From comments in <|#169>: • `Query.context` is a little bit confusing with apollo context • `UserContext.state` & `` should be non-nullable
*<|8 new commits> pushed to <|`dev`>* <|`080040ad`> - GraphQL authentication & context population <|`30c8a3e5`> - Implement authentication, @auth directive and context field <|`da8ccf6e`> - Redundent jest.mock() as manual mocks for node modules will always load. <|`f24191c8`> - Add "manual" (auto) mock for redisClient so that all redisClient deps are mocked (such as in graphql/__tests__/insights) <|`8dfa0c12`> - Prettier fix <|`5295edb2`> - Avoid calling the real redisClient in unit tests <|`97b491de`> - Add userId in GraphQL context after authentication <|`8a390abf`> - Merge pull request #169 from cofacts/auth-api
*<|9 new commits> pushed to <|`dev`>* <|`d36d76e4`> - Implements mutation GraphQL endpoints for LIFF <|`deb8bdd8`> - Remove submitReplyRequest because it is no longer needed <|`ea856c55`> - Remove submitArticle mutation because it's not needed <|`b853bed2`> - Prettier fix <|`7860ec7d`> - Add unit test for gql <|`8ec31451`> - Lint fix <|`cc864507`> - gql error handling test. For test coverage... <|`f86275a9`> - Prettier fix <|`c5b68460`> - Merge pull request #170 from cofacts/mutation-api
Successfully deployed <|`8a390ab`> to <|rumors-line-bot-staging>
*<|8 new commits> pushed to <|`dev`>* <|`9d7f9b99`> - Setup svelte liff and server build <|`0bb6c769`> - audit fix <|`51673df0`> - Add liff proxy in dev mode <|`eb8d1a78`> - Add basic svelte setup <|`0c2d09f0`> - Svelte i18n and corejs polyfill <|`711fe7f2`> - Imports polyfills that supports Safari10 and Android 52 <|`10bb13af`> - Eslint ignore built liff/* <|`8cc7ede5`> - Merge pull request #171 from cofacts/svelte-liff
This channel will get notifications from <|cofacts> for: `issues`, `pulls`, `public`
This channel will get notifications from <|cofacts> for: `issues`, `pulls`, `public`, `comments`, `reviews`
To see <|#162>
Stack Overflow
Javascript: best Singleton pattern
Possible Duplicate: Simplest/Cleanest way to implement singleton in JavaScript? I'm using this pattern for singletons, in the example the singleton is PlanetEarth: var NAMESPACE = function ()...
Stack Overflow
Simplest/Cleanest way to implement singleton in JavaScript?
What is the simplest/cleanest way to implement singleton pattern in JavaScript?
When to Use a Private Constructor | TypeScript OOP | Khalil Stemmler
In this blog post, I explain how using a private constructor helps to force a single way to create an object, and why it's most commonly used with the Factory Pattern.
Comment on #182 Feature/162 setup db
Update: as <|discussed in Slack> we decided to add a comment to constructor to indicate that the users of `CofactsMongoClient` should never call `new` by themselves. When we adopt Typescript in the future, we will make the constructor private to make sure that users of `CofactsMongoClient` can only retrieve its singleton instance via `getInstance()` static method. `CofactsMongoClient` is dedicated to connecting to Cofacts LINE bot mongodb, not something that is generalized. ES6 class is used so that it's easier to define method and update the client type in the same time, also ensures a smoother updater when we rewrite in Typescript.
Cofacts - Connecting facts and instant messages
Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports or different opinions together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan.