
Month: 2022-02


ambershen792 21:27:07
@ambershen792 has joined the channel


Drice Lin 00:54:22
@h01870338 has joined the channel
Drice Lin 01:12:11
1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • 社會學(學徒?)、Communication(傳播/溝通)、關切在地議題
2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 從14年ronny wang的台灣公司關係圖、太陽花運動,到近年cofacts,一直都在關注g0v與開放社群的使用者。
3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • 研究助理/區域研究、科學傳播及高等教育
*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 
*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
Drice Lin 01:18:16
1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • 社會學(學徒?)、Communication(傳播/溝通)、關切在地議題
2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 從14年ronny wang的台灣公司關係圖、太陽花運動,到近年cofacts,一直都在關注g0v與開放社群的使用者。
3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • 研究助理/區域研究、科學傳播,以及高等教育政策
*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 民主深化、性別運動、社區營造及科學與健康傳播
*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
3 2
Drice Lin 01:18:16
1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • 社會學(學徒?)、Communication(傳播/溝通)、關切在地議題
2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 從14年ronny wang的台灣公司關係圖、太陽花運動,到近年cofacts,一直都在關注g0v與開放社群的使用者。
3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • 研究助理/區域研究、科學傳播,以及高等教育政策
*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 民主深化、性別運動、社區營造及科學與健康傳播
*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
nathanhewitt 11:02:16
@nthnhwtt has joined the channel
이수종 16:24:29
@lacoiffure828 has joined the channel
菘菘 20:02:18
@rrt467778 has joined the channel


Phillip Galinsky 09:55:31
@phillip.galinsky has joined the channel
Yashvir 22:21:29
@www.yashvirchawla has joined the channel
Yashvir 22:47:11
Hallo g0v, I'm new here so I'll intro myself,
Three keywords about me: :thinking_face: Curious, :man-running: Hustler, :flag-in: Indian
2. How did I got to know g0v?: through 👩‍💻🏻 Audrey Tang's Linkedin Bio
3. What do I do?
Product Design (UI/UX) 🎨 for an autoparts E-commerce marketplace in Berlin 🇩🇪
4. Issues I care: Digital Skill gap,
5. My contact:

6. Issues I care: There is an increasing Digital skill gap. Universities won't prepare students for employment, atleast in my country 🇮🇳 where 95% engineers are not employable, and employers won't spend time training them.
People need to learn how to Upskill (prepare) themselves as we don't want 10 million young people applying for 35k average paying jobs only to get disappointed later and protest (this is happening right now in my country).
I wish to learn and reduce this skill gap. A life goal for me 🎯

7. Last note: I'm learning about Social businesses :classical_building:, a way to use business methods to fix problems around us while building a self sustainable business, alternative to capitalism. I wanna go slow but sustainable, for me, top businesses even though they are making money aren't sustainable if there focus is money, that's something I am learning how to challenge.
@www.yashvirchawla Welcome! We do need a lot of Product Design expertises in civic tech space.

Here are some g0v channels you might be interested in:

#general #edu #designer #rand0m (Mostly in Mandarin, but feel free to type in English)

#general-en #facing-the-ocean #intl #translation(English channels)

Or you can create a new channel for digital skill gap.
You may also want to come to online g0v hackathon on GatherTown on Feb. 19 (Taipei Time) Register to get the hackathon link.
You can also share the digital skill gap issue in your country or any ideas you want more people to join in the hackathon or in Slack as well.
Sounds great, will do so :) sadly have to miss this hackathon but will keep myself informed for the future ones.
Yashvir 22:47:11
Hallo g0v, I'm new here so I'll intro myself,
Three keywords about me: :thinking_face: Curious, :man-running: Hustler, :flag-in: Indian
2. How did I got to know g0v?: through 👩‍💻🏻 Audrey Tang's Linkedin Bio
3. What do I do?
Product Design (UI/UX) 🎨 for an autoparts E-commerce marketplace in Berlin 🇩🇪
4. Issues I care: Digital Skill gap,
5. My contact:

