
Month: 2021-08


Uy 10:16:38
@dosimple21 has joined the channel
林依柔 Zonnie 12:03:35
@zonnie01666 has joined the channel
Chang Kevin 22:20:20
@kevinsirius has joined the channel


小六加一 00:00:49
@cosine1453476 has joined the channel
小六加一 00:08:21
好奇你是從哪裡知道 g0v 的,有人介紹或是什麼之類的
Analeigh 10:19:51
@analeigh.jothon has joined the channel
LU 12:04:22




6 4 🎉 1
Slackbot 12:04:23
vanillam 16:59:46
@jimkcsung has joined the channel
潘Powei 17:47:37
@powei1990 has joined the channel
miniokla 18:21:27
@miniokla has joined the channel
Diane Shen 19:02:17
@diane.shen has joined the channel
黃詩妤 Shelly 19:06:13
@shelly has joined the channel


Anthony Volk 05:57:17
@anth.volk has joined the channel
ArK 12:21:39
@wnb210 has joined the channel
Chi Fang Lee 13:46:40
@chifanglee0520 has joined the channel
Jenn 15:23:50
@24kkoi has joined the channel
Wayne Hsu 17:32:19
@wayne45709265 has joined the channel


周洵 13:45:19
@hendry.js1247 has joined the channel
Penghsuan 15:28:15
@penghsuanlee has joined the channel
Jack Becher 16:28:40
@jack.becher has joined the channel
洪偉禧 16:48:10
@cindycindy95158 has joined the channel
odeson24 20:41:00
@odeson24 has joined the channel
Shan Jian 21:59:57
@l059069045 has joined the channel


高橋悟 15:59:16
@tsatoru has joined the channel
Tai-Wei Huang 16:03:35
@davidh0801 has joined the channel
Kudoeil 松思帆 16:55:16
3.我之前是中文系研究生,現在為法国国家科学研究中心-亞洲學研究院聯盟做digital communication,關注各種和亞洲學有關的學術活動
4.有興趣的議題 : 媒體 / Web/ 政治/國際關係/lgbtqia/設計/藝術
5.@julien.saintsevin / twitter: julienstsevin
6.希望疫情趕快結束,有需要跟法文有關的東西,可以來找我 ✌️
👏 5 🌍 3 🇫🇷 6
地球球 23:19:37
@elaine890907 has joined the channel


victor0815 08:37:14
@victor0815 has joined the channel
周華展 11:24:53
@rajaooxx has joined the channel


hhow09 01:49:10
@hhow09 has joined the channel
Matt Chang 22:38:18
@tingyugenius has joined the channel
tntchn 23:02:31
@tntchn has joined the channel
tntchn 23:39:29
哈囉大家好我是 tntchn,剛退伍還沒找到事情做到處晃晃🧐
三個關鍵字 `設計研究` `電子樂器` `路上觀察`
我之前大學是學工業設計的,所以平常最喜歡做的事就是對各個設計做出評ㄆㄧ 論ㄆㄧㄥˊ,講好聽一點就是為社會做出一點點貢獻,因為對音樂有點感興趣,未來的夢想是看到台灣能有一間像 Teenage Engineering 一樣小而美的電子樂器公司,所以現在正在努力朝這個夢想邁進中,現在開始學 Pure Data,對 Pure Data 有興趣的人觀迎來找我聊天!
另外因為喜歡到處亂跑觀察路上的東西,然後畫到 OpenStreetmap 上,常在用的人可能有看過我的 id xd
希望能在 g0v 跟大家一起互相學習🥲
5 5


OnCloud 01:42:21
@anonymousaaaa41414141 has joined the channel
夏宗麟 12:12:55
@romewasnobuiltinaday has joined the channel
iepiweidieng 20:17:22
@iepiweidieng has joined the channel
Ken Chen 23:20:48
@ken00535 has joined the channel


Koying Chen 19:15:57
@koyingchen0523 has joined the channel
randy pan 20:17:56
@randy4mac has joined the channel
fengyuehchan 22:45:53
@fengyuehchan has joined the channel


