
Month: 2021-11


張芝維 00:38:57
@kristinaqq has joined the channel


Dengo 03:48:19
@mic771112 has joined the channel


Jessica Lin 09:21:15
@nvn.jessica has joined the channel


Ray Chang 10:58:24
@yanghaochang1004 has joined the channel
Galaxian85 15:42:40
@gasbomb_tw has joined the channel


thedannyfrank 15:25:37
@thedannyfrank has joined the channel
thedannyfrank 15:33:15
Hey guys! I’m a citizen of the United States interested in building a parallel government model to compete with the current one. G0v seems promising!


plk9751 00:45:45
@plk9751 has joined the channel


張博涵 10:10:28
@honidan has joined the channel


antonio.argote 23:43:36
@antonio.argote has joined the channel


Lipen Wang 14:09:34
@fangwlp has joined the channel


Janne Winther 20:42:31
@janne has joined the channel
Janne Winther 20:43:56
Hi my name is Janne, I am Danish working with building a platform enabling bottom up community involvement in society. Super interested in your initative.
@janne welcome! Do you want to share some of your work or links?
Janne Winther 2021-11-15 23:23:39
I am not myself a developer, but the platform that we are working on can be found on 😉
👍 1 🌐 1


lily88010431 23:30:31
@lily88010431 has joined the channel


Manon de Couet 01:59:25
@manon.decouet has joined the channel
楊景程 13:43:29
@yangnim21029 has joined the channel
楊景程 13:48:11
hi, 我之前從事動態錄影, 現在剛學AI, 專案需求要爬各大醫院, 沿著一個vaccine的專案來到這邊, 很期待認識各位
#vaxxtw 之前有爬台灣各大醫院的疫苗預約系統
👍 1


robert lee 17:43:24
@areagong2012 has joined the channel
Tatiana Starikova 23:15:10
@tatiana.yu.starikova has joined the channel


ss8651twtw 08:30:39
@ss8651twtw has joined the channel
Frankie 11:03:31
@frankie0702111 has joined the channel
Sandy hung 13:50:41
@huhuchocho has joined the channel
Denny George 14:45:30
@denny.george90 has joined the channel
Darren Wang 16:47:44
@visa220033 has joined the channel
進良Thomas(藥學.要學 坑主) 20:51:18
@thomas502846 has joined the channel
penji 22:54:33
@jjiimmm123452000 has joined the channel


Teddy C 02:51:00
@teddyschantsc has joined the channel
Yulia Su 09:42:16
@yuliasu2020 has joined the channel
yi liu 10:18:39
@yliu821 has joined the channel
Soo Lîm-tsê 16:34:07
@charles811011 has joined the channel
Jimmy Chung 23:43:14
@jimmychung6303 has joined the channel


Yenlee 10:45:08
@yenlee789 has joined the channel
Jude.C.Hadog 21:10:26
@nshawn4675 has joined the channel


伍成和 15:00:50
@brianwchh has joined the channel


Christina 11:41:11
@christina has joined the channel
Christina 12:01:22
@christina has left the channel
erica0438 16:24:42
@erica0438 has joined the channel
louisho128 16:39:14
@louisho128 has joined the channel
余欣芳 17:12:42
@fish0926 has joined the channel
Konrad Mikolaj Krawczyk 21:20:55
@kk3144 has joined the channel
Konrad Mikolaj Krawczyk 21:34:11
Hi 👋 我是Konrad,以前的上海紐約大學的媒體藝術的研究員,現在我的興趣是對文化製作的數字工具。我覺得g0v聽得非常令人耳目一新的,有潛力的


Andy YYY 17:35:05
@yutang0323 has joined the channel


ling xiao 00:47:25
@whisperivy77 has joined the channel
曦曦 08:28:15
@yc126az1231 has joined the channel
Jon Burke 18:01:40
@jon.burke has joined the channel


Joseph Delmastro 02:53:47
@joeydel has joined the channel
Yu Tzulien D 11:54:22
@1108navy has joined the channel
林宥辰 21:37:52
@gary8662009 has joined the channel
曾亮瑄 23:48:34
@chloetseng9 has joined the channel


yutachou 00:19:40
@yutachou has joined the channel
Yilong 08:16:42 has joined the channel
羅凱文 09:09:12
@kevinluo201 has joined the channel
HF 20:19:46
@s20041739 has joined the channel


羅凱文 00:45:18
hi~ 我叫 Kevin,是個普通的程式設計師。
1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: 全端工程師, 已婚人士, 養2隻貓
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 一直都知道但一直在工作都沒參加 > <
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 主要專注做企業內部的自製系統,由於都是待在小團隊,莫名學了滿多技能...不過主要說起來吃飯的傢伙是 Rails + Vue.js。目前是自由接案。英文聽說讀寫還可以啦
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 勞工權益、新住民、移工
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 我也想一起協助舉起勞工的法槌,給資方痛擊(?),開玩笑...是讓勞工方意識到自身的權益。但除了投過票我真的不知道該怎麼參與公眾事務,看到 g0v 社群希望能盡棉薄之力協助。也有報12/11的黑客松了,雖然是開發者但真的沒參加過,好緊張呀~
#disfactory 在做的是環境議題,讓民眾回報農地違章工廠後,由 NGO 協助回報監督政府拆除進度。前端都是用 Vue.js 喔,有做地圖顯示、回報辨識、大家來找廠衛星空照圖辨識小遊戲。不是勞工議題,但還是歡迎來看看喔
12/11 剛好就是最近一次的黑客松,會在板橋新埔站附近,如果是大台北地區人,歡迎報名,帶小孩來參加喔!!
有貓! #cat
@chiehg0v 感恩,我有報名了
❤️ 3 2


Zender Chen 00:34:04
@zender.chen has joined the channel


Tarunima P 15:41:41
@tarunima has joined the channel


WOODPAV 03:31:50
@devwoodpav has joined the channel
WOODPAV 04:37:47
Hi I'm Ty, an American programmer building social apps. My startup is currently building 3D worlds for social creators but I am very interested in the use of the the same technology in creating a 21st century democracy. I found this project through Daniel Schmachtenberger and Tristan Harris and I can't get enough. I'm very excited to learn more and change the govt of my country using similar tools!
Sunny Fang 2021-11-29 04:58:21
Hey Ty, where are you located?
I'm in Arizona right now doing the startup although I live in a van and just traveled around the Western US
What about you?
Cool to have you here @devwoodpav 🙂 mind if I recommend g0v Manifesto as a good starting point? :smile:
😮 5 👋 5
hazeltschien 19:12:07
@hazeltschien has joined the channel


Ben Gansky 09:58:01
@bengansky has joined the channel
陳科廷 14:50:53
@pinglinstory has joined the channel
Sonya Feng 16:21:09
@sonya70209 has joined the channel
Jason (沙鷗) 22:19:38
@a8832a0066 has joined the channel
Jason (沙鷗) 23:05:24
```1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: Python/攝影/職場菜鳥
2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v? 以前就有在默默關注,直到現在才浮出水面
3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? 目前的工作以Python處理流程自動化為主,但也有做過團隊使用的網頁系統與各種工具
4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: 資訊教育、數據分析
5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here:
6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 想認識更多人,在開源專案中學到新的知識,請多多指教!```
3 2
mettā-luxury 23:41:40
@mettaluxury has joined the channel
結結姐 23:55:01
@jjie4467 has joined the channel