6. Issues I care: There is an increasing Digital skill gap. Universities won't prepare students for employment, atleast in my country 🇮🇳 where 95% engineers are not employable, and employers won't spend time training them.
People need to learn how to Upskill (prepare) themselves as we don't want 10 million young people applying for 35k average paying jobs only to get disappointed later and protest (this is happening right now in my country).
I wish to learn and reduce this skill gap. A life goal for me 🎯

7. Last note: I'm learning about Social businesses :classical_building:, a way to use business methods to fix problems around us while building a self sustainable business, alternative to capitalism. I wanna go slow but sustainable, for me, top businesses even though they are making money aren't sustainable if there focus is money, that's something I am learning how to challenge.
@www.yashvirchawla Welcome! We do need a lot of Product Design expertises in civic tech space.

Here are some g0v channels you might be interested in:

#general #edu #designer #rand0m (Mostly in Mandarin, but feel free to type in English)

#general-en #facing-the-ocean #intl #translation(English channels)

Or you can create a new channel for digital skill gap.
You may also want to come to online g0v hackathon on GatherTown on Feb. 19 (Taipei Time) Register to get the hackathon link.
You can also share the digital skill gap issue in your country or any ideas you want more people to join in the hackathon or in Slack as well.
Sounds great, will do so :) sadly have to miss this hackathon but will keep myself informed for the future ones.


adven 14:08:28
@adven has joined the channel
黑雪公主 19:05:15
@rexwu1104 has joined the channel


Lee Yvonne 01:35:01
@yvonnewww19981227 has joined the channel
Chih Wei Lin 21:41:45
@kiwilin579 has joined the channel


Orin 16:39:46
@orin has joined the channel


Ruei 01:19:09
@thatcatinsomnia has joined the channel
Ming-Fang Cheng 10:09:21
@daydream.61996 has joined the channel
toitrainingrsh 18:38:39
@toitrainingrsh has joined the channel
Zoe Chen 19:14:15
@mczoechen has joined the channel


Weiwei Hsu 20:37:26
@cba5530 has joined the channel


arcangelo de castris 10:12:32
@arcangelodeca has joined the channel
E64062092石名竣 12:47:12
@e64062092 has joined the channel
justin chen 13:20:23 has joined the channel
Going KUO 14:36:02
@goingshow has joined the channel
NZ 21:36:57
@shsp102003 has joined the channel


Ivan 07:03:15
@lsn123666 has joined the channel
Dylan Lin 11:33:50
@dylan851012 has joined the channel
黃資淇 16:23:21
@victor2006.3.13 has joined the channel


Jay Lo 16:39:58
@loujay60606 has joined the channel
Jay Lo 18:03:31
> 1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • Foodie,, SEO分析師
> 2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 小班推坑
> 3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • SEO
> *4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 分配正義、科學、文化
> *5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
> *6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?* • 目前在美國波頓的一間數位行銷公司擔任SEO分析師,有需要SEO網站分析或許可以幫忙
🖐️ 1 🕳️ 1 2
Jay Lo 18:03:31
> 1. *與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* • Foodie,, 分析師
> 2. *怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* • 小班推坑
> 3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* • SEO
> *4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about? •* 分配正義、科學、文化
> *5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?* •
> *6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?* • 目前在美國波頓的一間數位行銷公司擔任SEO分析師,有需要SEO網站分析或許可以幫忙


elisatychang 02:06:12
補自介😄 希望能跟大家多交流

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
人權 (human rights)
說故事 (storytelling)
茶 (tea lover)

2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
在某年的RightsCon巧遇一群台灣人才知道g0v. 之後就默默關注

3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
目前在人權團體工作,大部分時間負責寫企劃書、報告、關注國際上的數位人權相關議題(專門看獨裁專制國家)... 工作外偶爾會做些書面翻譯工作(英中/中英).

