
Month: 2022-03


mglee 10:25:54
g0v 的夥伴大家好,我明天晚上將在台大人類學系演講關於cofacts的故事,這是公開演講歡迎大家來參加!
mglee 10:25:54
g0v 的夥伴大家好,我明天晚上將在台大人類學系演講關於cofacts的故事,這是公開演講歡迎大家來參加!
👍 10
aituonoin 12:13:04
aituonoin 12:13:04
aituonoin 12:16:42
DAO 氛圍官員? [vibe officer]
aituonoin 12:16:42
DAO 氛圍官員? [vibe officer]
michael19931028 12:47:34
@michael19931028 has joined the channel
johnson 17:27:04

Ukraine DAO

This is the Ukrainian flag :flag-ua: 1/1. Funds raised from this sale will be directed to helping the Ukrainian civilians suffering from the war initiated by Putin.

Yashvir 19:53:27
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help.
A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp.
He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it.

I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees'

For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer.
I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow.
My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database

In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
I heard that in poland people use a central Telegram group to coordinate these efforts. People just shoot their requirement and the helper can direct response to the message.
you can have tens of thousand people in one group without any issue in Telegram.
g0v contributors use “hackmd” to collaborate aggregation of information.
In Taiwan, had case “627 八仙塵爆“, can use it to search refugees, you can fork it and then change it use Airtable (when over 1000 raw data).
@www.yashvirchawla I would create two lists of needs and offers first. Lists are preferably open so more can contribute, but I’m imagining some info being sensitive so access control & human moderation might be essential. This case, only selected trusted individual can aggregate info from refugees and volunteers, respectively, then enter them into the lists.
@www.yashvirchawla I would also focus small first, perhaps on the needs of one refugee site? Sorry if I’m imposing. People on the ground must know much much more than I do :((
Yashvir 19:53:27
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help.
A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp.
He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it.

I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees'

For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer.
I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow.
My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database

In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
I heard that in poland people use a central Telegram group to coordinate these efforts. People just shoot their requirement and the helper can direct response to the message.
you can have tens of thousand people in one group without any issue in Telegram.
g0v contributors use “hackmd” to collaborate aggregation of information.
In Taiwan, had case “627 八仙塵爆“, can use it to search refugees, you can fork it and then change it use Airtable (when over 1000 raw data).
@www.yashvirchawla I would create two lists of needs and offers first. Lists are preferably open so more can contribute, but I’m imagining some info being sensitive so access control & human moderation might be essential. This case, only selected trusted individual can aggregate info from refugees and volunteers, respectively, then enter them into the lists.
@www.yashvirchawla I would also focus small first, perhaps on the needs of one refugee site? Sorry if I’m imposing. People on the ground must know much much more than I do :((


takaaki.kurasawa 08:41:28
@takaaki.kurasawa has joined the channel
曹一撇 09:00:10
@hahaha8683 has joined the channel
kidstarkenny 13:13:15
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
kidstarkenny 2022-03-02 13:13:49
yutin 17:01:14
yutin 17:01:14


Szukasz ratunku przed wojną? Chcesz wesprzeć uchodźców? Tu znajdziesz pomoc lub jej udzielisz

👍 1
林威 17:04:44
@614677926 has joined the channel
ichieh 17:19:40
3/12 終於有實體活動啦~~~

「基礎松」歡迎大家一起來當建設工(*也歡迎大家來提案把協作工具變成 template 提供近期來 slack 尋找幫助的外國朋友喔喔喔*)

【什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?】

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。因此揪松團啟動相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓多中心的工作更有效能。本次提案以 g0v 10 週年起頭,邀請大家一起討論 10 周年的活動與想像,提案也包含黑客松提案整理、Aray、domain 治理機制等,也歡迎大家提出其他提案。

時間:2022/03/12(六) 13:30 - 17:30(13:00 報到)
實體地點:NPO HUB 2 樓 影響力論壇(台北市中正區重慶南路三段 2 號 2 樓)

g0v 第拾玖次基礎建設松

g0v 第拾柒次基礎建設松將於 03/12(六)13:30 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹!

Cofacts 編輯小聚在這邊報名:
Ted 顥天 2022-03-02 17:30:50
可惡 我有事不能參加
那請致昕映後座談結束後一起來松 XD
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
👍 5 1 1
ichieh 17:19:40
3/12 終於有實體活動啦~~~

「基礎松」歡迎大家一起來當建設工(*也歡迎大家來提案把協作工具變成 template 提供近期來 slack 尋找幫助的外國朋友喔喔喔*)

【什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?】

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。因此揪松團啟動相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓多中心的工作更有效能。本次提案以 g0v 10 週年起頭,邀請大家一起討論 10 周年的活動與想像,提案也包含黑客松提案整理、Aray、domain 治理機制等,也歡迎大家提出其他提案。

時間:2022/03/12(六) 13:30 - 17:30(13:00 報到)
實體地點:NPO HUB 2 樓 影響力論壇(台北市中正區重慶南路三段 2 號 2 樓)
Cofacts 編輯小聚在這邊報名:
Ted 顥天 2022-03-02 17:30:50
可惡 我有事不能參加
那請致昕映後座談結束後一起來松 XD
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
Mar Marín 23:00:00
Heyaaaaaa! 📢 Join us at *Mozilla Festival* :fire: and let's drive forward the conversations around *Trustworthy AI* and what a *Decolonized AI Futures* looks like! Join us at our public space *#decolonized-ai-futures* 🙌🏽 where we share useful resources, spark conversations around the topic and more!

Get your FREE ticket today!

Mozilla Festival (

Mozilla Festival

Activists in the internet health movement will gather at MozFest to move the needle in tech, art, social responsibility, ethics, and AI. Will you join us in March 2022?

Mozilla Festival (

Get Your Ticket for MozFest 2022

You’re invited to Mozilla Festival 2022, the premiere gathering for activists, educators, technologists, students, artists, and journalists who want a more humane digital world. Tickets are now available!

Just registered!
also do watch our lightning talk about Common Voice on-demand anytime during MozFest
🙌 3 🦊 4 🤘 1


kiang 06:46:08



這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
之前好像有人說過可以接 Google Map API
一次性的話,google sheet 有 google translate()
請教 @areong6378 @death1048576 覺得可以用於 放空避難場所中文地址翻譯嗎
可以呀,Google translate api 免費額度蠻高的(以翻譯地址來說)
areong6378 2022-03-04 18:48:35
足跡中翻英服務是@death1048576 維護的,有疑難雜症都請教他,我相關技術內容比較不熟不好意思
🙌 9
kiang 06:46:08
這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
之前好像有人說過可以接 Google Map API
一次性的話,google sheet 有 google translate()
請教 @areong6378 @death1048576 覺得可以用於 放空避難場所中文地址翻譯嗎
可以呀,Google translate api 免費額度蠻高的(以翻譯地址來說)
areong6378 2022-03-04 18:48:35
足跡中翻英服務是@death1048576 維護的,有疑難雜症都請教他,我相關技術內容比較不熟不好意思
chihao 13:59:16
IORG 剛寫完的報告,如果關心烏俄戰爭、台灣資訊環境的話,可以參考
Jacob Yu 15:03:19
@jacobyu.asi has joined the channel
chewei 18:48:11
#disfactory 農地違章工廠
相關講座訊息分享【深埋污染- 農地工廠對土地的傷害】
主講者|地球公民基金會 山林國土組 賴沛蓮研究員
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 許正一教授
時間|2022/03/06 (日) 下午 14:00-17:00
地點|Google Meet,經報名後將寄送連結
chewei 18:48:11
#disfactory 農地違章工廠
相關講座訊息分享【深埋污染- 農地工廠對土地的傷害】
主講者|地球公民基金會 山林國土組 賴沛蓮研究員
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 許正一教授
時間|2022/03/06 (日) 下午 14:00-17:00
地點|Google Meet,經報名後將寄送連結
2 👍 2


piano 02:08:02

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Shock Liang 13:21:39
@shockwater has joined the channel
kiang 16:27:32
這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
Homin Luo 16:48:48 has joined the channel
Analeigh 19:30:00
【🎊 4 月大松下週一 3/7 中午開始報名!🎊】

g0v 黑客松睽違兩年再度前進甜滋滋的台南!

本次黑客松同時也是 #2022 亞太社會創新高峰會 的暖身場,邀請大家在後疫情時代,一起重新思索疫情對人與社區衝擊,以及環境永續的創新模式。4/9 邀請大家一起到台南出遊做專案,感受全糖城市的熱情~

【g0v 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 × 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會】
🔹 時間:2022/4/9(六)10:00 - 18:00
🔹 地點:C-HUB 成大創意中心(台南市北區小東路和前鋒路交叉口)
🔹 報名:
🔹 共筆(活動首頁):
🔹 直播:無法到場的朋友,歡迎收看 g0v 臉書粉專或 YT 的大松直播

g0v hackath49n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 x 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會

g0v 第肆拾貳次大黑客松將在 2022.04.09(六)於台南 C-Hub 成大創意中心舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

3 4 2 🧋 1
Ying 21:55:02
@averyying2022 has joined the channel


caleb 19:23:00
I was browsing Taiwan traffic statistics and found this interesting site in English, however I'm wondering whether there was a literal translation attempted. What Mandarin phrase corresponds with "stand in your own shoes when driving?"
養成利他用路觀, literally "cultivate an altruistic perspective on the use of the road"
caleb 19:23:00
I was browsing Taiwan traffic statistics and found this interesting site in English, however I'm wondering whether there was a literal translation attempted. What Mandarin phrase corresponds with "stand in your own shoes when driving?"

