希望加入 新竹東元以及大林慈濟醫院 · Issue #17 · g0v/er.mohw · GitHub
東元 <> 大林慈濟 <> <>
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Contribute to mirror-2016 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Maker Faire Taipei 2016 活動合作提案開跑 一起在 Maker Faire Taipei 2016完成瘋狂夢想吧! 歡迎任何合作提案,若欲合作請洽: <|>...
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我替 <|@g0vtw> 建立了 Telegram Group Chat,並配有與 IRC 互轉的機器人。有興趣加入者可循此連結進入: <>
<|> site
slack-irc-plugin - Slack plugin to sync IRC with your <|> account
議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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g0v Summit 2016 Contributor Registration (社群貢獻票專案)
本次 g0v 年會將在 2016 年 5 月 14-15 日,於台北中央研究院召開。
<|> - g0v summit website
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amis-data - Data from Virginia Fey's Amis Dictionary
moedict-webkit - 萌典網站
Contribute to coscup-schedule development by creating an account on GitHub.
議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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amis-data - Data from Virginia Fey's Amis Dictionary
g0v Summit 2016 Contributor Registration (社群貢獻票專案)
本次 g0v 年會將在 2016 年 5 月 14-15 日,於台北中央研究院召開。
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20150304 立法院第 9 屆第 1 會期黨團協商會議紀錄 1050304001
立法院議事影音訊號委託轉播試辦實施要點草案 法院會議錄影錄音管理規則第二條條文修正草案 各黨團推薦 6 位學者專家擔任國家金融安定基金管理委員會委員
2014 之後又跳過了一整年,g0v summit 2016 再次邀請全球公民技術社群來分享公務員,技術人員,和非政府組織工作人員之間的協作經驗。我們很高興邀請到 Filipe Heusser 擔任今年的專題演講者,他也是 the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前股東,以及 Berkman Center 的成員。
Optimise_Images · Pull Request #1 · zbryikt/quick-timer · GitHub
Hello! It is Picabot, an automatic GitHub image optimizer. Your repository cointains some images, and I compressed them for you. Do not worry: the compression is lossless and uses ImageOptim toolk...
What are the file limits in Git (number and size)?
Does anyone know what are the Git limits for number of files and size of files?
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Learn about sitemaps - Search Console Help
What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers li
2014 之後又跳過了一整年,g0v summit 2016 再次邀請全球公民技術社群來分享公務員,技術人員,和非政府組織工作人員之間的協作經驗。我們很高興邀請到 Filipe Heusser 擔任今年的專題演講者,他也是 the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前股東,以及 Berkman Center 的成員。
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Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
Use *.html as link url by othree · Pull Request #112 · g0v/ · GitHub
Use *.html in appbar's link. Also build tool will garb and generate *.html With real html in path, github pages can really serve them. Then search engine can grab the content of these pages
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** topic: 淺談開放原始碼和作業系統生態演化 ** summary: 開放原始碼和作業系統的科普介紹 我們將以開放原始碼技術發展的紀錄片《Revolution OS》為主要時間軸,穿插介紹 Linux, BSD, GNU Hurd 作業系統,伴隨著 gcc, Apache, MySQL 等重要開源基礎專案...
立法院程序委員會昨(8)日通過周五(11日)院會議程,其中民進黨立委李應元所提的租屋專法可望付委審查。草案明訂,房東在租約到期後,若無正當理由,不得拒絕房客續租,也不能將積欠房租的中低收入戶趕走,也須在消費者物價指數(CPI)漲幅在4%以上時才能漲租,否則可罰20萬元。 準總統蔡英文選前就承諾,執政後將制定租屋專法,房東的房屋稅適用自用住宅稅率,租金所得也要課稅,盼活絡租屋市場。而李應元提出的「自用房屋…
View Section: 1999年全國司法改革會議 ::民間司改會SayIt :: SayIt
Transcripts for the modern internet
Contribute to nationwide_judicial_reform_meeting development by creating an account on GitHub.
Code, test, and deploy together with GitLab open source git repo management software
Code, test, and deploy together Host it on your own server? Download and install the open source GitLab CE in 2 minutes Need …
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Google Docs
來不及報名參加台北史上最大防災型聯誼沒關係! 你以為只有災民可以跟災民聯誼嗎?錯了! 你一定忘記還有志工! 如果你在巷口帳棚遇見的對象是暖男/靚女, 那志工就是天使/女神。 當你渴了想喝水,志工馬上就變出一罐甘甜的礦泉水; 當你冷了想喝熱的,志工馬上就變出一碗暖心的清湯; 當你餓了想吃點東西,志工馬上就變出一碗飽腹的泡麵; 當你沒電了覺得好無聊,志工馬上就變出一顆充得滿滿的行動電源。 其他來聯誼的災民怎麼會是有求必應的志工的對手呢! 現在開始招募資訊志工。之前來不及報名參加的,現在就是你在殘酷的聯誼活動中,從沒報名的魯蛇,翻身變成人人期待的溫拿的最好機會啦! 服務時段是3/25 15:00-22:00 資訊志工要做的事情有: 1. 協助災民證/物資系統各項操作問題。 2. 處理現場臨時的 資訊資料keyin 或 GoogleMap標記 或 HackFolder 的維護. 3. 協助現場各種資訊設備的臨時充電/建置/維修事宜。 4. 瞭解災害現場各種可能發生的狀況,把這樣的經驗帶去更多地方,並作為我們日後的資訊節點,以後有災害的時候我們可能會想起你。 5. 觀察演習現場,提出下次演習精進建議。
2014 06 07 NHK Documentary: Disaster Big Data - Key to recovery
2016-03-11(五)公視主題之夜 播出 日本的311大數據分析檢討記錄片... - 新聞松 News Hackathon | Facebook
2016-03-11(五)公視主題之夜 播出 日本的311大數據分析檢討記錄片 《救命大數據 Disaster Big Data Saving Lives through information 》...
