
Month: 2025-01


yenyu Liu 16:02:23
@sanstary has joined the channel


chang eric 08:56:46
@changeric1031 has joined the channel
潘建宇 12:15:50
@chienyupan0427 has joined the channel
stevenchen0616 21:13:27
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dogQ 21:21:45
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silvercow002 13:59:08
@silvercow002 has joined the channel
Henry Chen 14:51:31
@map456jp has joined the channel
瀧先生 14:53:30
@mister.longgggg has joined the channel
Van Harris 14:53:32
@harry750110 has joined the channel
brendan9012 14:56:16
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sun496 16:23:33
@sun496 has joined the channel
shockwa1208 22:40:23
@shockwa1208 has joined the channel


arden01 04:28:38
@arden01 has joined the channel
asuka 12:48:56
@aylguo has joined the channel
MJW 20:13:14
@fs721176 has joined the channel


Rae Tz 18:13:39
@joey3060 has joined the channel
Tony Hsieh 20:28:17
@xxh21ad has joined the channel
Yuanhsin 22:07:20
@yuanhsin has joined the channel


yo dirhsu 10:26:09
@dirhsu has joined the channel
spidergary40603 13:43:53
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John 22:38:12
@johnchan822 has joined the channel


brandon1221t 07:14:45
@brandon1221t has joined the channel
王煒然 11:50:40
@aloss8411 has joined the channel
Shutaro A 21:36:08
@shutaro.aoyama has joined the channel


Daniel Bulic 08:33:33
@info607 has joined the channel


Jason 00:36:12
@jason60810 has joined the channel
missyvetteyu 20:52:34
@missyvetteyu has joined the channel


Yugo Atobe 09:47:59
@yugoatobe0330 has joined the channel
潔茜卡 23:08:01
@jessica56899 has joined the channel


ptinn 07:28:32
@ptinn has joined the channel
Wesley Finck 09:58:42
@wesleyfinck has joined the channel
Wesley Finck 10:30:30
Hello g0v community!

Wesley here 👋

I’ve been interested in communities and technologies that focus on stewarding the commons, especially the information commons. I currently work as a software engineer for where we are building an open social web for open science. We want to create a tool that helps researchers and scientists steward the invaluable knowledge commons they contribute to through their work.

I will be travelling to Taipei for about 1 month starting in mid-February, and a friend I met at DWeb camp ( told me about RightsCon and the g0v hackathon, I will be attending both!

I’m also hoping to find co-working and/or co-living communities or spaces that I can work/live from while in Taipei, if anyone has any recommendations that would be very appreciated 😊

Excited to connect with you all and learn more about g0v!

DWeb Camp

DWeb Camp 2024

We invite you to join us at the DWeb Camp!

RightsCon Summit Series


The 13th edition of the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age will take place in February 2025

g0v hackath65n | 台灣零時政府第陸拾伍次平凡而自由的黑客松 Ordinary Life with Freedom Hackathon

Welcome to the 65th Hackathon of the g0v community on February 22, 2025!歡迎參加 平凡而自由的 g0v 黑客松活動!

5 1
Wesley Finck 10:30:30
Hello g0v community!

Wesley here 👋

I’ve been interested in communities and technologies that focus on stewarding the commons, especially the information commons. I currently work as a software engineer for where we are building an open social web for open science. We want to create a tool that helps researchers and scientists steward the invaluable knowledge commons they contribute to through their work.

I will be travelling to Taipei for about 1 month starting in mid-February, and a friend I met at DWeb camp ( told me about RightsCon and the g0v hackathon, I will be attending both!