Road Traffic Safety Portal Site

4 Major Rules for Traffic Safety | Lazy Guide | 交通安全入口網

Download HD images :point_down:

養成利他用路觀, literally "cultivate an altruistic perspective on the use of the road"
@jmaespong4 has joined the channel


FunTuan 13:10:51
近期在維護查詢垃圾車清運點side project



昨晚建立了全台垃圾清運點開放資料的基本雛型,後續還有資料來源以及地址轉經緯度等適合的做法需要討論,可以先參考一下 Github瞭解目前進度

想徵求臨時想一起幫忙的勇士們,直接在底下 Reply ,有多人想加入再另開個 Channel
可惜少了 經緯度資訊
@irvin 各縣市政府都各自的標案開發,當然也有像「*全國垃圾車清運路線查詢網*」這種中央統整資訊,但因為無同一欄位格式,大大降低了這種網站的實用性
也許要像公車一樣,有 Google 這樣的大公司加入,在既有的 google map 上整合,才有機會全台統一
FunTuan 13:10:51
近期在維護查詢垃圾車清運點side project



昨晚建立了全台垃圾清運點開放資料的基本雛型,後續還有資料來源以及地址轉經緯度等適合的做法需要討論,可以先參考一下 Github瞭解目前進度

想徵求臨時想一起幫忙的勇士們,直接在底下 Reply ,有多人想加入再另開個 Channel


台灣垃圾清運路線 - 開放資料

可惜少了 經緯度資訊
@irvin 各縣市政府都各自的標案開發,當然也有像「*全國垃圾車清運路線查詢網*」這種中央統整資訊,但因為無同一欄位格式,大大降低了這種網站的實用性
也許要像公車一樣,有 Google 這樣的大公司加入,在既有的 google map 上整合,才有機會全台統一
1 😮 1 👍 2 🚚 1 🚛 1


francebrown 09:00:45
@francebrown has joined the channel
Alfred Wu 11:33:36
大家好!美國國際民主協會(National Democratic Institute, NDI)台北辦事處、台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation 和歐洲價值安全政策中心(European Values Center)即將在 3 月 10 日晚上 6:30pm - 9:00pm 舉辦「資訊健全」(Information Integrity)研討會!我們邀請到台灣和國際上在公民社會致力於強化資訊健全的專家,一起針對性別假訊息、針對女性的網路暴力以及對弱勢群體的數位排斥制定可行的解決方案。本次研討會活動將會全程以英文進行。
🌱日期和時間:3/10(週四) 6:30pm - 9:00pm(台灣時間,GMT +8)
🌱地點:台北 NPO 聚落二樓(台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號)
6:30-7:00 報到
7:00-7:05 開幕致辭
7:05-7:55 第一節:彌合數位落差,提高公民參與
7:55-8:10 休息和茶點
8:10-9:00 第二節:應對性別假訊息


#台灣世代智庫 - Explore

explore #台灣世代智庫 at Facebook

#歐洲價值安全政策中心 - 发现

explore #歐洲價值安全政策中心 at Facebook

Google Docs

INFO/tegrity Workshop 2022 In-Person Event Registration

The National Democratic Institute, in partnership with Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm (Taiwan Time, GMT+8). As a follow-up to NDI’s 2021 INFO/tegrity workshop, NDI has partnered with TNF and EVC to invite leading Taiwan-based and international practitioners, primarily from civil society, who are working to strengthen and ensure the integrity of the information space. In particular, the 2022 workshop will seek to discuss practical solutions to :sparkles:gendered disinformation, :sparkles:online violence against women, as well as :sparkles:digital exclusion of vulnerable populations. :pushpin: Date and Time 3/10 (Thu.) 6:30pm - 9:00pm (Taiwan Time) :pushpin: Venue NPO Hub Taipei 2F (No.2, Sec. 3, Chongqing S. Road, Taipei City) :pushpin: Host National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation, European Values Center :pushpin: Agenda 6:30-7:00 Meet and Greet 7:00-7:05 Opening Remarks 7:05-7:55 Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation 7:55-8:10 Break and Refreshments 8:10-9:00 Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation :pushpin: Please note that this is an in-person event with international speakers joining online. :pushpin: All sessions will be conducted in English.

🙌 4
Alfred Wu 11:33:36
大家好!美國國際民主協會(National Democratic Institute, NDI)台北辦事處、台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation 和歐洲價值安全政策中心(European Values Center)即將在 3 月 10 日晚上 6:30pm - 9:00pm 舉辦「資訊健全」(Information Integrity)研討會!我們邀請到台灣和國際上在公民社會致力於強化資訊健全的專家,一起針對性別假訊息、針對女性的網路暴力以及對弱勢群體的數位排斥制定可行的解決方案。本次研討會活動將會全程以英文進行。
Alfred Wu 11:38:26
Hi all - the National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on *March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm* (Taiwan Time, GMT+8)

6:30pm-7:00pm Registration/Meet & Greet
7:00pm-7:05pm Opening Remarks
7:05pm-7:55pm *Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation*
• The link between digital exclusion and social disadvantage is clear. Those who are digitally excluded are also more likely to report intersecting vulnerabilities. In Taiwan, the digital divide is particularly evident among immigrants and migrant workers. This session will explore ways to better use connectivity and digital access to enhance participation in decisions that affect public welfare and break down digital divides and barriers vulnerable communities are currently facing in accessing services.
7:55pm-8:10pm Break and Refreshments
8:10pm-9:00pm *Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation*
• On gendered disinformation, NDI has released two landmark studies: “Tweets that Chill” (2019), which measured violent phenomena experienced by women engaging in politics online across three countries; and “Engendering Hate” (2020), which examines the role of gendered disinformation as an intentional tactic by certain actors which can be unintentionally amplified by others within the media and the general public. This session will incorporate findings from NDI’s previous studies and similar discussions that took place in Taiwan and other participating countries, reflecting on previous successes, failures and identifying opportunities for further positive intervention.
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please fill out the Google Form to express interest here, or access the form through the following link:

Tweets That Chill: Analyzing Online Violence Against Women in Politics

In the three case study countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya), NDI's Gender, Women, and Democracy team worked with women in politics, those in  civic technology and women’s rights organizations to develop a way to examine the country specific challenges facing women as they engage in online political discourse.

Google Docs

INFO/tegrity Workshop 2022 In-Person Event Registration

The National Democratic Institute, in partnership with Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm (Taiwan Time, GMT+8). As a follow-up to NDI’s 2021 INFO/tegrity workshop, NDI has partnered with TNF and EVC to invite leading Taiwan-based and international practitioners, primarily from civil society, who are working to strengthen and ensure the integrity of the information space. In particular, the 2022 workshop will seek to discuss practical solutions to :sparkles:gendered disinformation, :sparkles:online violence against women, as well as :sparkles:digital exclusion of vulnerable populations. :pushpin: Date and Time 3/10 (Thu.) 6:30pm - 9:00pm (Taiwan Time) :pushpin: Venue NPO Hub Taipei 2F (No.2, Sec. 3, Chongqing S. Road, Taipei City) :pushpin: Host National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation, European Values Center :pushpin: Agenda 6:30-7:00 Meet and Greet 7:00-7:05 Opening Remarks 7:05-7:55 Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation 7:55-8:10 Break and Refreshments 8:10-9:00 Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation :pushpin: Please note that this is an in-person event with international speakers joining online. :pushpin: All sessions will be conducted in English.

elisatychang 2022-03-07 12:25:55
Will the sessions be livestreamed or recorded by any chance?
Yes, we aim to livestream the event on Facebook (@NDI.Taiwan). We will share livestream details soon!
👍 2 ❤️ 1
Justin Huang 11:59:45
@jhuang496 has joined the channel
Analeigh 13:55:53
嗨嗨大家,四月在台南的大松今天開始報名囉~~~ 歡迎大家一起揪團去台南吃美食、做專案!


g0v hackath49n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 x 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會

g0v 第肆拾貳次大黑客松將在 2022.04.09(六)於台南 C-Hub 成大創意中心舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

5 2 3 2 🧋 4 2
Analeigh 13:55:53
嗨嗨大家,四月在台南的大松今天開始報名囉~~~ 歡迎大家一起揪團去台南吃美食、做專案!

