
Month: 2024-11


五雀六燕 16:21:46
@junlwang0230 has joined the channel


Haoming Yang (Ethan) 03:02:18
@yanghaoming0922 has joined the channel
hyde31456 18:35:36
@hyde31456 has joined the channel
Bin Chang 20:30:20
@idforbin has joined the channel


hyde31456 18:19:00
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: SRE / 工程師 / 以前參與過開放資料
2. 怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 還在念碩士時因指導老師有邀請g0v的講者來學校演講而知
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?金融業工程師
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 交通議題
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

歡迎來11/23 黑客松玩!
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 創業 / 工程師 / 製造業
2. 怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 最近第一次參加開源社群
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在傳統製造業從事精實生產改善與軟體結合
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 目前與團隊正開發幾個項目中:交通、製造業生管軟體
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
各位好,我是Bin,在我的職涯中,有幸能跟許文治老師邊學邊做2年的精實,爾後在海外大型傳產8年與台灣中小型傳產3年,驗證精實生產是一種低成本但高效的改善方法。 十多年來調研不少市面上的ERP與MES鮮少有成功結合精實生產的系統。 不僅很幸運找到志同道合的夥伴,並將精實理念與系統結合的產品成功推進台灣工廠。 努力創業中
hyde31456 18:19:00
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: SRE / 工程師 / 以前參與過開放資料
2. 怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 還在念碩士時因指導老師有邀請g0v的講者來學校演講而知
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?金融業工程師
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 交通議題
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

歡迎來11/23 黑客松玩!
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 創業 / 工程師 / 製造業
2. 怎麼知道gOv 的 / How did you know about gOv? 最近第一次參加開源社群
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在傳統製造業從事精實生產改善與軟體結合
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 目前與團隊正開發幾個項目中:交通、製造業生管軟體
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
各位好,我是Bin,在我的職涯中,有幸能跟許文治老師邊學邊做2年的精實,爾後在海外大型傳產8年與台灣中小型傳產3年,驗證精實生產是一種低成本但高效的改善方法。 十多年來調研不少市面上的ERP與MES鮮少有成功結合精實生產的系統。 不僅很幸運找到志同道合的夥伴,並將精實理念與系統結合的產品成功推進台灣工廠。 努力創業中


ethelhsiao0616 00:39:33
@ethelhsiao0616 has joined the channel
Yi Yun Lu (阿芸) 14:54:50
@ff210129 has joined the channel


Annie 15:43:13
@annie_chen has joined the channel


Pei-Yu Yang 15:55:53
@yangpyu1014 has joined the channel
YuJen 18:08:19
@belongbelong223 has joined the channel


Erica Lin 08:51:21 has joined the channel


Yung Chen Lin 01:52:06
@a0909303329 has joined the channel
1015 YuYu 22:38:36
@whes1015 has joined the channel
bliss106046 22:38:50
@bliss106046 has joined the channel


玉璽 09:39:01
@flyfishswim has joined the channel
Ray Chen 14:03:22
@s09955113 has joined the channel
Brian Su 14:03:31
@brian18088 has joined the channel
RaphisQ 20:34:44
@raphisq has joined the channel


Gina 10:43:13
@ginalo9527 has joined the channel
ckaznable 19:23:07
@ckaznable has joined the channel


Steven Chang 00:08:12
@stevenchang421 has joined the channel
michael.h.kuo 13:01:03
@michael.h.kuo has joined the channel
diana0520 13:11:53
@diana0520 has joined the channel
danstorms1 14:31:24
@danstorms1 has joined the channel


isabelhou 07:50:46
歡迎大家 11/23 到大松碰面

g0v hackath64n | 台灣零時政府第陸拾肆次黃金比例黑客松

g0v 第陸拾肆次大黑客松將在 2024.11.23(六)於中研院資訊所舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

1 👍 1
isabelhou 07:50:46
歡迎大家 11/23 到大松碰面
王家芃 14:31:18
@applepeng1209 has joined the channel


