
Month: 2023-10


8e8b2c 16:45:11
@8e8b2c has joined the channel
bless7530 17:42:03
@bless7530 has joined the channel


rei 10:23:24
@rei.urakami has joined the channel
rei 12:07:16
大家好! 我叫rei, 是大學研究生院的日本人。

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
よろしくお願いいたします!I Love Taiwan!
最近 #openlab-mapping 會討論一些全球小農的 DIY 方案,也想要找到非洲的夥伴合作
Thank you for your advice!
歡迎來 #vtaiwan channel 看看!之前我們有參加萬年野黨與台灣公民監督國會聯盟的活動,之前活動也有東京都廳的參與者~
@rei.urakami 歡迎來 #web3-da0 ~!這邊主要是web3相關的社群,有些成員對科技如何與公共行政結合有興趣,我們有固定的實體coworking event,歡迎來認識更多人~~
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate your comments.

If you have any interesting events or would like me to help you, please text me without hesitation.

I would like to join some projects and Hackathon.



大学院 → 研究所
大学院生 → 研究生
@rei.urakami Are you interested in helping out some frontend web development for g0v Summit?
5 4
rei 12:07:16
大家好! 我叫rei, 是大學研究生院的日本人。

1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
よろしくお願いいたします!I Love Taiwan!
最近 #openlab-mapping 會討論一些全球小農的 DIY 方案,也想要找到非洲的夥伴合作
Thank you for your advice!
歡迎來 #vtaiwan channel 看看!之前我們有參加萬年野黨與台灣公民監督國會聯盟的活動,之前活動也有東京都廳的參與者~
@rei.urakami 歡迎來 #web3-da0 ~!這邊主要是web3相關的社群,有些成員對科技如何與公共行政結合有興趣,我們有固定的實體coworking event,歡迎來認識更多人~~
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate your comments.

If you have any interesting events or would like me to help you, please text me without hesitation.

I would like to join some projects and Hackathon.



大学院 → 研究所
大学院生 → 研究生
@rei.urakami Are you interested in helping out some frontend web development for g0v Summit?
Marie Hua 14:18:53
@mariehua0 has joined the channel
Hsuan 15:09:08
@jh558125 has joined the channel


Rou Hsiu 17:01:53
@ga407591 has joined the channel
YuTing Huang 17:24:49
@yvonne11yuting has joined the channel
Wen-Ti 18:19:00
@wentisung has joined the channel


Orfila Chen 14:45:17
@chen19841985 has joined the channel


LeeMeng 10:52:38
@b98705001 has joined the channel


Óscar Hernández 08:10:15
@oxcarh has joined the channel
詹孟賢 10:56:31
@louis93507 has joined the channel
Sun 17:05:23
@sunbh.0219 has joined the channel
yun.yuna.tseng 18:18:32
@yun.yuna.tseng has joined the channel


0xLuo 01:50:53
@0xluochang has joined the channel
SE 16:09:17
@chili4 has joined the channel
www0204556 18:14:25
@www0204556 has joined the channel


林雅琪 03:29:23
@assxyysys has joined the channel
r85397342227 19:39:30
@r85397342227 has joined the channel


陳湛於 11:33:48
@jeremy5300297 has joined the channel
minilab memo 12:35:33
@mini.lab.memo has joined the channel


RIC 11:53:07
@why6280 has joined the channel


xiangaoole 09:43:54
@xiangaoole has joined the channel
Jasmine Ta 12:08:40
@jasta0927 has joined the channel
Vivian 12:46:11
@vivianwu5110 has joined the channel
Winston 13:58:30
@wuyihung7916 has joined the channel
bi821010 21:20:04
@bi821010 has joined the channel
Apoorva Singh 22:44:10 has joined the channel


gurray0101 08:54:40
@gurray0101 has joined the channel
Othsueh 09:18:40
@ych930719 has joined the channel
Carlos 10:05:31
@carlos0612 has joined the channel
Fuki 10:13:44
@fuki416028 has joined the channel
Neil Chen 10:23:01
@neil.chentl has joined the channel
bella 10:42:08
@yixin0904 has joined the channel
Annie Huang 10:49:01
@annie.huang921002 has joined the channel
jkwwen 10:51:47
@jkwwen has joined the channel
郭佩昇 10:56:19
@peter8805162828 has joined the channel
wang3213 11:02:40
@wang3213 has joined the channel
lu.wennie 11:08:09
@lu.wennie has joined the channel
emmahsu441 11:13:41
@emmahsu441 has joined the channel
fcohausz 12:36:39
@fcohausz has joined the channel
page.acforshop 13:16:53
@page.acforshop has joined the channel
anderson.huang950306 14:41:32
@anderson.huang950306 has joined the channel
Lars 14:59:22
@lars.hoeppner has joined the channel
kapoo950807 15:32:50
@kapoo950807 has joined the channel
sean.yhc.cheng 16:06:25
@sean.yhc.cheng has joined the channel
glianannie 22:43:15
@glianannie has joined the channel
Hannah Botts 22:43:45
@hannahrbotts has joined the channel


