不斷更新/台鐵太魯閣號驚傳出軌 肇因工程車侵入路線 | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站
【不斷更新】慟!太魯閣撞工程車釀54死 156名傷者已全數救出 | 蘋果新聞網 | 蘋果日報
20210402 18:00 太魯閣號事件 運安會記者會逐字稿 - HackMD
# 20210402 18:00 太魯閣號事件 運安會記者會逐字稿 {%youtube 8sc_DZKsTXk %}
20210403 11:00 太魯閣號事件台鐵記者會逐字稿 - HackMD
# 20210403 11:00 太魯閣號事件 台鐵記者會逐字稿 {%youtube SerjN-pTols %}
Wikimedia Hackathon 2021 - MediaWiki
7/24 g0v Hackath45n 台中美食共筆 - HackMD
# 7/24 g0v Hackath45n 台中美食共筆
# 跳起來!g0v 坑主工作坊 簡介 在 2020/02/02 g0v 揪松團邀請 g0v 社群比較長期的專案坑主,一起來分享討論,彼此專案遇到的問題,以及是否有哪些解法。而今年,我們將再次舉辦坑
滾吧!進擊的雪球!公民力量如何帶來改變 Snowball: Change the world with your buying power
「新疆棉之亂」是抵制?還是支持大品牌就有用嗎? With special session on Xinjiang brand boycotts, featuring a surprise guest!
H&M ZARA Uniqlo Taiwan Nike adidas Calvin Klein PUMA CONVERSE Tommy Hilfiger BOSS All of these clothing brands announced they’re no longer using Xinjiang cotton due to the human rights abuses there....
台南小松 016 === ###### tags: `台南小松` 時間: 2021-04-14 (三) 19:00-21:00 地點: 好想工作室(東區北門路二段16號 L2A, <https://ww>
Product Hunt
Napkin Beta - Backend in the browser | Product Hunt
Napkin is the next-generation production-ready backend development tool in your browser. Fast, powerful code editor, zero configuration instant deployment, instant API endpoints, unlimited λ functions. No infra. No boilerplate. Just code.
像 g0v 這樣的開放社群,強調人人都是「沒有人」,從人類學的觀點又和看待這樣鬆散又有機的協作與斷裂呢?
Google Docs
The Malaysian Social Project - The IO Foundation (TIOF) Survey
Dear Respondent, We are a team of students from The Malaysian Social Project, a non-profit student consultancy organization that aims to help third sector organizations resolve their potential issues. You can find out more about us here: <https://www.themalaysiansocialproject.com/> We are currently conducting a survey to understand the public’s awareness of digital rights, and to gauge your preferences as a contributor and donor to Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). Should you decide to participate, this study will collect demographic and statistical data from the respondents to enhance our research outcomes. This research survey will involve the international NGO The IO Foundation (<https://TheIOFoundation.org>) and would take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and no benefits nor harm is expected from participating. There is no space for you to note information that can identify you as an individual on the materials used in this study. Your response will remain anonymous and any data released for presentation of the findings in this study will in no way identify you as an individual. We highly appreciate your willingness in helping us to fill up this short survey for our research. Should you have any questions or would like to find out more information about this survey, please do not hesitate to reach out to 1. Terrance Yeo (<mailto:terranceyeoengchun@gmail.com|terranceyeoengchun@gmail.com>) 2. Chin Pei Xuen (<mailto:peixuenchin2000@gmail.com|peixuenchin2000@gmail.com>) 3. Grace Nathania (<mailto:gracenathh@gmail.com|gracenathh@gmail.com>) 4. Koh Hui Hong (<mailto:kohhuihong0810@gmail.com|kohhuihong0810@gmail.com>) 5. Maisarah Lukman (<mailto:maisarahlukman31@gmail.com|maisarahlukman31@gmail.com>) Thank you.
滾吧!進擊的雪球!公民力量如何帶來改變 Snowball: Change the world with your buying power
「新疆棉之亂」是抵制?還是支持大品牌就有用嗎? With special session on Xinjiang brand boycotts, featuring a surprise guest!
Google Docs
親愛的開放資料夥伴,您好: 政府開放資料於近年來已蔚為一股國際潮流,成為國內外政府機關施政的重要方針之一。我國中央與地方政府亦積極推動開放資料政策的實行,其中尤以「資料提供者」與「資料使用者」共同扮演關鍵之角色。因此,本研究是以我國政府開放資料的推行現況作為研究場域,聚焦於探討開放資料使用者的資料使用經驗,而本研究之開放資料使用者是定義為「使用政府開放資料進行應用的使用者」。 此問卷目的在於請教您使用政府開放資料的情況與經驗,以作為本研究之參考。問卷填答時間約略為5至7分鐘。此問卷為不具名(匿名)填答,本研究亦會謹守保密之學術倫理原則,調查結果將作為學術研究使用,期發表於國內外學術研討會與期刊,用以分享台灣經驗。 後續問卷蒐集結束後,亦會初步搭配google表單方式以呈現問卷題項的描述性統計,並發布在開放資料的相關社群網站上,讓大家也可以作為參考。 謝謝您的經驗分享,若您有任何疑問或需協助之處,也請您與我聯繫,再次感謝您的參與。 敬祝 健康快樂 楊東謀 敬上 台灣大學圖書資訊學系 Tel: 02-3366-2970 Email: <mailto:tmyang@ntu.edu.tw|tmyang@ntu.edu.tw>
`零時小學校時數獎勵系統` 零時小學校今年會舉辦很多活動,包括小松和營隊,為了參與者的參與、貢獻時間可以被具體呈現,也為了 108 課綱會需要的證明機制,我們想要來做零時小學校的時數系統,希望可以幫助大家累積成就! 目前還在發想階段,請參考共筆: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HyF4-0_Q_>
HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
Startup | Lost in Translation | JST 15:00 Sat
Saturday, April 24 at 3:00pm JST with Daisuke Ishii, Jeet Singh. Discuss tips and advice on how you can work with multilingual team members in your Strartup and not get lost in translation.
DATE CORRECTION! There was a typo in the original announcement. The date of the session is not tomorrow but TODAY, Sunday 25ht, 9.15pm Taiwan Time. Apologies for the mistake! Hoping very much many of you can join us! :slightly_smiling_face: Please find all relevant information here: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@ArminRz/Sks0Ng0UO/edit>
Facebook Groups
公告:LASS 2021 使用者與開發者大會 時間:2021/7/25 (日) 地點:台中 東海大學-人文大樓 還請夥伴保留時間參與 哈爸
IASC 2021 Knowledge Commons Virtual Conference
IASC 2021 Knowledge Commons Virtual Conference, June 9-11, 2021
A 3-day meeting with pre-recorded and live events that will address problems defined by knowledge systems, including innovation spaces, digital resources like Wikipedia and Stack exchange, open-source software development, the future of science and education, the archival of existing knowledge, cultural commons and citizen science.
# 2021 南庄桐花松 ![](<https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_309aaaef>
<http://g0v.tw|g0v.tw> 台灣零時政府,是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發「公民參與社會」的資訊平台與工具。 將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。 <http://g0v.tw|g0v.tw> 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,寫程式提供公民容易使用的資訊服務。 資訊的透明化能幫助公民更確實了解政府運作、更快速了解議題,不被媒體壟斷,也才可有效監督政府,化為參與行動最終深化民主體質。 繼續認識我們 <http://g0v.tw/about.html>