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#312 Admin Page Spec v0.2 (not completed yet)
Past discussion is in <|#268> Admin Page Design. This issue is the epic issue for the new spec. Three main views on Django Admin: ☐ 1. Determine which factory to officially report(審核照片) ☐ 2. Send official documents to government agencies(寄送公文) ☐ 3. Follow-up government responses(進度追蹤) def. of Views: • not different tables in DB but different views to show on Django Admin • One table view for one purpose as listed *1. Determine which factory to officially report(審核照片)* *User story* As a CET staff, When I retrieve factory report records I want to ``` 1. Check quality and authenticity of photos attached to factories 2. Mark new factories built after 2016.5.20 ``` So that I can ``` 1. Determine which factories to report on official documents 2. Add qualified photos by myself or contributors/volunteers ``` *Success Criteria* *Table View* ☐ Browse all important table columns without horizontal sliding ☐ Filter: ☐ customized time-frame to view => enter starting date and ending date to view ☐ data sources from Users or Government ☐ `cet_report_status`:want to filter out those factories that are not processed yet (地公尚未處理) # ☐ `factory_type` :工廠類型(nice to have):方便未來篩選出中高污染之工廠 • [ ] ☐ Fields showed on the table (待補詳細) ☐ Use `factory_no` as first column instead of `name` because there is no names in many factories report records (There is no such field yet, please add that field `factory_no` in <|#224>) *Factory single page view* Must have ☐ Select which reviewer is responsible (目前只會有兩個研究員,到時候產生公文時需要配合填入聯絡用 email) ☐ Mark `new_factory`: Yes/No/Unclear; `highly_polluted`: Yes/No/Unclear, `report_ready`: Yes/No/Pending. (`new_factory` field now is boolean, but we need `unclear` status. The later two fields have not been added in DB) ☐ Add notes and tags on factories that are No/Pending in `report_ready`. The tags and notes should be showed on frontend UI to general users. ☐ Timestamp records for each edit from CET => to track reporting status and history ☐ Directly upload image on Django Admin (Because CET staffs sometimes need to supplement screenshots from Google Map or other sources) ☐ Select which images to be used in official documents to government agencies (not all images are qualified to be attached in the official documents) [nice to have] ☐ Embedded or a link to satellite/aerial images of that location on or slightly after 2016.5.20 ☐ Photo authenticity alert. Using EXIF (done in <|#281> ) extracting from photos to alert which photos may be faked *Out of scope* 1. Directly edit cells on table view *2. Sent out official documents to government agencies(產生公文)* (blank so far) Past discussion on <|#283> *3. Follow-up reporting status(公文進度追蹤)* *User Story* As a CET staff or a volunteer, When I follow-up the reporting process, including government responses and CET action, I want to 1. See the past process and current status of each factory I am in charge 2. Update status and add notes to track government's responses 3. Update government agency contacts So that I can 1. Communicate with government agencies with all the evidences and information I need and push them for next actions 2. Collect materials and data for advocacy and social media marketing and when to followup again 3. Know who to talk to (government agency contact updates) *Success Criteria* *Table view* ☐ Filter *Factory Single Page View* ☐ Add new fields in DB to track government responses and CET actions <|@deeper747> 待補 • 農 • 地 • 違建 • 工廠 • 中央 • `gov_response_summary` • `cet_report_status`: existing fields but new list of status ( 待補) ☐ Add new field: `followup_person` => should link to access management system • *[ ] `followup_memo` (待補)* ☐ change status of ``(待補) ☐ Upload jpg or pdf of government's responding official documents, which will be showed on frontend UI as well *Out of Scope*
``` [ { "name": "孔文吉", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Kung, Wen-Chi", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "男", "黨籍": "中國國民黨", "黨(政)團": "中國國民黨", "選區": "山地原住民選舉區", "委員會": "第10屆第1會期:經濟委員會", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "英國羅芙堡大學(Loughborough University)社會學系媒體研究組博士", "美國奧勒岡大學(University of Oregon)新聞碩士", "台灣大學外文系" ], "經歷": [ "第六、七、八、九、十屆立法委員", "台北市政府原住民事務委員會主任委員", "內政部民政司專員", "行政院新聞局聯絡室秘書", "財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會董事", "朝陽科技大學及文藻外語專科學校助理教授", "東吳大學、東華大學、花蓮師範學院兼任助理教授" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8246", "埔里服務處": "04-9299-0078" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8250", "埔里服務處": "04-9299-7078" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號0203室", "埔里服務處": "545南投縣埔里鎮慈恩街31號" } }, { "name": "王定宇", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Wang, Ting-Yu", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "男", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "臺南市第6選舉區", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "國立臺北大學企管博士", "國立成功大學企管碩士", "國立成功大學外文系" ], "經歷": [ "2002年-2006年 台南市第15屆市議員", "2006年-2010年 台南市第16屆市議員", "2010年-2014年 第1屆臺南直轄市議員", "2016年-2020年 第九屆立法委員", "民進黨第15、16、17屆中執委/第18屆中常委", "2020年 2月- 第10屆立法委員" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8211", "歸仁服務處": "06-330-2318" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8215", "歸仁服務處": "06-338-7412" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區青島東路1號3205室", "歸仁服務處": "71152臺南市歸仁區中山路三段129號" } }, { "name": "王美惠", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Wang,Mei-Hui", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "女", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "嘉義市選舉區", "委員會": "第10屆第1會期:內政委員會", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "嘉義大學EMBA碩士" ], "經歷": [ "嘉義市第7屆至第10屆議員", "民主進步黨全國黨代表", "嘉義市扁友會後援會副總幹事", "511台灣正名運動嘉義代表", "台灣一邊一國嘉義代表", "前市議員江熙哲(江總)服務處主任" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8561", "嘉義服務處": "05-277-9699" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8565", "嘉義服務處": "05-277-6029" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號1105室", "嘉義服務處": "嘉義市東區公明路152號" } }, { "name": "王婉諭", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Wang,Wan-Yu", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "女", "黨籍": "時代力量", "黨(政)團": "時代力量", "選區": "全國不分區及僑居國外國民", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "苗栗市建功國小", "私立衛道中學", "台灣大學 地質科學學士", "美國南加大(University of Southern California) 材料科學系碩士" ], "經歷": [ "新竹科學園區研發工程師", "新竹科學園區行銷副理", "台元科技園區行銷經理", "司法改革國是會議委員" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6376" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6380" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區青島東路1號3306室" } }, { "name": "伍麗華Saidhai‧Tahovecahe", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Wu,Li-Hua", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "女", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "山地原住民選舉區", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "國立屏東大學教育行政研究所博士班(104-) ", "屏東師範學院(現為國立屏東大學)國民教育研究所碩士(85-87) ", "屏東師範學院(現為國立屏東大學)(80-84) ", "屏東師專(73-78)" ], "經歷": [ "泰武國小校長 ", "地磨兒國小校長 ", "屏東縣政府原住民處處長" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8258", "屏東服務處": "08-723-5625" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8260", "屏東服務處": "08-723-5625" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號2101室", "屏東服務處": "屏東縣長治鄉瑞光路一段293號2樓" } }, { "name": "江永昌", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Chiang, Yung-Chang", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "男", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "新北市第8選舉區", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "中和國小", "海山國中", "建國高中", "中興大學物理學士", "臺灣師範大學政治碩士", "臺灣大學工業工程碩士", "臺灣科技大學財務金融碩士" ], "經歷": [ "公督盟、口袋國會雙認證優秀立委", "立法院院會及委員會法案與預算審查出席率、質詢率皆百分百", "第九屆立法委員", "第一、二屆新北市議員", "第十六屆台北縣議員", "中和市市民代表", "立委趙永清國會助理", "陽光之友協會理事長", "新北市義消" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8199", "中和服務處": "02-2249-7899" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8200", "中和服務處": "02-2249-7999" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號2123室", "中和服務處": "新北市中和區中和路44號2樓" } }, { "name": "江啟臣", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Chiang, Chi-Chen", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "男", "黨籍": "中國國民黨", "黨(政)團": "中國國民黨", "選區": "臺中市第8選舉區", "委員會": "第10屆第1會期:外交及國防委員會", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "美國南卡羅萊納大學國際關係博士 ", "美國匹茲堡大學公共暨國際事務學院國際事務碩士 ", "國立政治大學外交學系學士 ", "台中一中", "豐南國中", "瑞穗國小" ], "經歷": [ "中華民國第八、九屆立法委員(台中市)", "中國國民黨立法院黨團第九屆六、七會期總召", "中國國民黨立法院黨團第九屆第二會期書記長", "中國國民黨政策委員會執行長", "中國國民黨中常委", "立法院中華民國與新加坡國會議員友好協會會長", "立法院中華民國與英國國會議員友好協會會長 ", "行政院新聞局局長", "東吳大學政治系專任副教授 ", "台灣經濟研究院國際處代處長", "中華台北APEC研究中心副執行長", "太平洋經濟合作理事會(PECC)中華民國委員會副秘書長", "台灣經濟研究院國際處副處長", "東吳大學政治系專任助理教授 ", "台灣經濟研究院副研究員", "行政院一等功績獎章", "中央社二○○六年台灣十大潛力人物" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6726", "豐原服務處": "04-2515-9998", "東勢服務處": "04-2577-3099" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6730", "豐原服務處": "04-2515-6798", "東勢服務處": "04-2577-3167" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號2102室", "豐原服務處": "臺中市豐原區豐原大道四段165號", "東勢服務處": "臺中市東勢區公園路36號" } }, { "name": "何志偉", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Ho, Mark Chih Wei", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "男", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "臺北市第2選舉區", "委員會": "第10屆第1會期:外交及國防委員會", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "美國南加州大學公共行政碩士", "國立政治大學資訊管理博士班" ], "經歷": [ "中華民國第九屆立法委員", "第十一、十二屆臺北市議員", "民進黨第十四、十五屆中常委", "民進黨第十六屆中評委", "臺北市中醫師公會顧問", "臺北市幼教協會顧問", "寶島新聲電台主持人" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6356", "士林服務處": "02-2811-4556", "大同聯合服務處": "02-2597-1939", "後港聯絡處": "02-2883-9006", "北投聯合服務處": "02-2891-5265" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-6185", "士林服務處": "02-2813-3582", "大同聯合服務處": "02-2598-8839", "後港聯絡處": "02-2883-0263", "北投聯合服務處": "02-2891-3096" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路一段3-1號501室", "士林服務處": "11164台北市士林區重慶北路四段186號", "大同聯合服務處": "10369台北市大同區重慶北路三段295巷6號", "後港聯絡處": "11170台北市士林區華齡街88號", "北投聯合服務處": "11249台北市北投區大同街221號" }, "委員或法律服務時間": [ "士林服務處:週一(14:00~16:00)、週三(14:00~16:00)", "大同聯合服務處:週二(10:00~12:00)、週二(18:00~20:00)、週三(15:00~17:00)、週三(18:00~20:00)", "後港聯絡處:週二(19:00~20:30)、週五(15:00~17:00)", "北投聯合服務處:週三(15:00~17:00)", "(為免臨時異動向隅或久候,請先電話預約)" ] }, { "name": "何欣純", "image": "<>", "英文姓名": "Ho, Hsin-Chun", "屆別": "第 10 屆", "性別": "女", "黨籍": "民主進步黨", "黨(政)團": "民主進步黨", "選區": "臺中市第7選舉區", "到職日期": "109年2月1日", "學歷": [ "英國約克大學碩士", "國立成功大學", "臺中女中", "成功國中", "塗城國小" ], "經歷": [ "第九屆立法委員", "第九屆第五會期立法院民進黨黨團幹事長", "第九屆第四會期立法院民進黨黨團書記長", "第八屆立法委員", "第一屆大臺中市議員(縣市合併後)", "第十五、十六屆臺中縣議員" ], "電話": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8388", "大里服務處": "04-2483-6527", "太平服務處": "04-2276-3111" }, "傳真": { "國會研究室": "02-2358-8390", "大里服務處": "04-2482-8743", "太平服務處": "04-2276-3555" }, "通訊處": { "國會研究室": "10051台北市中正區濟南路1段3之1號0301室", "大里服務處": "臺中市大里區大里路62號", "太平服務處": "臺…
科技麻瓜 NPO 和開源魔法師的旅程 #0 ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 「農地違章工廠回報系統」<|> 是過去十個月我所參與的開源專案,起因於任職的環境倡議團體面對國土失序議題,需要一個工具統整民眾舉報農地違章工廠的資料。然而麻瓜如我,對於「工具」的樣貌毫無概念(請相信平凡人只懂google表單)。因此,在各階段的摸索中,逐漸接觸到開源社群。並於去年七月在
<|EP同步> 使用情境: 匯出工廠與照片成為公文(ODF, PDF)並賦予不重複的有序流水號存到資料庫(例:109001) 可能會用到的套件或軟體: odf 生成 <|> pdf 匯出 <|> <|> 其他考慮: 地段段號所在選區立委對應
送餐到「台北島」阿伯逼他騎水上摩托車越河 外送員崩潰 | 新奇 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM
Ben Collins
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<|> 是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發公民參與社會的資訊平台與工具。2012 年底開始成形,截至2014年初已有 26 場工作坊、受邀演講 30+ 場、媒體報導 20+ 次、500+ 遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也是代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。<|> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。
【投書】現在不做,以後會更慘──日本如何因公害覺醒,解決「違章工廠」問題? - 報導者 The Reporter
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#312 Admin Page Spec v0.2 (not completed yet)
