Weird article often being matched in search queries · Issue #137 · cofacts/rumors-api
This particular message is very &quot;popular&quot;: <https://cofacts.g0v.tw/article/tibj83yu5zyr> The URL does not make any sense, but it somehow matched in many search queries, so that our chatbot ...
Repository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent u...
IFTTT Help Center
My RSS feed isn't working or updating
The RSS feed service is a great way to pipe a blog or website into IFTTT and build connections with it. However, not all feeds are created equal, and some work better with IFTTT than others. Here a...
RSS for article lists by MrOrz · Pull Request #210 · cofacts/rumors-site
This PR implements part of #170 Adds RSS endpoint: /api/articles/rss2, /api/articles/atom1, /api/articles/json1 Each endpoint supports same URL query as article page. For instance, /api/articles/r...
Cofacts 在這個週末,遇到了 2 個與資料庫有關的事情, 希望與大家討論看看。 # 個案 :one: :Line 使用者回報的訊息被控侵權 上周五我們收到一封來自「青島媒體屋商務服務有限公司」的維權請求,要求我們 24 小時內移除這個這篇訊息裡的 URL: <http://cofacts.g0v.tw/article/1ra070ac6gjju>...
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)
【國際媒體看臺灣大選:face_with_monocle:】 昨天魔法部長才舉行選前外媒記者會 今天就看到美國:us: PBS 製作了超~完整的專題報導~ 只能說臺灣這次的選舉 #全世界都在看‼️ 近10分鐘的影片 小編發現國外媒體非常關注這次 #中國介選 的情形呢 :scream: 像是報導中提到了 #CoFacts真的假的 第三方事實查核網站 在大選期間蒐集了充斥網路媒體的可疑資訊 藉由採訪「CoFacts」的機會 PBS也針對 #假訊息...
g0v 第拾伍次基礎建設松將於 01/18(六)14:00 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹、吃午餐!
:tip1: :tip2: :g0v: 賺外快的機會來囉~ 隨著 Cofacts 專案邁入第四年,我們希望在 2020 年*招募到工作夥伴*進行短期的衝刺,將 Cofacts 推進到下一個階段。招募的職位有: - Moderator - ReactJS & NodeJS 全端工程師 - Data Scientist - Finance Administrative(短期聘僱) 詳請請洽 :point_down: :point_down: <https://hackmd.io/aaOa5P_nTYa2Wfg160KzOQ|https://hackmd.io/aaOa5P_nTYa2Wfg160KzOQ>
Getting Started with the Platform API | Heroku Dev Center
A tutorial showing how to get started with the Heroku Platform API, which lets you programmatically automate, extend and combine Heroku with other services.
Running Heroku CLI from Heroku Scheduler | Geeky Tidbits
The Heroku Scheduler is a simple and handy add-on for any Heroku application, to run recurring commands. I recently had the need to run a Heroku CLI command from within the Scheduler itself. Why would you need to do such a thing? In my case, at <https://youneedabudget.com|YNAB>, we have an app pipeline which includes a staging app for our marketing site. We don’t want this staging app running all the time for various reasons, including not wanting others to accidently stuble upon it and not wanting search engines to crawl it. So, we wanted to put the app in maintenace mode on a scheduled basis. When we deploy an update to the staging app we take the app out of maintenance mode as part of the deployment process but then we want the Scheduler to automatically take it back into maintence mode.
Google Docs
2020 g0v 坑抗 Keng of Conf ── 坑主小聚 | 邀請碼索取
活動時間:2020/02/02 (日) 14:00 - 18:00 地點:登記完成後的 Email 會說明,注意:未登記請勿參加小聚 坑主小聚共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/confkeng2020> KKTIX 活動報名頁面:<https://g0v-jothon.kktix.cc/events/kengconf01> 本活動採邀請制,邀請碼收單時間為 1/29(三)初五 中午(12:00)。 若有任何問題請於 g0v Slack @ichieh @bess,謝謝。
<http://Coinsence.org|Coinsence.org> is a decentralized network that empower changemakers and organizations to collaborate on projects that benefit society.
List all article-replies · Issue #129 · cofacts/rumors-api
<https://g0v.hackmd.io/SLdQ6HlETYO4NWmfVYsB1g> 之後想要做一個 article reply 列表,比較能反映大家的 contribution 要 notify 使用者來看的話,有這樣的列表也是好事 另外還可以加上有用 / 沒用程度 filter
composite aggregation as child aggregation · Issue #28611 · elastic/elasticsearch
The 6.x new composite aggregation provides a way to scroll and page on terms bucket, and it&#39;s a good thing. However, it&#39;s not (for now?) possible to set a composite aggregation as a child o...
Cofacts 真的假的 元宵節 - 第十八次平平安安慶元宵編輯小聚
個月一次,用一個下午的時間加入 Cofacts 團隊,一起工作闢謠解惑,你就是改變台灣的假新聞終結者。 來編輯小聚就送限量 Cofacts 貼紙。回應超過200篇,送委外設計的LINE貼圖!