:08
@goot121433 has joined the channel


Kathleen 03:43:06

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
podcast, technology, equity
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
Heard it from various people at tech/blockchain conferences
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
I host a podcast about progress that explores innovative ideas, technologies, and emerging economic models that put humanity and our planet first.
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
Human rights, emerging economic models, tech, systems change
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
All belong
Kathleen 03:43:06

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
podcast, technology, equity
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
Heard it from various people at tech/blockchain conferences
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
I host a podcast about progress that explores innovative ideas, technologies, and emerging economic models that put humanity and our planet first.
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
Human rights, emerging economic models, tech, systems change
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
All belong
Iris Chen 13:48:46
@iris926 has joined the channel
masa YEH 17:17:36
@g96150001 has joined the channel
吳佩諭 20:20:02
@eg791021 has joined the channel
陳聰進 20:20:57
@cbroker has joined the channel
Daryl Hung 20:21:28
@darylhung57 has joined the channel
柯乾庸 20:22:15
@qyke has joined the channel
Fawne 20:26:28
@fawn0401 has joined the channel
Ramis Chen 20:26:53
@ramis.chen88 has joined the channel
Sherry Wu 21:08:58 has joined the channel
Yi-hui Hsieh 21:58:39
@yihui.hsieh has joined the channel


Yu-ren Wei 14:27:45
@daffodil3345 has joined the channel
又忻 22:41:10
@sherry9537886 has joined the channel


abc890428 00:33:51
@abc890428 has joined the channel