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hackfoldr-2.0-forkme - a forkable version of hackfoldr 2.0, made for moztw community
<|> - g0v summit website
react-transform-boilerplate - A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
hackfoldr-2.0-forkme - a forkable version of hackfoldr 2.0, made for moztw community
Yourator職涯情報 - 對於想加入新創圈的朋友,你有考慮過透過參加黑客松來增加你運用創新思維來改變世界的力量嗎?... | Facebook
對於想加入新創圈的朋友,你有考慮過透過參加黑客松來增加你運用創新思維來改變世界的力量嗎? 台灣黑客松的主辦單位之一【<http://零時政府|>】將於5.14-5.15在中央研究院舉辦大型論壇活動!快報名『g0v Summit 2016 Conference』,一起見證用數位時代的思考改變世界的力量!...
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We Tested How Googlebot Crawls Javascript And Here's What We Learned
Search Engine Land is the leading industry source for daily, must-read news and in-depth analysis about search engine technology.
3/27開催!CIVIC TECH FORUM 2016 〜CivicTechの未来に向けたアクションにつなげるためのイベント〜
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議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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<|> - g0v summit website
<|> Type: JoinAction - An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.Related actions:RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people...
Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator.
分軌大標放到議程表 · Issue #146 · g0v/ · GitHub
議程上方要加每一軌大標,參考上次: 分軌大標 + 一行文介紹 tagline 在此 <>
議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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COSCUP 2015, 8/15-16 中央研究院。台灣 Opens Source 相關社群聯合舉辦的大型開放源碼研討會。讓世界各地的 FLOSS 愛好者、專家藉由開源人年會齊聚一堂,分享經驗、想法與新技術,共同激發群眾投入貢獻開源 / 自由軟體。
<|> - g0v summit website
<|> - g0v summit website
<|> - g0v summit website
<|> - g0v summit website
COSCUP 2015, 8/15-16 中央研究院。台灣 Opens Source 相關社群聯合舉辦的大型開放源碼研討會。讓世界各地的 FLOSS 愛好者、專家藉由開源人年會齊聚一堂,分享經驗、想法與新技術,共同激發群眾投入貢獻開源 / 自由軟體。
![]() 台灣零時政府 - 【g0v Summit 2016 議程首波公開!】 g0v Summit 2016... | Facebook
【g0v Summit 2016 議程首波公開!】 g0v Summit 2016 將在 5 月 14-15 登場!本屆我們收到了來自全球 17 國、高達 70 份的投稿,活動規模再創紀錄,g0v Summit 已經成為全球公民科技社群與黑客聚集、交流不可錯過的國際活動!...
Contribute to pm25-proxy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to pm25-proxy development by creating an account on GitHub.
COSCUP2013Secretary-Toolkit - COSCUP2013 行政組專用的小工具 AWS SES, SQS, SNS, twilio
Functional coscup-like schedule page by MrOrz · Pull Request #156 · g0v/ · GitHub
Affix / sticky 還沒做。現在 day1 day2 按了也沒反應,因為還沒做(掩面 Desktop: Mobile:
Public Lab: Pm 2.5 network in Taiwan
Our taiwanese friends <|> wanted to share a new project they are working on -- 300 air quality...
GitHub 加 summit banner 連結 · Issue #157 · g0v/ · GitHub
這是一個 issue 連著 issue 的 issue.... g0v/
<@U02L0C4KF> <@U02L4T467> : 目前議程表的每個 room,在每個時段都有一個標題,例如說「動力」、「公民科技時代,運動組織的馬力再升級」這種 但是在 mockup 裡頭,他是以時段為主,把每個 room 列在時段底下: <> 這樣就沒有地方可以放「公民科技時代,運動組織的馬力再升級」這種房間時段標題了耶?
議程頁面 · Issue #79 · g0v/ · GitHub
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每一個 talk 的 permalink · Issue #165 · g0v/ · GitHub
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clifflu 又架 blog 了 O.o/
簡述流動式民主 (Liquid Feedback) 的投票運作方式,包含現行的明文投票,以及由原作者 hingo 所提出的秘密投票機制。
a jingle for g0v underground inspired by tkirby, yhsiang, Tammy, and RSChiang. cover pic by ETBlue (for g0v audio communique).
