
Month: 2022-08


@wuxuyan571 has joined the channel
Amy 18:48:45
@clins210 has joined the channel


Ash Lin 21:43:25
@littleactinia has joined the channel


国墚李 15:53:27
@lileiyua has joined the channel
国墚李 15:55:06
👋 團隊成員們好!
国墚李 15:55:06
👋 團隊成員們好!


Alvin Lin 21:31:23
@ooii8929 has joined the channel


Glenn Hope 20:52:41
Hi #designer! I'm building a free/open-source client-side search framework, which I'm currently using for language search/translation for Taiwanese Hokkien and Hakka (and hopefully soon, the indigenous languages and many others!). I really love the speed/simplicity of what I have built so far, and I use it constantly in my Tâi-gí language lessons.

With that said, I'm struggling a bit to get the interface to make sense to new users, while still presenting all the functionality I want it to present... In particular, right now I want to _make it clear to users that they can change dialects/representations for the languages_ (POJ, KIP, Hakka dialects, etc)), but when I include that selector in the default view (it's also in the search options dialog) it seems too visually busy and makes it unclear what's actually the search bar.

Would anyone with web/app design experience be willing to provide some feedback and ideas on my beta version? Frontend work (and making things pretty) isn't my strong suit (I'm a backend engineer by trade), but I'm trying my best to learn and would love to try to build something better! Feel free to DM me if you'd like to chat more in depth.

• Taiwanese version:
• Hakka version:
• (bonus) Afrikaans version:
hey the designer on my team is a language learning nerd as well! feel free to get in touch with him
Glenn Hope 2022-08-19 20:34:45
Thank you @clkao! I'll reach out now
👍 1 1
Glenn Hope 20:52:41
Hi #designer! I'm building a free/open-source client-side search framework, which I'm currently using for language search/translation for Taiwanese Hokkien and Hakka (and hopefully soon, the indigenous languages and many others!). I really love the speed/simplicity of what I have built so far, and I use it constantly in my Tâi-gí language lessons.

With that said, I'm struggling a bit to get the interface to make sense to new users, while still presenting all the functionality I want it to present... In particular, right now I want to _make it clear to users that they can change dialects/representations for the languages_ (POJ, KIP, Hakka dialects, etc)), but when I include that selector in the default view (it's also in the search options dialog) it seems too visually busy and makes it unclear what's actually the search bar.

Would anyone with web/app design experience be willing to provide some feedback and ideas on my beta version? Frontend work (and making things pretty) isn't my strong suit (I'm a backend engineer by trade), but I'm trying my best to learn and would love to try to build something better! Feel free to DM me if you'd like to chat more in depth.

• Taiwanese version:
• Hakka version:
• (bonus) Afrikaans version:
hey the designer on my team is a language learning nerd as well! feel free to get in touch with him
Glenn Hope 2022-08-19 20:34:45
Thank you @clkao! I'll reach out now


chewei 21:29:36

:office:城市美學大調查 大家好~~~ 這是個由台灣設計研究院 (也就是我現在打雜的地方) 發起的調查,誠摯邀請生活在各城市的大家,從日常生活經驗中,票選或寫下你對城市美學的期許。因為這邊聚集了很多相對關心公共事務的人,所以覺得很適合邀請大家花個2-3分鐘,填個簡單的問卷! 調查問卷在此 :beating-heat: <> :beating-heat: *根據長期在g0v打滾的經驗,以下先回答一些一定會被問的問題* :japanese_ogre: :point_right:*看得到調查結果嗎?* 因為有蒐集到一些個資 (選填名字+email)所以沒辦法直接用 surveycake 的公開圖表功能,會一口氣把大家的email都公布出去。所以若有公開,會是看之後的分享規劃了(以及母數到底夠不夠XD) :point_right:*投票數高的話,就代表城市會去做規劃嗎?* 非也。設計研究院其實不是政府部門,所以沒有權限開啟專案。但這次廣蒐意見的確是希望讓我們跟公部門能多一個參考,希望能夠間接促成一些專案的形成! :point_right:*為什麼調查裡面的選項這麼的特定?這樣真的可以調查到大家真正的想法嗎?* 城市是個超級模糊的概念,如果是個完全開放的填答,填答人很有可能會直接腦袋一片空白,不知道從何開始,這樣轉換率會真的慘。所以設計調查問卷時,我們先放上了常聽到被討論的,那如果有其他想法的,就可以填其他。 :point_right:*用問卷真的可以蒐集到可以代表全國的想法嗎?* 怎麼可能 (但也不可能綁年底選舉吧)。不過的確是擔心樣本數太少,或是只在太特定的地方 (例:幾乎都是設計師回填) 蒐集,所以最近正在到處貼連結,今天也來這邊邀請大家填了~若你願意邀請你身邊的朋友填,那就真的是太棒了唷。

chewei 21:29:36

:office:城市美學大調查 大家好~~~ 這是個由台灣設計研究院 (也就是我現在打雜的地方) 發起的調查,誠摯邀請生活在各城市的大家,從日常生活經驗中,票選或寫下你對城市美學的期許。因為這邊聚集了很多相對關心公共事務的人,所以覺得很適合邀請大家花個2-3分鐘,填個簡單的問卷! 調查問卷在此 :beating-heat: <> :beating-heat: *根據長期在g0v打滾的經驗,以下先回答一些一定會被問的問題* :japanese_ogre: :point_right:*看得到調查結果嗎?* 因為有蒐集到一些個資 (選填名字+email)所以沒辦法直接用 surveycake 的公開圖表功能,會一口氣把大家的email都公布出去。所以若有公開,會是看之後的分享規劃了(以及母數到底夠不夠XD) :point_right:*投票數高的話,就代表城市會去做規劃嗎?* 非也。設計研究院其實不是政府部門,所以沒有權限開啟專案。但這次廣蒐意見的確是希望讓我們跟公部門能多一個參考,希望能夠間接促成一些專案的形成! :point_right:*為什麼調查裡面的選項這麼的特定?這樣真的可以調查到大家真正的想法嗎?* 城市是個超級模糊的概念,如果是個完全開放的填答,填答人很有可能會直接腦袋一片空白,不知道從何開始,這樣轉換率會真的慘。所以設計調查問卷時,我們先放上了常聽到被討論的,那如果有其他想法的,就可以填其他。 :point_right:*用問卷真的可以蒐集到可以代表全國的想法嗎?* 怎麼可能 (但也不可能綁年底選舉吧)。不過的確是擔心樣本數太少,或是只在太特定的地方 (例:幾乎都是設計師回填) 蒐集,所以最近正在到處貼連結,今天也來這邊邀請大家填了~若你願意邀請你身邊的朋友填,那就真的是太棒了唷。



Michael Tseng 21:45:05
@michael08120 has joined the channel