
Month: 2018-08


ttcat 14:50:51
今晚能開一下 hangout 讓我線上討論嗎
ttcat 14:51:27
changhc84 14:55:20
可以 8點多?
ttcat 15:01:07
ttcat 15:01:35
Ok 了再敲我喲
mrorz 15:46:10
mrorz 15:46:41

今晚十點,在線問答|假訊息糾察隊!這則消息是【真的假的】? - The Matters

今天晚上十點的線上問答,主角是一群致力於揪出網路謠言跟不實訊息的人,他們是「真的假的」。 「真的假的」,第一次聽到這個名字的人,可能會愣一下,這裡說的「真的假的」不是英文的 ” really? ” ,

ttcat 16:33:01
帥喔 ++
changhc84 20:14:14
@ttcat 我們好囉
ttcat 20:32:05


mrorz 20:28:22
Hi @han.kirstenly
I would like to ask if we can make the Google Doc interview note public?
If yes, under what license would you publicize the note? I would suggest CC0 or CC BY-4.0


mrorz 09:50:38
Hi all,
因為 Puppeteer 要在 docker 裡跑起來要裝一堆東西進 image,我覺得應該要把 url rendering 分拆出去變成獨立 microservice, 理由是:

1. 他的 dependency 太多 (see: ) 通通放一起會讓 api server 的 image 肥大,不利於未來 deploy
2. 我沒辦法讓 Docker 裡的 Puppeteer 在不加 --no-sandbox 的狀況下執行,讓我覺得想要把整個 URL rendering 拆出去,這樣就算 load 到惡意網頁被打爆,也只會在死 url rendering 的部分 (話說回來,現在一堆 try puppeteer 的東西都用 --no-sandbox 真的沒問題嗎 )



url-resolver - Automatically resolves the given URL into useful data

mrorz 09:55:00
我打算拆出去的部份是: given url, return `{title, summary, rawHtml}` 這樣的功能,也就是把 puppeteer 與 readability.js 拆過去。服務不接資料庫,輸入 url 就一定會去 scrap 資料回來。

具體來說,會跑進 microservice 的是這些 code:

以下東西會保留在 Rumors-api:
1. 從文字裡拆出 URL
2. 看看 Elasticsearch 裡這個 URL 是不是已經被爬過了, I.e. 處理 caching
3. 從 Microservice 拿到 `{title, summary, rawHtml}` 之後,用適當方式放進 elasticsearch
mrorz 09:56:09
然後 rumors-api 與 URL scrapping microservice 之間隨便用個 shared secret 保障沒有別人會亂用這個 scrapping microservice
mrorz 10:00:47
最後,我昨天晚上有試過,這樣的 setup 可以讓 puppeteer 在 docker 裡跑起來:
我試著把 puppeteer deploy 到 now 上,他跟我抱怨 image 太大。我今晚會拆出 Base image 再試試看,總之上述分拆在技術上確定可行(拆出去是會動的),但需要聽聽大家的意見。

@ggm @darkbtf @sunrise91.t3 @桓誠我不知道你的ID哭哭
ggm 15:07:16
@changhc84 桓誠應該是這個 XD
ggm 15:08:34
可以呀我覺得這樣切不錯 是說你機器開在哪裡呀 某台 AWS 上 發現好像沒有給過你機器的錢?
ggm 15:09:10
所以機器上面會跑三個服務: ElasticSearch, url-resolver, API 這樣嗎
mrorz 15:41:35
rumors-api 是在 linode 上,每月 USD 10,目前我自己付
對耶其實我可以跟你請款齁 XD
mrorz 15:41:54
那台 linode 很熱鬧,同時跑
mrorz 15:42:13
elasticsearch, api, site (next.js 是 SSR,所以也是獨立的 server)
mrorz 15:42:33
*而且* Staging stack 是分開的
mrorz 15:43:06
所以其實跑了 6 個服務:production es, production api, production site, staging es, staging api, staging site
mrorz 15:43:58
然後用 docker-compose 管理:



rumors-deploy - Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project

mrorz 15:44:14
那 url-resolver 我想丟去 now ( )
mrorz 15:44:17
mrorz 15:44:33
不希望會佔到這個小 linode 的資源
mrorz 15:47:13
now 每次 deploy 的 URL 都不一樣嗎?這樣他們那裏不會有一堆不同版本的 code 要 always online?
mrorz 15:48:29 真的都不一樣 有點酷

