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‘News’ spreads faster and more widely when it’s false
A study of information sharing on Twitter shows people more likely to retweet falsehoods
The spread of true and false news online
There is worldwide concern over false news and the possibility that it can influence political, economic, and social well-being. To understand how false news spreads, Vosoughi et al. used a data set of rumor cascades on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. About 126,000 rumors were spread by ∼3 million people. False news reached more people than the truth; the top 1% of false news cascades diffused to between 1000 and 100,000 people, whereas the truth rarely diffused to more than 1000 people. Falsehood also diffused faster than the truth. The degree of novelty and the emotional reactions of recipients may be responsible for the differences observed. Science , this issue p. [1146][1] [1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aap9559
20180314 會議記錄 ==== ## Development roadmap ### 「列出一個人傳過的文章」功能 - Ref: <>
Goose3, the news article parsing tool for Python3 • r/Python
56 points and 5 comments so far on reddit
Moz Developer Blog
Benchmarking Python Content Extraction Algorithms: Dragnet, Readability, Goose, and Eatiht - Moz
Recently, we have been working to improve Dragnet, Moz's content extraction algorithms. These algorithms analyze a web page and separate the main article content (optionally with user-generated comments) from the navigation "chrome" (sidebars, footers, copyright notices, etc). Along the way, we benchmarked Dragnet against a few other Python content extraction repositories in execution speed and accuracy. This post describes those benchmarks and the recent improvements in Dragnet. tl;dr: The recently-improved Dragnet algorithms have higher F1 score than other similar algorithms, and are 3 to 7 times faster than Readability and Goose. Dragnet is available on PyPI: check out this page for installation instructions. Our Data Use Cases Throughout this post we will address two different use cases: Task 1: Extract the main content and all comments Task 2: Extract just the main article content, ignoring any comments Our primary data source is the test set from our 2013 paper, Content
真的假的觀察:0729「已發現破解蔡英文與唐鳳操控臉書方式」的轉傳與變形 – 真的假的 Cofacts – Medium
這是一張在 2017/07/29 確定被大量轉發的長輩圖,上面的步驟是
真的假的!轉傳訊息觀察日誌 – 真的假的 Cofacts – Medium
Cofacts 真的假的 LINEBot 是一個致力於協助使用者辨別假新聞的查證工具。但是協助我們辨別訊息真假的,不只是軟體,還要靠「工人智慧」,因此我們歡迎每個願意致力追求真相的朋友加入我們,一起讓不實訊息能被輕易辨認。. 真的假的是在 Line 上提供闢謠功能的聊天機器人。我們是業餘、非營利、完全由素人發起的專案團隊,受到第一屆公民科技創新獎助金補助。我們誠心地邀請每一個有心讓這個世界,不論政治、食安、交通等各種資訊都更多元、公開、透明的朋友,都可以加入我們。(所有資訊皆在此公開:<>.
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ชัวร์ก่อนแชร์. 109K likes. ศูนย์ ชัวร์ก่อนแชร์ สำนักข่าวไทย อสมท ตรวจสอบความจริงเรื่องที่แชร์กันบนโซเชียล @SureAndShare
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:: SM Hoax Slayer :: Swachh Social Media Abhiyaan
:: SM Hoax Slayer :: Swachh Social Media Abhiyaan - Slap the Liar with the Truth !
Slap the Liar with the Truth !
Fix reply type introduction text by MrOrz · Pull Request #62 · cofacts/rumors-line-bot
Fixes #61
Temp landing page by MrOrz · Pull Request #88 · cofacts/rumors-site
Related meeting notes <> <> This PR Adds built binary of the landing page Adds instruction on how to update ...
「Cofacts 真的假的」是一套連結網路訊息與事實查核的協作型系統。
【Cofacts 真的假的】Open Datasets - HackMD
【Cofacts 真的假的】Open Datasets ===== In order to facilitate academic research and analysis in fact-c
Configure Renovate by renovate · Pull Request #59 · cofacts/rumors-line-bot
Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin. Renovate will begin keeping your dependencies up-to-date only once yo...