松本克 15:50:55
@cyh01263 has joined the channel
Thinh Nguyen 16:30:09
@lomahoc89 has joined the channel
Andy Kwok 17:34:08
@andy_kwok has joined the channel
Alvin Chen 22:35:34
@alvin.chen9393 has joined the channel


singing.y 01:07:18
@singing.y has joined the channel
王詩情 08:58:19 has joined the channel
Vic Chen 10:48:20
@skyeye.vic has joined the channel
chewei 17:27:30
*「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開 !*
活動時間:3/22 週二晚上 19:00-21:00 線上直播
👉 陳昭文|公私協力的十年磨劍: 從KAMERA到救急救難一站通
:point_right: 哈爸|LASS-公私協力模式-QA與經驗談
:point_right: Ronny|分享協助衛福部第一時間清理居家檢疫資料的經驗
:point_right: 雨蒼|分享過往在PDIS研究員任職過程的經驗
:point_right: RR|找尋公私協力中的「使用者」- 以「台南打疫苗」為例
:point_right: 劉美妤|山林治理中的公私協力:部落共管是可能的嗎?

chewei 17:27:30
*「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開 !*
活動時間:3/22 週二晚上 19:00-21:00 線上直播
👉 陳昭文|公私協力的十年磨劍: 從KAMERA到救急救難一站通
:point_right: 哈爸|LASS-公私協力模式-QA與經驗談
:point_right: Ronny|分享協助衛福部第一時間清理居家檢疫資料的經驗
:point_right: 雨蒼|分享過往在PDIS研究員任職過程的經驗
:point_right: RR|找尋公私協力中的「使用者」- 以「台南打疫苗」為例
:point_right: 劉美妤|山林治理中的公私協力:部落共管是可能的嗎?



#122- 「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開

🙌 9 3 👍 1 2 1


ichieh 11:08:21
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
2 2 1 1
歐德內瑞 12:09:11
@coldearth40077 has joined the channel
張智皓/howard 12:30:05
@leseshour has joined the channel
Posheng Huang 13:44:13
@posheng168 has joined the channel
janehuang931112 14:14:06
@janehuang931112 has joined the channel
bess 16:06:49
`歡迎有關 5G 或地方創生的專案可以投投看這個計畫`

台灣大哥大基金會的公益專案「Tech The Dreamers 科技.夢想+」計畫,希望支持社會企業或 NGO,開發具共議性的科技應用方案。例如:森思眼動開發了一款讓重度身障兒童可以用眼睛玩的早療遊戲。今年為第二屆計畫,著重於地方創生發展,解決科技弱勢的社會公益問題,亦能促進地方繁榮,為多方實現夢想。台灣大基金會將與獲選團隊共同開發,且提供贊助開發金額大約 200 萬(實際金額視專案規模而定),每個月開進度會議給予建議及諮詢。

第二屆的計畫徵件為邀請制,由主辦單位媒合具備地方創生團隊所需之技術需求,推薦技術團隊報名,將與地方創生團隊組隊提案。可參考地方創生團隊所需的技術需求,若貴團隊有意願報名,請務必於 3/15(二)填寫報名單並且出席 3/18 計畫說明暨媒合會(行前通知將於報名計畫後寄出,活動請見簡章第 7 頁)。
bess 16:06:49
`歡迎有關 5G 或地方創生的專案可以投投看這個計畫`

台灣大哥大基金會的公益專案「Tech The Dreamers 科技.夢想+」計畫,希望支持社會企業或 NGO,開發具共議性的科技應用方案。例如:森思眼動開發了一款讓重度身障兒童可以用眼睛玩的早療遊戲。今年為第二屆計畫,著重於地方創生發展,解決科技弱勢的社會公益問題,亦能促進地方繁榮,為多方實現夢想。台灣大基金會將與獲選團隊共同開發,且提供贊助開發金額大約 200 萬(實際金額視專案規模而定),每個月開進度會議給予建議及諮詢。

第二屆的計畫徵件為邀請制,由主辦單位媒合具備地方創生團隊所需之技術需求,推薦技術團隊報名,將與地方創生團隊組隊提案。可參考地方創生團隊所需的技術需求,若貴團隊有意願報名,請務必於 3/15(二)填寫報名單並且出席 3/18 計畫說明暨媒合會(行前通知將於報名計畫後寄出,活動請見簡章第 7 頁)。
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 16:19:10
@isabelhou @aelcenganda @besslee @chihao @chiehg0v @caleb @pm5 what do you think? Newbloom has agreed to fishbowl. There will be 4 people (two new bloom two g0v contributors) at the start. Who is willing to start in the fish bowl?
Image from iOS
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 16:19:17
I will moderate
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 16:23:02
If there is a better channel than “general” for this, please let me know
I’m happy to do it
i mean
yeah happy for whoever, i don't know what "start" means
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 16:32:25
With fishbowl, people can jump in and out. Everyone can be a speaker. We just have to decide who will be in at the beginning, they’ll start to d conversation
I think here is the (best?) place for this post~
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 16:35:17
That works, problem with general is it gets 洗版/ post gets lost so quickly
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 18:05:05
@aelcenganda do you want to be one of the starting speakers in the fish bowl ?
@sampeterrobbins Sure, it will be fun
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 18:07:29
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-09 18:07:43
again, it is a fish bowl, so everyone who wants to speak can speak
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-11 22:53:24 This is the event description, feel free to edit it
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-11 22:53:36
Newbloom will start promotion in a couple days
Ok cool, I added myself to the document under "g0v," hope that's ok
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 20:53:59
we decided just to list starting speakers! but it’s fish bowl! anyone can speak!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-22 11:30:35
see you all on friday
Is this here No. 110, Bangka Blvd, Wanhua District
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-25 13:09:13
Yeah !
Stuck in traffic x.x
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-25 19:08:12
No worries, we’re not starting until like 19:20. We know people will be late
bess 18:51:42
`今年 1-2 月的 g0v 社群每月九分鐘來惹~`


g0v 社群每月九分鐘 - 2022/01-02 - HackMD

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。

bess 18:51:42
`今年 1-2 月的 g0v 社群每月九分鐘來惹~`
Analeigh 19:00:00
【g0v podcast 來了~~~】

好消息好消息,從去年底大松開始籌備的 g0v 社群 Podcast「g0v Underground 零時電台」,終於在今天正式上線了!為了讓大家更瞭解即將滿十歲的 g0v 社群,希望透過這個 podcast 專案,訪談 g0v 社群歷年來的專案與參與者。首集節目將帶大家回到十年前 g0v 成立的那一天,聊聊 #g0v 到底是什麼? 😎

歡迎大家收聽+追蹤+留言+五星評價~~ 🎧 Apple/Spotify/SoundOn/Google/KKBOX
16 1
chewei 20:18:00
小聚時間:3/14 週一晚上 21:00

Teams 視訊連結:,%22Oid%22:%22147a2ad0-11ea-45d1-8480-8fdc036a8397%22%7D
備註:Teams可使用網頁使用不下載, 或下載使用皆可

智慧健檢平台 - HackMD

[宣傳] 今晚 九點,健檢專案 的線上會議~
chewei 20:18:00

小聚時間:3/14 週一晚上 21:00

Teams 視訊連結:,%22Oid%22:%22147a2ad0-11ea-45d1-8480-8fdc036a8397%22%7D
備註:Teams可使用網頁使用不下載, 或下載使用皆可
[宣傳] 今晚 九點,健檢專案 的線上會議~


green yang 04:49:38
@jegngame has joined the channel
terrain 09:47:24
@cozlojeny has joined the channel
Gabriel Kan 09:57:47
@gabriel.kan has joined the channel
OuyangKang 11:57:56
@kangouyang has joined the channel
KMW 13:17:01
@kyf232001 has joined the channel
henry.hoiyu 16:18:31
@henry.hoiyu has joined the channel
My 17:14:30
@mydiemho_g0vtw has joined the channel
Yuan 19:29:54 has joined the channel
isabelhou 22:01:56
新加入同學,請加入#edu-sch001ing ,大家對各種高中生生存手冊提案的各種防雷包(和愛情攻略)充滿期待!
• 整合開放式課程資源 #edu-open
• 自主學習與 108 課綱 #edu-change108
isabelhou 22:01:56
新加入同學,請加入#edu-sch001ing ,大家對高中生生存手冊提案的各種防雷包(和愛情攻略)充滿期待!
• 整合開放式課程資源 #edu-open
• 自主學習與 108 課綱 #edu-change108
chewei 22:11:19
• 整合開放式課程資源 #edu-open
• 自主學習與 108 課綱 #edu-change108
5 👍 1


Yuntsui Chang 15:37:55
大家好,我是 Tracey,最近在和 "Taiwan Stands With Ukraine"的夥伴推動台灣支持烏克蘭的相關事務,我們的臉書專頁網址如下:
我們近日收到烏克蘭當地 NGO 的請求(烏克蘭教育NGO-smart-osvita,組織臉書:,希望可以募得筆電和平板等設備,供給當地經濟條件較差的學童,讓他們在現在無法上學的情況之下也可以在家或避難空間學習。


Taiwan Stands With Ukraine

Taiwan Stands With Ukraine. 1,387 次赞 · 2,046 人在谈论. :round_pushpin:Taiwan :flag-ua: :flag-tw:

ГО "Смарт Освіта"

ГО "Смарт Освіта". 7,886 likes · 74 talking about this. Підтримка і популяризація реформи освіти в Україні, сприяння розвитку і поширенню іновацій в освіти, створення умов для конструктивного...