ZEIT Documentation

Assign a Domain Name - ZEIT Documentation

Using Now `alias` to assign a domain to your deployments

ggm 17:27:04
結果我連不上 now
mrorz 17:34:39 似乎爆炸中

ZEIT Status (@zeit_status) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from ZEIT Status (@zeit_status). Quick updates on the status of our infrastructure and microservices


mrorz 00:07:43
然後看來應該是上不了 now
因為他限制 docker image size 100MB
所以我 survey 到的那些號稱可以 1-click deploy to now 的,可能只是「以前可以」

The Practical Dev docker image size limitation

Does anyone know if limits the size of docker images? I failed to deploy...

😢 1
mrorz 00:08:19



micro-website-api - An API microservice that crawls dynamic website powered by puppeteer.

mrorz 00:12:36
實測也確實會被 now 擋住
mrorz 00:13:06


mrorz 11:34:02
還是拆兩個 image,但是通通都塞 linode 的同一台。
因為找不到合適的地方 deploy。

GCP 的 app engine 號稱可以無痛用 puppeteer ( ) 但實際上照著做,卻一直遇到 500 internal server error,然後 log 顯示 dependency 有缺,我黑人問號。
ttcat 15:17:58
OCF 已同意可協助 Cofacts 粉絲團進行企業認證
2 🐳 2


mrorz 02:03:23
@han.kirstenly I’d like to ask if we can share the interview note publicly under a Creative Commons license? Maybe CC0? In this way this note can help future interviewers / journalists as well.
I’m fine with this!
great, thanks for sharing the interview note!
ggm 15:24:50
我其實在想我們統一放到某個平台好不?好管理也好記帳,稍微多噴一點錢也還好 GCP 的話我還有 Credit 可以用到明年中
ggm 15:25:22
URL resolver 分家之後我們就跑了三個平台了
mrorz 15:25:22
是說各個 service 嗎
ggm 15:25:54
mrorz 15:26:11
那看要不要拆 VM?
ggm 15:26:18
mrorz 15:26:29
mrorz 15:26:36
url resolver 因為在 now 跑不起來
ggm 15:26:39
ggm 15:26:41
mrorz 15:26:42
所以打算塞回 api 那裏
ggm 15:26:52
mrorz 15:27:05
這樣就依然是 linode 與 heroku
mrorz 15:27:10
heroku for line bot
mrorz 15:27:15
linode for everything else
ggm 15:27:43
ggm 15:29:06
那好像也還好 不然我原本在想可以全上 docker hub 然後跑在 k8s 上面之類的
mrorz 15:29:31
是說我的 g0v summit talk 是不是沒上啊 QAQ
剛剛寄信說明了,抱歉久等 QQ
ggm 15:31:57
我也沒上 XD


pofeng 20:55:06
如果 cofact 有開始考慮 whatsapp & FB chatbot , 是否有考慮跟一些國內的網路輿情公司討論 (甚至合作) eg: Qsearch & 星輿, 我個人會很有興趣參與牽線並討論
👍 1
ggm 21:10:46
噢噢噢好像不錯耶,我是跟 Qsearch 蠻熟的,認識周世恩和空哥 不過星輿我就不認識了 XD 這部分是還沒有規劃到那邊,下次可以討論看看
pofeng 21:21:21
好喔, 之後有機會再看看能不能抓出謠言的規則 (eg: 反查出來是內容農場)
mrorz 21:21:30
mrorz 21:21:31
👍 1
mrorz 21:21:35
mrorz 21:21:46



opendata - Open data of Cofacts collaborative fact-checking database

mrorz 21:22:02
但依照我們現在團隊的 capacity 而言
mrorz 21:22:47
mrorz 21:22:59
mrorz 21:23:03
pofeng 21:23:19
好, 瞭解,
mrorz 21:23:20
mrorz 21:23:33
畢竟 Cofacts 還有非常多該改進的
pofeng 21:30:36
主要是 假新聞/公民科技 這塊 ocf 可能會開始去申請經費, 有機會的話, 我在想大家要如何串在一起
mrorz 23:55:25
@ggm 有興趣嗎~~


