
Month: 2024-08


Chia ho Chan 15:02:22
@froggua113 has joined the channel


Lance Fang 10:30:58
@slack.debating480 has joined the channel
jph422 11:24:56
@jph422 has joined the channel
jw.liao1209 11:27:38
@jw.liao1209 has joined the channel
rockexe0000 11:56:51
@rockexe0000 has joined the channel
shrry.ms9395 13:39:17
@shrry.ms9395 has joined the channel
iris.c.inuq 14:09:29
@iris.c.inuq has joined the channel
smukrty50711 14:13:04
@smukrty50711 has joined the channel
ceparadise168 15:12:50
@ceparadise168 has joined the channel
Patrick Tseng 16:53:46
@ian85539 has joined the channel
林潘 21:50:03
@a0983592490 has joined the channel


Taung-Han Ho 14:01:17
@mystes3016 has joined the channel
yomokan1991 15:58:23
@yomokan1991 has joined the channel
Chao-Ling Chyou 19:18:33
@02112023 has joined the channel
A Y Fang 20:08:37
@yu22372252 has joined the channel


陳昱璇 12:37:08
@chenshelly0716 has joined the channel
Kuan 14:26:44
@kusakawazeusu has joined the channel


Agnes C 10:06:36
@agnes.nccu has joined the channel
冠宇 19:40:36
@tosmile100 has joined the channel


陳阿寶 00:04:00
@j2346391 has joined the channel
achim.koh 18:39:19
@achim.koh has joined the channel
Paul 22:33:00
@shiangpu has joined the channel


R3T1CL3 19:32:45
@qwtykonstellation has joined the channel


eikai 21:23:08
@6327eikai has joined the channel


Gary Leeming 16:37:14
@gary.leeming has joined the channel
Gary Leeming 16:47:54
Hi 大家好。 我是Gary, 我的中文不好。 可以用英語嗎?我對 g0v 的工作有興趣因為我們的Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative有相似的目標. Our focus has been on participatory methods rather than technology so I think we have a lot to learn from your approaches. You can see more about our work and our Community of Practice here:


Civic Data Cooperative

The LCR CDC is a data stewardship project funded by the LCRCA which gathers residents’ data to inform health & care development in the Liverpool City Region.

Civic Data Cooperative on Notion

Participatory and Inclusive Data Stewardship Community of Practice | Notion


welcome! you can use English for self-intro as well. The content can include: 1. three keywords that describe you the best 2. what kind of topic / issues you are interested in 3. where did you hear about g0v community
Gary Leeming 2024-08-13 18:31:08

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: research technical professional, Mancunian, builder/maker
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? I was prompted via collaboration writing new policy brief with Digital Commons Policy Council who suggested I get in touch
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? I am the Director of the Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative, funded by our city government and hosted at University of Liverpool to develop new, participatory models for use of civic and health data
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: Am interested in cooperative and participatory design methods to build a more equitable digital space, especially for civic tech and democratic processes.
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: or message me here
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: See above.
👍 4 💡 2 1
Gary Leeming 16:47:54
Hi 大家好。 我是Gary, 我的中文不好。 可以用英語嗎?我對 g0v 的工作有興趣因為我們的Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative有相似的目標. Our focus has been on participatory methods rather than technology so I think we have a lot to learn from your approaches. You can see more about our work and our Community of Practice here:

welcome! you can use English for self-intro as well. The content can include: 1. three keywords that describe you the best 2. what kind of topic / issues you are interested in 3. where did you hear about g0v community
Gary Leeming 2024-08-13 18:31:08

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: research technical professional, Mancunian, builder/maker
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? I was prompted via collaboration writing new policy brief with Digital Commons Policy Council who suggested I get in touch
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? I am the Director of the Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative, funded by our city government and hosted at University of Liverpool to develop new, participatory models for use of civic and health data
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: Am interested in cooperative and participatory design methods to build a more equitable digital space, especially for civic tech and democratic processes.
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: or message me here
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: See above.
Gary Leeming 18:31:08