👍 7 💻 3 🖥️ 2 📱 1 ✈️ 1 🚢 1
Yuntsui Chang 15:37:55
大家好,我是 Tracey,最近在和 "Taiwan Stands With Ukraine"的夥伴推動台灣支持烏克蘭的相關事務,我們的臉書專頁網址如下:
我們近日收到烏克蘭當地 NGO 的請求(烏克蘭教育NGO-smart-osvita,組織臉書:,希望可以募得筆電和平板等設備,供給當地經濟條件較差的學童,讓他們在現在無法上學的情況之下也可以在家或避難空間學習。

RandD Nao 17:37:46
@nao.r.and.d has joined the channel


Anna Bölcsföldi 02:27:08
@bolcsfoldi.anna has joined the channel
Guo-Jim 10:49:33
Guo-Jim 10:49:33
ky 13:21:06
> 傳送門給大家 >
@lisa 要不要自我介紹?
ky 13:21:06

揪松 jitsi 中止服務 - HackMD

> 傳送門給大家 >
@lisa 要不要自我介紹?
😮 1
Jason de Anthropologist 14:04:37
@alien.anthropologist2 has joined the channel
isabelhou 15:16:25

<!here> 大家好,目前治理機制已經討論出草案了,討論內容可以參考 <|治理更新> ,以下列幾個重點: 1. 新增修訂程序,04-02 前詢問現有 工作小組 留任意願,04-09 大松時公布機制更新 2. 「網域工作小組」段落下方增訂「工作小組更新機制」段落,主要參考 sns 和 slack 機制,增加留任意願確認,工作說明,共筆公開等資訊 3. 「審核」段落修改增加隨機指派 reviewer 機制 請大家協助幫忙閱讀並提供建議或修改,我同步也會進行詢問現有工作小組意願等動作

isabelhou 15:16:25

<!here> 大家好,目前治理機制已經討論出草案了,討論內容可以參考 <|治理更新> ,以下列幾個重點: 1. 新增修訂程序,04-02 前詢問現有 工作小組 留任意願,04-09 大松時公布機制更新 2. 「網域工作小組」段落下方增訂「工作小組更新機制」段落,主要參考 sns 和 slack 機制,增加留任意願確認,工作說明,共筆公開等資訊 3. 「審核」段落修改增加隨機指派 reviewer 機制 請大家協助幫忙閱讀並提供建議或修改,我同步也會進行詢問現有工作小組意願等動作

AmberC 15:27:26
@s110213518 has joined the channel
mglee 15:39:43
hello 我是(自己跳坑)要辦十週年的坑主梅君。歡迎大家加入#10th-anniversary 一起跳坑~~
2 3 4 3
mglee 15:39:43
hello 我是(自己跳坑)要辦十週年的坑主梅君。歡迎大家加入#10th-anniversary 一起跳坑~~
mglee 15:45:18
目前的想法很初步,會辦一天or半天社群吃吃喝喝聊天玩耍的活動。這一星期我會試著找到小組長組成加集團隊,如果沒找到足夠的人,那就…(當作夢一場)XDD 也歡迎大家自己跳坑,目前想像幾個組別:活動企劃/議程、宣傳、票務、場地、食物、直播/攝影、財務、機動。請有興趣的人先進 #10th-anniversary。等到召集團隊組成後,會來找各組工人跳坑~~
mglee 15:45:18
目前的想法很初步,會辦一天or半天社群吃吃喝喝聊天玩耍的活動。這一星期我會試著找到小組長組成團隊,如果沒找到足夠的人,那就…(當作夢一場)XDD 也歡迎大家自己跳坑,目前想像幾個組別:活動企劃/議程、宣傳、票務、場地、食物、直播/攝影、財務、機動。請有興趣的人先進 #10th-anniversary。等到小組長找好後,會來找各組工人跳坑~~

g0000000000v festival g0v 十週年嘉年華 - HackMD

6 3 ❤️ 3 1
feiqide99 19:22:17
@feiqide99 has joined the channel
ael 21:23:10
這帳號超強,用機器人抓英國公司推文提到三八婦女節,然後 retweet 從英國政府公開資料抓到的性別薪資差距

Gender Pay Gap Bot (@PayGapApp) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Gender Pay Gap Bot (@PayGapApp). Employers, if you tweet about International Women's Day, I'll retweet your gender pay gap :eyes: #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias

😮 4 5 ❤️ 1
ael 21:23:10
這帳號超強,用機器人抓英國公司推文提到三八婦女節,然後 retweet 從英國政府公開資料抓到的性別薪資差距


黃鈴諭 08:38:16
@lingyu197701 has joined the channel
James Ho 17:03:59
@jamesho has joined the channel


ronnywang 07:31:46
ronnywang 07:31:46
👍 7
ronnywang 07:32:32
目前爬蟲持續抓取中,之後也會出 API 和 open data,讓大家可以分析使用這些資料
沒抓留言有點可惜 XD
留言是下一步要抓的 XD
delightfullychaotic 2022-03-14 10:40:20
好奇一個問題 如果有修改的話 會怎麼處理呢?
ronnywang 07:32:32
目前爬蟲持續抓取中,之後也會出 API 和 open data,讓大家可以分析使用這些資料
沒抓留言有點可惜 XD
留言是下一步要抓的 XD
delightfullychaotic 2022-03-14 10:40:20
好奇一個問題 如果有修改的話 會怎麼處理呢?
🙌 5 3
sdfdsf 10:20:25
@canary456 has joined the channel
Amber Chiang 10:54:59
@amber.chiang has joined the channel
tonychen9321 13:37:53
想請問我要deploy可是我找不到我的github orginization
Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 1.33.32 PM.png
tonychen9321 2022-03-14 17:45:13
對 可是沒有明確講 網路上也有人遇到一樣的問題 可是沒有解
chewei 18:18:32
[宣傳] 今晚 九點,健檢專案 的線上會議~

智慧健檢平台 - HackMD

Charlie Hsu 18:22:20
@sfhp has joined the channel
Paul Sigar 19:59:13
@paulsigar.999 has joined the channel
Andy Kwok 20:49:39
I'm looking for Audrey Tang. How can I reach out to her, using this slack, please?
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 20:54:22
@au 哈囉
Andy Kwok 20:49:39
I'm looking for Audrey Tang. How can I reach out to her, using this slack, please?
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 20:54:22
@au 哈囉
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 20:54:45 newbloom x g0v’ers fishbowl discussion! please join! Ask me if you have any questions
👍 1
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 20:54:45 newbloom x g0v’ers fishbowl discussion! please join! Ask me if you have any questions
@null 20:56:26
andy_kwok: keep putting hash tags about her on facebook, then she'll find you and ... hug you
I'm much more active on Twitter... but that's the idea, yeah
Hey @au, nice to meet you. One of my interviewee, Fiorella mentionned you. She said I should reach out to you for my master's thesis. I will write you in pm, this week. Thank you for the contact.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 21:17:36
@andy_kwok what’s your thesis on? You can find all research on g0v here:
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 21:18:12
If you’re looking for interviewees, I reccomend you start a HackMD and write some questions. You can introduce your research to everyone as well. I’d be happy to get involved, i’m sure many others would too!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 21:19:07
@mglee’s thesis is a must-read for research on g0v, you can find it here:
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 21:51:21
@mglee 我在稱讚你,不准笑我
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-14 21:51:56
@sampeterrobbins 我這是看到自己論文後的傻笑😆
Hi @sampeterrobbins and @mglee, Andy is beginning a research on cybersecurity issues in Taiwan. I just gave him a few names, hoping for those people to help him find the right people for his research 🙂
Hey @fiorella, nice to see you!

Dear @sampeterrobbins and dear @mglee, thank you for your feedback. As Fiorella kindly said, I'm doing a part time master in geopolitics, more focused on how data is being used as a tool for influence and power in a global scale.

