但它錯字好明顯 XDDD
Today was the first day of `Hack the Disinfo 2024`, a hackathon hosted by Code for Japan. @りょーま(Yuki Kawabe) san presented `BirdXplorer` at the hackathon. Here is an [NHK](<https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20241103/k10014628211000.html>) report about the event :slightly_smiling_face: <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C01Q8THBQG6/p1730639202726989|View original message>
Today was the first day of `Hack the Disinfo 2024`, a hackathon hosted by Code for Japan. @りょーま(Yuki Kawabe) san presented `BirdXplorer` at the hackathon. Here is an [NHK](<https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20241103/k10014628211000.html>) report about the event :slightly_smiling_face: <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C01Q8THBQG6/p1730639202726989|View original message>
# Cofacts 會議記錄 - [搜尋](<https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=71f4f7ee215d54fe6>)[target=_blank] ## 2024 -
Cofacts reasearch & design docs - HackMD
# Cofacts reasearch & design docs :::info - Design docs: Implementation documents with requiremen
Build and consume REST APIs with ease. No more compromises on type safety in client-server communication. All thanks to TypeScript and OpenAPI.
美籍狼來台35天行蹤成謎!AIT示警 移民署急尋人:找到就驅逐出境 | 太報 | LINE TODAY
一名曾在美國犯下未成年猥褻罪的43歲美籍男子,上月2日入境來台後行蹤不明,經美國在台協會通報後,移民署列管並不予許可居留,並發出公文提醒教育部等單位,協尋行蹤。 男子名叫Levi Forrest Wallace,23年前在俄勒岡州犯下對未成年性猥褻案,被判處有期徒刑90天、緩刑2年,並未遭到通緝,但他10月2日清晨入境來台後,卻未按照登記地址居住,行蹤不明。 為避免他停留間害台灣利益,或妨害善良風俗,美國在台協會進行通報,移民署得知後,即將Wallace列管,並不予許可居留。 移民署也在10月11日向警政署、外交部、勞動部及教育部發出密件公文,請各單位協尋男子行蹤,若有查獲或知悉立即通報。 由
#184 UpdateReply API and replyUpdateBlocker field for reply
As discussed in <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@mrorz/cofacts-meeting-notes/%2F%40mrorz%2Fr1dQQZbmU|20200212 meeting>, we want to allow editor to edit their reply when • The reply is only used by the editor itself (the author should know the impact of the edit) • The reply has not yet received any feedback (the edit should now invalidate user's feedbacks) We plan to add 1 mutation API, and one new field to `Reply` type for this: """ The reason why the editor cannot edit """ enum ReplyUpdateBlocker { NOT_AUTHORIZED # Not logged in or not the author of reply HAS_FEEDBACK USED_BY_OTHER_EDITORS } type Reply { """ The reason why the current user cannot edit this reply. null if the current user can edit. The blockers are determined in the following order: (1) current user is the author or not (2) `positiveFeedbackCount` and `negativeFeedbackCount` are both 0 or not (3) all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author or not """ updateBlocker: ReplyUpdateBlocker } mutation { """ Updates reply text, type & reference when (1) current user is the author (2) `positiveFeedbackCount` and `negativeFeedbackCount` are both 0 (3) all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author """ UpdateReply( replyId: String! text: String type: ReplyTypeEnum reference: String waitForHyperlinks: Boolean = false ) { ""' The reply after update. `null` when update is not successful """ reply: Reply """ The reason why update fails. null when can update. """ blocker: ReplyUpdateBlocker } } "all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author" can be achieved by loading article-reply of a reply using <https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/blob/master/src/graphql/dataLoaders/articleRepliesByReplyIdLoaderFactory.js|`articleRepliesByReplyIdLoader`> and check each article-reply's author ID.
# Cofacts 會議記錄 - [搜尋](<https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=71f4f7ee215d54fe6>)[target=_blank] ## 2024 -
(被 DDoS 攻擊收到鉅額 GCP 帳單的經驗分享和求助) 網路上看到過幾次網站被 DDoS 而收到鉅額流量帳單的故事,沒想到這次的受害人是我自己 :tired_face: 大約半年前,我客戶網站上的一張放在 Google Cloud Storage (台灣 asia-east1 區) 的圖片,被 DDoS 攻擊,持續下載同一張圖片(500MiB/s,每秒 8k requests 來自歐美的七個 IP 位址)...
# Cofacts 會議記錄 - [搜尋](<https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=71f4f7ee215d54fe6>)[target=_blank] ## 2024 -
> Design doc: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@cofacts/rd/%2Fzx_Au6iiRN601tnMK7gx3A|https://g0v.hackmd.io/@cofacts/rd/%2Fzx_Au6iiRN601tnMK7gx3A> • Add 'badges' schema for maintain supported badges infromation • Add 'badges' to 'users' schema for maintain user obtained badge list
# Cofacts 會議記錄 - [搜尋](<https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=71f4f7ee215d54fe6>)[target=_blank] ## 2024 -