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: research technical professional, Mancunian, builder/maker
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? I was prompted via collaboration writing new policy brief with Digital Commons Policy Council who suggested I get in touch
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? I am the Director of the Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative, funded by our city government and hosted at University of Liverpool to develop new, participatory models for use of civic and health data
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: Am interested in cooperative and participatory design methods to build a more equitable digital space, especially for civic tech and democratic processes.
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: or message me here
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: See above.
eikai 20:02:31
eikai 20:27:18
1. 與我有關的三個關鍵字:日本人、軟體工程師、大學時期的研究領域是數理優化。
2. 是怎麼知道 g0v 的:我在研究公民科技時發現了這一點
3. 我的職業及專長:我在一家開發農業作業效率化產品的初創企業工作,主要負責開發業務。使用的程式語言是Ruby。
4. 我感興趣的議題:新技術、文化保存、環境與野生動物保護、農業等議題有興趣。不過,因為還不太了解有哪些專案,所以打算多看看這裡的討論頻道。
5. 如何聯絡我:Slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事: 自從去過台灣旅行後,我對台灣產生了濃厚的興趣。最近,我也對"公民科技"這個領域產生了興趣。 因為我中文不太好,所以這些都是翻譯過來的內容。如果表達得有點奇怪,還請多多包涵。我會努力學習中文。謝謝!
🌾 5 7 3 👍 1
eikai 20:27:18
1. 與我有關的三個關鍵字:日本人、軟體工程師、大學時期的研究領域是數理優化。
2. 是怎麼知道 g0v 的:我在研究公民科技時發現了這一點
3. 我的職業及專長:我在一家開發農業作業效率化產品的初創企業工作,主要負責開發業務。使用的程式語言是Ruby。
4. 我感興趣的議題:新技術、文化保存、環境與野生動物保護、農業等議題有興趣。不過,因為還不太了解有哪些專案,所以打算多看看這裡的討論頻道。
5. 如何聯絡我:Slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事: 自從去過台灣旅行後,我對台灣產生了濃厚的興趣。最近,我也對"公民科技"這個領域產生了興趣。 因為我中文不太好,所以這些都是翻譯過來的內容。如果表達得有點奇怪,還請多多包涵。我會努力學習中文。謝謝!


sungyitzu 03:00:07
@sungyitzu has joined the channel
CHEN Shun-Fa 05:34:06
@fafachen0716 has joined the channel
zdu2302 19:43:50
@zdu2302 has joined the channel


王耀忠 14:26:33
@sky991010 has joined the channel


淺羽SF 17:10:55
@kent1129o0 has left the channel


Angela He 10:37:21
@angela.he1995 has joined the channel
Manajaja 10:54:35
@cwyu1993 has joined the channel
陳睿穎 17:49:23
@freedom810903 has joined the channel
Shannon Goh 22:16:12
@shannongoh05 has joined the channel


David Vasquez 06:20:02
@vasquezdavid1991 has joined the channel
Bluesea WW 15:58:49
@b0919919457 has joined the channel