Wade Chen 02:19:37 has joined the channel
JIH 10:25:23
@l.sunbeam29 has joined the channel
Neal 13:51:22
@neal.landteam has joined the channel
kt.kohkaiting 20:31:52
@kt.kohkaiting has joined the channel


yung_sushi 19:31:57
@curtiswigg has joined the channel
freddy645645 22:26:21
@freddy645645 has joined the channel


mojoee 14:46:45
@moritzsontheimer has joined the channel
陳春月 15:28:52
@haha7536212 has joined the channel
LL 18:06:11
@sr9217 has joined the channel


Upter 04:24:28
@urbaner3 has joined the channel
Ziwi Tsai 15:23:09
@ncyucsiehtc has joined the channel
ru7384 16:10:08
@ru7384 has joined the channel
henry302512 16:30:12
@henry302512 has joined the channel
Ken Hsu 16:56:31
@djpkendjpken has joined the channel
CJ 21:49:38
@mauve.lin has joined the channel
YG 21:56:59
@yoshikigo97 has joined the channel
s6930948 22:33:29
@s6930948 has joined the channel
August 22:51:40
@august has joined the channel


apinillapalacios 13:31:28
@apinillapalacios has joined the channel
修恩 14:46:22
@darknessline8763 has joined the channel
kt.kohkaiting 14:48:07
👋 Hello, team!
kt.kohkaiting 14:48:07
👋 Hello, team!
Bar 22:26:23
@channing0324 has joined the channel


Fung Lee 05:03:28
@imleeszefung has joined the channel
Fung Lee 05:08:43
Hello guys, this is Sze-Fung Lee😬working on Chinese hybrid warfare/ influence operation stuff. 多多指教!
Fung Lee 05:08:43
Hello guys, this is Sze-Fung Lee😬working on Chinese hybrid warfare/ influence operation stuff. 多多指教!
1998isabel 07:50:11
@1998isabel has joined the channel
linhots Tsao 08:17:52
@linhots.tsao has joined the channel
Julia Wu 09:49:04
@juliawutaipei has joined the channel
aturn.chen 11:08:51
@aturn.chen has joined the channel
Telliex Chiu 11:48:47
@telliexyuzo has joined the channel
janiecytang 13:52:09
@janiecytang has joined the channel
shelly.linya.yu 13:57:02
@shelly.linya.yu has joined the channel
shelly.linya.yu 13:59:01
👋 Hello, team!
shelly.linya.yu 13:59:01
👋 Hello, team!
janiecytang 13:59:32
👋 Hello, team!
janiecytang 13:59:32
👋 Hello, team!
Yuting 14:15:26
@yuting.chou_c7_alumni has joined the channel
minoga2 16:21:47
@minoga2 has joined the channel
chewei 16:43:33
Slack Channel List~