4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
資訊控制/言論審查 (censorship)
政治宣傳/大外宣/大內宣 (propaganda)
監控 (surveillance)

5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack DM me

6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 因為好幾年在國外,希望能多follow台灣的數位人權、政府透明度、資訊自由的議題
🙌 4
elisatychang 02:06:12
補自介😄 希望能跟大家多交流

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
人權 (human rights)
說故事 (storytelling)
茶 (tea lover)

2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
在某年的RightsCon巧遇一群台灣人才知道g0v. 之後就默默關注

3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
目前在人權團體工作,大部分時間負責寫企劃書、報告、關注國際上的數位人權相關議題(專門看獨裁專制國家)... 工作外偶爾會做些書面翻譯工作(英中/中英).

4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
資訊控制/言論審查 (censorship)
政治宣傳/大外宣/大內宣 (propaganda)
監控 (surveillance)

5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Slack DM me

6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 因為好幾年在國外,希望能多follow台灣的數位人權、政府透明度、資訊自由的議題
Gabriel Huang 15:13:40
@gbxhuang has joined the channel
cchsieh60 16:45:41
@cchsieh60 has joined the channel
nicodejean (尼珂) 19:32:11
@nicolas.dejean34 has joined the channel


codeclass rosen 15:26:00
@rosencodeclass has joined the channel


qqsss 10:19:13
@mevrmelhaddad has joined the channel
Camille Peng 12:23:25
@phpengcamille has joined the channel
Eric Lazarus 21:51:47
@javaplusnyc has joined the channel
Yvonne C 23:16:42
@yvonnetfg has joined the channel


wei jou 16:32:50
@weicjou has joined the channel
Justin 18:04:47
@yf95035 has joined the channel


Daniel Meehan 10:20:52
@danielwmeehan has joined the channel
彌敦道 9號 13:10:34
@chancheungfu has joined the channel
張貴雅 19:27:01
@gueiyajhang has joined the channel
Wei 22:12:54
@dinnes0812 has joined the channel
benq7879 22:13:34
@benq7879 has joined the channel


Hanlin Cheng 09:12:08
@hanlincheng has joined the channel
Ariel Hsueh 11:25:08
@ariel.hsueh has joined the channel
Jacky Liu 16:47:31
@jackyliu0129 has joined the channel
OliverJ 19:31:35
@jesaispas0314 has joined the channel
renyouchen3 20:16:36
@renyouchen3 has joined the channel


Oscar Hung 08:44:01
@meteorbs13 has joined the channel
YU-TANG CHANG 11:45:05
@changytcyt has joined the channel


vivanshridharani 04:45:05
@vivanshridharani has joined the channel
Naifei Wu 08:01:40
@nfwuatwork has joined the channel
76 10:04:34
@angela.tst.1111 has joined the channel
m.33.elliot 10:19:47
@m.33.elliot has joined the channel
Justin Lin 10:26:52
@lancatlin has joined the channel
Tina 12:04:22
@gateiietag has joined the channel
Jonah Wolf 13:00:33
@wolfjonah has joined the channel
蔡宜庭 13:37:48
@b99b01100 has joined the channel
Avery 14:24:16
@wednesday1002 has joined the channel
Anne Lu 14:42:47
@wings0730anne has joined the channel
Jamie L 14:46:18
@newbabylo2010 has joined the channel
西族 15:15:45
@r07b44019 has joined the channel


Sz 14:57:52
@szyen.lin has joined the channel


Bella CN 16:17:18
@childsihnwildjp has joined the channel


閒雲 00:56:16
@wood.play122 has joined the channel
Naifei Wu 23:38:37
*1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* 
當代藝術 contemporary art、參與式計畫 participatory projects、語言文字控 language nerd。

*2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* 

3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* 
研究助理 / 藝術工作者 / 筆譯,專長是可以一天喝超過7000cc的水分、發想、企劃、研究、資料蒐集

*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?*

*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?*

*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
Naifei Wu 23:38:37
*1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?* 
當代藝術 contemporary art、參與式計畫 participatory projects、語言文字控 language nerd。

*2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?* 

3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?* 
研究助理 / 藝術工作者 / 筆譯,專長是可以一天喝超過7000cc的水分、發想、企劃、研究、資料蒐集。

