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Mexico City is crowdsourcing its new constitution using in a democracy experiment
Mexico City just launched a massive experiment in digital democracy. It is asking its nearly 9 million residents to help draft a new constitution through social media. The crowdsourcing exercise is unprecedented in Mexico&mdash;and pretty much everywhere else. Chilangos, as locals are known, can petition for issues to be included in the constitution through <|> (link in Spanish), and make their case in person if they gather more than 10,000 signatures. They can also annotate proposals by the constitution&rsquo;s drafters via PubPub, an editing platform (Spanish) similar to Google Docs. The idea, in the words of the mayor, Miguel Angel Mancera, is to &ldquo;bestow the constitution project (Spanish) with a democratic, progressive, inclusive, civic and plural character.&rdquo; There&rsquo;s a big catch, however. The constitutional assembly&mdash;the body that has the final word on the new city&rsquo;s basic law&mdash;is under no obligation to consider any of the citizen input. And then there are the practical difficulties of collecting and summarizing the myriad of views dispersed throughout one of the world&rsquo;s largest cities. That makes Mexico City&rsquo;s public-consultation experiment a big test for the people&rsquo;s digital power, one being watched around the world. A city is born Fittingly, the idea of crowdsourcing a constitution came about in response to an attempt to limit people power. For decades, city officials had fought to get out from under the thumb of the federal government, which had the final word on decisions such as who should be the city&rsquo;s chief of police. This year, finally, they won a legal change that turns the Distrito Federal (federal district), similar to the US&rsquo;s District of Columbia, into Ciudad de M&eacute;xico (Mexico City), a more autonomous entity, more akin to a state. (Confusingly, it&rsquo;s just part of the larger urban area also colloquially known as Mexico City, which spills into neighboring states.) However, trying to retain some control, the Mexican congress decided that only 60% of the delegates to the city&rsquo;s constitutional assembly would be elected by popular vote. The rest will be assigned by the president, congress, and Mancera, the mayor. Mancera is also the only one who can submit a draft constitution to the assembly. Mancera&rsquo;s response was to create a committee of some 30 citizens (Spanish), including politicians, human-rights advocates, journalists, and even a Paralympic gold medalist, to write his draft. He also called for the development of mechanisms to gather citizens&rsquo; &ldquo;aspirations, values, and longing for freedom and justice&rdquo; so they can be incorporated into the final document. The mechanisms, embedded in an online platform (Spanish) that offers various ways to weigh in, were launched at the end of March and will collect inputs until September 1. The drafting group has until the middle of that month to file its text with the assembly, which has to approve the new constitution by the end of January. An experiment with few precedents Mexico City didn&rsquo;t have a lot of examples to draw on, since not a lot of places have experience with crowdsourcing laws. In the US, a few local lawmakers have used Wiki pages and GitHub to draft bills, says Marilyn Bautista, a lecturer at Stanford Law School who has researched the practice. Iceland&mdash;with a population some 27 times smaller than Mexico City&rsquo;s&mdash;famously had its citizens contribute to its constitution with input from social media. The effort failed after the new constitution got stuck in parliament. In Mexico City, where many citizens already feel left out, the first big hurdle is to convince them it&rsquo;s worth participating. According to a 2013 survey (Spanish, pdf) by Mexico&rsquo;s