g0v 揪松團正在招募活動執行,快來加入我們!
零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營 Sch001 for Source Raising
零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營是 g0v 貢獻者與 g0v 揪松團協作推出的線上課程計畫,以「開源、協作、開放學習」為主軸,期盼以開放的方式,在線上陪伴所有學習者。
零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營 Sch001 for Source Raising - HackMD
零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營是 g0v 貢獻者與 g0v 揪松團協作推出的線上課程計畫,以「開源、協作、開放學習」為主軸,期盼以開放的方式,在線上陪伴所有學習者。
!注意!這是模版,請勿直接填寫! 使用請見:空白模版使用方式 專案簡介 緣由 (為什麼會想發起這個專案,一些背景資訊) 要解決的問題 預定使用者 (成品要給誰用、在什麼場合用、怎麼用) 預定功能 (成品要有哪些功能來滿足上述使用情境) 現有類似專案 (現成的是否可以直接使用?或者有什麼不足之處?國外專案可參考?) 相關專案 (衍生自某專案/衍生出某專案/API串接自某專案.
Can Taiwan Provide the Alternative to Digital Authoritarianism?
China and Taiwan are becoming digital states in parallel — China as a digital authoritarian regime, and Taiwan as a digital democracy.
提到能源轉型,您想知道的問題是什麼? 為了探索使用網路理性討論的可能,青平台「數位民主實驗平台」計畫以[能源轉型](<https://twfuture.care/energy/>)作為主題,自 6 月 14 日起,展開三階段的討論。歷經第一階段資料整合、第二階段挑戰與困境的討論後,現在,我們即將召開第一次專家會議,針對台灣在能源轉型上面對的挑戰展開深入的討論,探討這些挑戰背後的脈絡,以及更深層的結構性問題。 在此,我們也邀請各位,透過 <http://Pol.is|Pol.is> 表達您的意見: 關於能源轉型,您想知道的問題是什麼? 本次 <http://Pol.is|Pol.is> 意見調查將從即刻起持續收集至 7 月 9 日中午,我們將會把最多人想了解的前三名問題,納入專家會議討論的題綱之中,豐富專家會議的討論。 若您想了解的問題沒有在預列選項中,請透過下面留言框,以「我想知道⋯」開頭,表達您想知道的問題;請一次輸入一則問題。
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<http://1922.gov.tw|1922.gov.tw> now opens vaccination intention registration to all people older than 18 years old. The website is crushed right now, probably because of the traffics. Wait a few hours later to register to be on the waitlist. It is a pool to scanning which age to open at which week not tickets according your registration time. You register your intentions to have vaccines in which city/county first. Once you are qualified for that week vaccination, you will get a SMS from 1922 reminding you or official register the vaccination time and place on 1922 The official suggestion for English user is to use “Google Translation” on the browser. Good luck
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g0v 社群每月九分鐘 - 2021/06 - HackMD
「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群第九年的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。
【零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營倒數 𝟚 天】 再過兩天,g0v 社群的 `零時小學校 Sch001` 講師群(g0v `揪松團` `vTaiwan` `地理圖資專案` `Disfactory` `線上揪松` `WikimediaTaiwan`)就會上線陪伴大家過暑假! :sunny: 「營隊前夜祭」2021/7/16(五)20:00 - 21:00 GMT+8 :rainbow: 「營隊開幕式」2021/7/17(六)14:00 - 16:00 GMT+8 :sunny: 活動詳情:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/Sch001SSR2021> :rainbow: 哪裡找揪松: <#C027VH2GXNW|edu-camp> <#CN64A1FHA|edu> <#C0385B90D|jothon> 噢!最重要的 Gather Town 會議室網址以及加入密碼,都已經寄發給大家,請到報名信箱尋找(或者在垃圾信箱翻一翻),若真的沒有收到,請來信 <mailto:jothon-organizers@g0v.tw|jothon-organizers@g0v.tw> 告知 g0v 揪松團。
# 2021/8 g0v 黑客松(大松)命名 :::info - 預計 8/21 週六舉辦 g0v 第肆拾伍次黑客松 Hackath45n - 本次與水保局與台灣維基社群共同舉辦 - 同時徵主題圖
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Saxode's Notes on Notion
Charting the 'Data for Good' Landscape - data.org
There is huge potential for data science and AI to play a productive role in advancing social impact. However, the field of “data for good” is not only overshadowed by the public conversations about the risks rampant data misuse can pose to civil society, it is also a fractured and disconnected space.