David Bismark: David Bismark: 防舞弊的電子選票
David Bismark展示了一個新的選舉系統,既簡單又容易查證,以防止舞弊及錯算選票,同時還能做到投票保密原則。
David Bismark on Verifiable Electronic Voting
In short: power is corrupting. People who want to get in power and stay in power are not averse to cheating in elections. To make sure it is as hard as possible to cheat in an election we have lots of procedures around it; everything from how you are identified in the polling station via how you fill out your vote in the seclusion of a voting booth to how your vote mixes with all the other votes in the ballot box to make sure that no-one knows how you voted. We also have lots of observers making sure that nothing adverse is going on. Still, it seems like something goes wrong in every single election. Someone makes a mistake or outright tries to cheat. It is not good enough that elections are this messy. They are so fundamental to our democracies and thus the way we live our lives that they have to be correct. We need to zoom out, look at a bigger picture and try to figure out what elections should really be like. My suggestion: elections should be verifiable. Every single voter should be able to check that her vote has been properly counted (and not dropped behind a cupboard, forgotten in a warehouse, delivered to the wrong post office or spoilt by election workers) and everyone should be able to check that the vote has been done correctly. The problem is: how do you make an election completely verifiable while keeping the votes absolutely secret? Without vote secrecy, the election is not open and fair and so need no verifiability. In the last few years the Verifiable Electronic Voting research community has suggested a number of different ways of doing this and I would like to explain how the Prêt à Voter system, invented by Professor Peter Y. A. Ryan and currently developed by a research group at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK, works. The Prêt à Voter system is based on a ballot form which has a candidate list with a random order from one form to the next. This means that if you look at two forms side by side, they will have the candidate lists in different order and this in turn means that if you mark your choice on one of them and then remove the candidate list, I won’t be able to tell from the bit remaining what your vote is for. Here are two ballot forms, compare the order of the candidate lists: So in order to vote you are given a random ballot form by a poll station worker. It is probably placed in an envelope so that no-one can see the order of the candidates. When you are alone in the voting booth you take out the ballot form and make your selections: When you are finished making your marks on the ballot form, you tear along a perforation, splitting the ballot form in two: one part containing the candidate list and the other containing your marks and a 2D barcode: Your next step is to destroy the candidate list. You do this whilst still in the voting booth so that no-one has a chance of getting a glimpse of your candidate list. This means that when the candidate list is destroyed, you are the only person who knows what your marks on the remaining bit of paper means. Destroy your candidate list by shredding it: You can now safely come out of the voting booth. From this moment your vote is encrypted and you are the only one who knows what it means. You can show it to anyone and you can have it scanned by poll station workers: Because the vote is encrypted it can be scanned, submitted, stored (and eventually counted) centrally and published on a website for anyone to see – including you. So you keep your encrypted vote as a receipt. When you get home after voting you can check that your vote is among the votes counted by comparing your encrypted receipt to the one on the website. Here is an example of an encrypted vote and the digitally signed receipt that you get to take home: Note that what you verify on the website (note that information might also be published in the newspaper, shown on TV and distributed in many other ways) is that the marks you made are the same in the electronic, counted, version of your encrypted vote. The verification step does not show how you voted as it does not display the candidate list, only the list of marks on your encrypted vote. After the close of the election the votes are decrypted in such a way as to hide all the voters’ identities and (after many cryptographic steps, spread out on many different parties) verifiably producing the plaintext, countable votes. This procedure is very complicated and require computers to do all the cryptography but this can be done by experts. Because of the way that the system is constructed, it is not possible for any single person or any single organisation to change the outcome of the election or to find out how you voted. Instead, we spread out the trust in the system on many different parties who are unlikely all to work together to break the election, for example the current government, the opposition, each political party, the United Nations, several governments of other countries etc. Unless all of these come together and decide to change the outcome of the election then no-one can do so. Unless they all come together and decide to find out how you, or any other voter, voted then no-one can do so. This is a much better way of trusting elections than having to trust that an enormous apparatus, involving thousands of people, millions of voters and millions of votes works without a problem. Photos taken by Dr Chris Culnane at the University of Surrey, UK – much obliged!
想問一下大家,我最近在規劃學校學生會的電子投票,我們遇到一個問題是如果有投票者投完之後跑來,堅持他投給A候選人,可是機器卻顯示B候選人,我們該怎處理比較好O_O 因為選舉本身的匿名性,我們其實無從判斷他到底投給誰
TouNeko has 9 repositories written in CSS, Ruby, and JavaScript. Follow their code on GitHub.
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twly_fileHandler - File handler of <>
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大會簡介內容上網站 · Issue #152 · g0v/ · GitHub
<> 單獨一頁或放首頁
議程頁面註明有口譯 · Issue #153 · g0v/ · GitHub
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交通頁面 · Issue #109 · g0v/ · GitHub
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