
Month: 2022-03


mglee 10:25:54
g0v 的夥伴大家好,我明天晚上將在台大人類學系演講關於cofacts的故事,這是公開演講歡迎大家來參加!
mglee 10:25:54
g0v 的夥伴大家好,我明天晚上將在台大人類學系演講關於cofacts的故事,這是公開演講歡迎大家來參加!
👍 10
aituonoin 12:13:04
aituonoin 12:13:04
aituonoin 12:16:42
DAO 氛圍官員? [vibe officer]
aituonoin 12:16:42
DAO 氛圍官員? [vibe officer]
michael19931028 12:47:34
@michael19931028 has joined the channel
johnson 17:27:04

Ukraine DAO

This is the Ukrainian flag :flag-ua: 1/1. Funds raised from this sale will be directed to helping the Ukrainian civilians suffering from the war initiated by Putin.

Yashvir 19:53:27
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help.
A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp.
He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it.

I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees'

For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer.
I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow.
My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database

In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
I heard that in poland people use a central Telegram group to coordinate these efforts. People just shoot their requirement and the helper can direct response to the message.
you can have tens of thousand people in one group without any issue in Telegram.
g0v contributors use “hackmd” to collaborate aggregation of information.
In Taiwan, had case “627 八仙塵爆“, can use it to search refugees, you can fork it and then change it use Airtable (when over 1000 raw data).
@www.yashvirchawla I would create two lists of needs and offers first. Lists are preferably open so more can contribute, but I’m imagining some info being sensitive so access control & human moderation might be essential. This case, only selected trusted individual can aggregate info from refugees and volunteers, respectively, then enter them into the lists.
@www.yashvirchawla I would also focus small first, perhaps on the needs of one refugee site? Sorry if I’m imposing. People on the ground must know much much more than I do :((
Yashvir 19:53:27
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help.
A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp.
He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it.

I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees'

For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer.
I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow.
My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database

In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
I heard that in poland people use a central Telegram group to coordinate these efforts. People just shoot their requirement and the helper can direct response to the message.
you can have tens of thousand people in one group without any issue in Telegram.
g0v contributors use “hackmd” to collaborate aggregation of information.
In Taiwan, had case “627 八仙塵爆“, can use it to search refugees, you can fork it and then change it use Airtable (when over 1000 raw data).
@www.yashvirchawla I would create two lists of needs and offers first. Lists are preferably open so more can contribute, but I’m imagining some info being sensitive so access control & human moderation might be essential. This case, only selected trusted individual can aggregate info from refugees and volunteers, respectively, then enter them into the lists.
@www.yashvirchawla I would also focus small first, perhaps on the needs of one refugee site? Sorry if I’m imposing. People on the ground must know much much more than I do :((


takaaki.kurasawa 08:41:28
@takaaki.kurasawa has joined the channel
曹一撇 09:00:10
@hahaha8683 has joined the channel
kidstarkenny 13:13:15
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
kidstarkenny 2022-03-02 13:13:49
yutin 17:01:14
yutin 17:01:14


Szukasz ratunku przed wojną? Chcesz wesprzeć uchodźców? Tu znajdziesz pomoc lub jej udzielisz

👍 1
林威 17:04:44
@614677926 has joined the channel
ichieh 17:19:40
3/12 終於有實體活動啦~~~

「基礎松」歡迎大家一起來當建設工(*也歡迎大家來提案把協作工具變成 template 提供近期來 slack 尋找幫助的外國朋友喔喔喔*)

【什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?】

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。因此揪松團啟動相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓多中心的工作更有效能。本次提案以 g0v 10 週年起頭,邀請大家一起討論 10 周年的活動與想像,提案也包含黑客松提案整理、Aray、domain 治理機制等,也歡迎大家提出其他提案。

時間:2022/03/12(六) 13:30 - 17:30(13:00 報到)
實體地點:NPO HUB 2 樓 影響力論壇(台北市中正區重慶南路三段 2 號 2 樓)

g0v 第拾玖次基礎建設松

g0v 第拾柒次基礎建設松將於 03/12(六)13:30 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹!