> Past discussion is in <|#268> Admin Page Design. This issue is the epic issue for the new spec. 目前是以 Google Doc 上而不是以 GitHub 這份為準: <|> ============ Three main views on Django Admin: ☐ 1. Determine which factory to officially report(審核照片) ☐ 2. Send official documents to government agencies(寄送公文) ☐ 3. Follow-up government responses(進度追蹤) def. of Views: • not different tables in DB but different views to show on Django Admin • One table view for one purpose as listed *1. Determine which factory to officially report(審核照片)* *User story* As a CET staff, When I retrieve factory report records I want to ``` 1. Check quality and authenticity of photos attached to factories 2. Mark new factories built after 2016.5.20 ``` So that I can ``` 1. Determine which factories to report on official documents 2. Add qualified photos by myself or contributors/volunteers ``` *Success Criteria* *Table View* ☐ Browse all important table columns without horizontal sliding ☐ Filter: ☐ customized time-frame to view => enter starting date and ending date to view ☐ data sources from Users or Government ☐ `cet_report_status`:want to filter out those factories that are not processed yet (地公尚未處理) # ☐ `factory_type` :工廠類型(nice to have):方便未來篩選出中高污染之工廠 • [ ] ☐ Fields showed on the table (待補詳細) ☐ Use `factory_no` as first column instead of `name` because there is no names in many factories report records (There is no such field yet, please add that field `factory_no` in <|#224>) *Factory single page view* Must have ☐ Select which reviewer is responsible (目前只會有兩個研究員,到時候產生公文時需要配合填入聯絡用 email) ☐ Mark `new_factory`: Yes/No/Unclear; `highly_polluted`: Yes/No/Unclear, `report_ready`: Yes/No/Pending. (`new_factory` field now is boolean, but we need `unclear` status. The later two fields have not been added in DB) ☐ Add notes and tags on factories that are No/Pending in `report_ready`. The tags and notes should be showed on frontend UI to general users. ☐ Timestamp records for each edit from CET => to track reporting status and history ☐ Directly upload image on Django Admin (Because CET staffs sometimes need to supplement screenshots from Google Map or other sources) ☐ Select which images to be used in official documents to government agencies (not all images are qualified to be attached in the official documents) [nice to have] ☐ Embedded or a link to satellite/aerial images of that location on or slightly after 2016.5.20 ☐ Photo authenticity alert. Using EXIF (done in <|#281> ) extracting from photos to alert which photos may be faked *Out of scope* 1. Directly edit cells on table view *2. Sent out official documents to government agencies(產生公文)* (blank so far) Past discussion on <|#283> *3. Follow-up reporting status(公文進度追蹤)* *User Story* As a CET staff or a volunteer, When I follow-up the reporting process, including government responses and CET action, I want to 1. See the past process and current status of each factory I am in charge 2. Update status and add notes to track government's responses 3. Update government agency contacts So that I can 1. Communicate with government agencies with all the evidences and information I need and push them for next actions 2. Collect materials and data for advocacy and social media marketing and when to followup again 3. Know who to talk to (government agency contact updates) *Success Criteria* *Table view* ☐ Filter *Factory Single Page View* ☐ Add new fields in DB to track government responses and CET actions <|@deeper747> 待補 • 農 • 地 • 違建 • 工廠 • 中央 • `gov_response_summary` • `cet_report_status`: existing fields but new list of status ( 待補) ☐ Add new field: `followup_person` => should link to access management system • *[ ] `followup_memo` (待補)* ☐ change status of ``(待補) ☐ Upload jpg or pdf of government's responding official documents, which will be showed on frontend UI as well *Out of Scope*
哈囉大家我懸崖編:national_park:,端午節快樂!一年一度的粽子宗教戰爭也如期的開打啦:smile:,今天要帶大家開箱由農地違章工廠推隆重推出的粽子禮盒,究竟有哪些口味,一起看下去吧! 大家知道,因為地形的關係,農地違章工廠很多都是在稻田旁,因此,除了平時吃的稻米,包在粽子裡的糯米,也很有可能是在農地違章工廠旁所種出來的!而全台灣13萬間農地違章工廠中,5種比較可能造成污染的業別,分別是 :one:金屬表面處理(電鍍)...
Disfactory 投稿 g0v Summit 2020 - HackMD
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這個開放資料的請求被「政府資訊公開法第18條規定」回絕了! 我想經濟部中辦是用這條的第4款,「四、政府機關為實施監督、管理、檢 (調) 查、取締等業務,而取得或製作監督、管理、檢 (調) 查、取締對象之相關資料,其公開或提供將對實施目的造成困難或妨害者。」 來限制公開,但很有趣的是,去清查未登記工廠的目的,不就是要拆除、管理或防止更多未登記工廠產生,公開這筆資料的目的會防礙這個清查報告的目的?...