我寫了一篇【零時小學校「夏日源理」2021 線上源力增能營】開幕式摘要,歡迎大家參考,順便再次提醒大家本週六有 Office Hour! <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HJ-iKOSAO>
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全國三級警戒兩個月後,行政院終於在今日宣布,將於 7 月 27 日降為二級警戒,且餐廳只要採用隔板、梅花座等防疫措施,就可開放內用。解封之後,大家期待去哪裡大吃一頓?READr 爬梳 2020 年立委選舉政治獻金近 16 萬筆餐飲支出明細,帶你一窺立委候選人心目中的在地隱藏版美食。
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你有目前專案/工作/學習上遇到難以解決的困難需要幫忙嗎? 讓伴伴學幫你找個伴來學! 伴伴學 Accomdemy 有一群來自科技圈、新創圈、教育圈的夥伴們自發性組成一個線上伴學社群。我們希望透過線上陪伴式學習的方式,讓每個想自學的人在自學的路上有趣又不孤單! 請填寫以下問題,我們會從伴伴學的社群中尋找並媒合適合的引導者,透過線上陪伴互動的方式幫助你解決問題:sunglasses: :exclamation:️小小的提醒:exclamation:️ :one: 盡量詳細說明你目前遇到的困難,這樣我們才能在最短時間內幫你找到適合的引導者 :two: 如果媒合成功卻但是被放鴿子了,我們會對伴伴學的志工以及引導者感到很內疚,所以無故未到將列入黑名單,之後不再受理求救申請,若造成不便尚祈見諒。 還不了解什麼是伴伴學嗎? 伴伴學的運作模式請參考共筆:<https://bit.ly/3jRNMtU>
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關於使用者<@U02950LRMPD> 昨天在討論串中的言論「Stop acting like a dog and start acting like a human.」我認為已經違反COC,請slack admin處理。
很謝謝很多人提供法律上相關資訊,我這幾天錄完零時小學校的 QGIS 課程後,會想來把這些討論整理成共筆,是很有意義的討論。 我先回覆 <@U02950LRMPD> ,我無法給你時間,也無法保證我會將你的名字從網站上遮蔽,因為我目前還不覺得這是我一定要做的事。 我很認同隱私權的重要性,但我不認為姓名跟身份連結就一定是需要被保護的隱私。舉個例子,立法委員、行政院長的姓名也是個人資料,難道也是只有政府網站可以公告,民間網站提到只要當事人要求就必需將名字去除嗎?立委或官員的姓名可以被大家自由討論連結使用,有他的公共利益價值在,如果只有政府有公布的自由,對公共利益的傷害非常的大。 那問題就會回到,那公司負責人的姓名的公共利益的程度能跟立法委員和政府官員相比嗎?這問題就沒那麼簡單了,郭台銘和路邊飲料店負責人姓名的公共利益性就差很多了。但假如果今天網站提供了飲料店負責人可以申請遮蔽他的姓名,那之後郭台銘的法務也來說要我遮蔽,我要用什麼樣的標準同意飲料店的遮蔽卻否決郭台銘的遮蔽?這邊有幾個選擇: 1. 誰來申請都幫他把資料刪除:這或許是你最認同的方向,就算郭台銘來也一樣有他的權利,但這樣這資料可能就失去很多公共利益性了 2. 我可以審核哪些人資料可以幫他刪除,哪些不刪:如果有夠好的標準我覺得這會是個好方案,但我並不希望這是完全靠我個人的判斷,我沒有資格也沒有能力做這個判斷。 3. 比照現有公司法以及商業司資料公布:這就是我選擇的現況了。 你前面主張政府也有提供這些資料,政府已經有公布了,因此該有的公共利益已經足夠,民間不需要做這些事。這點我並不認同,我當初會做這網站就是因為政府的不夠好用,這也是很多 g0v 的朋友為什麼會想要推動 open data ,我這邊公司資料也幫助了像台電30億敦親睦鄰追追追以及一些 g0v 專案,而這些都是政府本身作不到的。
<@U02G2US2Z> appreciate that. I would like to clarify my comments toward that person: That referring to someone to "act like a human, not a dog" - I feel super uncomfortable with the way people turning this case around and attacking me - it's easy to act cold when you are in the pack and anonymous (at least some are) and it's not about their personal data. So I felt like that member is completely out of touch with reality and does not listen, throwing at me empty thoughts without trying to understand the circumstances I am in. <@U021XTAA1AT> apologies for the harsh words, I am sure you are a cool guy and we all have good intentions here. So peace!
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這裡會放 Cofacts 管理團隊接獲申訴後,手動修改資料庫,修改訊息、回應等的處理結果。
<@U02981VMEP7> has joined the channel
Just wanted to point out that <@U01BXL1NYCR>'s "Nah you just suck" & "Why are you still here?" violates the CoC. I find it counterintuitive and disrespectful to the community that after a member is asked to issue an official apology for the things they said and they do so, another member still continues to mock them with screenshots of messages they made in the past and already apologize for. Replying "nah you just suck" under someone's official reply to false accusations other members directed at them earlier, indicates not everyone here tries to find a common language. Also, the "Why are you still here?" and similar remarks might suggest that members in this community have an inclination towards deterring others or even silencing them if they don't meet their believes or values, instead of trying to befriend or at least - understand them, especially during distress.