Cofacts 編輯小聚在這邊報名:
Ted 顥天 2022-03-02 17:30:50
可惡 我有事不能參加
那請致昕映後座談結束後一起來松 XD
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
👍 5 1 1
ichieh 17:19:40
3/12 終於有實體活動啦~~~

「基礎松」歡迎大家一起來當建設工(*也歡迎大家來提案把協作工具變成 template 提供近期來 slack 尋找幫助的外國朋友喔喔喔*)

【什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?】

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。因此揪松團啟動相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓多中心的工作更有效能。本次提案以 g0v 10 週年起頭,邀請大家一起討論 10 周年的活動與想像,提案也包含黑客松提案整理、Aray、domain 治理機制等,也歡迎大家提出其他提案。

時間:2022/03/12(六) 13:30 - 17:30(13:00 報到)
實體地點:NPO HUB 2 樓 影響力論壇(台北市中正區重慶南路三段 2 號 2 樓)
Cofacts 編輯小聚在這邊報名:
Ted 顥天 2022-03-02 17:30:50
可惡 我有事不能參加
那請致昕映後座談結束後一起來松 XD
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
Mar Marín 23:00:00
Heyaaaaaa! 📢 Join us at *Mozilla Festival* :fire: and let's drive forward the conversations around *Trustworthy AI* and what a *Decolonized AI Futures* looks like! Join us at our public space *#decolonized-ai-futures* 🙌🏽 where we share useful resources, spark conversations around the topic and more!

Get your FREE ticket today!

Mozilla Festival (

Mozilla Festival

Activists in the internet health movement will gather at MozFest to move the needle in tech, art, social responsibility, ethics, and AI. Will you join us in March 2022?

Mozilla Festival (

Get Your Ticket for MozFest 2022

You’re invited to Mozilla Festival 2022, the premiere gathering for activists, educators, technologists, students, artists, and journalists who want a more humane digital world. Tickets are now available!

Just registered!
also do watch our lightning talk about Common Voice on-demand anytime during MozFest
🙌 3 🦊 4 🤘 1


kiang 06:46:08



這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
之前好像有人說過可以接 Google Map API
一次性的話,google sheet 有 google translate()
請教 @areong6378 @death1048576 覺得可以用於 放空避難場所中文地址翻譯嗎
可以呀,Google translate api 免費額度蠻高的(以翻譯地址來說)
areong6378 2022-03-04 18:48:35
足跡中翻英服務是@death1048576 維護的,有疑難雜症都請教他,我相關技術內容比較不熟不好意思
🙌 9
kiang 06:46:08
這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
之前好像有人說過可以接 Google Map API
一次性的話,google sheet 有 google translate()
請教 @areong6378 @death1048576 覺得可以用於 放空避難場所中文地址翻譯嗎
可以呀,Google translate api 免費額度蠻高的(以翻譯地址來說)
areong6378 2022-03-04 18:48:35
足跡中翻英服務是@death1048576 維護的,有疑難雜症都請教他,我相關技術內容比較不熟不好意思
chihao 13:59:16
IORG 剛寫完的報告,如果關心烏俄戰爭、台灣資訊環境的話,可以參考
Jacob Yu 15:03:19
@jacobyu.asi has joined the channel
chewei 18:48:11
#disfactory 農地違章工廠
相關講座訊息分享【深埋污染- 農地工廠對土地的傷害】
主講者|地球公民基金會 山林國土組 賴沛蓮研究員
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 許正一教授
時間|2022/03/06 (日) 下午 14:00-17:00
地點|Google Meet,經報名後將寄送連結
chewei 18:48:11
#disfactory 農地違章工廠
相關講座訊息分享【深埋污染- 農地工廠對土地的傷害】
主講者|地球公民基金會 山林國土組 賴沛蓮研究員
國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 許正一教授
時間|2022/03/06 (日) 下午 14:00-17:00
地點|Google Meet,經報名後將寄送連結
2 👍 2


piano 02:08:02

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Shock Liang 13:21:39
@shockwater has joined the channel
kiang 16:27:32
這題有台北的朋友提到,希望可以有其他語言的版本,只是透過 tgos 查詢並沒有英文住址資料,有人知道這樣的需求可以怎麼處理嗎?我以前都是一個一個在郵局網站查詢
Homin Luo 16:48:48 has joined the channel
Analeigh 19:30:00
【🎊 4 月大松下週一 3/7 中午開始報名!🎊】

g0v 黑客松睽違兩年再度前進甜滋滋的台南!

