Hi! I'm Alex, from the United States. Unfortunately I do not speak Taiwanese and am hesitant to subject you to google translate. If desired I will.
_*What are three keywords that describe you?*_
Liberal, institution-oriented, concerned
_*How did you learn about g0v?*_
I think originally through an article in the Economist.
_*What do you do or what is your expertise?*_
I'm a software engineer, mostly C++. I've also been through a campaign for local government with my partner.
_*What issues do you care about?*_
I'm interested in the failures of our institutions to enact policy - pretty much at all. I believe that people here are interested in having a political voice but engage in ways that further division. I hope that through organizing and direct participation in the democratic process that we can find areas of agreement and craft policy that is generally acceptable to the population and improve upon the status quo. I've done some research into vTaiwan/g0v but am hoping to learn more and work to organize a similar group in my city and work towards using the technologies and methodologies in local governance, with the goal of expanding to state government and beyond.
_*How should we contact you?*_
Slack is good, but I can also be reached via email at
_*Anything else you want to say or do?*_
If there is anyone else from Portland, OR, USA who shares these interests I hope to connect and develop a strategy.
Hello Alex. I am Rufus.
I was in the US for my master degree.
Hope you enjoy the experience here and nice to meet you.
Welcome Alex. I will DM you.
@caleb , wants to show our American friend around g0v?
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