只要 Tofus 有在 g0v 貢獻圖卡或是其他視覺材料,都會整理到這上面來,定期更新,只需遵守 CC-BY 4.0 條款,所有人都可以使用!
As long as Tofus contributes graphics cards or other visual materials to g0v, they will be compiled here and updated regularly. As long as they comply with the CC-BY 4.0 terms, everyone can use them!
Update 1.0.3
Updated illustrations contributed during 2021-2022
只要 Tofus 有在 g0v 貢獻圖卡或是其他視覺材料,都會整理到這上面來,定期更新,只需遵守 CC-BY 4.0 條款,所有人都可以使用!
As long as Tofus contributes graphics cards or other visual materials to g0v, they will be compiled here and updated regularly. As long as they comply with the...
「島嶼天光」歌詞,由滅火器樂團創作,包含多種國家語言(臺灣閩語、台灣客語、臺灣普通話),歡迎下載歌詞 PDF 帶去任何你像讓它出現的現場,為民主社會做出貢獻
The song "Island’s Sunrise" is created by the band Fire EX., and its lyrics incorporate multiple languages of Taiwan, including Taiwanese Hokkien, Hakka, and Mandarin. It is often sung during democratic and social mov...