本次黑客松同時也是 #2022 亞太社會創新高峰會 的暖身場,邀請大家在後疫情時代,一起重新思索疫情對人與社區衝擊,以及環境永續的創新模式。4/9 邀請大家一起到台南出遊做專案,感受全糖城市的熱情~

【g0v 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 × 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會】
🔹 時間:2022/4/9(六)10:00 - 18:00
🔹 地點:C-HUB 成大創意中心(台南市北區小東路和前鋒路交叉口)
🔹 報名:
🔹 共筆(活動首頁):
🔹 直播:無法到場的朋友,歡迎收看 g0v 臉書粉專或 YT 的大松直播

g0v hackath49n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 x 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會

g0v 第肆拾貳次大黑客松將在 2022.04.09(六)於台南 C-Hub 成大創意中心舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

3 4 2 🧋 1
Ying 21:55:02
@averyying2022 has joined the channel


caleb 19:23:00
I was browsing Taiwan traffic statistics and found this interesting site in English, however I'm wondering whether there was a literal translation attempted. What Mandarin phrase corresponds with "stand in your own shoes when driving?"
養成利他用路觀, literally "cultivate an altruistic perspective on the use of the road"
caleb 19:23:00
I was browsing Taiwan traffic statistics and found this interesting site in English, however I'm wondering whether there was a literal translation attempted. What Mandarin phrase corresponds with "stand in your own shoes when driving?"

Road Traffic Safety Portal Site

4 Major Rules for Traffic Safety | Lazy Guide | 交通安全入口網

Download HD images :point_down:

養成利他用路觀, literally "cultivate an altruistic perspective on the use of the road"
@jmaespong4 has joined the channel


FunTuan 13:10:51
近期在維護查詢垃圾車清運點side project



昨晚建立了全台垃圾清運點開放資料的基本雛型,後續還有資料來源以及地址轉經緯度等適合的做法需要討論,可以先參考一下 Github瞭解目前進度

想徵求臨時想一起幫忙的勇士們,直接在底下 Reply ,有多人想加入再另開個 Channel
可惜少了 經緯度資訊
@irvin 各縣市政府都各自的標案開發,當然也有像「*全國垃圾車清運路線查詢網*」這種中央統整資訊,但因為無同一欄位格式,大大降低了這種網站的實用性
也許要像公車一樣,有 Google 這樣的大公司加入,在既有的 google map 上整合,才有機會全台統一
FunTuan 13:10:51
近期在維護查詢垃圾車清運點side project



昨晚建立了全台垃圾清運點開放資料的基本雛型,後續還有資料來源以及地址轉經緯度等適合的做法需要討論,可以先參考一下 Github瞭解目前進度

想徵求臨時想一起幫忙的勇士們,直接在底下 Reply ,有多人想加入再另開個 Channel


台灣垃圾清運路線 - 開放資料

可惜少了 經緯度資訊
@irvin 各縣市政府都各自的標案開發,當然也有像「*全國垃圾車清運路線查詢網*」這種中央統整資訊,但因為無同一欄位格式,大大降低了這種網站的實用性
也許要像公車一樣,有 Google 這樣的大公司加入,在既有的 google map 上整合,才有機會全台統一
1 😮 1 👍 2 🚚 1 🚛 1


francebrown 09:00:45
@francebrown has joined the channel
Alfred Wu 11:33:36
大家好!美國國際民主協會(National Democratic Institute, NDI)台北辦事處、台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation 和歐洲價值安全政策中心(European Values Center)即將在 3 月 10 日晚上 6:30pm - 9:00pm 舉辦「資訊健全」(Information Integrity)研討會!我們邀請到台灣和國際上在公民社會致力於強化資訊健全的專家,一起針對性別假訊息、針對女性的網路暴力以及對弱勢群體的數位排斥制定可行的解決方案。本次研討會活動將會全程以英文進行。
🌱日期和時間:3/10(週四) 6:30pm - 9:00pm(台灣時間,GMT +8)
🌱地點:台北 NPO 聚落二樓(台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號)
6:30-7:00 報到
7:00-7:05 開幕致辭
7:05-7:55 第一節:彌合數位落差,提高公民參與
7:55-8:10 休息和茶點
8:10-9:00 第二節:應對性別假訊息