CM CHANG 10:48:00
@thompson292 has joined the channel
盲盲 14:50:13
Hi 👋 有任何小學校營隊的問題歡迎到 #edu-camp 詢問唷~
喜歡動漫的捧油~要不要來跳日文翻譯坑壓 #japanese
👋 5 4 3
黑殼鐵hekote 16:51:31
@hekote9 has joined the channel
Ydna Ua 20:59:27
@virtutelabore has joined the channel


err 07:52:34
@shfeedly has joined the channel
Paul Lu 14:06:35
@dodoiyp has joined the channel
tai 14:56:13
@contactfromg0vslack has joined the channel
Tsao Donny 21:30:57
@don.cricketsss has joined the channel


takabumi.k 09:52:48
@takabumi.k has joined the channel
Quiny Hsieh 10:49:54
@koala750226 has joined the channel
犬良 15:45:13
@birthtago has joined the channel
小傑 17:41:35
@richkiet2266 has joined the channel


david ye 00:56:55
@david435 has joined the channel
tryeverythingican 08:25:21
@tryeverythingican has joined the channel
Alex Wu 10:45:59
@agentleman.wu has joined the channel
RC 14:58:26
@s0973141729 has joined the channel
隱性人類 20:06:54
@etgamegirl has joined the channel


鄭惠文 10:19:59
@minijang1996 has joined the channel
ChiuYun 土撥鼠 Tsai 10:36:37
@chiuyun1111 has joined the channel
huger 10:54:26
@hsiehwp has joined the channel
ML Chen 13:10:58
@millilitre1412 has joined the channel
小雲 16:24:56
@zzz26488200 has joined the channel
Viola Cheng 16:25:32
@myart0622 has joined the channel


d10530411 13:02:24
@d10530411 has joined the channel
林溜溜 18:08:31
@linpau66 has joined the channel
Yuntsui Chang 20:34:12
@ytchang1988 has joined the channel


Alex(秀吉) 09:57:00
@hctsai.be10 has joined the channel
Howard Chen 09:57:50
@howard5248 has joined the channel
黃琦 10:01:45
@s110712406 has joined the channel
Elaine Wang 13:26:10
@elainewang0211 has joined the channel
Jason Hsu 15:56:11
@jasonhsu2013 has joined the channel
Tim Huang 20:39:52
@taxihuang030926 has joined the channel
Tim Huang 20:57:51
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 高三學測戰士/完全新手/摸索
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 從身邊朋友和競賽對手介紹得知
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 學生、正在探索
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 開發/web/app/UI&UX/設計/藝術/自然語言/程式語言/音樂/電子音樂
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: @taxihuang030926 /ig : @timmyhaung/ twitter : @taxihuang030926/ github : @taxihuang030926
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 喜歡探索各式各樣東西,並且喜歡嘗試做看看!目前作為學測生,可能要晚些才能全心意投入g0v參與議題
Yvonne 22:55:29
@yvonne456951 has joined the channel


minw 12:52:54
@ishin4554 has joined the channel
陳婷 20:16:05
@k789071 has joined the channel
鄭金洋 21:07:51
@neil072758 has joined the channel
陳婷 21:42:25
大家好,我是陳婷,目前正準備轉職UI設計師 ,尋找有興趣的side project
4.有興趣的議題 :UI&UX /web/app/設計/藝術/建築/景觀/獨立音樂/閱讀
5. @k789071 / IG:___chenting
最近 #edu-aray 專案需要 UI 設計 🥺
@besslee 你好,我有點進去網頁及Slack頁面,還是不清楚專案的目標是什麼,可以稍微說明一下嗎,謝謝☺️
「ARAY」唸作「a lai」,是阿美語「感謝、感激」之意,是一個公民科技貢獻者的專案與任務視覺化平台。我們希望可以把黑客松的任務視覺化,讓坑主跟有意願幫忙的人可以更快連結上,就像我們現在的情境 XD 坑主通常需要花一些時間讓新來的人理解專案跟任務,但很多時候,中間這件事情沒有做好就有點可惜。
目前是網站,之後也有 app 的打算
3 🌳 2
Benny Cheng 23:16:07
@benny12628 has joined the channel


