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【就地合法找議長1】非法工廠喬納管 議長服務處囂張收錢掛保證
<@U8TERFWFR> 由於開發上遇到一點問題,待會想詢問一下 API 的設計: - `PUT /factories/{id}/{attribute}` 能否改成 `PUT /factories/{id}` with body: ``` { attr1: value1, attr2: value2, } ``` 這樣 drf 好像就可以幫忙做 validation? - 是否需要提供 `GET /factories/{id}` 這個 API ,因為 update 如果出錯,是不是需要重新 query 一次?
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Support embedding geolocation data by Yukaii · Pull Request #1289 · hackmdio/codimd
Screenshots Spec ```geo longitude,latitude,zoomFactor ``` or ```geo Address ``` Notes We can provide more customization through YAML-like config in the future: location: lng: 123.123123 lat:...
<@U038DCDRC> <http://try.middle2.com|try.middle2.com> 加了 ssh pub key 之後遇到 Permission denied (publickey)
台中大雅區工廠大火 兩名消防員殉職【更新】 | 社會 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA
[backend] GeoDjango setting by stegben · Pull Request #16 · yoyo930021/Disfactory
setting up README add database setting with postgis modify docker setting decide SRID
[backend] GeoDjango setting by stegben · Pull Request #16 · yoyo930021/Disfactory
設定 PostGIS 和 GeoDjango,順便加個 model field 的範例和 migration setting up README add database setting with postgis modify docker setting decide SRID
地球公民基金會, 高雄市. 127K likes. 地球公民基金會不接受政府、財團補助,是獨立自主的環保團體。透過調查研究、揭露台灣環境問題,提出解決方案。連結各種社會力,改變法令政策,以各種行動帶來正面的改變!
try 我更新成 buster 了,可以再試試看
Javascript Great Circle Calculator
Javascript Great Circle Calculator using ellipsoidal earth models
關於 PostGIS 的 table schema ,如果租屋只是點位的話,建議 table 可以直接建成 CREATE TABLE house ( id SERIAL, geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 3857), data JSON ); CREATE INDEX house_geom ON house USING GIST(geom); 3857 是以公尺為單位的全球平面座標系,速度會比經緯度快很多,因為經緯度要算距離範圍因為是球面會需要很多 sin, cos 的計算,但是變成以公尺為單位的球面座標就只要平面 建索引可以讓查詢速度變快很多 然後 PostgreSQL 的 JSON type 真的超好用,可以把 PostgreSQL 當作 NoSQL 用 XD
[WIP] [Backend] DB initial data and first API by stegben · Pull Request #23 · Disfactory/Disfactory
DB migration for initializing data get nearby factory test get nearby factory impl
[Backend] DB initial data by stegben · Pull Request #23 · Disfactory/Disfactory
DB migration for initializing data get nearby factory test get nearby factory impl (in next PR)
把 views.py 拆成幾個檔案,這樣比較容易分工。順便實做 GET /factories 拆檔案 Serializer get_nearby_factories
Backend API 10/23 TODO · Issue #31 · Disfactory/Disfactory
Create Factory @ Andy Validate post body Create Factory object. Modify factory reference of all uploaded images Get land code. May ask @pm5 @thehyyu for help. Create a ReportRecord Update Factory @...
Docker Documentation
Compose file version 3 reference
Reference and guidelines These topics describe version 3 of the Compose file format. This is the newest version. Compose and Docker compatibility matrix There are several versions of the Compose...
# 違章工廠舉報系統第 10 次小聚 時間:20191023 地點:地球公民基金會北辦 線上:N/A ## 參與者簽到 - simon - yukai ## 待討論 ## 會議記錄
Zeplin Scene
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Docker Running Seamlessly in Windows Subsystem Linux
How I integrated a fully functional docker setup in WSL
你的聲音是什麼字體?日本公司讓你看見專屬自己的聲音樣貌 | FLiPER
生活中形形色色的人們有各式不同的聲線,媽媽溫柔的輕呼、學校裡老師嚴厲又堅定的聲音、街坊孩童嬉鬧撒嬌,有沒有想過,如果我們能「看見」聲音的樣貌,會是什麼樣的顏色和形狀呢?日本的網路公司 DeNA 近年來致力於設計與 AI 技術的結合,推出了網站「 fontgraphy 」,利用智慧...
Guardian Project
Turn your photos and videos into secure, signed visual evidence
Set your phone to ProofMode - WITNESS Blog
Why Proof? You see a wide pink sky and bushes in a relatively nondescript landscape. You hear an explosion in the background. The camera shakes as a man repeats, strangely calm, “Allahu akhbar.” A few seconds later, an explosion rocks the ground in front of the person filming, and the camera falls, sideways, to the …
text editor independent part of markdown-table-editor - susisu/mte-kernel