I’m also hoping to find co-working and/or co-living communities or spaces that I can work/live from while in Taipei, if anyone has any recommendations that would be very appreciated 😊

Excited to connect with you all and learn more about g0v!
tcliou 20:04:28
@tcliou has joined the channel


Morgan 05:47:03
@morgan.genz2 has joined the channel
fly 08:47:50
記憶,在變化中連結想像、適應現實。 2025-1-17 —flyism

不分真假。 記憶沒有真假之分,而是如何被拿來用在生活中。有個孩子記得兩歲時被爸爸拔走奶嘴,他大聲尖叫。阿德勒懂孩子的心情,「這世界很殘忍,我突然被剝奪原有的特權。」孩子帶著這樣的記憶,時時注意自我確保,覺得隨時有人搶走所有資源。 《個體心理學講座》
不願回憶任何與痛苦情感有連繫的事物。 記憶不願回憶任何與痛苦情感有連繫的事物,對這些事物的回憶將會重新喚起那種痛苦的感覺。 《精神分析引論(新版)》

像一條時間長河。 記憶像一條時間長河,慢慢地變形、改道,甚至蟄伏進入地底深處,有時問不出來的事,之後在無意間冒出來。 《末代女礦工》
像曾經握在愛人手中的一枚硬幣,掉在城市角落,找到的時候,還感覺得到愛人體溫。 記憶像曾經握在愛人手中的一枚硬幣,掉在城市角落,找到的時候,還感覺得到愛人體溫。 《捨得,捨不得──帶著金剛經旅行》
其扭曲是人類基本而普遍的現象。 記憶扭曲是人類基本而普遍的現象,不太可能有人能避免。 《數位世紀的真實告白》

去「回想」。 記憶更新的催化劑正是「回想」這個動作本身。 《記憶決定你是誰》
去轉化成大腦擅長記憶的資訊類型(如圖像與空間)。 記憶術最重要的祕訣,就在於把大腦不擅長記住的資訊類型(如文字與數字),轉化成大腦擅長記憶的資訊類型(如圖像與空間)。 《大腦這樣記憶,什麼都學得會》

和「快速查閱」是同一個問題的平行解決方案。 記憶和「快速查閱」是同一個問題的平行解決方案。大致上當我們可以越快查到東西,那東西就越不需要記憶。 《主題薦書:超級歪談哲學之旅》
和想像之間具有連結的根本事實。 記憶和想像之間具有連結的根本事實,這也正是我們之所以能夠記憶事物的核心。 《記憶決定你是誰》
和運動量越大,你可以多記住二○%的單字。 記憶力的實驗中便顯示:與坐著背單字相比,背單字前或背單字時運動量越大,你可以多記住二○%的單字 《真正的快樂處方》

是一個生態系,裡面有許多彼此互動的細胞群組。 記憶並不是一些各自獨立的島嶼,而是一個生態系,裡面有許多彼此互動的細胞群組。 《記憶決定你是誰》
是一個稜鏡,我們透過它來看見自己、別人與世界。它將我們所說、所思與所做全部連結在一起。 記憶遠遠不只是過去的檔案庫;它是一個稜鏡,我們透過它來看見自己、別人與世界。它將我們所說、所思與所做全部連結在一起。 《記憶決定你是誰》
是一種白色印痕(empreinte blanche),既在場也缺席。 記憶更可說是一種白色印痕(empreinte blanche),既在場也缺席。 《未定之圖:觀空間》
是一種肌肉,要阻力鍛鍊。 記憶是一種肌肉,沒有阻力,就不可能鍛鍊強健體魄,心智也不會成長。 《大腦什麼都記得住!》
是主觀。 記憶這東西實在是太主觀了。 《四季》
是以片段建構整體。 記憶力有個基本特徵:它熱切地以片段建構整體。 《如何獨處》
是全腦合作的結果。 記憶並不局限於某些大腦區塊,也不是由某些腦區生成的,而是全腦合作的結果,大腦在快速運轉時,所有腦區都參與其中。這就是為什麼最新研究認為,記憶是可以調整的 《大腦韌性》
是幫助人們適應環境。 記憶就是在這種情況下產生的能力,它的功能就是幫助人們適應環境。 《阿德勒談人性》
是經驗、許多心智的交流。 記憶不只源自經驗,也源自許多心智的交流。 《意識之川流》
是靠最初幾秒鐘的全神貫注。 記憶也是如此,完全靠最初幾秒鐘的全神貫注,後面的時間幾乎不費工夫。 《大腦什麼都記得住!》

