# g0v 大松主持棒 每次的大松都需要熱心的會眾幫忙主持串場,以下簡單介紹主持的工作內容,歡迎大家增加經驗分享! ## 松前哈拉 - 時間:大松前一天晚上 21:00 開始,總時長控制在 1
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Guides, case studies and resources for government & civil society on the
Join us to explore three visions of the near-future that explore how community efforts to achieve the 2050 target of a carbon-neutral economy can be enhanced by AI.What is the event?Earlier this year Nesta commissioned Dark Matter Labs (DML) and Lucidminds to develop a set of speculative use cases to help communities and civil society organisations take advantage of the latest innovations in AI, hardware and collective intelligence to adapt to the growing threat of the climate crisis. This research builds on previous work by Nesta’s Centre for Collective Intelligence Design on the potential of combining the intelligence of machines and groups of people for solving complex problems, as well as current projects at DML, including Trees as Infrastructure and Smart Commons.This project has resulted in three future-facing blueprints that provide a roadmap for the technical and social civic infrastructure that could support: 1. Enhanced green infrastructure in cities; 2. Making collective commitments to climate action; 3. Sustainability of community energy <http://initiatives.At|initiatives.At> this event DML will outline the results of their research and explain how to use the blueprints. We will finish with a panel discussion exploring the future of localised efforts in climate adaptation using AI and collective intelligence.Who is it for and why should I come? This event is for community leaders, designers and innovators in the public sector. We are aiming to bring together an ambitious community who will work with us and citizens across the UK to start implementing these <http://ideas.It|ideas.It> is particularly aimed at civil society organisations working on climate response and supporting behavioural and social change in communities. We are also keen to involve civil servants and political leaders responsible for environmental sustainability, wellbeing, urban planning and data or digital innovation portfolios at local and regional levels.Speakers confirmed:Aleks Berditchevskaia, Senior Researcher, Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, NestaMary Stevens, Experiments Programme Manager, Friends of the EarthPaul Brewer, Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, Adur & Worthing CouncilIndy Johar, Founding Director, Dark Matter LabsAndrea Thornbury, Data Specialist, Belfast City Council
#今年秋冬來場避寒與長知識之旅吧 「一場秋雨一場寒」,北部的氣溫低 10 度整個厭世? 拯救活力,但 OSCVPass 不會讓你失望 跟我們來去高雄港都 Mobile Open Platform Conference 與台南古都 <http://g0v.tw|g0v.tw> 台灣零時政府 g0v Summit 長知識+避寒吧! 數量有限,馬上申請拿「開源貢獻者優惠」 衝南臺灣一波吧! :point_right:...
Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software
Self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.
【線上+現場】10/14世界第一水龍頭聚落的困境與掙扎-鹿港頂番婆農地違章工廠 | 地球公民基金會
12 factors to measuring an open source project's health
In the Open Source Program Office we consider a healthy open source community one that demonstrates open practices, uses open infrastructure, and cultivates an open culture with the goal of becoming more sustainable. But even for the most seasoned community architects, measuring an open source community’s health is a complex, difficult, and sometimes intimidating task.
#337 [Admin][1-2-1] 調整 factory detail_veiw 顯示欄位
*Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.* 顯示審查相關的工廠資訊欄位,以便地公進行審查。 *Describe the solution you'd like* 根據以下記載的規格調整顯示欄位。 *factory info* 此工廠的基本資料 • 工廠編號 (factory.factory_number) <https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/issues/224|#224>) • 工廠 id (factory.id) • 審查狀態 (篩選)(cet_review_status) • 檢舉狀態(篩選)cet_report_status) • 政府回應狀態(gov_reply_summary)多選(自動產生,對應到 `doc_io`) • 審查人 • 公文負責人 *image 照片區* • 照片 (preview multiple photos) (image.image_path) • 照片上傳者的資訊 (report_record.contact) • 此工廠地點在2016.5.20的空照圖(google earth) (serializer representation lng, lat) => 含經緯度跟時間標記的 link *Detail* 合併顯示: • 行政區(factory.townname) • 段名 (factory.sectname) • 段號 (factory.sectcode) • 地號 (factory.landcode) 經緯度(小地圖 preview) • lng (factory.lng) • lat (factory.lng) 細部資訊 • 工廠描述(report_record.others) • 工廠類型 (factory.factory_type) • 工廠外部文字 (factory.name) • 創建時間(factory.created_at) • 最後更新時間 (factory.updated_at) • 舉報文號(new table cet_doc_number) ReportRecords
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
g0v hackath41n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾壹次八週年黑客松
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
#417 UI 2.0 User Feedbacks and enhancements
*希望先做的* Problem: [我想新增可疑工廠] 有點字太小或不明顯,兩位超過五十歲的測試者需要花超過 20 秒尋找,其中一位需要拿下眼鏡。 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9480974/97443254-cc01e680-1965-11eb-9399-6d860fa45e7d.png|2020-10-28-213540_001> Problem: 新增工廠成功然後回到地圖之後,如果該地點點位附近已經有數個新增的民眾回報工廠,使用者會不知道哪個是自己新增的,無法確認自己是否新增成功。 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9480974/97443484-08cddd80-1966-11eb-94d0-82715f62e3b8.jpeg|2020-10-28-213540_002> <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9480974/97443508-12efdc00-1966-11eb-808c-c875b0da199f.png|2020-10-28-213540_003> Problem: 分享複製連結後,地圖跳回以該工廠為中心的地圖,但是使用者還是不知道是哪間工廠。 possible solutions: 可能需要預先幫忙把該工廠的 bottom sheet 打開,讓使用者看見工廠資訊。或是選取的工廠要 mark? Problem: 在上傳照片的步驟,因為沒有任何的地址或者座標資訊。使用者有疑惑,不知道是否需要補充填入地址,或者座標資訊。 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9480974/97442627-05862200-1965-11eb-8a5c-f2741eb35522.png|image (2)> *Nice to have* ☐ Problem: 一開始進入地圖要求同意的頁面,文字和排版可能需要再解釋清楚網站使用目的 <https://github.com/deeper747|@deeper747> ☐ Problem: 一個工廠很多照片的話,補充照片因為放在最右側,需要 scroll 才能看到,有使用者誤以為無法新增照片。 ☐ Problem: 上傳照片上傳中的字樣,如果網路太慢拖太久的話,使用者不確定是當掉還是真的在上傳。 Solutions: 也許可以加動態 loading? ☐ Problem: 返回步驟 1/3、2/3 使用者看不太懂 *待討論* • 新增可疑工廠之後,是不是要 call to action 讓使用者做下一步,例如:再新增一間工廠、去地球公民基金會看月報。 <https://github.com/deeper747|@deeper747> • 如果使用者對於非農地範圍有疑慮,是否能快速找到我們農地分區的資料來源
「農地工廠恐影響糧食安全,經濟部應積極把關切勿放水」 身為一個媽媽,違章工廠導致的食安問題,相信是每位家長都非常在意的。不論是從國土規劃的角度,產業健全,廠商公平競爭的角度,甚至從消防人員與生命安全的角度,我們都看到農地違章工廠對台灣的環境、土地、食安、甚至生命造成的傷害。也因此,我們必須為我們這一代跟下一代的農糧食品安全把關! 今天上午,我和綠色公民行動聯盟Green...
:rocket: FixTW - 極速自動化交通違規檢舉服務
:fire: 讓「檢舉」交通違規就像呼吸一樣簡單,可自動代入地址及打時間浮水印、影片轉檔、自動點擊認證信、排程最後一天送出、成就統計、已支援全台。