:star2: g0v slack 頻道傳送門   <#C02G2SXKX|general> 社群大廳,可以在這邊提出任何問題! G0v City Hall / Plaza <#C1CHAA0QL|general-en> <#C02G2SXKX|general> English version <#CDE487J9K|general-ja> <#C02G2SXKX|general> Japanese version <#CDDNVDT8U|general-ko> <#C02G2SXKX|general> Korean version <#CV4P9953R|japanese> <#C2A8F3JAH|tainan> 台南討論群組! <#C04SLHPKNV7|kaohsiung> 高雄討論群組! <#C7KEUPGG1|taichung> 台中討論群組! <#C044J653KLL|hualien> 花蓮討論群組! <#C03JGA6FSKF|matsu> 馬祖討論群組! <#C02QGDPCFGS|你不知道的小琉球> 小琉球討論群組!Liuqiu <#CQDRK4GNM|hk> <> <#C017QFJ5AM8|hkpwparagliding> 飛行傘計畫 <#C05R1MF0MNY|thai-ภาษาไทย> 泰國頻道 <#C04A4P821|north-america> 想在美國協作的可以來這邊聊天喔! <#C05FZAX1Z9U|g0v-siliconvalley> g0v 矽谷灣區小聚 <#C047J35BT4N|london-hacknight> 倫敦 <#C04L5PQFR88|london-proj-andover> <#C04F0PN57NV|g0v-it> <> <#C0484MXUN5D|london-dolphin-tank> for anyone who was in that breakout group and wants to stay connected! <#C084CU74J|intl> 國際交流工作小組 g0v international、國際交流資訊都在這 <#C01Q8THBQG6|facing-the-ocean> Connected to Code for Korea & Code for Japan   <#CGU1SLHNH|rand0m> 歡迎自由灌水閒聊 :smile: Feel free to chat here. <#C012AG0SC0H|self-intro> 歡迎來到 g0v-slack,這是自我介紹的頻道,可以讓大家認識你唷!Welcome to g0v slack! Please introduce yourself to g0v community :heart: <#C048NKSFZEF|joinchannel> 提供各式各樣的頻道簡介,以及傳送門 G0v slack channels discussions. <#C0149FAJS1L|awesome-g0v-projects> 令人驚奇的零時政府。找專案,找提案,找共筆,找幫手 一站搞定 <#C0385B90D|jothon> 揪松團相關活動討論(黑客松、基礎松) <#CBNQXSAP7|translation> 翻譯頻道 i18n + l10n—translate everything. <#C0483Q7ALN6|localization> 社群翻譯語彙庫 (glossary),從軟體在地化需求出發,收集個別社群成員、在各自筆譯/口譯/翻譯專案使用的詞彙前進,並希望收錄不只一個語言。 <#C04L3MK0K1V|name> 專案取名稱的互助頻道 <#C05CPF3DG1E|rs語料庫> 諧音梗交流 <#C9WFAPPV5|hello-world> 致力於新參者的體驗流程 <#C05326H3S72|g0v-aibot> g0v AI 機器人 aka 找專案分類帽 <#C01KQ3ES98U|passu-me> 自動履歷製造機(with hello g0v) <#C03PL9TK83A|g0vmentor> 零時先輩 <#C0386M58S|infras> 社群基礎建設開發維護,一起來協力! <#C433NEJSJ|status> g0v 各網站的狀態通知頻道 <#CF3JH3H1C|g0v-domain> g0v 網域大小事、網域申請 <#CSGKA8G75|g0v-github> g0v GitHub 大小事 <#C0G0T65S9|g0v-ui> 這是一個放 UI 的地方,有 github <#C01RDCVDGHZ|g0v-slack> g0v slack 大小事、申請 APP、治理機制討論 <#CV97224UW|slack-apps> <#C01SHPD80UD|bridge> 跨平台訊息流通工具 <#C04HYS66X1D|g0v-social> 討論 Mastodon 伺服器 <#CBLASC4CF|hackmd> HackMD 使用經驗與課題回報 <#CHPAZECAV|g0vernance> 討論社群治理 <#C04S9VBTQCV|g0v-landing-page> <|> 網站社群治理,以及社群活動刊登至日曆的提案頻道 <#CE2HFQN67|engaged-research> 以 g0v 為主的學術研究 <#CPKVDVD88|sns> g0v sns 平台規範、發文討論區 <#C30F846JU|news> g0v news <#C02QA1JNHAR|g0vpodcast> g0v underground 零時電台 <#CQZ8MV7A8|summit> g0v Summit 年會的公開頻道 <#C036C0ACSQ7|10th-anniversary> 十週年活動籌劃頻道   <#C8DEZ566S|moedict> 萌典、字典 <#C11GNUL95|amis> 阿美語萌典 <#C0532CQC1C0|sowalnoformosa> 族語復振 <#C0N9DK6JU|itaigi> 愛台語 對漢字佮台羅誠熟手,做伙鬥校對巡喲 <#CD75A171D|chhoetaigi> ChhoeTaigi 台語辭典⁺ <#CN64A1FHA|edu> 零時小學校「開源協作與教育工作」主頻道 <#C0250L50324|edu-aray> 公民科技貢獻者的專案與任務視覺化平台 <#C028JBN5H2B|edu-accomdemy> 伴伴學社群頻道 <#C015L48LHRQ|edu-幸福存摺> 小草書屋的「幸福存摺」專案 <#C0182TQTVV2|edu-daodao> 島島阿學 島島阿學的 slack 網址:<> <#C01D21G7F0E|edu-coteach> CoTeach 教案資源共享平臺 <#C024NAMF0CV|edu-open> CourseAPI 開放式課程資訊匯流學院 <#C03GRV696RG|edu-lipoic> Lipoic 是一個致力於整合與改善遠距授課與線上教室的教育平台,並讓學生能不受空間限制學習知識,老師能更便利地傳授知識,並且我們也熱衷於開放文化的精神,與我們一起翻轉教育吧! <#C03D2FWM57X|edu-高中社團招商> 社團招商與管理專案 <#C03EPT3A01E|edu-stressed> 壓力排解平臺專案 <#C03E2FCP46Q|edu-高中歷史筆記共筆> 高中歷史筆記共筆 <#C03DTBP3HGW|edu-文學創作網站> 文學創作網站—廢青天地 <#C03E2EZRB8C|edu-促進偏鄉孩童學習動機> 「職」凱瑞你 Carry your career <#C03DX829G05|edu-人社資優班網站架設> <#C03E05DF935|edu-閱然> <#C03DX7X45EH|edu_no_waste_in_tcgs> 校園營養午餐剩食計畫 <#C02RGBHUYKS|edu-change108> 高中生108課綱教育資源整合平台 <#C03DC2G2JFM|edu-epf> 108課綱學習歷程求生指南 <#CUCCK9353|edu-學生自我監控工具> 協助學生提高事務掌握能力 <#CL96QTF5G|echo-mori> 回音森林 語言發音校正 app <#C027VH2GXNW|edu-camp> 零時小學校 營隊活動頻道 <#C01JVF9FUKB|edu-sch001ing> 零時小學校 講師與教案交流頻道 <#C01PLLJJP51|students> <#C05475LAQ6B|edu-open-stu-association> <#C04N42FJWHH|edu-unicourse> 大學課程資訊交流平臺 <#C04Q5NG2XT9|edu-ntu> 臺大相關課程活動的頻道 <#C05AV83UHM1|edu-東吳大學車禍及租賃糾紛案件查找平台> <#C03859QD7|designer> 設計師頻道 <#C5EEC5EEN|frontend-tech> <#C05BHSUT0TS|clickhouse> <#C055ZJBKZML|ai-learning> <#C057R6D8UKE|opentaiwan-chatgpt> <#C02L3PNNV|coscup> 開源人年會 <#C0241463T47|obs> 開源跨平台串流媒體和錄影程式 obs 技術交流頻道 <#C09FAN97H|band> 零時樂團 :musical_score: <#C022NUX0Z8D|stayathome> 宅在家的生活資訊 <#C022299HZPC|health> 健康議題、健檢 <#C4M4S24NS|psymap> 心理健康資源 <#C87MZ9SUR|fitness> 動一動 <#C2Z5JG9G8|g0vhiking> for hiking affair <#C04AXQQQDEF|camping> :camping: 全台露營區合法共 205 筆資料與線上地圖 <#CUM4P4895|ogp> 關注台灣「開放政府行動方案」制定 <#C05V224CZKL|pmpc-公共程式法治研析與推動> Public Money Public Code <#CH79PR9FY|open-moneyflow> #金流百科(政治獻金、公投募集經費、標案、視覺化) <#C040Y313L6P|electionsign2022> 蒐集選舉看板 <#C048CBS8TUY|2022election> 候選人政見彙整平台 - 選前大補帖,專案另有設置 Slack <> <#C05MGLXK0AH|election-timeline> 選戰攻防大事記 <#C0525UB7JCE|pridewatch彩虹選民觀選指南> 隨著每年的選舉將會逐步更新,歡迎提供使用者回饋、許願! <#C0386PRQU|parliament> 國會、立法院 <#C03B427TG91|law> <#C25J1PTFB|hackact> 修法協作器 <#C0QHLAGH5|call-liwei> 立委咖電喂 <#CDRE0Q0CE|tw-ly-and-council> 新國會大代誌 <#C04FLCD6YFP|刑法十八禁> 對刑法上修到二十歲有興趣的朋友歡迎參與喔! <#C2Q1M4N1J|vtaiwan> 法規與議題議論 <#C6HN8HRGD|holopolis> <#C049V0A9M35|london-polis> <#C017GBM9Z2S|eid> 晶片身分證 <#C04P2TY1QSZ|privacy> 關注個資隱私議題的頻道 <#C01GX97MTT8|moda> 想討論台灣已成立的數位發展部嗎 <#C012S9ABTL7|presidential> 總統盃黑客松 <#CSFDD01AN|us-taiwan-watch> 美國台灣觀測站 <#C2PNGP8N8|national-treasure> 國家寶藏,號召志工一起深入世界各地的國家檔案局與圖書館,挖出台灣相關史料,並建立網路開放資料庫,供全民免費使用。This project aims to bring these documents within the sight of the public, so that everyone can forge their own stories that were never told before. <#C02C6DA2L8Z|gender> <#CS16Q642K|herstory> 東亞女性權力行動歷程書寫 <#C02GD9FD1H8|thinktank-info> 國際智庫基本資料 csv <#C040NMX9UMS|inkrosetta> 多語系圖卡 <#CV42198BE|wikidatataiwan> Wikidata Taiwan 討論頻道 <#C0CBAUFV3|data> 資料 <#CNYM62P6X|disinfo> 不實訊息來源蒐整 <#C2PPMRQGP|cofacts> 真的假的 ! 謠言查證 Linebot :speech_balloon: Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan. <#C02JTFZRNEP|115b> 永續所得實驗室、永續捐贈議題 <#C2YQT8L4A|open-welfare> 社會福利議題與資料 <#C05DXC8CNGP|thaubing-esg> 開放企業永續資料庫 - ESG 檢測器 <#CQS6318KU|thaubingapp> 透明足跡 - 資訊公開透明,污染無所遁形 <#C4Z9BGHPZ|labor> 討論跟勞工相關的公民議題 <#CUTQ3NF4K|ptt> ptt 不能亡,新版本測試中 <#CUTEBCBUH|likecoin> <#C03RAK46BEC|web3-da0> 零時道 :cat: Supercharge g0v & the future of civic innovation w/ DAO, web3, etc. <> <#C046T7HT05U|da0-hack-and-show> Studi0 在做 Hypercerts 的 fund 實驗 <#C046ZFGTWQK|da0-shoutout> 是 incentivize g0v 的演進,做 organic 貢獻系統 <#C046EJH4P2B|da0-global-comms> 在做公共財與 DAO 的 podcast <#C049L7M5X9S|da0-learning> 每月持續有讀書會 #da0-arm0ry 在做 web3 的任務獎勵系統 <#C04FRRV17GF|da0-coordinate> 在奠定 da0 的基礎設施 <#C051REPUTSS|da0-dml> 是跟 dark matter labs 在AI上的初期對話 <#C04UZ3JNH9A|da0-desci> 在gov自治組織中參與全球去中心化科學浪潮,介紹探索去中心化科學的可能 <#C0525SELHFY|da0-zkp> 跟以太坊的PSE合作,講零知識證明 <#C051U8RSTHV|da0-g0v-ars-electronica> 討論 2023 林茲電子藝術節奧地利辦黑客松 <#C05BDAUDGP8|chih0> 這是一個關注數位科技如何應用於「場所營造」(place-making)的小坑洞。名字是日文「地方」之意,常見於台灣也很熟悉的「地方創生」(ちほうそうせい, chihō sōsei)。 <#C59M1NZV2|middle2> middle2 是一個開放原始碼的 PaaS 平台 <#C04GALK46SC|indieveloper> 推廣自架伺服器 <#C012MPC6GQ4|awshackathon> AWS 使用者交流頻道 <#C091S7KH8|pm25> g0v零時空污觀測網開發 <#C055GLJS94G|crboxes> 開源 DIY 空氣淨化器 for anyone who is interested in helping make Clean Air available everywhere using open source DIY air purifiers <#CTMK5QPA8|covid19> 口罩地圖&疫情相關 <#C020EQ0R8TW|vaccine> 疫苗相關 <#C026J0M3EBE|vaxxtw> 疫苗預約的導流網站 <#C02JTH1SYUT|reopen> 疫情解封後指引 <#CJTBP7YRK|rentea> 租屋資料與議題 <#CD9EMS0F3|gis> 地理資訊、地理資料 :earth_asia: Geo-data <#C04PE6MAKQE|openlab-mapping> Geographic Referencing for Technology Transfer via Bioregional similarity. Aggregating and associative mapping data. <#C04FQLYGJE6|road-safety> 人行道行走狀況群眾標註平台 <#C02BVH9569J|ohshown> 台灣黑熊通報平台 :bear: <#C02HY3VU9J4|cat> 協尋喵星人 :cat: <#C056EHM42B1|civil-defense> 民防 <#C047WUCMWEA|atak> 探討 ATAK-CIV 手機軟體應用於防災、民防、戶外任務情境 <#C18TYPFJ8|aerialmapping> <#C01JWUGCS5C|adiz_alerts> 台灣防空識別區專案 <#CC789GL15|lostsar-openuavlab> LostSAR 開源搜救應用 <#CN6CT9QG6|libot> 市容通報工具 / Linebot <#CNA60GZJM|disfactory> 違章工廠舉報 用 GeoDjango 做 geo spatial query <#CS13KTC0N|全民提報文化資產> <#C029FJKJT19|taisugar-railway> 糖業鐵路產業地景…