會不斷變化,那是一種生氣蓬勃、持續前進的敘事過程。 記憶並非單純是重建機關,讓人得以回憶曾經存在之物。存在的事物,在記憶中會不斷變化,那是一種生氣蓬勃、持續前進的敘事過程。 《愛欲之死》
會掙扎。 記憶是會掙扎的,它們本身也有不甘被忘記的生命力。 《睡眠的航線》
會擅自添油加醋。 記憶這種東西總會擅自添油加醋。 《重力小丑 (2010年新版)》

有適應力。 記憶的本質具有適應力,可以幫助我們重新架構過去,所以我們有能力在保有曾經發生過什麼事的記憶之餘,逐漸改變自己對情緒記憶的反應。 《記憶決定你是誰》
有選擇性。 記憶具有選擇性,意味著我們的生活會無可避免的遭到縮減,包括遇到的人、所做的事情、拜訪的地方,將只剩下記憶能捕捉到的一小部分 《記憶決定你是誰》
fly 08:47:50
記憶,在變化中連結想像、適應現實。 2025-1-17 —flyism

不分真假。 記憶沒有真假之分,而是如何被拿來用在生活中。有個孩子記得兩歲時被爸爸拔走奶嘴,他大聲尖叫。阿德勒懂孩子的心情,「這世界很殘忍,我突然被剝奪原有的特權。」孩子帶著這樣的記憶,時時注意自我確保,覺得隨時有人搶走所有資源。 《個體心理學講座》
不願回憶任何與痛苦情感有連繫的事物。 記憶不願回憶任何與痛苦情感有連繫的事物,對這些事物的回憶將會重新喚起那種痛苦的感覺。 《精神分析引論(新版)》

像一條時間長河。 記憶像一條時間長河,慢慢地變形、改道,甚至蟄伏進入地底深處,有時問不出來的事,之後在無意間冒出來。 《末代女礦工》
像曾經握在愛人手中的一枚硬幣,掉在城市角落,找到的時候,還感覺得到愛人體溫。 記憶像曾經握在愛人手中的一枚硬幣,掉在城市角落,找到的時候,還感覺得到愛人體溫。 《捨得,捨不得──帶著金剛經旅行》
其扭曲是人類基本而普遍的現象。 記憶扭曲是人類基本而普遍的現象,不太可能有人能避免。 《數位世紀的真實告白》

去「回想」。 記憶更新的催化劑正是「回想」這個動作本身。 《記憶決定你是誰》
去轉化成大腦擅長記憶的資訊類型(如圖像與空間)。 記憶術最重要的祕訣,就在於把大腦不擅長記住的資訊類型(如文字與數字),轉化成大腦擅長記憶的資訊類型(如圖像與空間)。 《大腦這樣記憶,什麼都學得會》

和「快速查閱」是同一個問題的平行解決方案。 記憶和「快速查閱」是同一個問題的平行解決方案。大致上當我們可以越快查到東西,那東西就越不需要記憶。 《主題薦書:超級歪談哲學之旅》
和想像之間具有連結的根本事實。 記憶和想像之間具有連結的根本事實,這也正是我們之所以能夠記憶事物的核心。 《記憶決定你是誰》
和運動量越大,你可以多記住二○%的單字。 記憶力的實驗中便顯示:與坐著背單字相比,背單字前或背單字時運動量越大,你可以多記住二○%的單字 《真正的快樂處方》

是一個生態系,裡面有許多彼此互動的細胞群組。 記憶並不是一些各自獨立的島嶼,而是一個生態系,裡面有許多彼此互動的細胞群組。 《記憶決定你是誰》
是一個稜鏡,我們透過它來看見自己、別人與世界。它將我們所說、所思與所做全部連結在一起。 記憶遠遠不只是過去的檔案庫;它是一個稜鏡,我們透過它來看見自己、別人與世界。它將我們所說、所思與所做全部連結在一起。 《記憶決定你是誰》
是一種白色印痕(empreinte blanche),既在場也缺席。 記憶更可說是一種白色印痕(empreinte blanche),既在場也缺席。 《未定之圖:觀空間》
是一種肌肉,要阻力鍛鍊。 記憶是一種肌肉,沒有阻力,就不可能鍛鍊強健體魄,心智也不會成長。 《大腦什麼都記得住!》
是主觀。 記憶這東西實在是太主觀了。 《四季》
是以片段建構整體。 記憶力有個基本特徵:它熱切地以片段建構整體。 《如何獨處》
是全腦合作的結果。 記憶並不局限於某些大腦區塊,也不是由某些腦區生成的,而是全腦合作的結果,大腦在快速運轉時,所有腦區都參與其中。這就是為什麼最新研究認為,記憶是可以調整的 《大腦韌性》
是幫助人們適應環境。 記憶就是在這種情況下產生的能力,它的功能就是幫助人們適應環境。 《阿德勒談人性》
是經驗、許多心智的交流。 記憶不只源自經驗,也源自許多心智的交流。 《意識之川流》
是靠最初幾秒鐘的全神貫注。 記憶也是如此,完全靠最初幾秒鐘的全神貫注,後面的時間幾乎不費工夫。 《大腦什麼都記得住!》

會不斷變化,那是一種生氣蓬勃、持續前進的敘事過程。 記憶並非單純是重建機關,讓人得以回憶曾經存在之物。存在的事物,在記憶中會不斷變化,那是一種生氣蓬勃、持續前進的敘事過程。 《愛欲之死》
會掙扎。 記憶是會掙扎的,它們本身也有不甘被忘記的生命力。 《睡眠的航線》
會擅自添油加醋。 記憶這種東西總會擅自添油加醋。 《重力小丑 (2010年新版)》

有適應力。 記憶的本質具有適應力,可以幫助我們重新架構過去,所以我們有能力在保有曾經發生過什麼事的記憶之餘,逐漸改變自己對情緒記憶的反應。 《記憶決定你是誰》
有選擇性。 記憶具有選擇性,意味著我們的生活會無可避免的遭到縮減,包括遇到的人、所做的事情、拜訪的地方,將只剩下記憶能捕捉到的一小部分 《記憶決定你是誰》
qwewq654 14:45:27
@qwewq654 has joined the channel
a0988811607 21:39:42
@a0988811607 has joined the channel
胡桃核 22:05:50
@iegciegciegc has joined the channel
WSP 22:55:27
@wspooong has joined the channel


chinghua 08:23:57
@chinghuayu has joined the channel
Andrea Tsai 13:42:02
@8dragonandrea has joined the channel
陳怡秀 14:03:18
@emily550522 has joined the channel
吳恩萱 15:39:33
@fionawusxf has joined the channel
Shin 15:44:01
@fairyariel has joined the channel
沈佩玲 16:05:26
@shen.peiling has joined the channel


withsimple 00:23:14
@withsimple has joined the channel
una888888 00:31:28
@una888888 has joined the channel
ChengHan Liu 00:37:27
@liu8105203762 has joined the channel
蘇新祐 11:15:28
@yoyooscarsutu has joined the channel
murshedk 14:46:13
@murshedk has joined the channel
n26064074 15:12:10
@n26064074 has joined the channel
Claire Cheng 20:29:19
@n9040904 has joined the channel


Joanne Hsu 13:56:20
@joannehsu2020 has joined the channel
高貓 22:08:56
@littlemilkcat has joined the channel


mi Wang 13:21:23
@mimi60518 has joined the channel
Daniel Chang 13:35:00
@daniel.chang has joined the channel
8ihc8ihc 23:42:13
@8ihc8ihc has joined the channel


Ngelmu Filsafat 10:26:23
@ngelmufilsafat has joined the channel
Zoey 0x 19:25:27
@zoey has joined the channel
kworca0000 22:36:37
@kworca0000 has joined the channel


黃麗蓉 16:29:43
@vivian_huang has joined the channel
黃麗蓉 16:33:21
@vivian_huang has left the channel


