
Month: 2021-12


Julian CK 13:33:16
@julian0927 has joined the channel
Julian CK 13:38:58
```1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 老師/復健師/弱勢族群
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 唐鳳
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 目前擔任教職但對服務弱勢族群有興趣
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 弱勢族群、烏托邦農場
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 集結眾人力量,服務弱勢族群,讓弱勢族群形成一個能自給自足的生態系統!```
歡迎到 #edu 頻道,零時小學校正在努力接觸大家及舉辦營隊
👍 1
楊佳臻 19:14:07
@jennyy00125 has joined the channel
廖志融 23:57:07
@zxc469469 has joined the channel


zztin 07:39:01
@litingchen16 has joined the channel
Sophie Ko 12:12:44
@mrsclooney712 has joined the channel
reavel8821 18:38:52
@reavel8821 has joined the channel
Wes Yeh 23:22:41
@wes.c.yeh has joined the channel


roger920707fb 10:04:47
@roger920707fb has joined the channel
Jie Hao Ou 11:14:50
@allenstorm2005 has joined the channel
fangkui117 22:10:08
@fangkui117 has joined the channel
HsinYu 22:51:52
@r08322016 has joined the channel
Wei-Hao Lai 23:47:52
@whl83111 has joined the channel


BL 10:27:41
@wabisabi.shareholder has joined the channel
K K 14:49:37
@yyeess2010 has joined the channel
Lawino Chan 20:32:32
@lawinochan has joined the channel


高山泉 07:31:03
@quangaoshan29 has joined the channel
楊欣翰 19:40:03
@harry900302 has joined the channel
HCY 71 22:16:03
@king.swak has joined the channel
Lydia Chen 22:57:13
@lydia7635 has joined the channel


Ann Chen 09:27:58
@annchen has joined the channel
Amy 23:30:21
@clins210 has joined the channel


Li Cheng Yu 10:20:04
@leoking3305 has joined the channel
Yajing Luo 22:45:11
@luoyjwhu has joined the channel
Yajing Luo 23:00:06
@luoyjwhu has left the channel


mglee 12:05:03
@mglee has joined the channel
vtu Lin 22:01:58
@inorganicom has joined the channel


Jufang Ruby Tan 11:09:27
@vrtyhs has joined the channel
劉玫宜Liu, Mei-Yi 15:06:29
@vist20100627 has joined the channel
mettā-luxury 17:00:51
Hello 我是清文,住在法國的台北人。做裝置藝術
mettā-luxury 2021-12-10 17:14:02
Metta 是巴利文慈心、愛的意思。

Hello 我是清文,住在法國的台北人。
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 : 藝術/ 台灣法國水利學童教育/Vipassana靜坐
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 : 網路
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長: 藝術、教育、新創
4. 有興趣的議題 : 水利、烏托邦農場城鄉都更
5. 怎麼聯絡 :
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 後疫情時代的觀察
🎨 2 🙌 1
mettā-luxury 17:13:03
Metta 是巴利文慈心、愛的意思。

Hello 我是清文,住在法國的台北人。
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 : 藝術/ 台灣法國水利學童教育/Vipassana靜坐
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 : 網路
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長: 藝術、教育、新創
4. 有興趣的議題 : 水利、烏托邦農場城鄉都更
5. 怎麼聯絡 :
6. 想說的話或想做的事 : 後疫情時代的觀察
CH C 19:30:12
@aher2600 has joined the channel
林喚玲 20:05:33
@ginaworld1982 has joined the channel
Marcus 20:35:14
@mryjchen has joined the channel
Sam Yang 21:29:01
@thelilyinwater has joined the channel


stluke.huang 07:48:53
@stluke.huang has joined the channel
Stacy Chen 09:46:40
@pengzhengchen7 has joined the channel
drunkcloudhoward 09:56:03
@drunkcloudhoward has joined the channel
weichen 10:58:42
@cordura87 has joined the channel
Abu Kuo 12:41:41
@kuoabu has joined the channel
吴谦 13:39:49
@wuqianking123 has joined the channel
r09544025 17:08:57
@r09544025 has joined the channel
sunny75101 17:14:49
@sunny75101 has joined the channel


christine kuan-wei 00:01:52
@christine.kuanwei.che has joined the channel
christine kuan-wei 00:18:19
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 法律(憲法、公法、管制)/人權/學術研究
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 一直都知道(?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 律師、憲法法院、人權保障、科技法和資訊法
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: maybe anything about democracy and human rights
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 希望透過制度改善讓台灣的民主制度時俱進,不斷強化民主社群的人權保障,邁向共好,然後讓東亞民主的經驗與世界交流
歡迎加入東亞公民科技協作社群 FtO頻道
christine kuan-wei 2021-12-16 14:40:20
2 🙌 2 🌏 2
Ethan Hynds 04:30:22
@ehynds2077 has joined the channel
White Cat 10:24:04
@evilwhitecat065 has joined the channel
tonychen9321 11:24:46
@tonychen9321 has joined the channel
Hasnaa F. 11:34:52
@fatehihasnaa has joined the channel
Hasnaa F. 11:40:03
Hello everyone,
1. Digital Health/ Regulation/ Underserved
2. I was invited by Isabel Hou who I met last week at RadicalxChange
3. I am a MedTech regulatory affairs and quality assurance professional
4. Intersection between Art and Business, Muslim women's place in the world, participatory regulations for digital health
Hasnaa F. 11:42:39
Hello everyone,
1. Digital Health/ Regulation/ Underserved
2. I was invited by Isabel Hou who I met last week at RadicalxChange
3. I am a MedTech regulatory affairs and quality assurance professional
4. Intersection between Art and Business, Muslim women's place in the world, participatory regulations for digital health
5. I can be reached at
6. Joining this community in hope of finding like-minded folks interested in researching/designing a way for patients/citizens to regulate digital health Apps.