national electoral authority: Most Mexicans, 66%, consider there is little or no respect for the law. Half of them see democracy as a system in which everyone participates but few benefit. Nearly a third have no trust in the federal government at all, and more than 40% distrust political parties and lawmakers. More than 70% don&rsquo;t trust their fellow Mexicans. To engage with its jaded residents, the city built the site with eye-catching drone video of the city. And it&rsquo;s been posting videos on YouTube of members of the drafting committee, encouraging citizens to participate. One of the drafters, Carlos Cruz&mdash;a former gang member who has created several programs to keep youth from getting involved in organized crime&mdash;talks about raising the minimum wage and reducing inequality (Spanish). Kiosks where citizens can participate.(Mexico City)There are various levels of participation on offer, from ranking the city&rsquo;s biggest problems in an online survey to making detailed comments on draft proposals. For people without internet access, 300 computer kiosks have been set up throughout the city with staff to guide them through the process. &ldquo;For this to be awesome, there have to be hundreds of thousands of answers,&rdquo; said Diego Cuesy, a city policy analyst who helped build the platform. Making sense of it all Convincing chilangos to share their views is just the first step, though. Then comes the task of making sense of the cacophony that will likely emerge. Some of the input can be very easily organized&mdash;the results of the survey, for example, are being graphed in real time. But there could be thousands of documents and comments on the <|> petitions and the editing platform. Ideas are grouped into 18 topics, such as direct democracy, transparency and economic rights. They are prioritized based on the amount of support they&rsquo;ve garnered and how relevant they are, said Bernardo Rivera, an adviser for the city. Drafters get a weekly delivery of summarized citizen petitions. Audience by signature The drafting group has pledged to respond to petitions on <|> with more than 5,000 signatures, and to have a few of its members meet with petitioners who gather more than 10,000. More than 50,000 signatures earns an audience with the full committee. An essay about human rights on the PubPub platform.(PubPub)The most elaborate part of the system is PubPub, an open publishing platform similar to Google Docs, which is based on a project originally developed by MIT&rsquo;s Media Lab. The drafters are supposed to post essays on how to address constitutional issues, and potentially, the constitution draft itself, once there is one. Only they&mdash;or whoever they authorize&mdash;will be able to reword the original document. User comments and edits are recorded on a side panel, with links to the portion of text they refer to. Another screen records every change, so everyone can track which suggestions have made it into the text. Members of the public can also vote comments up or down, or post their own essays. But will it work? In nearly three weeks, <|> has collected more than 200 petitions, which have been signed by more than 10,000 people. So far the most popular, with some 3,500 supporters, calls for politicians to be considered service providers, not staffers, and to be paid only for the time they work and &ldquo;not for weeks when all they are seen doing is sleeping or playing with their iPads.&rdquo; The next most popular is about animal rights. Meanwhile, on PubPub, only one member of the drafting group has published a document&mdash;a dense academic essay on the legal framework the city should use to protect human rights&mdash;which has picked up two annotations. A group of university students has added around 20 texts, though most of them remain unedited. To be fair, it&rsquo;s early days yet. Things may pick up as more events are held to get citizens engaged. But even if many of them participate, says Antonio Mart&iacute;nez, a digital rights lawyer, there&rsquo;s nothing spelling out how the inflow of ideas will influence the drafting group&rsquo;s decisions. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s a bit of a show,&rdquo; he says. Others argue that there&rsquo;s still value in the platform even if all the citizen comments end up in some lawmaker&rsquo;s drawer. Luis Fern&aacute;ndez, president of Participating for Mexico, an NGO, says it will help generate discussion. &ldquo;The more information there is about the topics that have to be incorporated, the more information sources constitutional delegates will have to better do their job,&rdquo; he said. Cuesy, from the city, admits that it&rsquo;s hard to track whether and how citizens&rsquo; digital input can modify officials&rsquo; views and behavior. It&rsquo;s a question that the city is trying to answer through the experiment. &ldquo;We&rsquo;re going through a learning curve,&rdquo; he said. Still, the platform represents, at the very least, a commitment by the government to listen, Cuesy added. There will also be an electronic record for everyone to see, and potentially to hold the constitutional assembly accountable if, for example, it skips a topic that hundreds of thousands of citizens said was key. (The top challenges for the nearly 15,000 people who have answered the survey so far are corruption and jobs.) That&rsquo;s an improvement over the demonstrations that frequently bring the city to a halt, Cuesy argued. &ldquo;I love protests,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;But if I go out to the street, there is no legal mechanism that requires the drafting group to consider what I have to say.&rdquo;
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2014 之後又跳過了一整年,g0v summit 2016 再次邀請全球公民技術社群來分享公務員,技術人員,和非政府組織工作人員之間的協作經驗。我們很高興邀請到 Filipe Heusser 擔任今年的專題演講者,他也是 the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前股東,以及 Berkman Center 的成員。
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2014 之後又跳過了一整年,g0v summit 2016 再次邀請全球公民技術社群來分享公務員,技術人員,和非政府組織工作人員之間的協作經驗。我們很高興邀請到 Filipe Heusser 擔任今年的專題演講者,他也是 the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前股東,以及 Berkman Center 的成員。
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2014 之後又跳過了一整年,g0v summit 2016 再次邀請全球公民技術社群來分享公務員,技術人員,和非政府組織工作人員之間的協作經驗。我們很高興邀請到 Filipe Heusser 擔任今年的專題演講者,他也是 the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前股東,以及 Berkman Center 的成員。
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Hello participant of the 2016 G0v Summit !Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about Text- and Datamining.Just to give you some background about the project: FutureTDM is a project that looks at Text and Datamining and how we can improve the uptake in Europe. You can find out more about the project at am very interested to hear your experiences in doing Text and/or Datamining in your country and what you think we could do to make it easier for you. I look forward to your responses.If you have any questions feel free to contact me at <|>
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【臺灣g0v高峰會2】用數據改變社會:網絡工程師吳泰輝 力推新聞資料視覺化 | 余依庭 | 香港獨立媒體網
圖:台灣零時政府社群(<|>)共同發起人、網絡工程師吳泰輝(Kirby Wu)。隨著科技發展,新聞工作者向社會大眾傳播資訊,已不只使用文字。每當觸及較龐大及複雜的資料及數據時,「資料/數據視覺化」可幫助公眾更清晰、快捷地消化與接收資訊。台灣零時政府社群(<|>)積極提倡「運用科技力量促進政府透明化」,其共同發起人、本為資料視覺化與網頁技術專家的吳泰輝(Kirby Wu)在其社群主辦的「台灣零時政府高峰會(G0v Summit)」中以「媒體無間道——我在新聞界臥底的日子」為題,提出一種對臺灣媒體的新想像——資料記者(data journalist)。筆者其後在會場外與Kirby聊天,實在好奇一位網絡工程師為何會跑到新聞界。網絡工程新想像:資料視覺化吳泰輝(Kirby Wu)本為典型的網絡工程師——求學時修讀computer science,對用電腦把資料圖像化深感興趣。在多年的實行與研究下,他發現要更有效地傳播資訊,只寫程式是不足夠的。Kirby 開始思考如何提升文字的力量,如何使資訊的傳播性更高等等,其後明白是需要各傳播媒界互相配合。他得出一種對網絡工程的新想像,不止要把資料圖像化,更要「視覺化(Visualization)」。Kirby解釋,「視覺化」是不同興趣合起來的領域,如數位資料、文字、圖像等。要有效傳播資訊,除了整理、分析,更重要的是「呈現」。網絡工程師為何會跑到新聞界?Kirby 認為所有傳播的形式都是媒介,因此新聞與網絡工程其實也有傳播資訊的功能。臺灣無論甚麼媒體,要生存,就要追求高收入、低成本,並以獲利為主。