chewei 16:43:33
Slack Channel List~

:star2: g0v slack 頻道傳送門   <#C02G2SXKX|general> 社群大廳,可以在這邊提出任何問題! G0v City Hall / Plaza <#C1CHAA0QL|general-en> <#C02G2SXKX|general> English version <#CDE487J9K|general-ja> <#C02G2SXKX|general> Japanese version <#CDDNVDT8U|general-ko> <#C02G2SXKX|general> Korean version <#CV4P9953R|japanese> <#C2A8F3JAH|tainan> 台南討論群組! <#C04SLHPKNV7|kaohsiung> 高雄討論群組! <#C7KEUPGG1|taichung> 台中討論群組! <#C044J653KLL|hualien> 花蓮討論群組! <#C03JGA6FSKF|matsu> 馬祖討論群組! <#C02QGDPCFGS|你不知道的小琉球> 小琉球討論群組!Liuqiu <#CQDRK4GNM|hk> <> <#C017QFJ5AM8|hkpwparagliding> 飛行傘計畫 <#C05R1MF0MNY|thai-ภาษาไทย> 泰國頻道 <#C04A4P821|north-america> 想在美國協作的可以來這邊聊天喔! <#C05FZAX1Z9U|g0v-siliconvalley> g0v 矽谷灣區小聚 <#C047J35BT4N|london-hacknight> 倫敦 <#C04L5PQFR88|london-proj-andover> <#C04F0PN57NV|g0v-it> <> <#C0484MXUN5D|london-dolphin-tank> for anyone who was in that breakout group and wants to stay connected! <#C084CU74J|intl> 國際交流工作小組 g0v international、國際交流資訊都在這 <#C01Q8THBQG6|facing-the-ocean> Connected to Code for Korea & Code for Japan   <#CGU1SLHNH|rand0m> 歡迎自由灌水閒聊 :smile: Feel free to chat here. <#C012AG0SC0H|self-intro> 歡迎來到 g0v-slack,這是自我介紹的頻道,可以讓大家認識你唷!Welcome to g0v slack! Please introduce yourself to g0v community :heart: <#C048NKSFZEF|joinchannel> 提供各式各樣的頻道簡介,以及傳送門 G0v slack channels discussions. <#C0149FAJS1L|awesome-g0v-projects> 令人驚奇的零時政府。找專案,找提案,找共筆,找幫手 一站搞定 <#C0385B90D|jothon> 揪松團相關活動討論(黑客松、基礎松) <#CBNQXSAP7|translation> 翻譯頻道 i18n + l10n—translate everything. <#C0483Q7ALN6|localization> 社群翻譯語彙庫 (glossary),從軟體在地化需求出發,收集個別社群成員、在各自筆譯/口譯/翻譯專案使用的詞彙前進,並希望收錄不只一個語言。 <#C04L3MK0K1V|name> 專案取名稱的互助頻道 <#C05CPF3DG1E|rs語料庫> 諧音梗交流 <#C9WFAPPV5|hello-world> 致力於新參者的體驗流程 <#C05326H3S72|g0v-aibot> g0v AI 機器人 aka 找專案分類帽 <#C01KQ3ES98U|passu-me> 自動履歷製造機(with hello g0v) <#C03PL9TK83A|g0vmentor> 零時先輩 <#C0386M58S|infras> 社群基礎建設開發維護,一起來協力! <#C433NEJSJ|status> g0v 各網站的狀態通知頻道 <#CF3JH3H1C|g0v-domain> g0v 網域大小事、網域申請 <#CSGKA8G75|g0v-github> g0v GitHub 大小事 <#C0G0T65S9|g0v-ui> 這是一個放 UI 的地方,有 github <#C01RDCVDGHZ|g0v-slack> g0v slack 大小事、申請 APP、治理機制討論 <#CV97224UW|slack-apps> <#C01SHPD80UD|bridge> 跨平台訊息流通工具 <#C04HYS66X1D|g0v-social> 討論 Mastodon 伺服器 <#CBLASC4CF|hackmd> HackMD 使用經驗與課題回報 <#CHPAZECAV|g0vernance> 討論社群治理 <#C04S9VBTQCV|g0v-landing-page> <|> 網站社群治理,以及社群活動刊登至日曆的提案頻道 <#CE2HFQN67|engaged-research> 以 g0v 為主的學術研究 <#CPKVDVD88|sns> g0v sns 平台規範、發文討論區 <#C30F846JU|news> g0v news <#C02QA1JNHAR|g0vpodcast> g0v underground 零時電台 <#CQZ8MV7A8|summit> g0v Summit 年會的公開頻道 <#C036C0ACSQ7|10th-anniversary> 十週年活動籌劃頻道   <#C8DEZ566S|moedict> 萌典、字典 <#C11GNUL95|amis> 阿美語萌典 <#C0532CQC1C0|sowalnoformosa> 