My thesis subject would be that one

```How a potential invasion might unfold. From mainland's perspective (cyber warfare, information warfare) with weak/strong signals and how Taiwan is adapting, by creating a hacker community, advocating-creating counter cyber-insurrections and how cyber defence is being built in Taiwan.```
It is not sure yet, how things will unfold for my thesis yet. I have a certain idea on how to structure things.

I know, typing my words here, that the subject might be a very sensitive one, especially in the ukranian context and how the russian invasion might server as a blueprint, an experiment on what can be learnt and be used in the near future for any future warfare. I have a few ideas, right now.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-15 09:45:13
Perhaps you should get in contact with Civil Society Cyber Shield
Cheers @sampeterrobbins
au 20:57:08
I'm much more active on Twitter... but that's the idea, yeah
Andy Kwok 21:13:14
Hey @au, nice to meet you. One of my interviewee, Fiorella mentionned you. She said I should reach out to you for my master's thesis. I will write you in pm, this week. Thank you for the contact.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:17:36
@andy_kwok what’s your thesis on? You can find all research on g0v here:
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:18:12
If you’re looking for interviewees, I reccomend you start a HackMD and write some questions. You can introduce your research to everyone as well. I’d be happy to get involved, i’m sure many others would too!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:19:07
@mglee’s thesis is a must-read for research on g0v, you can find it here:
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:51:21
@mglee 我在稱讚你,不准笑我
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:51:56
mglee 21:53:05
@sampeterrobbins 我這是看到自己論文後的傻笑😆


fiorella 01:04:06
Hi @sampeterrobbins and @mglee, Andy is beginning a research on cybersecurity issues in Taiwan. I just gave him a few names, hoping for those people to help him find the right people for his research 🙂
Andy Kwok 01:44:41
Hey @fiorella, nice to see you!

Dear @sampeterrobbins and dear @mglee, thank you for your feedback. As Fiorella kindly said, I'm doing a part time master in geopolitics, more focused on how data is being used as a tool for influence and power in a global scale.

My thesis subject would be that one

```How a potential invasion might unfold. From mainland's perspective (cyber warfare, information warfare) with weak/strong signals and how Taiwan is adapting, by creating a hacker community, advocating-creating counter cyber-insurrections and how cyber defence is being built in Taiwan.```
Andy Kwok 01:50:53
It is not sure yet, how things will unfold for my thesis yet. I have a certain idea on how to structure things.

I know, typing my words here, that the subject might be a very sensitive one, especially in the ukranian context and how the russian invasion might server as a blueprint, an experiment on what can be learnt and be used in the near future for any future warfare. I have a few ideas, right now.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:45:13
Perhaps you should get in contact with Civil Society Cyber Shield
冠中 - Anima 11:57:01
@daniel360 has joined the channel
mu-zhang shih 15:13:52
@dardijames has joined the channel
Andy Kwok 15:29:43
Cheers @sampeterrobbins
ronnywang 17:00:33
對了,跟大家提醒一下,感謝因為有位 slack 管理員前陣子不小心手滑打開了我們 g0v slack 的 30 天 pro 試用,目前試用期還剩下五天,最主要的差別是可以趁機瀏覽更早以前的歷史記錄,以及可以用 huddle 這功能。所以如果想要趁機找自己過去的歷史對話記錄,要好好把握這五天喔
8 4 📅 3
ronnywang 17:00:33
對了,跟大家提醒一下,感謝因為有位 slack 管理員前陣子不小心手滑打開了我們 g0v slack 的 30 天 pro 試用,目前試用期還剩下五天,最主要的差別是可以趁機瀏覽更早以前的歷史記錄,以及可以用 huddle 這功能。所以如果想要趁機找自己過去的歷史對話記錄,要好好把握這五天喔
chewei 18:52:24
想請問有熟悉 福利請聽 專案的朋友嗎?想參考 專案「使用者填寫條件、推薦社福資源」的架構,應用在「推薦健檢項目」這部分

set the channel description: 智慧健檢平台 <> 病後人生│一站式服務網 <> <#C4M4S24NS> 心理諮詢資源整合查詢 福利請聽 <>

chewei 18:52:24
想請問有熟悉 福利請聽 專案的朋友嗎?想參考 專案「使用者填寫條件、推薦社福資源」的架構,應用在「推薦健檢項目」這部分

set the channel description: 智慧健檢平台 <> 病後人生│一站式服務網 <> <#C4M4S24NS> 心理諮詢資源整合查詢 福利請聽 <>


hungtao hsu 14:53:32
@taipeihugo has joined the channel


Mar Marín 02:45:36
No se puede mostrar este contenido.
3 👍 4 🌐 1
Mar Marín 02:45:36
No se puede mostrar este contenido.
nonorere 14:40:21
@nckuee8 has joined the channel
Sarah Chan 14:42:46
@sarah.chan has joined the channel
Jiang V 21:11:25
@binbinbb520 has joined the channel
Mr.螳 23:55:52
@a4100791ex has joined the channel


anniecnz9483 00:59:42
@anniecnz9483 has joined the channel


Mar Marín 00:08:06
Hello ALL! 👋🏽 I'm writing a piece on "*Busted Myths about Civic Tech*" and would like to hear what are the most common (and funny) misconceptions you have endured or heard. You can send me a DM or write in the comments. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Mar Marín 00:08:06
Hello ALL! 👋🏽 I'm writing a piece on "*Busted Myths about Civic Tech*" and would like to hear what are the most common (and funny) misconceptions you have endured or heard. You can send me a DM or write in the comments. I would love to hear your thoughts!
3 2
Silvia Frosina 02:29:24
@silvia.frosina has joined the channel


謝其佑 02:48:48
@chiyuh1996 has joined the channel
料料 17:02:33
@victor.playtion has joined the channel


Daisuke Furuta 10:00:39
@daisuke707 has joined the channel
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:34:17
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:34:17
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 11:29:57
我跟破土要舉辦fishbowl 討論會,邀請社群貢獻者來參加,發表,加入討論

Activist Dialogues: g0v and New Bloom

[Scroll down for English] 破土即將 3 月 25 日跟 g0v 合辦運動對話,討論 g0v 和破土的行動實踐,例如兩個團體的成立過程、目標、作法和其他任何參與者有興趣的主題! 這不會是一個講座,我們希望進行“fishbowl”模式的討論,會圍成一圈面對面,每個參與者都可以是講者,流動地參與討論。 g0v 和破土會開啟對話的與談者: Yun Chen Chihao...

想問 @sampeterrobbins 這場討論會有任何紀錄嗎?共筆、照片或影片?
再問一次 @sampeterrobbins ~~~
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-04-12 13:44:40
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-04-12 13:44:45
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 11:29:57
我跟破土要舉辦fishbowl 討論會,邀請社群貢獻者來參加,發表,加入討論
想問 @sampeterrobbins 這場討論會有任何紀錄嗎?共筆、照片或影片?
再問一次 @sampeterrobbins ~~~
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-04-12 13:44:40
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-04-12 13:44:45
isabelhou 15:01:07
4/9 大松一般票剩四張。
isabelhou 15:01:07
4/9 大松一般票剩四張。
😮 3
Peter Hsu 16:16:54
@25425108a has joined the channel
Wei -Ting Liao 18:02:33
@justms39 has joined the channel
ichieh 19:07:20
g0v 貢獻者暖身中,歡迎速速前往第一排佔位!


[2022/03/22 網路星期二線上直播] :「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開

ShuHuai(Whycat) 2022-03-22 20:20:53
ichieh 19:07:20
g0v 貢獻者暖身中,歡迎速速前往第一排佔位!
ShuHuai(Whycat) 2022-03-22 20:20:53


Dai -大輔/東京 01:56:14
Just heard of the earthquake in Taiwan - Are you guy ok??
❤️ 2
Dai -大輔/東京 01:56:14
Just heard of the earthquake in Taiwan - Are you guy ok??
Dai -大輔/東京 01:56:48
Epicenter in Hualien
即時線上地震模擬系統 Real-Time Moment Tensor Monitoring System
台灣地震科學中心 (Taiwan Earthquake Research Center, TEC)
Dai -大輔/東京 01:56:48
Epicenter in Hualien
即時線上地震模擬系統 Real-Time Moment Tensor Monitoring System
台灣地震科學中心 (Taiwan Earthquake Research Center, TEC)
Charles Montgomery 05:05:08
@charles972 has joined the channel
Valentina Ibarra 14:39:15
@valentybarra has joined the channel
Inès Chen 16:26:07
@chenpihsuan has joined the channel
Ted 顥天 16:31:31
不知道開一個 #math 會不會有人加入
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 16:32:08
啊 原本要傳在 #rand0m
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 17:01:10
創好了 #math
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 17:01:40
創好了 #math
Ted 顥天 16:31:31
不知道開一個 #math 會不會有人加入
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 16:32:08
啊 原本要傳在 #rand0m
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 17:01:10
創好了 #math
Ted 顥天 2022-03-23 17:01:40
創好了 #math
Ted 顥天 17:01:40
創好了 #math
Ko yam 17:24:36
@kohtaroyam has joined the channel
Analeigh 18:30:01
g0v 社群 Podcast「g0v Underground 零時電台」第一集上架囉~~

這集要聊聊疫情後大家生活中已經很熟悉的「簡訊實聯制」!實聯制最早的構想其實是從 g0v 社群萌芽(感謝去年五月積極參與討論的社群夥伴們),這集邀請到其中一位架構發想者 @acechen ,和主持人 @chiehg0v@rschiang 一起對談,帶大家了解實聯制是怎麼設計出來的?