如要更多創意、追求「質素」,則意味要付出更高的成本,因此普遍老闆也寧願保持一般水準,請更多的員工使流量倍增,追求「量」。對於這個媒體風氣,Kirby明白,卻不認同。Kirby說:「我們要了解用者使用資訊及科技的方式,從而提升讀者的體驗。」這種「反體驗」是環環相扣的,包括資料的安排及重新包裝,使讀者更容易接受。2012年10月,g0v.tw社群正式成立,Kirby是共同發起人。那源自一種工程師共同的憤怒。當時臺灣政府播出推廣「經濟動能推升方案」的廣告。當中Kirby發現41秒的廣告,根本沒有解釋過任何方案的具體內容,反而只在推廣「政府已在全速進行」的口號。這憤怒燃起他對「視覺化」新聞資訊的關注。Kirby與幾位朋友決定參與Yahoo的科技專案比賽,並以「政府預算視覺化」為題,他們燃燒憤怒並化成動力,誓要讓市民知道他們辛苦交出的稅究竟用來做甚麼。利用網絡程式把繁複的各項政府預算,圖像化成更易看懂的圖表。最後他們拿到一筆獎金,這就是g0v的第一筆基金。圖:台灣零時政府社群(<|>)共同發起人吳泰輝(Kirby Wu)向筆者以網絡應用程式「台灣群眾集資報告」舉例說明面對繁複的資料,要使訊息變得有趣味就要配合資訊設計師、網站編排方式等人事,使資料簡要清晰,更有效傳播資訊。記者為何要學數據?Kirby笑說:「單純的資訊不是大家都那麼愛看,我們要把複雜的資訊變得有趣味,讓公眾看得不痛苦。」他覺得透過網路,使公眾更易獲取資訊。各個社群只要按一下「share(分享)」,便可增加民眾對政府的了解。他明白記者不是三頭六臂,總不能一人擔任所有傳播的角色。但Kirby認為學習數據,讓記者有多一種與讀者互動的思維,提升文字力量。他數說出要記者學數據的實際困難,如「三高」,進入門檻高、訓練成本高、人事成本高。同時發揮空間小、系統包袱大、投資報酬低。然而他仍默默地在嘗試實行,並在2015年舉辦「資料新聞實戰營」,隨後被台大、交大、政大、輔大等大學新聞與傳播相關課程演講及授課 ,從教學入手。圖:Kirby跟大眾及記者朋友介紹一系列使新聞資料視覺化的簡便程式。「比較有經驗的新聞教授也坐在席上一起交流學習數據、資料新聞,感覺很有趣。」Kirby說。雖然臺灣的新聞及傳媒課程仍未正式接納資訊新聞,但Kirby說值得繼續努力。「重要的是合作的精神,大家一起來做,不一定要很完美。」台灣零時政府高峰會(G0v Summit)2012年,「台灣零時政府高峰會(G0v Summit)」的主辦單位,台灣零時政府社群(<|>)正式成立,主張「用數位世代的思維,以開源(open source)方式號召群眾以網絡世代的新模式協作,運用科技力量促進政府透明化」。社群的共同開發者來自不同的領域,網絡工程師、NGO、傳媒工作者、學者、黑客等,以「草根、科技、開放」的精神,連結各界,致力開創公民參與的新想像。2014年太陽花學運,臺灣社會經歷了大型公民運動的洗禮。g0v.tw社群首度舉辦「台灣零時政府高峰會(G0v Summit)」,集結臺灣及國際公民科技(civic tech)的先驅,探討如何運用資訊科技促進群眾參與。本年(2016),正值臺灣新舊政府的交接期,g0v.tw社群再辦高峰會,是次更邀得全球17國的活躍公民黑客分享及出席,成本年峰會一大焦點。資料新聞學 Data Journalism「資料新聞學」在國際已開始發展及成形,是指透過對大量資料進行分析與整理後產出新聞報導的一種新聞處理程序。它經常會使用「開放資料(open data)」及「開放原始碼(open source)」作起點,處理分析。
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<|> 是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發公民參與社會的資訊平台與工具。2012 年底開始成形,截至2014年初已有 26 場工作坊、受邀演講 30+ 場、媒體報導 20+ 次、500+ 遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也是代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。<|> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。
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親愛的家長您好,我是伊利諾大學聽語科學研究所(Department of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois)的博士生徐寧,想要邀請您和您的孩子參與我的博士論文研究,這項研究的目的是探討中文母語兒童如何習得中文語法規則。[研究說明]這個研究包含三次測試,每次測試在一小時之內可以完成,測試過程會錄音。測試內容包含「華語兒童理解與表達詞彙測驗」(REVT)的施測,以及請小朋友看圖片或影片回答問題。測試期間您可以全程待在孩子身邊,我們所測試的內容沒有對與錯,我們想要知道的是孩子如何描述圖片或影片中的情境,來自孩子本身的自發性回答將幫助我們理解中文語法的發展順序。除了以上測試,我們另會請您填寫一份簡單的家庭環境問卷。[研究招募時間]2016年6月~2016年8月中[受試者年紀]3足歲還不滿5足歲的小朋友(生日大約在2011年6月~2013年7月之間)。[實驗地點]臺灣大學語言所(臺灣大學總校區/樂學館)。[回饋內容]車馬費$400元/次[聯絡方式]徐寧0984332138 (2016/05/28啟用)ninghsu2@illinois.edu如果您有任何跟研究有關的問題,歡迎寫信或打電話與我聯絡。如果您有興趣參與這個研究,煩請填寫以下表單,我會盡快與您聯絡,向您解釋本研究的細節,並進行一個關於孩子一般發展狀況的簡短電話訪談,以及約定測試時間,謝謝。備註:如果您有興趣參與這個研究,但實在不便與小朋友一同前來臺大語言所,且願意考慮讓我到您的家中進行實驗的話,也歡迎留下您的資料。若是在您家中進行實驗,我們會支付$150/次受試者費用,唯實驗名額將優先保留給能夠到臺大語言所進行測試的受試者,謝謝。
Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means for Taiwan.
To defend the hard-earned democracy. We occupied the Legistlative Yuan of ROC, peacefully and rationally, Since 2014-03-19, tens of thousands citizens have joined us. Taiwan needs your attention and support. Today, we ask you to join us, in support of basic democratic values.
Abstract 政府與民間的關係,在 2014 年後,從傳統的「由上而下」模式,透過「公民審議」的概念,似乎有了翻轉的契機。 但是,身為「中介者」的規劃、主持人,時時必須面對:每場審議的議題設定,有多少是由公部門主導?又有多少能由民間社會主導? 兩者間的平衡,必須建立在各方利益關係人一次次的實質交流上,才能逐漸調和…
318公民運動發生後幾天,根據參與的人數以及各方面的現象,我們判斷此一運動會對台灣社會有重大影響,更重要的是這次公民運動的參與者在立法院的議場與周邊創造了有趣的「藝術」作品,表達各種理念,於是興起了收集史料的念頭,並開始進行相關的聯絡工作。 本網站旨在蒐羅318公民運動相關的實體物件、藝術創作,及網路多媒體資料,使一般大眾便於觀覽、以利後學進行分析、研究,史料的蒐集。無論是實體文物的數位化檔案,還是原生數位的影音檔案,這些數位檔案的使用,需秉持文物保存以及公眾記憶的目的,而這也是我們進行這項工作的初衷。
318 太陽花學運資訊彙整,包含即時影音直播、反黑箱服貿行動聲明、現場需求及相關資訊。
<|> 是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發公民參與社會的資訊平台與工具。2012 年底開始成形,截至2014年初已有 26 場工作坊、受邀演講 30+ 場、媒體報導 20+ 次、500+ 遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也是代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。<|> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。
5月14日15日に台湾台北市で行われたアジア最大のシビックテックに関するカンファレンスg0v summit 2016。台湾におけるオープンデータやオープンガバメント普及に貢献してき... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.
抗美豬 黃昭順高喊:撤拒馬 分局長:沒拒馬 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報