MAYSIx 10:55:50
@maysixlovers has joined the channel
MAYSIx 10:57:17
👋 團隊成員們好!
MAYSIx 10:57:17
👋 團隊成員們好!
BlueBoy247 16:15:52
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 大學生 凌晨睡覺 想要有更多錢去買動漫周邊和去日本玩
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 數發部唐鳳前部長因疫情成名那段時間,得知g0v這個社群,但那時候正在被忙碌高中生活摧殘所以推遲了進來的時間:melting_face:
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 目前是剛升大一的學生,只會HTML、CSS、JS和python,在各位大佬面前應該還很菜所以請多指教!
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 目前對各種議題都蠻有興趣的,希望能藉由參與g0v更明確摸索出自己有興趣的議題!
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: 或 discord: b1u3b0y ,因為很怕詐騙假帳號或垃圾帳號,希望可以說一下是g0v的成員,不然可能會被我無視😭,也可以直接用slack @allen941106 ,但目前還不常使用這個軟體所以可能會找不到我,今後會努力多上slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 好奇有沒有人在做總統、立委、縣市長、縣市議員政見的追蹤網站? 2024-08-21 16:19:35
歡迎來國會松/國會相關議題討論頻道 #
目前社群夥伴每個月都會舉辦國會松,也有整理 g0v 社群國會議題專案唷:
BlueBoy247 2024-08-21 21:03:38
@chewei 謝謝!但看起來這個專案已經結束了?🥲
BlueBoy247 16:15:52
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 大學生 凌晨睡覺 想要有更多錢去買動漫周邊和去日本玩
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 數發部唐鳳前部長因疫情成名那段時間,得知g0v這個社群,但那時候正在被忙碌高中生活摧殘所以推遲了進來的時間:melting_face:
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 目前是剛升大一的學生,會HTML、CSS、JS和python,但在各位大佬面前應該還很菜所以請多指教!
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 目前對各種議題都蠻有興趣的,希望能藉由參與g0v更明確摸索出自己有興趣的議題!
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: 或 discord: b1u3b0y ,因為很怕詐騙假帳號或垃圾帳號 希望可以說一下是g0v的成員 不然可能會被我無視😭,也可以直接用slack @allen941106 ,但目前還不常使用這個軟體所以可能會找不到我,今後會努力多上slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 好奇有沒有人在做總統、立委、縣市長、縣市議員政見的追蹤網站? 2024-08-21 16:19:35
歡迎來國會松/國會相關議題討論頻道 #
目前社群夥伴每個月都會舉辦國會松,也有整理 g0v 社群國會議題專案唷:
BlueBoy247 2024-08-21 21:03:38
@chewei 謝謝!但看起來這個專案已經結束了?🥲
MAYSIx 17:41:32
```1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: MAYSIx 牧羊 人
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 牧羊人
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 聊天
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: MAYSIx
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: 0917-007-570
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: MAYSIx 我是誰,為什麼在這。
MAYSIx 17:41:32
```1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: MAYSIx 牧羊 人
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 牧羊人
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 聊天
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: MAYSIx
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: 0917-007-570
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: MAYSIx 我是誰,為什麼在這。


dearmannerism 16:32:14
@dearmannerism has joined the channel


pooopooo543 11:46:10
@pooopooo543 has joined the channel
pooopooo543 12:09:37
Yo what's up 🤘 大家好我是 Allen He He,後面那個是我的姓氏何的拼音,但疊字比較可愛一點

• 是怎麼知道 g0v 的:有點忘記了,可能是很久以前有用過 公共政策參與平台 輾轉得知的,一直想參與看看但一直沒有鼓起勇氣
• 我的職業及專長:目前在台灣電商平台 CYBERBIZ 擔任前端工程師,非常喜歡寫程式
• 我感興趣的議題:還在了解與探索中
• 如何聯絡我:Slack / GitHub (cccccroge)
• 想說的話或想做的事:最近在調整自己的生活步調,決定想要多參與開源專案和「社群」,能與自己的專長做結合,思考與解決問題對我來說是一件很有意義的事情
pooopooo543 12:09:37
Yo what's up 🤘 大家好我是 Allen He He,後面那個是我的姓氏何的拼音,但疊字比較可愛一點

• 是怎麼知道 g0v 的:有點忘記了,可能是很久以前有用過 公共政策參與平台 輾轉得知的,一直想參與看看但一直沒有鼓起勇氣
• 我的職業及專長:目前在台灣電商平台 CYBERBIZ 擔任前端工程師,非常喜歡寫程式
• 我感興趣的議題:還在了解與探索中
• 如何聯絡我:Slack / GitHub (cccccroge)
• 想說的話或想做的事:最近在調整自己的生活步調,決定想要多參與開源專案和「社群」,能與自己的專長做結合,思考與解決問題對我來說是一件很有意義的事情
2 🚀 2 2
舒奇 18:09:10
@sq1157113011 has joined the channel
蔡宜潔 18:20:47
@hj145d has joined the channel
m940021 19:46:26
@m940021 has joined the channel
newsbielt703 20:25:22
@newsbielt703 has joined the channel
tpst6410 22:39:31 has joined the channel


