<https://github.com/Disfactory/docx-exporter-js/blob/main/docxGenerator.js | docxGenerator.js>
import * as docx from 'docx';
import { fetchImageAsBase64 } from './imageHelpers'; // Placeholder for image fetching helper function
const sealImageUrl =
const lowerCaseNumber = '〇一二三四五六七八九';
const toLowerCaseNumber = (number) => lowerCaseNumber[number];
const STAFF_EMAIL = {
賴沛蓮: '<mailto:peii@cet-taiwan.org|peii@cet-taiwan.org>',
function getSenderParagraphs(sender = '賴沛蓮') {
const email = STAFF_EMAIL[sender] || '<mailto:cet@cet-taiwan.org|cet@cet-taiwan.org>';
const context = [
return context.map(
(text) =>
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
line: 240,
lineRule: docx.LineRuleType.EXACT,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
size: 20,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.RIGHT,
function getReceiverParagraphs(serealNumber = '00000000') {
const taipeiDateString = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', {
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
timeZone: 'Asia/Taipei',
const [month, day, year] = taipeiDateString.split('/');
const twYear = parseInt(year, 10) - 1911;
const context = [
`發文字號:地球公民違字第 ${serealNumber} 號`,
return context.map(
(text) =>
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
after: 150,
line: 200,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
size: 28,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.LEFT,
function getSubjectParagraphs(location = '') {
const context = [
`主旨:舉報 ${location} 地號土地疑有違法新增鐵皮廠房情事。`,
return context.map(
(text) =>
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
line: 420,
after: 100,
lineRule: docx.LineRuleType.EXACT,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
size: 28,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.LEFT,
function getContextParagraphs(location = '') {
const context = [
'一、 依工廠管理輔導法第28-1、28-12條辦理。',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-irregular-whitespace
`二、 ${location} 地號土地新發現新增建鐵皮廠房情形,經地球公民基金會志工拍攝存證,如附件一。因懷疑係屬非法建築行為,函請貴府調查處理。若有不法情事,並應依法裁處,請貴府將查處情形,惠知本會。`,
return context.map(
(text) =>
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
line: 420,
lineRule: docx.LineRuleType.EXACT,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
size: 28,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.LEFT,
function getCCParagraphs(legislator = 'XXX', _townName = null) {
let townName;
if (_townName) {
townName = _townName
.replace('臺灣省', '')
.replace('台灣省', '')
.slice(0, 3);
} else {
townName = 'UNKNOWN';
const context = [
return context.map(
(text) =>
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
line: 360,
lineRule: docx.LineRuleType.EXACT,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
size: 24,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.LEFT,
async function createAttachmentParagraphs(imageUrls) {
/** @type {docx.Paragraph[]} */
const imageParagraphs = await Promise.all(
imageUrls.map((url) => {
return createImageParagraph(url, docx.convertInchesToTwip(0.45));
const descriptionParagraphs = new Array(imageUrls.length)
.map((_, index) => {
return new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
spacing: {
line: 120,
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
text: `附件 ${toLowerCaseNumber(index + 1)}`,
size: 24,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.LEFT,
// one description paragraph for each image
const mappedParagraphs = imageParagraphs
.map((paragraph, index) => {
return [descriptionParagraphs[index], paragraph];
return mappedParagraphs;
async function createImageParagraph(imageURL, _width, _height) {
return fetchImageAsBase64(imageURL)
.then((data) => {
const {
dimension: { width, height },
} = data;
const ratio = width / height;
// calculate image width and height base on given width and height
// if one of them is not given, use the other one to calculate
// if both are not given, use default width and height
let transformWidth, transformHeight;
if (!_width && !_height) {
transformWidth = width;
transformHeight = height;
} else if (!_width) {
transformHeight = _height;
transformWidth = transformHeight * ratio;
} else if (!_height) {
transformWidth = _width;
transformHeight = transformWidth / ratio;
console.log(transformWidth, transformHeight, width, height);
const paragraph = new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
children: [
new docx.ImageRun({
data: base64,
transformation: {
width: transformWidth,
height: transformHeight,
return paragraph;
.catch((err) => {
async function generateDocumentParagraphs({
sender = '賴沛蓮',
serialNumber = '00000000',
location = '台北市中山區中山北路一段',
legislator = 'XXX',
townName = '台北市中山區',
imageUrls = [],
}) {
return [
// original
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
text: '正本',
spacing: {
after: 300,
// title
new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
text: '地球公民基金會 函',
size: 40,
spacing: {
after: 300,
alignment: docx.AlignmentType.CENTER,
// sender
// receiver
// subject
// context
// cc
...getCCParagraphs(legislator, townName),
// seal
await createImageParagraph(sealImageUrl, docx.convertInchesToTwip(0.45)),
// attachments
...(await createAttachmentParagraphs(imageUrls)),
// Main document generation function
* @param {{
* sender: string,
* serialNumber: string,
* location: string,
* legislator: string,
* townName: string,
* imageUrls: string[],
* }[]} docsData
export async function generate(docsData) {
const groupsOfParagraphs = await Promise.all(
// for each group of paragraphs, add a page break paragraph after it
const breakParagraphs = groupsOfParagraphs.map(() => {
return new docx.Paragraph({
style: 'Normal',
children: [
new docx.TextRun({
text: '',
pageBreakBefore: true,
const paragraphsWithBreaks = groupsOfParagraphs
.map((paragraphs, index) => {
return [...paragraphs, breakParagraphs[index]];
// remove the end page brea…