現在就收聽 🎧 Apple/Spotify/SoundOn/Google/KKBOX
Analeigh 18:30:01
g0v 社群 Podcast「g0v Underground 零時電台」第一集上架囉~~

這集要聊聊疫情後大家生活中已經很熟悉的「簡訊實聯制」!實聯制最早的構想其實是從 g0v 社群萌芽(感謝去年五月積極參與討論的社群夥伴們),這集邀請到其中一位架構發想者 @acechen ,和主持人 @chiehg0v@rschiang 一起對談,帶大家了解實聯制是怎麼設計出來的?

現在就收聽 🎧 Apple/Spotify/SoundOn/Google/KKBOX


g0v Underground 零時電台 | Linktree

BY g0v 沒有人。隔週更新。與聽眾分享 g0v專案、g0v貢獻者,以及很多關於 g0v 公民科技社群的專案幕後故事。歡迎定期追蹤收聽!

🙌 14 ✅ 5 📡 5 🛰️ 3 1
Ning 18:39:56
@hongchiachi has joined the channel
chihao 19:00:44
哦哦哦,哦哦哦,上架了! @analeigh.jothon ++++++ @acechen @chiehg0v @rschiang ++ jothon ++
chihao 19:00:44
哦哦哦,哦哦哦,上架了! @analeigh.jothon ++++++ @acechen @chiehg0v @rschiang ++ jothon ++
5 4
e14102240 19:20:52
@e14102240 has joined the channel


alvin 12:22:39
@alvin.khc has joined the channel
joly 14:35:11
ISOC HK is live with an Open Data webinar
joly 14:35:11
ISOC HK is live with an Open Data webinar

Facebook Watch

Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) - 【香港開放數據指數 2021/2022 發布會】【...

Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) is live now.

許澤 JoeyHsu 16:17:09
@joeyhsu has joined the channel
Ted 顥天 17:02:43
有 open community 或一些 開放相關的職缺嗎?大學生可以打工的那種
OCF 目前有跟一些社群合作徵實習生,收件到 3/31:
Ted 顥天 17:02:43
有 open community 或一些 開放相關的職缺嗎?大學生可以打工的那種
OCF 目前有跟一些社群合作徵實習生,收件到 3/31:
chyijia 20:20:20
@chen.yijia9112 has joined the channel
J.O Liu 20:23:50
@bigjj424 has joined the channel
navibluer 21:00:37
@navibluer has joined the channel
Mar Marín 22:55:00
Heya folks! *We*'ll *start* our *Civic Tech & SDGs Webinar Series* in 5️⃣ minutes 🔥 Join us at the 🔴 Youtube live stream to foster learning and spark conversations around the relationship between civic tech and 🇺🇳 SDGs!

*`Join the conversation`* 💬⬇️


Forging Friendship: Civic Tech &amp; SDGs

Mar Marín 22:55:00
Heya folks! *We*'ll *start* our *Civic Tech & SDGs Webinar Series* in 5️⃣ minutes 🔥 Join us at the 🔴 Youtube live stream to foster learning and spark conversations around the relationship between civic tech and 🇺🇳 SDGs!

*`Join the conversation`* 💬⬇️
Valentina Ibarra 23:10:12
*Hi to everyone in g0v!*

Extituto de Política Abierta, in alliance with the National Endowment for Democracy NED, invites you to participate in our laboratory of ideas on deliberative democracy in the Global South: Demo.Reset. This laboratory seeks to strengthen the initiatives of deliberation in the Global South. We want to bring together the best experiences in the world to reinvent democracy, participation and citizen innovation..

We are gathering 100 organizations that have worked and implemented initiatives in their countries of influence, to promote, transform, and strengthen democratic innovation processes. *We want you to be one of the 100 organizations of Demo.Reset*. and connect with tools and solutions from all over the world, to face challenges faced by organizations like yours, and thus transform together the reality of our countries.

We seek to connect organizations from Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, India, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. In Demo.Reset you will have a network of organizations with whom you can share your good practices and build alliances. You will also have spaces to develop and perfect your transformative propopsals in a Global South Summit, implement a tool/solution in your specific region with specialized accompaniment, international mentoring, among other surprises.

How to be part of Demo.Reset? *Fill out this form before March 26th, 2022.*

Join us! It is time to activate a new wave of deliberative democracy to transform the Global South. For more information, check the following web page: or write us at **

*Sebastián Calderón,*
Advocacy Coordinator
Extituto de Política Abierta
Valentina Ibarra 23:10:12
*Hi to everyone in g0v!*

Extituto de Política Abierta, in alliance with the National Endowment for Democracy NED, invites you to participate in our laboratory of ideas on deliberative democracy in the Global South: Demo.Reset. This laboratory seeks to strengthen the initiatives of deliberation in the Global South. We want to bring together the best experiences in the world to reinvent democracy, participation and citizen innovation..

We are gathering 100 organizations that have worked and implemented initiatives in their countries of influence, to promote, transform, and strengthen democratic innovation processes. *We want you to be one of the 100 organizations of Demo.Reset*. and connect with tools and solutions from all over the world, to face challenges faced by organizations like yours, and thus transform together the reality of our countries.

We seek to connect organizations from Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, India, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. In Demo.Reset you will have a network of organizations with whom you can share your good practices and build alliances. You will also have spaces to develop and perfect your transformative propopsals in a Global South Summit, implement a tool/solution in your specific region with specialized accompaniment, international mentoring, among other surprises.

How to be part of Demo.Reset? *Fill out this form before March 26th, 2022.*

Join us! It is time to activate a new wave of deliberative democracy to transform the Global South. For more information, check the following web page: or write us at **

*Sebastián Calderón,*
Advocacy Coordinator
Extituto de Política Abierta


黎亮頡 09:37:02
@liliangjya has joined the channel
Maxine Gu 12:02:27
@gjyapple has joined the channel
宋佳穎 14:26:35
@x59271648 has joined the channel
Ying 21:51:16
🌟 *南庄桐花松 2022* 要來囉!下週一 3/28 中午開始報名~

今年五月的「南庄桐花松 2022」,將聚焦於農業科技及淨零減碳主題,邀請想一邊賞花、一邊開工動腦的朋友們,於 5/1 一起在蟲鳴花香中,深化農栽方式並尋找減碳解方,讓專案從想像化為具體可行的成果 🌱
【g0v 南庄桐花松 2022】
⬩ 時間:2022/05/01(日)10:00 - 18:00
⬩ 地點:數位農民組合大南埔共學空間 – 苗栗縣南庄鄉南富村大南埔133-1號(南埔國小旁)
⬩ 活動報名:
⬩ 本次共筆:
⬩ 共同主辦:g0v 揪松團、蕃薯藤社會企業、數位農民組合

g0v 南庄桐花松 2022

g0v 南庄桐花松 2022   2020 年,#揪松團 與 #數位農民組合 合辦了「南庄桐花松」,在「大南埔共學空間」開啟與「真 ● 農民」的公民科技協作交流,探討因時 / 因地制宜的台灣版農夫種植


2022 南庄桐花松 - HackMD

# 2022 南庄桐花松 ![](<>

8 3 2 ❤️ 1
Ying 21:51:16
🌟 *南庄桐花松 2022* 要來囉!下週一 3/28 中午開始報名~

今年五月的「南庄桐花松 2022」,將聚焦於農業科技及淨零減碳主題,邀請想一邊賞花、一邊開工動腦的朋友們,於 5/1 一起在蟲鳴花香中,深化農栽方式並尋找減碳解方,讓專案從想像化為具體可行的成果 🌱
【g0v 南庄桐花松 2022】
⬩ 時間:2022/05/01(日)10:00 - 18:00
⬩ 地點:數位農民組合大南埔共學空間 – 苗栗縣南庄鄉南富村大南埔133-1號(南埔國小旁)
⬩ 活動報名:
⬩ 本次共筆:
⬩ 共同主辦:g0v 揪松團、蕃薯藤社會企業、數位農民組合