磨了一陣子的「零時小學校 2021-22 Demo Day」終於登場了! 歡迎帶著你的提案來參加,跟社群一起邊學邊做吧,有機會的話,就可以登上明年一月的 Demo Day 舞台! 還請大家多多轉貼分享,非常感謝。 -- 「零時小學校 2021-22 Demo Day」08.01-09.28 開放提案,帶著你的創新解決方案,跟社群一起協作吧! *開源,開放,教育從自己開始* 為鼓勵開源專案發展,並推廣「開源」與「協作」概念,只要你對「零時小學校 2021-22 Demo Day」徵件主題有興趣,無論是否為學生或教職員,都可以試著在 2021-22 年提案頁面提出你的想法,讓想像變成可能! *徵件主題* • COVID-19 新解方 • 遠距教學解決方案 • 社群經營與基礎建設 • 教育內容 • 其他 `#自由發揮` *獎勵內容* 零時小學校 2021-22 年 Demo Day 將選出 5 組獲獎團隊 + 1 組 U-22 組獲獎團隊。 • 獎狀:獲獎團隊將獲頒「零時小學校 2021-22 年 Demo Day」獎狀乙張。 • 專案培力:獲獎團隊將成為零時小學校重點培力團隊,g0v 揪松團將協助引介合適導師與資源,陪伴獲獎團隊持續發展與成長,並將在 2022 年出版成果手冊,刊出團隊故事。 • 開源成果:專案成果將開源並收錄於零時小學校成果網站,成為零時小學校「獲獎校友」。 *重要時程* • 8/1 線上公開提案開始 • 8/14 零時小學校夏日黑客松 • 9/28 提案上傳截止 • 10/16 零時小學校提案工作坊(暫定) • 11/1 提案修改截止 • 11/2-12/31 評選期間 • 2021/1 Sch001 Demo Day 2021-22(暫定) *馬上提案* • 提案細則:<https://sch001.g0v.tw/means/> • 提案頁面:<https://sch001.g0v.tw/dash/brd/sch001-2021/list> *致謝* 零時小學校感謝「啟蒙者夥伴」聯合報系願景工程、財團法人新竹縣晨星半導體慈善基金會,「源力夥伴」國立臺南女子高級中學、崑山科技大學、國立竹北高級中學、臺中市立臺中女子高級中學,以及社群夥伴的支持。
First of all - I want to say "I am sorry" to those who feel uncomfortable with me bringing this issue to the public in <#C02G2SXKX|general> or if someone felt personally offended. I did not mean to cause havoc here. I am coming with *good intentions* and for a good cause that is not just about me, but about anyone who might ever find themselves in a similar situation, regardless of where you come from or where you currently live. I was patient with my explanations and I tried to be clear about the reasons behind it. Yet, I can't help but notice that some people still trying to give me a hard time and I feel it's important to clarify it. 1) I was bullied by few members of the community that together, in constant consensus, silence the opinions of others to achieve their way, where I try to seek solutions that satisfy *BOTH* sides, not just one side, and I have been constantly articulating it. 2) I didn't call anyone a dog, I asked them to stop acting like one, and I asked them to act more like human during distress, when I am being attacked for my values, in a foreign to me community. Context matters and this is a *big difference*. To those who accuse me: please see two sides of the story, not just mention what is comfortable for you to see and take things out of the context. Yes, that's also a message to you <@U02TNG5TP> - I clearly stated in private conversation with you that I am coming here with good intentions and want to end this case in a peaceful manner. I wished you could acknowledge this, not just put me in a bad light with a message taken out of the context. Only very few people in this community know the entire story - probably just <@U038DCDRC> and anyone, who has been neutral enough to read between the lines, starting from my initial post. I think the conversation went too far about me being bad for not wanting my names to be displayed on government websites at all and the fact that the data won't be correct anymore if we start deleting records. Where all I wanted is that my names are not plastered over the web on random non-government websites, and up for abuse. Its not just about me - it could be your kids, friends or anyone else. Also, thank you to those who actually listened and cared enough, including <@U02G2US2Z> who apologized to me for this entire situation in a private conversation - I know you did not have to but it does mean a lot to me.
# g0v如何運作? 尋求研究受訪者 ### 研究簡述 您好, 我是國立陽明交通大學科技與社會所的彭松嶽。先前(好一陣子以前 :joy:)有在大松說明目前正在執行科技部研究計畫,希望理解g0v透過揪