因為時間有點趕,所以覺得不妥的人,可以比照婚禮儀式,在台灣時間 7:00 pm 以前反對嗎 :joy:
時間的部分,只是先看一下大家有沒有時間。暫定在週三主要是我希望可以跟小聚時間近一點,讓大家有機會參與,但我人實體到 BBC 的話台灣時間 7:30 pm 要走,線上參與 8:30 pm 要走。
目前對方希望受訪者有社群參與者、NGO 成員、受影響的農夫。
• 暫定 2/10 (五)台灣時間晚上六點到八點,跟台灣連線的部分一小時
• 他週末會出訪綱
• 請不要過度準備,不然會很像在念稿不真實,列重點就可以了
• 可以用中文受訪,現場我或其他人會幫忙翻譯大致意思,正式播出的時候,會讓受訪者的聲音出現幾秒,接下來會有人唸英文翻譯
• 使用 Google Meet,要請地公幫忙從 Google Meet 錄音跟受訪者自己用手機現場錄音
想受訪的人可以先簽到喔,或是到時候線上加入 XD
**Citizens of the Earth Taiwan**
• Why does the destruction of farmland in Taiwan or anywhere else matter?
• What other dangers does it present?
• Tell us about how you sought help from the hacker community in Taiwan.
• How many factories have been spotted and what sort of action was taken?
• What are your next steps in Taiwan and the rest of the world?
**Farmer (if it is possible to interview one.) **
• What was your experience of illegal factories?
• Did you try to get an illegal factory removed before the introduction of Disfactory?
• What difference has Disfactory made to your farmland?
**Disfactory designers and others involved in it**
Tell us what Citizens of the Earth Taiwan said to you in terms of what they wanted?
How did you mobilise gOv to act?
Describe what they achieved.
Describe how Disfactory works
How did you encourage students and others to join in the surveillance effort once the platform was designed?
Is it true to say that approximately 1500 hectares of farmland lost to illegal usage each year in Taiwan?
(Out of interest as it's not for the piece, but how long has this been going on for?)
Approximately how many people have uploaded information onto Disfactory.tw? (I had 7,000 but I'm not sure that's right)
Approximately how many people have participated on Spot the Difference (I had 6,000 but again that may not be accurate.)
In the 3 years that they've been running, how many illegal factories have been located through Disfactory and through Spot the Difference? If there's no breakdown, what's the total number?
How many illegal factories have been shut down as a result of each? Again, give a total number if we don't have a breakdown. (I had a figure of 42 in total.) And is this information verified or attributed to Disfactory and Spot the Difference on any official site?
How many factories have been told to reduce their pollution as a result of them both? (I had 15.)
感謝 @peii 即便生病還是很罩地找了有機耕種的農民,完整解釋議題和開車開一半還要事實查核提供數據。 感謝 @yukai 以工程師身分受訪,讓大家知道技術人在乎也能貢獻社會議題。感謝 @cstsai @lisa 幫忙出聲錄製受訪農民的英文翻譯片段。
我們的董監事居然是digital planet的聽眾0.0!