ggm 13:46:13
不行沒時間和精力 XD 我也覺得 cofacts 還有很多地方要做
ggm 13:46:34
我會再留意有沒有適合的人推坑 再介紹給 @pofeng XD
pofeng 13:47:48
好喔, 沒問題, 謝謝, 兩位辛苦了
pofeng 13:48:33
這還是非常非常早期, 亂說的階段, Qsearch 方面大概也只能提供資料
👍 1
ggm 13:49:13
恩恩不過應該是蠻有趣的 XD
ggm 13:49:22



GitHub is where people build software. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 85 million projects.

ael 13:50:38
找 clkao
👍 1 1
ggm 13:51:26
johnny 13:58:37
@johnny has joined the channel
🙌 1
chihao 22:33:48
想請問 Cofacts 的大家,接下來幾週是不是就是週三晚上的固定會議?還有沒有別的聚會能讓我去稍微跟拍?我在準備 g0v 九月初在奧地利的展覽 QAQ
bess 22:37:01


mrorz 00:25:05
8/24 小聚如何
🙌 1
mrorz 00:25:26
@lucien 請做宣傳圖喔


johnny 15:55:58
8/18 投票指南記者會,歡迎有空的朋友來參與
@johnny 直接入場就可以了嗎?
不知道為什麼燃點一直很希望 Cofacts 來參加 ….
@ggm 你會去投票指南嗎
90% 會 XDD 因為剛好很近
okok 那我去沃草的
1 👍 2 4
@null 21:19:27

Log event

2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 114 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031346+00:00 app web.1 - - { tag: 'unknown', 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 116 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031348+00:00 app web.1 - - platform: 'line', 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 121 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031350+00:00 app web.1 - - direction: 'outgoing', 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 104 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031351+00:00 app web.1 - - raw: 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 149 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031353+00:00 app web.1 - - { replyToken: '9c0af967c9054f789f2bcc266fbd7faf', 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 120 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031355+00:00 app web.1 - - messages: [Array], 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 302 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031356+00:00 app web.1 - - channelAccessToken: 'THtK0uItVbdqtMtoXhvYIM6FdXEkSOLdiNSSlxyT/wrSUUHNh07axrDT1W0y8DoAJVyaP2MVy7OyQhSXBxSPfZ7FGnWRHnUqn4SCt4G4GWKviPMDBCWhSG/r76arCLs8NTuYUYaBhYzICDP9AeQTggdB04t89/1O/w1cDnyilFU=' } } } 2018-08-15 13:15:12.458 94 &lt;190&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:12.031358+00:00 app web.1 - - 2018-08-15 13:15:21.792 310 &lt;158&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:15:21.603082+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=POST path="/callback" host=<|> request_id=4cc64904-c945-4bcc-b57c-016a62fc8000 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=2ms status=200 bytes=137 protocol=https 2018-08-15 13:18:23.690 443 &lt;134&gt;1 2018-08-15T13:17:55+00:00 app heroku-redis - - source=REDIS addon=redis-concave-55484 sample#active-connections=2 sample#load-avg-1m=0.115 sample#load-avg-5m=0.09 sample#load-avg-15m=0.1 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=15664360kB sample#memory-free=11693660kB sample#memory-cached=972812kB sample#memory-redis=20068384bytes sample#hit-rate=0.95854 sample#evicted-keys=0


bess 01:39:20
8/25 g0v Summit 實體會議也在 Tmot Space
bess 01:39:41
mrorz 10:33:08
mrorz 10:33:23
@yutin 塞得下嗎

yutin 10:35:45
@yutin has joined the channel
chihao 11:04:18
kirsten 13:24:49


At Cofacts in Taiwan, volunteer editors and a time-saving chatbot race to combat falsehoods on LINE.

Over the past three months, Cofacts received more than 46,000 messages — and the chatbot was able to automatically answer 35,180 of them.

