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Hello Everyone 新年快樂 Happy Lunar New year! Thanks for the introduction <@UG6NWHJBC> I,m Jonathan Minchin in Taiwan / Catalonia / London I have developed some Open Source Farming projects. • <https://romi-project.eu/|ROMI> : Robotics for Microfarms • <https://icaerus.eu/|ICAERUS> : Open Drone analytics Data • <https://www.osbeehives.com/|OSBEEHIVES> : Audio Analytics for Bee Colony Health Now i’m Interested to make a search engine that references regional conditions. Hoping to join one of the G0V Hackerthons in London and Taipei! • <https://www.openlab.org/|Open Lab> : Distributed Design based on regional conditions. Peace to all!
Hello Everyone 新年快樂 Happy Lunar New year! Thanks for the introduction <@UG6NWHJBC> I,m Jonathan Minchin in Taiwan / Catalonia / London I have developed some Open Source Farming projects. • <https://romi-project.eu/|ROMI> : Robotics for Microfarms • <https://icaerus.eu/|ICAERUS> : Open Drone analytics Data • <https://www.osbeehives.com/|OSBEEHIVES> : Audio Analytics for Bee Colony Health Now i’m Interested to make a search engine that references regional conditions. Hoping to join one of the G0V Hackerthons in London and Taipei! • <https://www.openlab.org/|Open Lab> : Distributed Design based on regional conditions. Peace to all!