PEI LUN WU 08:52:04
@lmwfjb has joined the channel
sourrain studio 13:56:08
@sourrainnn has joined the channel
姚芷均 15:09:50
@tmes9408 has joined the channel
EvaTT 16:21:21
@evatseng9310 has joined the channel
@chiahsin.tang has joined the channel


diaoga 00:31:31
@hny6109 has joined the channel
ytorp 03:54:26
@ytorp has joined the channel
Alex 12:16:40
@alex0952541263 has joined the channel
Kai WANG 22:43:16
@david.kaiwang has joined the channel


Sean Shih 15:29:00
@bjsean has joined the channel
K.Chun Tsai 18:54:03
@ee93chly has joined the channel
詹婉妤 20:33:59
@stacy1992719 has joined the channel
Pei 22:34:12
Hello 大家好,我是剛轉換跑道當前端的pepe

1. 三個關鍵字:`會點日文` `前端菜鳥` `不會設計但可以美編QQ`
2. 怎麼知道 g0v :唐鳳訪問、臉書看到
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長:前端程式相關、也可以協助簡單日文翻譯
4. 有興趣的議題 : 教育、社會議題、日文、web
5. 聯絡 : Slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事 :
日文科系出身,後來做了短暫的美編設計會點ai、ps,後來又轉職前端XD 好像有點亂點技能樹
希望有機會可以參與各種有趣的side project,加強技術能力,目前也有關注教育、jothon的標籤
👍 4 1


承穎 10:24:06
@chengyingchuang has joined the channel
jou 11:27:44
@07221284 has joined the channel
陳加恩 Danny Chen 12:43:44
@w112233442 has joined the channel
Ronny Wang 14:31:51
@ronnywang_test1 has joined the channel
村人B 16:32:46
@enemarykawai has joined the channel
ky 22:31:32
❤️ 2


詹雨安 18:30:52
@scya597 has joined the channel
LinKit 23:40:37 has joined the channel


Mila Chung 10:01:10
@milacc2013 has joined the channel
Jason Hsu 12:03:05
Hi everyone! I'm Jason. I was born Canadian, but my parents are Taiwanese. Right now I'm here mostly just to lurk but I quite admire what you do here and might try to start a similar movement in Canada in the future.
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Describe yourself in three words:
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you find out about g0v?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / How do we contact you?
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say!
Jason Hsu 13:03:32
Hi everyone! I'm Jason. I was born Canadian, but my parents are Taiwanese. Right now I'm here mostly just to lurk but I think it's quite cool what you do here and would like to see a similar movement in Canada in the future.
大家好,我叫明哲,是在加拿大🇨🇦出身但家長是臺灣🇹🇼僑民。我沒受過中文教育所以有點文盲xd,請大家耐心。目前只想潛水, 但以後希望加拿大能有相等的行動社群。
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Describe yourself in three words:
文盲,外國人,珍奶鬼:bubble_tea:. Ambitious, tinkers with everything, should really sleep more.
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you find out about g0v?
用萌典學中文 moedict is the reason i can sort of read
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
啊。。。這有點不會寫,請用google translate. haha.
我在University of British Columbia大三,正讀Computer Science 和自然科學。專長目前是王網後端但常研究許題。
I'm currently a 3rd year student at the University of British Columbia, studying Computer Science (and for a bit Biology). I've mostly done web backend, but i tinker with everything. I helped found the BC chapter of OSMS, an organization that looks to promote and support the design of (O)pen (S)ource (M)edical (S)upplies 開源設計醫療設備
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
cybersecurity 網絡安全, bioinformatics ?<生物信息學>?
5. 怎麼聯絡 / How do we contact you? Slack
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say!
it took me 20 minutes to write this because my chinese is trash 🙃
👍 9 7
Jianting Jin 14:27:12
@wade4515x has joined the channel
judylin103203023 23:36:21
@judylin103203023 has joined the channel


jekyll hyde 14:16:29
@jekyllhuangus has joined the channel


H jeny 09:02:40
@jeny9531343 has joined the channel
Wisla Honora 10:37:41
@honoraglis has joined the channel 15:23:43 has joined the channel
Kyle Morgan 16:49:26
@morganks has joined the channel
Yinru Lo 22:06:41
@yinruvivianlo has joined the channel