Spotted a small inaccuracy:
Actually I have access to MyGoPen’s admin *after* Cofacts’ chatbot approach is implemented. But the chance to access indeed makes me realize that chatbot is an adequate approach.

But I think the inaccuracy does not affect the greatness of the article. Thank you for the detailed report @han.kirstenly!
Sorry about the inaccuracy! I’ll email the editors and let them know.
7 🐳 3 👍 1



chihao 08:59:33
請問今天 cofacts 是不是有開會?開放側拍嗎?
拍 都拍
8pm ~ 11pm 在 Workis
g0v 臨時展覽工作組感謝各位 🙇
Uva Vaca 11:16:57
@uvavaca has joined the channel
Uva Vaca 11:17:57
mrorz 11:18:54
Hi @uvavaca
mrorz 11:19:46
When the message is in mandarin in this channel, it’s mostly about technical / programming stuff, which can be safely ignored 👩‍🏭
mrorz 11:21:34
Hi everyone, @uvavaca is from El Poder de Elegir project.

Her project and Cofacts shares the same methodology - performs fact-checking collaboratively.

From our previous conversations I learned that El Poder de Elegir focuses more on infographics, gifs, videos and even audios for the elderies.

Ahead of Colombia’s elections, this women-driven initiative fact-checks information on WhatsApp

Chicas Poderosas' project, El Poder de Elegir, tackles misinformation on WhatsApp, one of the most-secretive social platforms, to help ensure that Colombian voters are making their decisions based on facts.

Uva Vaca 11:21:49
jajajaja hey im planing live in shenzhen so ....i need to star at list whit google traslate
mrorz 11:22:40
Hmm I think you cannot access google translate from shenzhen lol
mrorz 11:22:51
you may need baidu translate (?)
Uva Vaca 11:23:14
crying in spanish
Uva Vaca 11:23:54
lol, so this like slack but what is the difference whit the normal slack?
mrorz 11:24:26
It’s ordinary Slack
mrorz 11:25:00
it’s just started by g0v, the open-source civil tech community in Taiwan
mrorz 11:25:09
and Cofacts is one of the g0v projects
Uva Vaca 11:25:35
o wow
mrorz 11:27:59
From the news report ( ) I see that you have fact-checking organization as the mentor and learns methodologies from them.

I think in Cofacts we do it in a less professional way. We just allow anyone to participate as an editor and allow them to reply to messages in their way
mrorz 11:28:58
Here is the editor’s interface:

Well it looks as if the CSS is not loaded --- well it currently just looks like that.
Feel free to consult our designer @lucien for the design (?)
Hello i can help whit this if you want, is my think 🙂
@lucien I can give you a hand whit the UI
mrorz 11:30:45
Similar to what you do in Whatsapp, we have a chatbot in LINE messaging app.
When the user sends a message, the chatbot would look it up in the database.
If there is no such entry, the user can send the message to the database

and it will show up here -->
mrorz 11:32:12
And anyone that logs in to the website — which is anyone with a facebook, twitter or github account — can be a editor. There is no background checks. Currently they can just start replying messages right away.
mrorz 11:33:55
That’s why although we use the term “collaborative fact-checking”, I would admit that our methodology would lead to “providing crowd-sourced, different opinions”, as we cannot control the quality of replies on our platform to the last detail
mrorz 11:34:55
But that’s the current working model
Uva Vaca 11:36:42
We have teams of journalists checking but we are not many in Mexico 3, Venezuela 5, Brazil 4 and Colombia 4
💪 1
mrorz 11:38:28
It is amazing to see that the same idea of “collaborative fact-checking” being carried out by people from different backgrounds.

Cofacts is more from a engineering background, thus the product focuses more on shortening the repeating process “find a suspicious message -> respond with different opinions” and hope that automatic response can be fast enough to stop rumors from spreading.

