0601_itaigi 檔案

Inside Intercom
The Dribbblisation of Design - Inside Intercom
There are divergent things happening in the product and interaction design community. On one hand, we have some amazing pieces of writing from the likes of Ryan Singer and Julie Zhuo, moving our craft forward. On the other hand, we have a growing number of people posting and discussing their work on Dribbble, the aggregated results of which are moving our craft backwards.
Replace new tab page with Life Is Too Short.
1.0 Product Concept · Issue #17 · hychen/lifeistooshort-chrome-extension · GitHub
Value Proposition Statement Brand :: Life Is Too Short Category :: Browser Extension What :: A new tab to realtime count down a user's each due day of his/her lifelong/yearly/monthly goals. For Who :: people who want to have a way to ...
Free to-do app UI kit for Photoshop and Sketch | InVision
With 130 screens, 10 themes, and 250+ components, DO features everything you need to build a killer to-do app. Get it for Photoshop and Sketch—for free!
Sketch App Sources - Free graphical resources for Sketch 3 software
Sketch App Sources is a collection of free design resources for the Sketch 3 software by Bohemian Coding. All .sketch files are editable and freely use.
TETHR's the most beautiful UI kit you've ever seen: now for Sketch. Get it free from InVision: <http://bit.ly/1qykMUo>
子姓網友隨 g0v 黑熊大使貼紙前進聯合國! (本次 #sotmus 在紐約 UN 總部召開)
Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.
perl6-CSS-Module - Perl 6 property-specific and extension grammars
Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.
Collaboration app for UI designers and frontend developers
T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西
一個優秀的 App icon 應該如何設計?Martin LeBlanc 教你6招 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西
本文作者 Martin LeBlanc 是icon搜尋引擎 IconFinder 的創始人,他整理了蘋果用戶體驗工程師 Mike Stern&nbsp;的想法,並且還給出了一些新見解和案...
ETtoday 東森旅遊雲
端午連假即將來臨,六福村與六福水樂園推出免費入園,民眾名字內只要有「端、午、屈、原、粽、子、龍、舟」任一字,就能 免費暢遊六福村與六福水樂園。
Junior Designers vs. Senior Designers
I like words a lot. But sometimes a few sketches communicate a point more simply and memorably.
隨意窩 Xuite日誌
鹿耳門聖母廟 19米千里眼順風耳 土城新地標 正統鹿耳門聖母廟委託薪傳獎大師林增桶塑造19米高的「千里眼、順風耳」大將軍雕像,成為國內最碩大高挑的千里眼(左)、順風耳(右)。 台南市安南區正統鹿耳門聖母廟,委託薪傳獎大師林增桶塑造19米高的「千里眼、順風耳」大將軍雕像,成為國內最碩大高挑的「千里眼、順風耳」,也是土城地區新地標。 正統鹿耳門聖母廟主委王增榮表示,鹿耳門媽顯靈助漲潮水以利延平郡王鄭成
Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.
第一位受訪者 1. 全站搜尋有bug(關鍵字兩字以下找不到, 2.立委不好搜尋 3. search 4. 關鍵字兩字以下找不到, 5. 法案內容過長,顏色不美 6. 圖表尚未經過整理,一般使用者不太有耐心自己分析資料 第二位受訪者 1. task 2 中受訪者不確定洪秀柱的選區,一開始用性別過濾,緊接著用縣市。 UI設計上讓使用者誤認「縣市」、「性別選單」有多重過濾功能 <http://vote>....
第一位受訪者 1. 全站搜尋有bug(關鍵字兩字以下找不到, 2.立委不好搜尋 3. search 4. 關鍵字兩字以下找不到, 5. 法案內容過長,顏色不美 6. 圖表尚未經過整理,一般使用者不太有耐心自己分析資料 第二位受訪者 1. task 2 中受訪者不確定洪秀柱的選區,一開始用性別過濾,緊接著用縣市。 UI設計上讓使用者誤認「縣市」、「性別選單」有多重過濾功能 <http://vote>....
為 LibreOffice 貢獻全新的 Impress 範本 LibreOffice 設計團隊將舉辦一場 Impress 範本競賽,以增加即將現身的 LibreOffice 5.0 Impress 中所包含的範本數量。活動開放給所有設計師、藝術家以及有創意的使用者參與,將於2015年8月初結束。...
hackfoldr-iOS - hackfoldr client for iOS