Sounds very interesting!!!
👍 2
Shih-yu Hsu 21:43:28
@shihyu.renee.hsu has joined the channel


Jing Ting Weng 17:32:54
@api1998712 has joined the channel
LY 21:50:56
@lilianwang51 has joined the channel


ted820525 10:52:28
@ted820525 has joined the channel
minty 11:36:53 has joined the channel
wendyyu0123 14:12:46
@wendyyu0123 has joined the channel
Ya-wei Chou 19:05:38
@yawei.chou has joined the channel


内藤弓佳 11:59:15
@naito has joined the channel
wayne lee 19:44:45
@lescreamss has joined the channel
annabellechientw 22:32:42
@annabellechientw has joined the channel


賴宇寅 10:35:14
@coll19901124 has joined the channel


陳存佩 13:42:07
@peggy10191019 has joined the channel
email 15:49:55
@email has joined the channel
email 15:51:31 building a country in the metaverse

Network State Genesis - Passport NFT

Network State Genesis

Architecting a New World. Operating System for the Planet(s)


yang yang 18:32:32
@ogre304 has joined the channel


102311148 12:47:57
@102311148 has joined the channel


tzuchieh 09:33:20
@pudding103314 has joined the channel
Sinter 17:03:59
@hasjoh has joined the channel
oxen 23:00:23
@b07902125 has joined the channel


jothon g0v 12:21:10
@jothonorganizers has joined the channel
M C 21:25:12
@michaelcheng has joined the channel


Lu 01:05:38
@yuyan0086 has joined the channel


Paul Chen 16:37:03
@p22626262 has joined the channel


Bo Xun Wu 09:45:35
@twozau has joined the channel
bo Wu 09:52:18
@honter_tribor has joined the channel


Ting Tsou 19:05:59
@tsou93 has joined the channel
浪游者 21:18:37
@spike.j.zhou has joined the channel


James Prichard 00:38:35
@jayprich has joined the channel
James Prichard 00:50:41
hi~ 我叫 James H.-Prichard
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: England Mathematics Walking
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? Mentioned by guest, Glen Weyl of Microsoft, on EconLib's podcast
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? I work in finance as a risk manager, I study optimisation techniques.
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: Kindness, fairness and efficiency
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: I am interested to listen and to see how your tools assist groups to reach consensus.
Edward Wilkinson 02:41:00
@edward.wilkinson6 has joined the channel
張綱桓 10:18:46
@lewis0629123code has joined the channel
amyliao237 12:30:51
@amyliao237 has joined the channel


Loyi Hsu 01:16:03
@works has joined the channel
柏大衛 10:51:39
@david529 has joined the channel
柏大衛 11:33:43
1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • 平等主義,佛教徒,愛國語
2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 好幾次遇到了。。但今天看起來有certificate的問題,
3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • 我是一個前面軟體電腦工程師
*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 現代的民主。我害怕人類的未來,想幫我們有更好的未來。我也對人類社會組織有興趣
*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?* • 我的國語不太好。練習的時候,大概可以幫你們翻譯一些網頁(比如說:
有興趣可以加入 #translation channel
Next g0v hackathon will be on Feb 19. Stay tuned
@david529 BTW, #disfactory project is looking for frontend engineering in Vue.js. Have you checked out the online g0v hackathon registration?
lukelee011 15:08:23
@lukelee011 has joined the channel
Harry Chang 16:55:57
@ksharry1025 has joined the channel
MRIYA MOWAY. 23:05:28
@405010207 has joined the channel


Antoine Levie 23:41:03
@anlevie1 has joined the channel


jasonchanodan 13:37:46
@jasonchanodan has joined the channel