9minuti 21:59:14
@alessandrooppo has joined the channel
chen ken 22:09:04
@kenchen9508 has joined the channel
jordi.vallejo 23:34:17
@jordi.vallejo has joined the channel


tina251 00:08:46
@tina251 has joined the channel
gracekeng1 07:47:26
@gracekeng1 has joined the channel
zphillipsgary 11:38:00
@zphillipsgary has joined the channel


Chia-Wei Lin (Eric) 13:58:19
@eric.c.w.lin has joined the channel
🚀 1 1
劉耀璘 19:24:30
@yaolin has joined the channel


柳橙汁 09:53:57
@liudingding222222 has joined the channel


Lillian Chan 10:33:08
@habuheartaa has joined the channel
Lillian Chan 10:34:16
👋 團隊成員們好!
🚀 1 1 1
Lillian Chan 10:34:16
👋 團隊成員們好!
luphiaccw 12:39:44
@luphiaccw has joined the channel
luphiaccw 12:52:12
大家好,我是 Luphia,你可以唸作魯肥鴨,是魯肥宅的好朋友。
luphiaccw 12:52:12
大家好,我是 Luphia,你可以唸作魯肥鴨,是魯肥宅的好朋友。

1. 關鍵字 / 嘴砲、肥宅、中年大叔
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / 2014 年路過來吃 Pizza
3. 熟悉的領域 / 用區塊鏈技術借別人的顯示卡來算 AI
4. 有興趣的議題 / 立法院十大好球
5. 聯絡資訊 / github 提 issues
6. We are the Bug. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
tofus 14:06:23

歡迎加入 g0v slack,有空可以填個自介讓大家更認識你,也更容易找到適合的專案唷!(歡迎自行增減問題、也歡迎坑主們回文推坑)
Hello, welcome to join g0v slack!
Introduce yourself to community helps you to reach current g0v-projects, you may also raise your own project here.
```1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:```
tofus 14:06:23

歡迎加入 g0v slack,有空可以填個自介讓大家更認識你,也更容易找到適合的專案唷!(歡迎自行增減問題、也歡迎坑主們回文推坑)
Hello, welcome to join g0v slack!
Introduce yourself to community helps you to reach current g0v-projects, you may also raise your own project here.
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
陳祐謙 14:46:07
@ak001h0661 has joined the channel
Hsi Yuan Chou 16:54:22
@hsiyuanchou has joined the channel
Miranda Shou 19:47:48
@miranda.shou0606 has joined the channel


veiyacoco 11:54:10
@veiyacoco has joined the channel
Hsiflow Lang 12:25:55
@hsiflow has joined the channel


st1013114 00:37:15
@st1013114 has joined the channel
cychiu147 09:10:11
@cychiu147 has joined the channel
dvd950322 09:11:48
@dvd950322 has joined the channel
聖yee 10:22:51
@dd41648725 has joined the channel
Marceline Huang 18:24:59
@qazwsxedc31130277 has joined the channel


EricChiu 02:24:39
@ericchiu8020 has joined the channel
61 14:56:26
@liue853224 has joined the channel
61 15:11:27
1. 3個關鍵字 / 後端、籃球、桌遊
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / 網路上偶然相遇
3. 熟悉的專長/ Node.js、MySQL
4. 有興趣的議題 / 居住議題
5. 怎麼聯絡 / 之後在放
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / 目前沒有
早安 61!
推薦 # 頻道 !
61 15:11:27
1. 3個關鍵字 / 後端、籃球、桌遊
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / 網路上偶然相遇
3. 熟悉的專長/ Node.js、MySQL
4. 有興趣的議題 / 居住議題
5. 怎麼聯絡 / 之後在放
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / 目前沒有
早安 61!
推薦 # 頻道 !
葉芷瑄 17:44:42
@a1093326 has joined the channel
btoeww1993 22:11:47
@btoeww1993 has joined the channel



allen0711 07:35:51
@allen0711 has joined the channel
Minying Zhu 23:20:31
@minying.zhu has joined the channel


吳怡慧 22:49:18
@yihueiwusandra has joined the channel