Juliette Odolant 21:39:51
@juliette.odolant has joined the channel


Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:16:12
**新的專案,求幫助**。我有一筆中文詞彙資料,是教育部給學中文的人用的,是把中文詞彙依照難度,常用度,分不同的等級。這筆資料沒有發音,翻譯,解釋,詞彙而已。我最近說服政府把這筆資料釋放出來,不再受版權保護(詞彙本身當然沒有授權,但是分法,什麼算“第一級“什麼算“二級“原來有受版權。因為要開放出來,我想做一個Google 表單自動抓萌點上的資訊(像是發音,翻譯,解釋)之類的,給自己以及其他的中文學習者使用。我之後會寫共筆,但是先寫個訊息,求求大家的意見與幫助
@sampeterrobbins 敘述可能用「辭彙」會比較清楚,乍看「單字」我以為是「字」,但內容看來應該是「詞」。也建議跟#moedict 萌典頻道討論一下。
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-28 09:29:23
需要幫忙寫 google sheet 2k7 google script 嗎~
可以試試看框字然後 query 萌典,在後面填入注音
(雖然我寫過 google script 但我也沒接過萌典 API,可能要摸索一下 XD)
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-28 12:43:45
🚀 3 😮 1 💬 2 3
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:16:12
**新的專案,求幫助**。我有一筆中文單字資料,是教育部給學中文的人用的,是把中文字依照難度,常用度,分不同的等級。這筆資料沒有發音,翻譯,解釋,單字而已。我最近說服政府把這筆資料釋放出來,不再受版權保護(單字本身當然沒有授權,但是分法,什麼算“第一級“什麼算“二級“原來有受版權。因為要開放出來,我想做一個Google 表單自動抓萌點上的資訊(像是發音,翻譯,解釋)之類的,給自己以及其他的中文學習者使用。我之後會寫共筆,但是先寫個訊息,求求大家的意見與幫助
@sampeterrobbins 敘述可能用「辭彙」會比較清楚,乍看「單字」我以為是「字」,但內容看來應該是「詞」。也建議跟#moedict 萌典頻道討論一下。
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-28 09:29:23
需要幫忙寫 google sheet 2k7 google script 嗎~
可以試試看框字然後 query 萌典,在後面填入注音
(雖然我寫過 google script 但我也沒接過萌典 API,可能要摸索一下 XD)
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-03-28 12:43:45
黃靖凱 17:21:57
@huang63261 has joined the channel
DeltaCat 20:46:31
@chenalex1211 has joined the channel
ael 21:09:13
Hi, @mglee and I are going to share our observation and participation in g0v community in a Radical X Change Switzerland meetup next week. It would be great if more g0vers join.

Time: 12:30 CET/6:30 pm GMT+8, March 31st
Location: online. Link will be provided later

Event link:

Collaborative note
(I haven’t started to work on my slides, but feel free to throw out great points and some feedbacks of my old slides)
想知道 ppt 最後一句:「不要問為什麼沒有人做這個,先承認你就是『沒有人』」的英文要怎麼翻?
我的不負責任翻法:Don’t ask why nobody is doing this. You are THE NOBODY.
Nobody nobody but you 🎶
Presentation 很棒,討論也很精彩,太喜歡了!
關於 blockchain tech 的部分,我自己覺得這項技術可以應用的地方主要在 1. finance 2. voting<
ael 21:09:13
Hi, @mglee and I are going to share our observation and participation in g0v community in a Radical X Change Switzerland meetup next week. It would be great if more g0vers join.

Time: 12:30 CET/6:30 pm GMT+8, March 31st
Location: online. Link will be provided later

Event link:

Collaborative note
(I haven’t started to work on my slides, but feel free to throw out great points and some feedbacks of my old slides)


g0v and Digital Democracy in Taiwan - RxC Switzerland March Meetup | Meetup

Thu, Mar 31, 12:30 PM CEST: The RadicalxChange Swiss chapter is thrilled this month to host a discussion of digital democracy in Taiwan. Yun Chen and Mei-Chun Lee will join us online from Taipei to di

g0v sharing to RadicalxChange Swiss chapter - HackMD

想知道 ppt 最後一句:「不要問為什麼沒有人做這個,先承認你就是『沒有人』」的英文要怎麼翻?
我的不負責任翻法:Don’t ask why nobody is doing this. You are THE NOBODY.
Nobody nobody but you 🎶
Presentation 很棒,討論也很精彩,太喜歡了!
關於 blockchain tech 的部分,我自己覺得這項技術可以應用的地方主要在 1. finance 2. voting<
4 👍 2
adzen 21:13:47
Aaron 21:25:05
@chenwlegend has joined the channel
hsinyi8997 21:52:59
@hsinyi8997 has joined the channel


蔡孟軒 11:00:48
@a0925035739 has joined the channel
Charlie Wang 13:20:01
@cwang has joined the channel
lilyleetozero 17:45:46
@lilyleetozero has joined the channel
chewei 23:53:29
• 時間:4/4 週一晚上 21:00
• 視訊網址:
• 共筆:
• 專案頻道:#health
• 每個人都可能因為對於健檢規劃的不同,而忽略潛在疾病的發生。本專案希望透過建立一個智慧健檢平台,讓使用者可以根據個人基本資料、家族與個人疾病史,以及預算提供健檢檢查項目與分級的建議。目前正在招募資料彙整與分析、網頁/APP 架設的工程師、設計師以及想要改變複雜健檢資訊的夥伴。
delightfullychaotic 2022-03-29 15:54:21
@tnstiger 我只是正好看到 順手就拉你
XD 好像差不多了
chewei 23:53:29
• 時間:4/4 週一晚上 21:00
• 視訊網址:
• 共筆:
• 專案頻道:#health
• 每個人都可能因為對於健檢規劃的不同,而忽略潛在疾病的發生。本專案希望透過建立一個智慧健檢平台,讓使用者可以根據個人基本資料、家族與個人疾病史,以及預算提供健檢檢查項目與分級的建議。目前正在招募資料彙整與分析、網頁/APP 架設的工程師、設計師以及想要改變複雜健檢資訊的夥伴。


智慧健檢平台 - HackMD

# 智慧健檢平台 - [工作首頁](<>) ## 工作項目 - [製作問卷](<https://g0v.hac>

delightfullychaotic 2022-03-29 15:54:21
@tnstiger 我只是正好看到 順手就拉你
XD 好像差不多了


Kuang-Yu Samuel Chang 15:04:38
@samio54321 has joined the channel
Lauren 15:47:07
@essb183 has joined the channel
Lauren 16:02:59
我是公共事務研究所的碩士生,目前正在寫與civic tech相關主題的論文,想請問板上有無認識Code for Japan的人,能否幫忙介紹,真的非常感謝大家🙏
#facing-the-ocean 這個頻道有與 Code for Japan 的 其中一個 slack 頻道同步
CfJ Slack 裡面有 #random 頻道可以問
Lauren 16:02:59
我是公共事務研究所的碩士生,目前正在寫與civic tech相關主題的論文,想請問板上有無認識Code for Japan的人,能否幫忙介紹,真的非常感謝大家🙏
#facing-the-ocean 這個頻道有與 Code for Japan 的 其中一個 slack 頻道同步
CfJ Slack 裡面有 #random 頻道可以問
👋 1
Kannazuki 21:20:03
@charlie831007 has joined the channel


@null 01:53:35
chnejohnson: 首先我會看一下句意是否需要用到「承認」 (admit) ,在這句為什麼要用「承認」,是類似「承認吧,你就是你朋友」的意思嗎,然後才想怎麼用英文講這句。
@null 01:56:29
"Why does it seems like nobody would like to do it?" Before saying that word, you may want to be the Nobody.
👍 1
@null 01:59:30
英文要表達「沒有人」比較好表達。小寫是個普通的詞,但如果你名叫 Jack , "Jack, the Nobody" 哇喔,你是個人物。
😆 1 👍 1
Ya-wei Chou 11:11:11
FNF Global Innovation Hub 歡迎您報名參加第一集 Innovation for Democracy Café!

Innovation for Democracy Café是諾曼基金會全球創新中心在2022年展開的計畫,期待用輕鬆的線上系列對談,向我們的朋友們分享公民社會運用科技或創新的方式促進民主的經驗。在第一集,我們將討論開放資料與公民科技如何能促進更多公民社會的倡議,並邀請 綠色公民行動聯盟Green Citizens' Action Alliance曾虹文副秘書長、The New Hanse 計畫主持人Adriana Groh 來分享經驗。

Ya-wei Chou 11:11:11
FNF Global Innovation Hub 歡迎您報名參加第一集 Innovation for Democracy Café!

Innovation for Democracy Café是諾曼基金會全球創新中心在2022年展開的計畫,期待用輕鬆的線上系列對談,向我們的朋友們分享公民社會運用科技或創新的方式促進民主的經驗。在第一集,我們將討論開放資料與公民科技如何能促進更多公民社會的倡議,並邀請 綠色公民行動聯盟Green Citizens’ Action Alliance曾虹文副秘書長、The New Hanse 計畫主持人Adriana Groh 來分享經驗。


Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Innovation for Democracy Café: Register for the 1st Episode of Innovation for Democracy Café!

In 2022 we are launching the “Innovation for Democracy Café“! In a series of digital events, we will showcase best practices of civil society: how to make use of digital technology or innovative approaches to foster freedom, democracy, and human rights.

Google Docs

The 1st Episode of Innovation for Democracy Café: How Can Open Data and Civic Tech Facilitate Initiatives of Civil Society?