#台灣世代智庫 - Explore

explore #台灣世代智庫 at Facebook

#歐洲價值安全政策中心 - 发现

explore #歐洲價值安全政策中心 at Facebook

Google Docs

INFO/tegrity Workshop 2022 In-Person Event Registration

The National Democratic Institute, in partnership with Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm (Taiwan Time, GMT+8). As a follow-up to NDI’s 2021 INFO/tegrity workshop, NDI has partnered with TNF and EVC to invite leading Taiwan-based and international practitioners, primarily from civil society, who are working to strengthen and ensure the integrity of the information space. In particular, the 2022 workshop will seek to discuss practical solutions to :sparkles:gendered disinformation, :sparkles:online violence against women, as well as :sparkles:digital exclusion of vulnerable populations. :pushpin: Date and Time 3/10 (Thu.) 6:30pm - 9:00pm (Taiwan Time) :pushpin: Venue NPO Hub Taipei 2F (No.2, Sec. 3, Chongqing S. Road, Taipei City) :pushpin: Host National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation, European Values Center :pushpin: Agenda 6:30-7:00 Meet and Greet 7:00-7:05 Opening Remarks 7:05-7:55 Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation 7:55-8:10 Break and Refreshments 8:10-9:00 Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation :pushpin: Please note that this is an in-person event with international speakers joining online. :pushpin: All sessions will be conducted in English.

🙌 4
Alfred Wu 11:33:36
大家好!美國國際民主協會(National Democratic Institute, NDI)台北辦事處、台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation 和歐洲價值安全政策中心(European Values Center)即將在 3 月 10 日晚上 6:30pm - 9:00pm 舉辦「資訊健全」(Information Integrity)研討會!我們邀請到台灣和國際上在公民社會致力於強化資訊健全的專家,一起針對性別假訊息、針對女性的網路暴力以及對弱勢群體的數位排斥制定可行的解決方案。本次研討會活動將會全程以英文進行。
Alfred Wu 11:38:26
Hi all - the National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on *March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm* (Taiwan Time, GMT+8)

6:30pm-7:00pm Registration/Meet & Greet
7:00pm-7:05pm Opening Remarks
7:05pm-7:55pm *Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation*
• The link between digital exclusion and social disadvantage is clear. Those who are digitally excluded are also more likely to report intersecting vulnerabilities. In Taiwan, the digital divide is particularly evident among immigrants and migrant workers. This session will explore ways to better use connectivity and digital access to enhance participation in decisions that affect public welfare and break down digital divides and barriers vulnerable communities are currently facing in accessing services.
7:55pm-8:10pm Break and Refreshments
8:10pm-9:00pm *Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation*
• On gendered disinformation, NDI has released two landmark studies: “Tweets that Chill” (2019), which measured violent phenomena experienced by women engaging in politics online across three countries; and “Engendering Hate” (2020), which examines the role of gendered disinformation as an intentional tactic by certain actors which can be unintentionally amplified by others within the media and the general public. This session will incorporate findings from NDI’s previous studies and similar discussions that took place in Taiwan and other participating countries, reflecting on previous successes, failures and identifying opportunities for further positive intervention.
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please fill out the Google Form to express interest here, or access the form through the following link:

Tweets That Chill: Analyzing Online Violence Against Women in Politics

In the three case study countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya), NDI's Gender, Women, and Democracy team worked with women in politics, those in  civic technology and women’s rights organizations to develop a way to examine the country specific challenges facing women as they engage in online political discourse.

Google Docs

INFO/tegrity Workshop 2022 In-Person Event Registration

The National Democratic Institute, in partnership with Taiwan NextGen Foundation (TNF) and the European Values Center (EVC) are excited to invite you to the 2022 INFO/tegrity (information integrity) Workshop on March 10 from 6:30pm-9:00pm (Taiwan Time, GMT+8). As a follow-up to NDI’s 2021 INFO/tegrity workshop, NDI has partnered with TNF and EVC to invite leading Taiwan-based and international practitioners, primarily from civil society, who are working to strengthen and ensure the integrity of the information space. In particular, the 2022 workshop will seek to discuss practical solutions to :sparkles:gendered disinformation, :sparkles:online violence against women, as well as :sparkles:digital exclusion of vulnerable populations. :pushpin: Date and Time 3/10 (Thu.) 6:30pm - 9:00pm (Taiwan Time) :pushpin: Venue NPO Hub Taipei 2F (No.2, Sec. 3, Chongqing S. Road, Taipei City) :pushpin: Host National Democratic Institute, Taiwan NextGen Foundation, European Values Center :pushpin: Agenda 6:30-7:00 Meet and Greet 7:00-7:05 Opening Remarks 7:05-7:55 Session One: Bridging the Digital Divide and Enhancing Citizen Participation 7:55-8:10 Break and Refreshments 8:10-9:00 Session Two: Tackling Gendered Disinformation :pushpin: Please note that this is an in-person event with international speakers joining online. :pushpin: All sessions will be conducted in English.