*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?*

*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?*

*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
1 1 🙌 3 1 1 1


Hubert Chang 09:52:30
@boney.chang has joined the channel
coach-peter 10:35:19
@peter810805 has joined the channel
irqvsio maris 12:21:36
@irqvsio has joined the channel


Paula Morais 19:44:37
@pmorais66 has joined the channel
a0953122355 21:24:15
@a0953122355 has joined the channel


John Hadaway 00:33:54
@johnhadaway8 has joined the channel
Daniel Chen 01:26:26
@yureichen has joined the channel
Joyce 22:48:42
@1205hsiao has joined the channel
Joyce 23:32:03
*1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?*
軟體工程師 Software engineer/ 數位賦能 digital empowerment / 社會貢獻 make a meaning

*2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?*

3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?*
系統開發(C#, .Net, Angular) / 資安制度導入 / 數位轉型相關個案分析 / 專案提案發想、企畫書以及簡報 /

*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?*
台灣有關的國際議題 / 台灣政治面的資訊透明化 / 智慧城市

*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?*

*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
最近似乎有不少立委跟議員資訊相關的專案,在 #tw-ly-and-council 頻道,歡迎去看看!
Joyce 23:32:03
*1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?*
軟體工程師 Software engineer/ 數位賦能 digital empowerment / 社會貢獻 make a meaning

*2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?*

3. *平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?*
系統、網站開發(C#, .Net, Angular) / 資安制度導入 / 數位轉型相關個案分析 / 專案提案發想、企畫書以及簡報 / 程式教育

*4. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?*
台灣有關的國際議題 / 台灣政治面的資訊透明化 / 智慧城市 / 程式教育

*5. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?*

*6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?*
大家好,我是Joyce. 很高興我終於決定參與g0v,因為俄烏戰爭的關係,我開始思考自己能夠為台灣做些甚麼貢獻(在以前這個想法只有說說而已)?
最近似乎有不少立委跟議員資訊相關的專案,在 #tw-ly-and-council 頻道,歡迎去看看!
3 👍 3
haoe.huang 23:46:37
@haoe.huang has joined the channel


Sylvia Kuo 00:41:45
@sylviakyu19 has joined the channel
aituonoin 09:50:16
@aituonoin has joined the channel
aituonoin 12:52:09
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?
how you daoin‘ :) contributor / consultant
in orgs shifting towards metaversal biz models

care about privacy, pseudonymity & implicit collective decision-making experientially

1. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?
through pre-DAO era org designers & tool builders such as enspiral

1. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?
系統、網站開發(C#, .Net, Angular) / 資安制度導入 / 數位轉型相關個案分析 / 專案提案發想、企畫書以及簡報 / 程式教育
service [platform] prototyping, metrics discovery & org design

1. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?
台灣有關的國際議題 / 台灣政治面的資訊透明化 / 智慧城市 / 程式教育

1. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?
tg @a1tua1tu

1. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?
hopeful on nft-based 🗳️
aituonoin 12:52:09
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / What are three keywords that describe you?
how you daoin‘ :) contributor / consultant
in orgs shifting towards metaversal biz models

care about privacy, pseudonymity & implicit collective decision-making experientially

1. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you learn about g0v?
through pre-DAO era org designers & tool builders such as enspiral

1. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do or what is your expertise?
service [platform] prototyping, metrics discovery & org design

1. 有興趣的議題 / What issues do you care about?

1. 怎麼聯絡 / How should we contact you?
tg @a1tuo

1. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything else you want to say or do?
hopeful on nft-based 🗳️

Ai Tuonoin's Notion on Notion

Ai Tuonoin

:alembic:  :eyeglasses:  :oil_drum:  :gear:

錢亞宏 16:07:28
@nicholas_chien has joined the channel
Chein 21:09:52
@carterjean2001 has joined the channel
sh_860 21:18:56
@sh_860 has joined the channel
stanley chau 22:28:57
@stanley.chau has joined the channel
