
Month: 2024-03


EvAChU 13:06:41
好奇問: 大家會對 Open Source Design 有什麼想法?
Would you be ok if I respond in English?

Are you interested in a specific part of open source design?
sure, please
My question is what do you think of open-source design?
What do you mean by specific?
I have thoughts on the processes when designing for OSS and also the culture or community of OSS and how it can be difficult for designers to contribute - I have a lot of thoughts 😅

Would you like more community or technology thoughts?
What does OSS stand for? 😅
Sure, why not?
OSS = open source software
How about democratic design process, any thoughts?
Not a designer myself, but I believe some of the information I have could help a little:

In SITCON, we have given some thought to the topic of democratic design processes (particularly Social Media Images) in relation to the SNS guidelines and the discussion we had this January. We rely on volunteers for design and credit them in the post itself, just as g0v #sns does

The most critical aspect is meeting the platform's needs, allowing all participants to design in a single location and reducing the cost of discussions about the design process. I once wanted to self-host the Penpot server, but I was too busy to do so qwq
Some thoughts on open source design democratic processes
I remember speaking with the Mozilla design director about the open design process for the mozilla brand and how the most difficult part was mentoring designers in their skills - so making sure the design files and basic design techniques were of a ‘good enough’ quality to be contributed to Mozilla. They didn’t communicate or govern a ‘standard’ for their design contributions:

This is a challenge I see across most open source software projects in that they don’t know how to ask for the kind of design they want/need and the project rely on very proactive and energetic designers to guide their own open source design processes.

In the worst cases the open source software projects will be very unwelcoming to the energetic designers wanting to make open source design. This is the common USA/Western Europe experience.
EvAChU 13:06:41
好奇問: 大家會對 Open Source Design 有什麼想法?
Would you be ok if I respond in English?

Are you interested in a specific part of open source design?
sure, please
My question is what do you think of open-source design?
What do you mean by specific?
I have thoughts on the processes when designing for OSS and also the culture or community of OSS and how it can be difficult for designers to contribute - I have a lot of thoughts 😅

Would you like more community or technology thoughts?
What does OSS stand for? 😅
Sure, why not?
OSS = open source software
How about democratic design process, any thoughts?
Not a designer myself, but I believe some of the information I have could help a little:

In SITCON, we have given some thought to the topic of democratic design processes (particularly Social Media Images) in relation to the SNS guidelines and the discussion we had this January. We rely on volunteers for design and credit them in the post itself, just as g0v #sns does

The most critical aspect is meeting the platform's needs, allowing all participants to design in a single location and reducing the cost of discussions about the design process. I once wanted to self-host the Penpot server, but I was too busy to do so qwq
Some thoughts on open source design democratic processes
I remember speaking with the Mozilla design director about the open design process for the mozilla brand and how the most difficult part was mentoring designers in their skills - so making sure the design files and basic design techniques were of a ‘good enough’ quality to be contributed to Mozilla. They didn’t communicate or govern a ‘standard’ for their design contributions:

This is a challenge I see across most open source software projects in that they don’t know how to ask for the kind of design they want/need and the project rely on very proactive and energetic designers to guide their own open source design processes.

In the worst cases the open source software projects will be very unwelcoming to the energetic designers wanting to make open source design. This is the common USA/Western Europe experience.
👀 1


Mike Gifford 03:26:23
Have folks here tried Singapore GDS’s Purple A11y


Purple A11y Desktop is a customisable, automated web accessibility testing tool that allows software development teams to find and fix accessibility problems to improve persons with disabilities (PWDs) access to digital services.

Mike Gifford 03:26:23
Have folks here tried Singapore GDS’s Purple A11y


Wu Jen 20:06:23
@jenny20323 has joined the channel


chewei 23:09:02
歡迎跳坑,繪製新版 捐款頁面 主視覺~

[揪松團跳坑,製作輕量版捐款頁面] • 參考案例 <|OCF 年末捐款> • 底圖需求: ◦ 電腦版 (1920px*1080px) 、手機版 (480*960) 兩種 • 圖文區需求: ◦ 標題 ◦ 文字 ◦ 內文圖片 • 預計開通 組織捐款權限,洽詢中

chewei 23:09:02
歡迎跳坑,繪製新版 捐款頁面 主視覺~

[揪松團跳坑,製作輕量版捐款頁面] • 參考案例 <|OCF 年末捐款> • 底圖需求: ◦ 電腦版 (1920px*1080px) 、手機版 (480*960) 兩種 • 圖文區需求: ◦ 標題 ◦ 文字 ◦ 內文圖片 • 預計開通 組織捐款權限,洽詢中


Dong 17:42:09
嗨大家,我是 g0v Summit 2024 設計小組的 Dong,Summit 即將於 5/4-5/5 舉辦,而相關設計品的討論也正如火如荼地進行著!
歡迎有興趣的大家,在 3/15 週五的 20:30-21:00 一起來參與設計小組的討論歐~
• 一些傳送門:
◦ 設計小組頻道:#summit-2024-design
◦ 會議連結:
T恤規劃 - HackMD
鏡頭保護蓋規劃 - HackMD
我沒有 Summit HackMD 的頁面
Dong 17:42:09
嗨大家,我是 g0v Summit 2024 設計小組的 Dong,Summit 即將於 5/4-5/5 舉辦,而相關設計品的討論也正如火如荼地進行著!
歡迎有興趣的大家,在 3/15 週五的 20:30-21:00 一起來參與設計小組的討論歐~
• 一些傳送門:
◦ 設計小組頻道:#summit-2024-design
◦ 會議連結:
T恤規劃 - HackMD
鏡頭保護蓋規劃 - HackMD
我沒有 Summit HackMD 的頁面
👍 1 ❤️ 1


chewei 22:55:47

在 figma 上更新了一個 g0v 專案可以使用的時間戳 以 cc0 開放授權 <>

chewei 22:55:47

在 figma 上更新了一個 g0v 專案可以使用的時間戳 以 cc0 開放授權 <>