El Poder de Elegir, on the other hand, I think it puts more emphasis on the quality of the response and leveraging design expertise to maximize the spreading of each fact-checking reports
Uva Vaca 11:39:56
is a excelent complement i think
Uva Vaca 11:41:41
we are looking for a go to the next step not than analogic process.
mrorz 11:43:23
I am wondering that if a person wants to help El Poder de Elegir replying instant messages, what do they need to do?
Do they have to be one of the journalists in the newsrooms you are collaborating with?
mrorz 11:45:08
I see that the news report mentions Meedan Check. Is there someone in El Poder de Elegir that creates new fact-check tasks on Check, and keeps track of each tasks to see if they are assigned to someone or has been finished and ready to publish?
Uva Vaca 11:45:27
I will tell you a little about the process of being able to choose so that they have a more or less idea of ​​what we do and why it is a little different from the traditional newssrooms
Uva Vaca 11:52:20
We make an open call for journalists and designers from different parts of Colombia or from the provinces, to decentralize the information, generally they are people who do not know anything about fact checking, we do mentorships for a month on how to check and establish a base team. We have a public number to which people send the info they want to check and also the journalists go up, we have a step by step of 3 questions to know what is verifiable and what is not, if the chain complies with the steps, we make a writing council on Monday and we decided what is verifiable and what is not in check and we answer the questions of check, each journalist is assigned a check and that check has very well developed the assignments that arrive to your email.
Uva Vaca 11:54:49
When the journalists finish the checks they are reviewed by an editor and when this is approved a script is made for twitter thread, gif or audio depending on what is most convenient, go to the design team and generate the pieces, this is what we do a broadcast list in whathsapp and we massively send the verification, but of course it is manual and it is not focused 😞.
mrorz 11:58:39
Wow it is a very professional streamline
mrorz 11:58:50
I am wondering that if you work fulltime on this?
mrorz 11:58:52

Chicas Poderosas

The Power to Choose - Chicas Poderosas

El Poder de Elegir: the collaborative fact-checking project, from Colombia to Latin America El Poder de Elegir is a project to monitor  and fact-check the political information that circulates through WhatsApp during the campaign period of the presidential elections of 2018. It is proposed to monitor and verify in real time the information that circulates …

mrorz 12:01:17
I am asking because all Cofacts team members have other day jobs
mrorz 12:01:19
so am I
Uva Vaca 12:01:28
in this momento only Lia valero, Daian alexa and UVA (me)
mrorz 12:01:48
(so actually I am talking to you while I am doing a day job as web developer. Shhh don’t tell my boss!)
😁 1
Uva Vaca 12:01:49
but the rest of the teams are part time and all is volnteer
Uva Vaca 12:02:25

El Poder De Elegir (@ElPoder_Elegir) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from El Poder De Elegir (@ElPoder_Elegir). Somos el proyecto que verifica información difundida por WhatsApp en época electoral. Estamos en Colombia, Brasil, México Venezuela. <>

Uva Vaca 12:04:14
I have worked since December full time, but I also have other jobs, I need to eat, like Lia, the teams of the other countries all have other jobs, but usually there are many chains but the political discourse has to be the same, then many times with a single verification many chains are solved.
😮 1
Uva Vaca 12:19:30
Is posible if the developer of check that also is part of el poder de elegir , be part of this team, he is really interesting in be here..
pellaeon 12:47:45
@pellaeon has joined the channel
chihao 13:00:29
@uvavaca Hola! Que tal!
mrorz 14:41:41
@uvavaca you mean inviting the developer of Check to this channel? Sure!
🦄 1
jimmybot 16:52:37
@jamesmlee has joined the channel
mrorz 18:29:12
@uvavaca We are very curious about how the workload is split over full-time (paid) members and part-time (not-paid) volunteers. Because we do want to have paid editors to facilitate the editor community, but we are afraid that this will cause the volunteers not wanting to contribute. How do you keep the system fair to all contributors while having some of paid workers?
Bueno la verdad es que nosotros tenemos el componente de capacitación
What we did was that initially we were all volunteers and I only paid the editor.

2. It worked that the girls saw that we the heads of the project did not receive money for it and we worked twice as much.

3. Also the free trainings, being in the team allowed access to the knowledge of meedan and allies, then we had webinars online.
Thanks! It’s interesting to find that leadership is cultivated in similar ways around the world, in the combination of volunteering leaders & motivated workers.

We are trying hard to expand the editor community, thus I am curious about the paid editors part.