conradsomogyi 19:17:32
@conradsomogyi has joined the channel


aile 14:14:37
@aile940124 has joined the channel
aile 14:25:23
hi 大家好!我是新加入的Aile,目前就讀台北大學不動產系,下面是我前陣子寫的自我介紹XD
I’m Aile, an undergrad at National Taipei University (NTPU), majoring in Real Estate and Built Environment. During the Summer 2024, I had the opportunity to interning at ( , a surveying and mapping company.

I love sharing what I know, and I was fortunate to be a part of GIScience Lab led by Prof. Bo-Cheng Lin, and a research assistant since June, advised by Prof. Ta-Kang Yeh. It’s been rewarding to assist others in grasping challenging concepts and supporting their researching!
我對學術、規劃、空間資訊、built environment非常有興趣,高中時有參加過學生自治。
目前沒有參加社群的經驗,希望能多多認識大家!( *ˊᵕˋ)
# 感覺很適合你!
aile 14:25:23
hi 大家好!我是新加入的Aile,目前就讀台北大學不動產系,下面是我前陣子寫的自我介紹XD
I’m Aile, an undergrad at National Taipei University (NTPU), majoring in Real Estate and Built Environment. During the Summer 2024, I had the opportunity to interning at ( , a surveying and mapping company.

I love sharing what I know, and I was fortunate to be a part of GIScience Lab led by Prof. Bo-Cheng Lin, and a research assistant since June, advised by Prof. Ta-Kang Yeh. It’s been rewarding to assist others in grasping challenging concepts and supporting their researching!
我對學術、規劃、空間資訊、built environment非常有興趣,高中時有參加過學生自治。
目前沒有參加社群的經驗,希望能多多認識大家!( *ˊᵕˋ)
# 感覺很適合你!
👍 3 💡 2


Kapibara 22:46:13 has joined the channel


Mitko Dimitrov 08:01:05
@cryptomitko has joined the channel


Takeru Nakao 09:20:05 has joined the channel
minexo79 11:32:35
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 無人機 軟體工程師 虛擬歌手調教
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? FB / Other Community / ~Ted~
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 軟體開發、空拍攝影
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: civil defense
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: discord: iblackcat_4119/GitHub: minexo79
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 嗨,我是黑貓,請多多指教,~絕對不是因為我很久沒來了才想再打一遍~
4 j 個 嗎(亂 cue
Ted 顥天 2024-08-31 14:28:51
可能是ㄛ 好好笑
minexo79 11:32:35
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 無人機 軟體工程師 虛擬歌手調教
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? Ted
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 軟體開發、空拍攝影
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: civil defense
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: discord: iblackcat_4119/GitHub: minexo79
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 嗨,我是黑貓,請多多指教,~~絕對不是因為我很久沒來了才想再打一遍~~
4 j 個 嗎(亂 cue
Ted 顥天 2024-08-31 14:28:51
可能是ㄛ 好好笑
marouflash 13:32:25
@marouflash has joined the channel
NG 13:37:48
@unoctquadium has joined the channel
柚子 13:58:06
@cy0802.amy has joined the channel
MAYSIx 15:29:34
@是怎麼知道 g0v 的:iTaigi
• 我的職業及專長:沒有
• 我感興趣的議題:世界平安
• 如何聯絡我:line beachboi
• 想說的話或想做的事:順其自然✌️MAYSIxLOVERS
MAYSIx 15:29:34
@是怎麼知道 g0v 的:iTaigi
• 我的職業及專長:沒有
• 我感興趣的議題:世界平安
• 如何聯絡我:line beachboi
• 想說的話或想做的事:順其自然✌️MAYSIxLOVERS
bgoral2415 17:53:57
@bgoral2415 has joined the channel
Judy Chuang 20:57:24
@iamjudychuang has joined the channel