If Lin 2025 14:50:31
@if.lin870482 has joined the channel
hwang 18:25:56
1.與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 神經科學/磁振造影/心理健康
2.怎麼知道g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 朋友推薦
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在醫院研究所做影響小兒語言發育的罕見基因病的研究。專長:認知神經科學,機器學習,磁振造影(MRI, functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging),心理健康,聽覺,言語及語音科學。
4.有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 大腦健康(小兒及青少年憂鬱症、焦慮症、ADHD、思覺失調等的神經生物學機制),心理健康狀況預測。
5.怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、mailto:
6.想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

推薦 ~ 農業頻道 #
關心心理衛教資源的頻道 # 也有投入醫學影像研究 ?
hwang 18:25:56
1.與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 神經科學/磁振造影/心理健康
2.怎麼知道g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 朋友推薦
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?在醫院研究所做影響小兒語言發育的罕見基因病的研究。專長:認知神經科學,機器學習,磁振造影(MRI, functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging),心理健康,聽覺,言語及語音科學。
4.有興趣的議題 / Issues you careabout: 大腦健康(小兒及青少年憂鬱症、焦慮症、ADHD、思覺失調等的神經生物學機制),心理健康狀況預測。
5.怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、mailto:
6.想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

推薦 ~ 農業頻道 #
關心心理衛教資源的頻道 # 也有投入醫學影像研究 ?
yctien2021 19:14:45
@yctien2021 has joined the channel
hwang 19:43:33
(Repost in English 😆)

1. Three keywords about yourself: Neuroscience/ MRI /Mental Health
2. How did you know about g0v? From a friend.
3. What do you do?Research Fellow in Paediatric Neuroscience. Expertise: Cognitive Neuroscience, ML, MRI (anatomical, functional, diffusion), Mental Health, Speech and Hearing sciences.
4. Issues you care about: Brain health (child and adolescent depression, anxiety, ADHD, and psychosis) and related issues in the public health domain. Prediction of the onsets of mental health conditions.
5. Leave your contact here: Slack or email (
6. Anything you want to say:

Hi everyone, this is Han! I’m a research fellow at a hospital in London, working on rare genetic conditions in children with speech and language disorders of genetic origin. I’m very passionate about the human brain 🧠 and promoting awareness of mental health and diversity in families, workplaces, and broader society. I hope to contribute to the g0v community with my expertise in neuroscience and ML. Working with a friend in here in London, I’m also involved in organising local events related to Taiwan’s social and democratic systems and issues. We’re eager to connect with like-minded friends who share our vision of leveraging technology to address social and public health challenges💪. We’re planning on hosting a local Hackathon event too in London (hopefully soon 🤭), hmu if you’re interested😆.
hwang 19:43:33
(Repost with English version 😆)

1.與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: Neuroscience/ Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ Mental Health
2.怎麼知道g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? Friend’s suggestion.
3.平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?Working as a research fellow at a hospital in London to investigate the altered neural pathways in children with rare speech disorders that has a genetic origin. Expertise: Cognitive Neuroscience, Machine Learning, MRI (anatomical, functional, diffusion tensor imaging), Mental Health, Speech and Hearing sciences.
4.有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: Brain health (child and adolescent depression, anxiety, ADHD, and psychotics) and related issues in the public health domain. Prediction of the onsets of mental health conditions.
5.怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack、mailto:
6.想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:

Hi everyone, this is Han! I’m a research fellow at a hospital in London, working on rare genetic conditions in children with speech and language disorders of genetic origin. I’m very passionate about the human brain :brain: and promoting awareness of mental health and diversity in families, workplaces, and broader society. I hope to contribute to the g0v community with my expertise in neuroscience, machine learning, and data processing. Working with a friend in here in London, I’m also involved in organising local events related to Taiwan’s social and democratic systems and issues. We’re eager to connect with like-minded friends who share our vision of leveraging technology to address social and public health challenges:muscle:. We’re planning on hosting a local Hackathon event too in London (hopefully soon!), hmu if you’re interested:laughing:.


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