Date: 20th April 2022 Time: 9:00am – 10:30am UTC (5:00pm – 6:30pm Taiwan Time) Location: online, via webex *For the first episode, English-Mandarin two-way simultaneous interpretation will be provided. In 2022 we are launching the “Innovation for Democracy Café“! In a series of digital events, we will showcase best practices of civil society: how to make use of digital technology or innovative approaches to foster freedom, democracy, and human rights. Our first episode “How Can Open Data and Civic Tech Facilitate Initiatives of Civil Society” will be held online and recorded on April 20th, 2022, 10:00-11:30am CET. Please join us! You can use the registration form below. IIn this first episode, we will have two guests: Ms Hung-wen Tseng, Deputy Secretary-General for the Green Citizens’ Action Alliance (GCAA). Ms Tseng will discuss her work and introduce two innovative projects that use technology for sustainability: “Thau-bin (“Thau-bin” means “transparent” in Taiwanese. The website’s complete name is written as “透明足跡,” which means “transparent footprint” in Mandarin” environmental data visualization website, and Scan-it-before buying it App (掃了再買). The Thau-bin website collects and visualized environmental data, helping the general public to have an easy channel to check and acquire environmental data. The website’s data base is connected to the Scan-it-before -buying app, which is available for download from Google Play, free of charge. By scanning a product’s barcode with the Scan-it-before-buying app, consumers can see the pollution records of the product’s manufacture compiled in the Thau-bin website’s database, and thus help them make environment-friendly choices every day. The Alliance was among the top-five teams at the 2020 Presidential Hackathon with a project to discover regulation loopholes of managing the pollution caused by factories in farming lands, which is also developed based on the Thau-bin website. For all these projects, the cooperation with civic tech communities and the use and availability of open data was crucial. Our second guest will be Ms Adriana Groh, Project Lead of the New Hanse in Germany. Ms Groh has been leading many inspiring civic tech projects and initiatives about data commons. She will provide us an overview on how to foster digital sovereignty and make open data really understood and used by the public and become a tool that facilitates public participation and accountability of the government. Through their talk, we will discuss: (1) why open data is important, how to make open data from the government really belong to people, and how to process data; (2) how civil society organization and civil tech community can work together? How can open data facilitate it? How to interpret the needs from both sides? ____ Please read the following notice and fill in this form if you would like to sign up for this event: 1. Deadline of registration: 15th April 2022, 3:00pm UTC (11:00pm Taiwan Time) 2. Please note that participants who fail to register on time or provide wrong or fake information will not be accepted. 3. After registration, please remember to check you email inbox for receiving webinar link. 4. Due to the limitation of spaces that our online software can accommodate, please note that FNF preserves the rights to decide the audience list. 5. Should you have any question, please send an e-mail to <|> Thank you very much.


到 Facebook 查看帖子、照片和更多内容。

🙌 2 1
papo papo 12:40:04
@papo has joined the channel
Analeigh 18:12:27
Hello Everybody!

「g0v Underground 零時電台」也有英文節目了!首集由 @sampeterrobbins@mglee@chihao,分享他們參與 g0v 的經驗,從進入 g0v 的過程、社群開源協作精神、到討論 g0v黑客文化,希望讓想參與 g0v 的外國朋友找到適合自己參與社群的方式。

Welcome to the first English episode of “g0v Underground”! Today community participant Sam Robbins interviews MG and Chihao. Join us now in the discussion about their unique experience with g0v.

現在就收聽 Listen Now On 🎧 Apple/Spotify/SoundOn/Google/KKBOX


g0v Underground 零時電台 | Linktree

BY g0v 沒有人。隔週更新。與聽眾分享 g0v專案、g0v貢獻者,以及很多關於 g0v 公民科技社群的專案幕後故事。歡迎定期追蹤收聽!

8 3 4


iriversland 02:07:02
@iriversland has joined the channel
Ying 12:11:41
哈囉,大家好!我是揪松團職工 Ying,這邊有個問卷想請大家協助填寫,期限到 4/1,拜託大家撥一些時間填這份問卷,非常感謝 🥺🙏🙏~~~
Ying 12:11:41
哈囉,大家好!我是揪松團職工 Ying,這邊有個問卷想請大家協助填寫,期限到 4/1,這份問卷可以協助揪松團在 NPO Hub 獲得租金優惠解鎖,希望有來過 NPO Hub 的大家,協助填寫這份問卷(地點記得下拉選單選「台北」喔),非常感謝 🥺🙏🙏~~~
🌟 填寫問卷將有機會抽中 500 歐元獎助金喔(名額有兩位!)
🌟 填寫完畢請跟我說一下喔(需統計人數)謝謝大家!
❤️ 2
Dawn 16:50:00
@for1234520 has joined the channel
婉琪 17:10:40
@wanchi has joined the channel
Ying 18:23:28
Hi 大家好!

📣 最近有一個工作坊想與大家分享,是由`青平台`主辦、`揪松團`參與協辦的「*`數位願景工作坊`*」,邀請不同領域的數位工作者,一同思辨台灣的數位永續願景,並思考:如何從數位人權出發,促進數位產業發展與永續民主,增進數位社會的多元共融發展,共同編寫「給台灣數位永續的備忘錄」!

1️⃣ 如何透過「數位治理」創造永續民主與共好社會?
2️⃣ 如何建立數位平台秩序、對抗假訊息,展望數位媒體新未來?
3️⃣ 台灣共同體的數位願景—公私協力邁向數位共好。

👉 活動詳情 + 手刀報名:

🔹時間:4/23、4/30、5/07,13:30 - 17:00(連續三周,每周六)
🔹地點:青平台下一步空間(台北市中正區武昌街 1 段 18 號 5 樓)

協辦單位:g0v 零時政府揪松團、g0v 零時小學校、網路星期二、數位經濟暨產業發展協會

【近未來學堂】數位願景工作坊——給台灣數位永續的備忘錄 - 財團法人青平台基金會

數位願景工作坊&amp;mdash;給台灣數位永續的備忘錄 【工作坊簡介】 20世紀末以來,「全球化、民主化、數位化」三股力量,驅動著台灣的社會轉型,尤其,數位科技帶來速度與數據的重大革新,劇烈改變當代的經濟與產業發展,也改變了數位社會下知識與文化分享、教育學習、醫療照護及產業服務模式。 有鑒於今年將是台灣

paulpengtw 2022-04-08 10:30:45
❤️ 4 3
Ying 18:23:28
Hi 大家好!

📣 最近有一個工作坊想與大家分享,是由`青平台`主辦、`揪松團`參與協辦的「*`數位願景工作坊`*」,邀請不同領域的數位工作者,一同思辨台灣的數位永續願景,並思考:如何從數位人權出發,促進數位產業發展與永續民主,增進數位社會的多元共融發展,共同編寫「給台灣數位永續的備忘錄」!

1️⃣ 如何透過「數位治理」創造永續民主與共好社會?
2️⃣ 如何建立數位平台秩序、對抗假訊息,展望數位媒體新未來?
3️⃣ 台灣共同體的數位願景—公私協力邁向數位共好。

👉 活動詳情 + 手刀報名:

🔹時間:4/23、4/30、5/07,13:30 - 17:00(連續三周,每周六)
🔹地點:青平台下一步空間(台北市中正區武昌街 1 段 18 號 5 樓)

協辦單位:g0v 零時政府揪松團、g0v 零時小學校、網路星期二、數位經濟暨產業發展協會
paulpengtw 2022-04-08 10:30:45
James Robert Baron 18:28:12
@jjbaroni has joined the channel
adsfdsaf asdfdasf 20:46:24
@slhtrash has joined the channel
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 22:03:09
我朋友想參加黑客松但是沒拿到票,她中英母語者,可以開翻譯票給她嗎 @chiehg0v @besslee
好阿~ 那當天再麻煩他幫忙現場外國人翻譯 我請同事 @averyying2022 私訊你
👍 4
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 22:03:09
我朋友想參加黑客松但是沒拿到票,她中英母語者,可以開翻譯票給她嗎 @chiehg0v @besslee
好阿~ 那當天再麻煩他幫忙現場外國人翻譯 我請同事 @averyying2022 私訊你
racoon Cai 23:27:32
@racoon.wolf has joined the channel
Tom Lyons 23:30:34
@tom313 has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 23:40:11
thread : I am researching “the game theory in war situation” = this is logical math analytics. the goal is how to avoid the worst scinario in war. if you are interested in discussing, let’s chat or zoom. here is the result of my research
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-03-31 23:40:46
to be honest, this can be applicable for daily biz, family relationship etc.
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-03-31 23:41:07
this is useful paper
@dai I'm interested
Dai -大輔/東京 23:40:11
thread : I am researching “the game theory in war situation” = this is logical math analytics. the goal is how to avoid the worst scinario in war. if you are interested in discussing, let’s chat or zoom. here is the result of my research
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-03-31 23:40:46
to be honest, this can be applicable for daily biz, family relationship etc.
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-03-31 23:41:07
this is useful paper
@dai I'm interested
@null 23:50:56
dai: i'd met a guy doing similar researching on game theory of some issue, by using prolog, in recent months, and we met several guys working by using logics. you may want to view the channel ##prolog to meet people talking about that subject.
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-04-01 00:27:57
Tks! Cool. I’ll join
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-04-05 16:04:53
@yauhsienhuang hi
Dai -大輔/東京 2022-04-05 16:05:16
Sorry I couldn’t find that channel.. where is it?
Yau-Hsien Huang 2022-04-05 17:34:43
the ##prolog channel is located in libera-chat irc an irc client, connect to, pick an irc account, and find the channel.
🙇 1