族語復振 <#C0N9DK6JU|itaigi> 愛台語 對漢字佮台羅誠熟手,做伙鬥校對巡喲 <#CD75A171D|chhoetaigi> ChhoeTaigi 台語辭典⁺ <#CN64A1FHA|edu> 零時小學校「開源協作與教育工作」主頻道 <#C0250L50324|edu-aray> 公民科技貢獻者的專案與任務視覺化平台 <#C028JBN5H2B|edu-accomdemy> 伴伴學社群頻道 <#C015L48LHRQ|edu-幸福存摺> 小草書屋的「幸福存摺」專案 <#C0182TQTVV2|edu-daodao> 島島阿學 島島阿學的 slack 網址:<> <#C01D21G7F0E|edu-coteach> CoTeach 教案資源共享平臺 <#C024NAMF0CV|edu-open> CourseAPI 開放式課程資訊匯流學院 <#C03GRV696RG|edu-lipoic> Lipoic 是一個致力於整合與改善遠距授課與線上教室的教育平台,並讓學生能不受空間限制學習知識,老師能更便利地傳授知識,並且我們也熱衷於開放文化的精神,與我們一起翻轉教育吧! <#C03D2FWM57X|edu-高中社團招商> 社團招商與管理專案 <#C03EPT3A01E|edu-stressed> 壓力排解平臺專案 <#C03E2FCP46Q|edu-高中歷史筆記共筆> 高中歷史筆記共筆 <#C03DTBP3HGW|edu-文學創作網站> 文學創作網站—廢青天地 <#C03E2EZRB8C|edu-促進偏鄉孩童學習動機> 「職」凱瑞你 Carry your career <#C03DX829G05|edu-人社資優班網站架設> <#C03E05DF935|edu-閱然> <#C03DX7X45EH|edu_no_waste_in_tcgs> 校園營養午餐剩食計畫 <#C02RGBHUYKS|edu-change108> 高中生108課綱教育資源整合平台 <#C03DC2G2JFM|edu-epf> 108課綱學習歷程求生指南 <#CUCCK9353|edu-學生自我監控工具> 協助學生提高事務掌握能力 <#CL96QTF5G|echo-mori> 回音森林 語言發音校正 app <#C027VH2GXNW|edu-camp> 零時小學校 營隊活動頻道 <#C01JVF9FUKB|edu-sch001ing> 零時小學校 講師與教案交流頻道 <#C01PLLJJP51|students> <#C05475LAQ6B|edu-open-stu-association> <#C04N42FJWHH|edu-unicourse> 大學課程資訊交流平臺 <#C04Q5NG2XT9|edu-ntu> 臺大相關課程活動的頻道 <#C05AV83UHM1|edu-東吳大學車禍及租賃糾紛案件查找平台> <#C03859QD7|designer> 設計師頻道 <#C5EEC5EEN|frontend-tech> <#C05BHSUT0TS|clickhouse> <#C055ZJBKZML|ai-learning> <#C057R6D8UKE|opentaiwan-chatgpt> <#C02L3PNNV|coscup> 開源人年會 <#C0241463T47|obs> 開源跨平台串流媒體和錄影程式 obs 技術交流頻道 <#C09FAN97H|band> 零時樂團 :musical_score: <#C022NUX0Z8D|stayathome> 宅在家的生活資訊 <#C022299HZPC|health> 健康議題、健檢 <#C4M4S24NS|psymap> 心理健康資源 <#C87MZ9SUR|fitness> 動一動 <#C2Z5JG9G8|g0vhiking> for hiking affair <#C04AXQQQDEF|camping> :camping: 全台露營區合法共 205 筆資料與線上地圖 <#CUM4P4895|ogp> 關注台灣「開放政府行動方案」制定 <#C05V224CZKL|pmpc-公共程式法治研析與推動> Public Money Public Code <#CH79PR9FY|open-moneyflow> #金流百科(政治獻金、公投募集經費、標案、視覺化) <#C040Y313L6P|electionsign2022> 蒐集選舉看板 <#C048CBS8TUY|2022election> 候選人政見彙整平台 - 選前大補帖,專案另有設置 Slack <> <#C05MGLXK0AH|election-timeline> 選戰攻防大事記 <#C0525UB7JCE|pridewatch彩虹選民觀選指南> 隨著每年的選舉將會逐步更新,歡迎提供使用者回饋、許願! <#C0386PRQU|parliament> 國會、立法院 <#C03B427TG91|law> <#C25J1PTFB|hackact> 修法協作器 <#C0QHLAGH5|call-liwei> 立委咖電喂 <#CDRE0Q0CE|tw-ly-and-council> 新國會大代誌 <#C04FLCD6YFP|刑法十八禁> 對刑法上修到二十歲有興趣的朋友歡迎參與喔! <#C2Q1M4N1J|vtaiwan> 法規與議題議論 <#C6HN8HRGD|holopolis> <#C049V0A9M35|london-polis> <#C017GBM9Z2S|eid> 晶片身分證 <#C04P2TY1QSZ|privacy> 關注個資隱私議題的頻道 <#C01GX97MTT8|moda> 想討論台灣已成立的數位發展部嗎 <#C012S9ABTL7|presidential> 總統盃黑客松 <#CSFDD01AN|us-taiwan-watch> 美國台灣觀測站 <#C2PNGP8N8|national-treasure> 國家寶藏,號召志工一起深入世界各地的國家檔案局與圖書館,挖出台灣相關史料,並建立網路開放資料庫,供全民免費使用。