Ziv Lee 11:49:44
@ziv has joined the channel
Ivan Tu 21:06:31
@sandytu35 has joined the channel


xiaoba 01:43:36
@xiaoba has joined the channel
ChunKai Chen Kevin 08:57:29
@tp6rmp4d93 has joined the channel
kevinsg1217 11:52:03
@kevinsg1217 has joined the channel
장예현1415 12:34:19
@ds1415 has joined the channel


陳繹帆 00:07:45
@afan0918 has joined the channel
陳品佑 13:57:45
@championyu2 has joined the channel
Gao高HUEI-CHIN彗慈 13:57:47
@vicky454565 has joined the channel
吳國維 14:01:20
@kevinwu0920 has joined the channel
林俐君 14:01:39
@cid.lclin has joined the channel
i fan wang 14:04:32
@lawcourt2002 has joined the channel
盧怡蒨 14:04:45
@chien03170317 has joined the channel
Han-Nan Lin 14:13:34
@medicat has joined the channel
riritata321 14:13:35
@riritata321 has joined the channel
江子言 14:27:15
@s8900989009 has joined the channel
皇如 14:27:39
@chrneon has joined the channel
吳可雲 14:28:03
@anbowbow has joined the channel
雅涵gabriel 14:28:11
@gabriel has joined the channel
Jen Lai 14:28:17
@tock0121 has joined the channel
天觀 14:28:18
@joshuachou0407 has joined the channel
yeh 14:28:19
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李祥 14:28:24
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廖期正 14:28:31
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周家緯 14:28:32
@tonychou0215 has joined the channel
小徐 14:28:33
@a5032872 has joined the channel
Ashley 14:28:37
@wu621554 has joined the channel
Alison 14:28:39
@alisonhuang31 has joined the channel
Brian Chen 14:28:42
@xyuchy has joined the channel
Jade Shih 14:28:56
@jade.yh.shih has joined the channel
高資堯 14:29:01
@s0935756540 has joined the channel
蔡健輝 14:29:03
@tchai6072 has joined the channel
郭宇璇 14:29:07
@yuying900813 has joined the channel
Yu shin Cheng 14:29:15
@clairecheng.ys has joined the channel
Kuan-Ting Lin 14:29:21
@ponggang has joined the channel
蔡昀潔 14:29:57
@yctsai311 has joined the channel
Sylvia Peng 14:30:25
@ivy1031happy has joined the channel
Yvonne 14:32:36
@yvonne.ln has joined the channel
黃崇祐 14:32:56
@beitou2018 has joined the channel
連真 14:33:16
@hannahlien0330 has joined the channel
許HSU慈茵Tzu-Yin 14:33:17
@tzuyin20147 has joined the channel
swing1384 14:33:36
@wu1384 has joined the channel
Exic Jhuang 14:33:53
@exic1983 has joined the channel
yisuwong 14:37:57
@yisuwong has joined the channel
GUAN-HUI LU 14:38:30
@qb7244 has joined the channel
nickben96 14:39:43
@nickben96 has joined the channel
Bowei Fan 15:05:19
@boweifan1234 has joined the channel
a0970164476 15:06:31
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a0960361706 15:17:40
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Alex M. Chong 15:23:40
@login has joined the channel
carl 20:15:25
@carl.puchner has joined the channel
aliceappleface 20:59:28
@aliceappleface has joined the channel


YuanHsun Chang 13:25:50
@johnnychang0210 has joined the channel
mr.changyuheng 14:25:07
@mr.changyuheng has joined the channel
C.H. Wang 16:25:35
@chbear1024 has joined the channel


EvAChU 16:37:48
@xalien.chu has joined the channel