
輔因子(英語:cofactor)指與酶(酵素)結合且在催化反應中必要的非蛋白質化合物。某些分子如水和部分常見的離子所扮演的角色和輔因子相當類似,但由於含量不受限制且普遍存在,因此不歸類為輔因子。 辅因子可以被分类为无机离子或称为"辅酶"的复合有机分子,后者主要衍生自少量的维生素和其他有机必需营养素。 一個不含輔因子的酶稱為脫輔基酶(apoenzyme),脫輔基酶加上輔因子並產生完整作用時,稱為全酶(holoenzyme): 脫輔基酶(apoenzyme)+ 輔因子(cofactor)<=> 全酶(holoenzyme)金屬離子是常見的輔因子,這些金屬離子反映在生物必須的微量元素名單當中。例如鈣、鎂、錳、鐵、鈷、鎳、銅、鋅與鉬等。除了這些無機化學物之外,輔因子也包括一些有機物質,例如血紅蛋白中与鐵结合的血红素。另外有些維生素也可作為輔因子,如維生素C;或是輔因子的前趨物,如維生素B1。
Google Data Studio
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How the world celebrated the third International Fact-Checking Day - Poynter
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面对骗局横生的朋友圈,都是谁在帮微信辟谣?| 315特别报道 | 雷锋网
A team of designers, technologists and journalists who focus on open source investigation of digital media and crowdsourced translation of social media.
大家好!我是剛剛來到g0v的新人,專長是日文口譯(&翻譯)。之前就一直很有興趣參與開源圈的活動,雖然有耳聞g0v summit有翻譯志工(好像COSCUP也有?),但三番兩次想找相關資訊都一直碰壁(Orz...)。不知道有沒有熟悉口譯組或是相關翻譯運作的大大可以給我一點線索呢?感謝!
Dega · Open source platform for publishing fact checks
Open source platform for publishing fact checks
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主网上线后,likecoin 已经是一种理财手段 + 智能代议体系 - Matters
本月初,Likecoin 主网上线,这是与 Matters 每位用户的利益都息息相关的大事,但不了解区块链的朋友可能对此缺乏觉悟。最近状态不好,不想写文章,但看到很多人在谈 Likecoin 发链这件事,我也简单分享一下持仓。
Add /analytics & /hack redirect page by MrOrz · Pull Request #188 · cofacts/rumors-site
Previously, visiting <http://cofacts.g0v.tw/analytics|cofacts.g0v.tw/analytics> redirects to google data studio and <http://cofacts.g0v.tw/hack|cofacts.g0v.tw/hack> redirects to our hackfoldr. This PR reimplements such redirection mechanism, in next.js v9 way.
Creating Your Own Apollo Cache for Perf and Profit
Optimizing page loading time with a custom Apollo cache
fatal CPU usage growth with webpack externals & next/head · Issue #6914 · zeit/next.js
Bug report Describe the bug Combination of webpack externals in next.config.js and next/head causes max cpu when under load and degradation in response time from 10ms to >5s. To Reproduce Minima...
全台最大資訊查核LINE社群「真的假的」:別再抱怨亡國感了,來做事吧! - 未來城市@天下
「Cofacts 真的假的」是一套連結網路訊息與事實查核的協作型系統。使用者可以將收到的訊息轉傳給 Cofacts Line 機器人,Cofacts 的編輯會找現有資料查證並回應。任何人都可以轉傳訊息給 Line 機器人,任何人也都可以擔任編輯幫忙闢謠。
address already in use for NODE_OPTIONS="--inspect" · Issue #9027 · zeit/next.js
Bug report Describe the bug No matter if run in Docker or on bare metal, if I set NODE_OPTIONS=&quot;--inspect&quot; (with any arbitrary port) I get an error that it&#39;s in use. To Reproduce clon...
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Stack Overflow
Docker: Mount directory from one container to another
I have two docker images. One of the docker image (from first container), when ran, generates some files, which needs to be consumed by the another container. Can I do this?
Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project. Contribute to cofacts/rumors-deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Stack Overflow
Docker Compose - Share named volume between multiple containers
I'm using docker-compose and v3. I'm trying to mount a volume in docker: ./appdata:/appdata I'd like to have this as a volume and then reference that volume from multiple containers. The volume
Set up Docker and NGINX for a Next.js app
Tutorial | Set up a production Docker environment for a Next.js app with NGINX as a reverse-proxy with server caching
Reverse Proxy with Caching | NGINX
An example NGINX configuration that acts as a reverse proxy with caching.
The DEV Community
Accelerate your website with Nginx as a reverse proxy cache
Optimizing Web Performance is a pending issue that we must continually work on. There are multiple solutions to improve our response times.
Reply list wording revamp · Issue #140 · cofacts/rumors-line-bot
From: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/CWKXj50SRQuCfxxlFi3STg#2-%E6%9C%89%E5%A4%9A%E5%89%87%E5%9B%9E%E6%87%89%E6%99%82> Needs clearer call-to-action so that users know that they should choose. Cofacts 志工對這則訊息發...
Facebook Messenger bot that checks if a message contains internet rumor. - cofacts/rumors-fb-bot
Line bot that checks if a message contains internet rumor. - cofacts/rumors-line-bot
Rumors list / creation UI, with server-side rendering - cofacts/rumors-site
Hi everyone! My name is Victoria and I am working on a short documentary-like video on civic tech/g0v/and democracy. My organization (NDI) has been a friend of g0v and Code for All for many years (I have met at few of you at various times in Taipei, including a few years ago at the g0v summit/Code for All Summit :)) and I am really excited for this opportunity. You can read more about the film and our hopeful(!) schedule for filming here: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/HaIQVQpLQ8i-ixUDyXtBCQ> Please find the link to my interview questions below which will be used for the video regarding g0v and your work (I will be interviewing three people from the community - someone representing 0archive, someone representing cofacts, and someone from g0v who is also in government), I look forward to your input! <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@kVqWpZq8R12VCa4i1N68UA/SJiTyGyJ8/edit> Please edit and reach out directly if your have any questions!
A Tale of Two (Docker Multi-Stage Build) Layers
Production Ready Dockerfiles for Node.js using SSR or Nginx
Rumors list / creation UI, with server-side rendering - cofacts/rumors-site
LINE群組的假訊息從哪來?跨國調查,追出內容農場「直銷」產業鏈 - 報導者 The Reporter
Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project. Contribute to cofacts/rumors-deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project. Contribute to cofacts/rumors-deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.
Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project. Contribute to cofacts/rumors-deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.