This project aims to bring these documents within the sight of the public, so that everyone can forge their own stories that were never told before. <#C02C6DA2L8Z|gender> <#CS16Q642K|herstory> 東亞女性權力行動歷程書寫 <#C02GD9FD1H8|thinktank-info> 國際智庫基本資料 csv <#C040NMX9UMS|inkrosetta> 多語系圖卡 <#CV42198BE|wikidatataiwan> Wikidata Taiwan 討論頻道 <#C0CBAUFV3|data> 資料 <#CNYM62P6X|disinfo> 不實訊息來源蒐整 <#C2PPMRQGP|cofacts> 真的假的 ! 謠言查證 Linebot :speech_balloon: Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan. <#C02JTFZRNEP|115b> 永續所得實驗室、永續捐贈議題 <#C2YQT8L4A|open-welfare> 社會福利議題與資料 <#C05DXC8CNGP|thaubing-esg> 開放企業永續資料庫 - ESG 檢測器 <#CQS6318KU|thaubingapp> 透明足跡 - 資訊公開透明,污染無所遁形 <#C4Z9BGHPZ|labor> 討論跟勞工相關的公民議題 <#CUTQ3NF4K|ptt> ptt 不能亡,新版本測試中 <#CUTEBCBUH|likecoin> <#C03RAK46BEC|web3-da0> 零時道 :cat: Supercharge g0v & the future of civic innovation w/ DAO, web3, etc. <> <#C046T7HT05U|da0-hack-and-show> Studi0 在做 Hypercerts 的 fund 實驗 <#C046ZFGTWQK|da0-shoutout> 是 incentivize g0v 的演進,做 organic 貢獻系統 <#C046EJH4P2B|da0-global-comms> 在做公共財與 DAO 的 podcast <#C049L7M5X9S|da0-learning> 每月持續有讀書會 #da0-arm0ry 在做 web3 的任務獎勵系統 <#C04FRRV17GF|da0-coordinate> 在奠定 da0 的基礎設施 <#C051REPUTSS|da0-dml> 是跟 dark matter labs 在AI上的初期對話 <#C04UZ3JNH9A|da0-desci> 在gov自治組織中參與全球去中心化科學浪潮,介紹探索去中心化科學的可能 <#C0525SELHFY|da0-zkp> 跟以太坊的PSE合作,講零知識證明 <#C051U8RSTHV|da0-g0v-ars-electronica> 討論 2023 林茲電子藝術節奧地利辦黑客松 <#C05BDAUDGP8|chih0> 這是一個關注數位科技如何應用於「場所營造」(place-making)的小坑洞。名字是日文「地方」之意,常見於台灣也很熟悉的「地方創生」(ちほうそうせい, chihō sōsei)。 <#C59M1NZV2|middle2> middle2 是一個開放原始碼的 PaaS 平台 <#C04GALK46SC|indieveloper> 推廣自架伺服器 <#C012MPC6GQ4|awshackathon> AWS 使用者交流頻道 <#C091S7KH8|pm25> g0v零時空污觀測網開發 <#C055GLJS94G|crboxes> 開源 DIY 空氣淨化器 for anyone who is interested in helping make Clean Air available everywhere using open source DIY air purifiers <#CTMK5QPA8|covid19> 口罩地圖&疫情相關 <#C020EQ0R8TW|vaccine> 疫苗相關 <#C026J0M3EBE|vaxxtw> 疫苗預約的導流網站 <#C02JTH1SYUT|reopen> 疫情解封後指引 <#CJTBP7YRK|rentea> 租屋資料與議題 <#CD9EMS0F3|gis> 地理資訊、地理資料 :earth_asia: Geo-data <#C04PE6MAKQE|openlab-mapping> Geographic Referencing for Technology Transfer via Bioregional similarity. Aggregating and associative mapping data. <#C04FQLYGJE6|road-safety> 人行道行走狀況群眾標註平台 <#C02BVH9569J|ohshown> 台灣黑熊通報平台 :bear: <#C02HY3VU9J4|cat> 協尋喵星人 :cat: <#C056EHM42B1|civil-defense> 民防 <#C047WUCMWEA|atak> 探討 ATAK-CIV 手機軟體應用於防災、民防、戶外任務情境 <#C18TYPFJ8|aerialmapping> <#C01JWUGCS5C|adiz_alerts> 台灣防空識別區專案 <#CC789GL15|lostsar-openuavlab> LostSAR 開源搜救應用 <#CN6CT9QG6|libot> 市容通報工具 / Linebot <#CNA60GZJM|disfactory> 違章工廠舉報 用 GeoDjango 做 geo spatial query <#CS13KTC0N|全民提報文化資產> <#C029FJKJT19|taisugar-railway> 糖業鐵路產業地景…