elisatychang 2022-03-07 12:25:55
Will the sessions be livestreamed or recorded by any chance?
Yes, we aim to livestream the event on Facebook (@NDI.Taiwan). We will share livestream details soon!
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Justin Huang 11:59:45
@jhuang496 has joined the channel
Analeigh 13:55:53
嗨嗨大家,四月在台南的大松今天開始報名囉~~~ 歡迎大家一起揪團去台南吃美食、做專案!


g0v hackath49n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾玖次全糖去冰黑客松 x 2022 亞太社會創新高峰會

g0v 第肆拾貳次大黑客松將在 2022.04.09(六)於台南 C-Hub 成大創意中心舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

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Analeigh 13:55:53
嗨嗨大家,四月在台南的大松今天開始報名囉~~~ 歡迎大家一起揪團去台南吃美食、做專案!

松本克 15:50:55
@cyh01263 has joined the channel
Thinh Nguyen 16:30:09
@lomahoc89 has joined the channel
Andy Kwok 17:34:08
@andy_kwok has joined the channel
Alvin Chen 22:35:34
@alvin.chen9393 has joined the channel


singing.y 01:07:18
@singing.y has joined the channel
王詩情 08:58:19 has joined the channel
Vic Chen 10:48:20
@skyeye.vic has joined the channel
chewei 17:27:30
*「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開 !*
活動時間:3/22 週二晚上 19:00-21:00 線上直播
👉 陳昭文|公私協力的十年磨劍: 從KAMERA到救急救難一站通
:point_right: 哈爸|LASS-公私協力模式-QA與經驗談
:point_right: Ronny|分享協助衛福部第一時間清理居家檢疫資料的經驗
:point_right: 雨蒼|分享過往在PDIS研究員任職過程的經驗
:point_right: RR|找尋公私協力中的「使用者」- 以「台南打疫苗」為例
:point_right: 劉美妤|山林治理中的公私協力:部落共管是可能的嗎?

chewei 17:27:30
*「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開 !*
活動時間:3/22 週二晚上 19:00-21:00 線上直播
👉 陳昭文|公私協力的十年磨劍: 從KAMERA到救急救難一站通
:point_right: 哈爸|LASS-公私協力模式-QA與經驗談
:point_right: Ronny|分享協助衛福部第一時間清理居家檢疫資料的經驗
:point_right: 雨蒼|分享過往在PDIS研究員任職過程的經驗
:point_right: RR|找尋公私協力中的「使用者」- 以「台南打疫苗」為例
:point_right: 劉美妤|山林治理中的公私協力:部落共管是可能的嗎?



#122- 「公私協力」是理想也是挑戰--跨部門協作辛酸史大公開

🙌 9 3 👍 1 2 1


ichieh 11:08:21
3/12 基礎松僅剩 6 個名額,還在猶豫的朋友請趕快報名,今天下午會寄出行前信唷!
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歐德內瑞 12:09:11
@coldearth40077 has joined the channel
張智皓/howard 12:30:05
@leseshour has joined the channel
Posheng Huang 13:44:13
@posheng168 has joined the channel
janehuang931112 14:14:06
@janehuang931112 has joined the channel
bess 16:06:49
`歡迎有關 5G 或地方創生的專案可以投投看這個計畫`

台灣大哥大基金會的公益專案「Tech The Dreamers 科技.夢想+」計畫,希望支持社會企業或 NGO,開發具共議性的科技應用方案。例如:森思眼動開發了一款讓重度身障兒童可以用眼睛玩的早療遊戲。今年為第二屆計畫,著重於地方創生發展,解決科技弱勢的社會公益問題,亦能促進地方繁榮,為多方實現夢想。台灣大基金會將與獲選團隊共同開發,且提供贊助開發金額大約 200 萬(實際金額視專案規模而定),每個月開進度會議給予建議及諮詢。

第二屆的計畫徵件為邀請制,由主辦單位媒合具備地方創生團隊所需之技術需求,推薦技術團隊報名,將與地方創生團隊組隊提案。可參考地方創生團隊所需的技術需求,若貴團隊有意願報名,請務必於 3/15(二)填寫報名單並且出席 3/18 計畫說明暨媒合會(行前通知將於報名計畫後寄出,活動請見簡章第 7 頁)。