If only part of the editors are paid, What would the other editors think? How do you evaluate editor’s work by money in a fair way?
we only have 1 editor for country, the otheres are journalist, so we paid more for the editor for the experience and the time that they invest in the project, so for be transparent we made a spreadsheet and we put: profile, experience (years), previous work, hours invest in the project, so thi si públic.
this is públic*
in the case of colombia, we received a grant from open sociaety fundation, and delegated tasks and functions, the person who had more tasks received more money, some of that not much was left over and we decided to invest it in the other team, we arranged more money to the teams that had more members and divided equally. But usually the one who works the most and has more experience receives more money.
mrorz 18:32:13
A full volunteer project like Cofacts operates quite slowly, especially in the growth of editor quantity and the programming tasks is consumed very slowly
Jerome 18:58:20 has joined the channel
lucien 22:24:16
@uvavaca Hi, I wonder that which part of process do you want to exploit the program to enhance? I also curious about how do you spread the fact checking message to your audience and reach the public?
Very good question, this is the part that we lack, because everything we do manual, what we did was that the general public registered whathsapp number as a newsletter, then we sent a massive message from that number to all registered, but it is manual.

We want to improve that process 1, the automatic response, because there is a person who responds one by one the messages and uploads them to check, when there are many they can not cope.

Also to spread the message we want it to be automatic, that part we still do not know how to do it.
I totally agree that automatic response of already fact-checked items are very important!

I have heard that WhatsApp has just launched their business API ( ) and fact checkers in Brazil is already using it ( ).

Personally I have not looked into it yet. Is auto-response doable with such API? cc/@caiosba
About comprova we don´t know, the only think that i know is they are powererd for facebook and google, and the web site is 100% similar to . We are using whathsapp bussines whit méxican team, and we are tryin whit brasil, but we are exploring.
we do not have enough knowledge in that field


ttcat 01:12:57
明天晚上 OGP Summit 系列分享會第二場在派大星!有 @pm5 @bil @isabelhou 和環資的淑貞,歡迎報名!

【8/23 第二場】》聚焦各國案例:公民科技 x 不實訊息 x 環境
時間:8/23 (四) _ 19:00
地點:派大星Event Space (松山區八德路三段12巷16弄3號地下室)

2018 OGP Summit 系列分享會

全球最重要的"開放政府"夥伴大會,今年辦在唯一不發給臺灣人簽證的喬治亞共和國?! 突破萬難前進喬治亞參與大會的臺灣民間代表團,使盡全力在這重要個國際場合與全球交流公民參與、開放資料、開放政府各項經驗。

caiosba 10:16:26
@caiosba has joined the channel
pm5 11:11:36
@pm5 has joined the channel
yuhsuan 11:38:53
Cofact on Nieman lab.

Nieman Lab

Line is another chat app rife with spam, scams, and bad information. The volunteer-supported Cofacts is fact-checking them in the open

Users forward dubious messages to a chatbot; volunteer editors evaluate their credibility; the bot answers back to the user (and anyone wondering in the future).


Uva Vaca 00:12:29
So we are like 12 hours of difference rigth???
maybe above 12 hours? we are at UTC+8


Uva Vaca 06:01:43
Hola, lo único que he visto con el manejo del appi de whaths es esto que logré hacer hoy
Uva Vaca 06:01:44

Share on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Messenger: More than 1 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.

4000 19:51:59
@andyy0216 has joined the channel



mrorz 11:13:34


打「假」特攻隊(二) 眾志成城不讓「鬼話」連篇 - 新聞專題


👍 2


fly 22:36:47
前輩大大們好,fly最近也在做bot,發現轉傳還要搜尋對像很麻煩,靈機一動把使用者用兩個雙引號括起,bot排序馬上變第1位!因為引號的ascii只次於 ! 號。於是想推薦 cofact bot的admin把名字加上引號。


Cofacts 真的假的 | 轉傳查證 > "Cofacts 真的假的 | 轉傳查證"
fly 22:37:12
唯不知認証帳號是否有限制修改。一般的7天可變動一次 XD
mrorz 23:54:04
認証帳號是否有限制修改 -> 確實有限制。另外,當初我們是 `.: 真的假的 - 轉傳訊息查證 :.`,但認證帳號在審查時會說不建議用奇怪符號。