jerry902 19:13:43
@jerry902 has joined the channel
chihao 23:49:38
@imleeszefung you might be interested in #disinfo #civil-defense :))
These two channels are super interesting! 感謝 🙌🏼 !
❤️ 1
chihao 23:49:38
@imleeszefung you might be interested in #disinfo #civil-defense :))
These two channels are super interesting! 感謝 🙌🏼 !


William Dan 01:30:26
@b92302132 has joined the channel
Jay Hsieh 03:46:02
@jj011644 has joined the channel
Chih-Ling Chang 04:10:32
@nicoleling07 has joined the channel
jackhan801 04:42:39
@jackhan801 has joined the channel
tsunglin.tsai 05:49:20
@tsunglin.tsai has joined the channel
Daniel Chen 06:04:27
@team6612 has joined the channel
Jacky Wang 06:08:51
@jackywang529 has joined the channel
pmchrislee 06:11:17
@pmchrislee has joined the channel
Lysli 06:22:49
@lysliwu has joined the channel
hsinli.chu 08:01:11
@hsinli.chu has joined the channel
charlie1kimo 08:51:18
@charlie1kimo has joined the channel
chifang 09:27:40
@chifang has joined the channel
buena noticia 09:43:02
@noticia.buena has joined the channel
jimmy20020610 10:30:48
@jimmy20020610 has joined the channel
Yachi H 17:23:59
@3207xt has joined the channel


Ming Chih 07:19:19
@my.chih has joined the channel
folivora 09:58:46
@folivora has joined the channel
xiung 13:38:47
@steven19790906 has joined the channel
Andy 17:02:27
@andyjy12 has joined the channel


Andres Pinilla 08:58:31
@andres.pinilla has joined the channel
Andres Pinilla 09:12:57
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
好奇、学习者、修补匠 / Curious, learner, tinker
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
最近,我在台湾参加了一个活动,有幸聆听了 g0v 工作者的演讲 / I was at an event in Taiwan recently, and had the chance to hear a talk from people working in g0v
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
交互设计讲师,主讲虚拟现实和脑机接口。学习公民技术 / Lecturer in interaction design, with focus on Virtual Reality and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Learning about Civic Tech
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
医疗保健、获得基本公共服务、气候变化 / Healthcare, access to basic public services, climate change
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
Discord: @andres_0413, Email:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
我对 g0v 非常好奇,想学习你们的经验 / I am very curious about g0v and want to learn from your experience.
Hey, are you interested in helping out some web design for g0v Summit? If you are interested, you can join #summit-2024-web
@rschiang would be the one to ask what helps they need
Andres Pinilla 09:12:57
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself:
好奇、学习者、修补匠 / Curious, learner, tinker
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?
最近,我在台湾参加了一个活动,有幸聆听了 g0v 工作者的演讲 / I was at an event in Taiwan recently, and had the chance to hear a talk from people working in g0v
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do?
交互设计讲师,主讲虚拟现实和脑机接口。学习公民技术 / Lecturer in interaction design, with focus on Virtual Reality and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Learning about Civic Tech
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about:
医疗保健、获得基本公共服务、气候变化 / Healthcare, access to basic public services, climate change
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
Discord: @andres_0413, Email:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say:
我对 g0v 非常好奇,想学习你们的经验 / I am very curious about g0v and want to learn from your experience.
Hey, are you interested in helping out some web design for g0v Summit? If you are interested, you can join #summit-2024-web
@rschiang would be the one to ask what helps they need
Steven Adger 15:40:59
@adgitate has joined the channel
peter201027 16:55:16
@peter2981761 has joined the channel
Simon Z 22:17:48
@simonjzheng has joined the channel


junxianaw 21:08:56
@junxianaw has joined the channel


hack 02:13:40
@hack has joined the channel


Thomas Shark 02:48:15
@sharktrade has joined the channel
Neil Lu 10:06:04
@luzeting0611 has joined the channel


Yishu CAI 16:11:44
@tsaiishu has joined the channel


Joey 02:39:36
@yufish0117 has joined the channel
阿瑄 16:45:59
@geminimanago has joined the channel


Yi-Chin Ynag 11:02:42
@asd16543 has joined the channel
ye 11:11:35
@m2554417925 has joined the channel
kevinlinshinyuan0922 18:32:14
@kevinlinshinyuan0922 has joined the channel
Toyofumi 20:13:51
@toyofumi1223 has joined the channel
Wu Chih-I 23:35:11
@leopardcat23 has joined the channel


Marvin Lee 17:21:45
@marvinlee4good has joined the channel