react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
Vue.js - Intuitive, Fast and Composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces.
Vue.js - Intuitive, Fast and Composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces.
Ease Visualizer for GSAP | HTML5 Animation | GreenSock
Visually explore various easing options for HTML5 animations in GSAP with this interactive tool from GreenSock.
Framer lets you build interactive designs using the power of code.
react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
Instagram photo by Lucien Lee • Jan 31, 2017 at 6:27pm UTC
See this Instagram photo by @lucienleedeer • 2 likes
Possibility of linear animation with spring finish · Issue #403 · chenglou/react-motion · GitHub
I was wondering if it was possible to add a linear motion to something that starts and ends with spring() easing. I'm currently working on this reel spinner: <> ...
Allow for importing styles · Issue #83 · zeit/styled-jsx · GitHub
Sometimes styles can be quite long and it makes sense for them to live in a seperate file. For example, if you are using next.js and you want to put your styles in a ./styles.js file next to a comp...
dynamic styles mode · Issue #81 · zeit/styled-jsx · GitHub
@rauchg and I discussed about possible ways to support dynamic styles i.e. allow props and other dynamic values which #80 doesn't. From slack: @g and I are contemplating a "dynamic" mode for style...
styled-jsx - Full CSS support for JSX without compromises
Is it possible to support HTML/CSS syntax highlighting inside a tagged template string? I am looking to do the equivalent of this atom editor change. My first attempt at this did not work out so we...
Atom HTML syntax highlight in template literals (for angular2)
How can I get HTML syntax highlight in template literals?Something like this which I've wrote for sublime before:Here is sublime version <>...
rumors-site - Rumors list / creation UI, with server-side rendering
GitLab employee just ran rm -rf on their production database directory... • /r/webdev
1493 points and 406 comments so far on reddit
workflow - Like acts as state machine (aasm), but _way_ better (it's in Ruby too!)
The Firebase Blog
Vulcan: Inspect your database in your browser
Alex Wolfe VP User Experience Today we’re officially launching Vulcan ! Vulcan is a brand a new extension ...
噢然後我後來又看了一下 <@U03HEDMJQ> 做的 flow 圖有些建議 XD 讓我挑惕一下 1. 我覺得箭頭方向的使用方式沒有定義好,單向箭頭好像同時代表了「使用對象」與「資料流向」 2. 看不到眾包資料庫和編輯的關係
ggm: 我來修正一下好了,那張圖會是給外部人看的系統內部的東西會隱藏起來
噢然後我後來又看了一下 <@U03HEDMJQ> 做的 flow 圖有些建議 XD 讓我挑惕一下 1. 我覺得箭頭方向的使用方式沒有定義好,單向箭頭好像同時代表了「使用對象」與「資料流向」 2. 看不到眾包資料庫和編輯的關係
GraphQL: A query language for APIs.
GraphQL provides a complete description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?
My iPhone app connects to my PHP web service to retrieve data from a MySQL database. A request can return 500 results. What is the best way to implement paging and retrieve 20 items at a time? Le...
「真的假的」英文名字徵集 · Issue #28 · MrOrz/rumors-api · GitHub
「真的假的」是一個快速驗證謠言的 ChatBot 系統,透過群眾協作查證社群上不知道『真的假的』的分享訊息。現在「真的假的」需要一個英文名字,用在登記 github organization、 line ChatBot 帳號 ID 、網域上。 子曰:「名不正,則言不順;言不順,則事不成」 「真的假的」需要一個簡潔有力、朗朗上口、深入人心的好名字,以便於大眾找到我們! 在此我們向大家徵集「...
[line] 申購專屬 ID、申請 github organization、g0v domain name · Issue #9 · MrOrz/rumors-api · GitHub
需要與大家討論什麼 ID 好~ 除了 Line ID,英文名字還會用在哪裡: 域名 line ID Github 的 organization 名 「真的假的」與其他闢謠網站不同的地方: 不做內容生成,而是 curator / 查詢 / 入口 群眾協作 未來除了謠言查證,說不定也會做讓網友回報「爭議性言論」然後附上「反駁論述連結」。但或許要先把謠言查證的搜尋先專心做好,樹立口碑 (謠言...
Rename this Project · Issue #47 · naftaliharris/tauthon · GitHub
The current name might confuse people into thinking this was an official port, filing bugs on the official bug tracker for it and so on. There will never be an official Python 2.8, so there should ...
用 template message 水平地呈現多筆搜尋結果 · Issue #12 · MrOrz/rumors-api · GitHub
如果不能確定回傳結果是否正確,或許多回傳幾筆給使用者選擇是更好的。 用 carousel template 讓使用者選擇哪個有關,然後給他更多資訊(並且記下哪個是 relevant 的資訊)
"WP:DR"重定向到这里,你也许是在找Wikipedia:存廢覆核請求。 维基百科是一个社群。這就意味著我们需要一同協作来撰寫百科全书。经常会有很多人共同参与一篇文章的编辑,而有时用户们会对某些条目应该怎么写产生分歧。如果你对一篇文章存在不同看法,请去找到证据支持你的观点,并在这期间停止编辑此条目。 请不要与其他用户发生编辑战;這對解決争议沒有幫助,在改進維基百科上沒有意義。相反,请您遵循这裏列出的方式来解决分歧,以防分歧變為嚴重的争执。 注意:以下的步骤是用于解决兩方或多方的分歧的。纯粹的破坏者、或是屡次公然违背维基百科政策和行为准则的人,将使用加快过程来处理。可能會導致冒犯者被禁封。大多数情况下,如有用户被指出有不当行为,可按以下下面的处理。這並不意味着指出不當行為的用户参与了争议,他们仅代表着维基百科社群。
Create g0v.json by pintse · Pull Request #3 · godgunman/ncc-complain-data · GitHub
ncc-complain-data - go go!! save the world !!
2017-02-09 15:39:43.467 241 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:39:43.165581+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-09 15:39:43 +0000 web.1 (7)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-09 15:39:43.547 173 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:39:43.167770+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [09/Feb/2017:15:39:43 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0034 2017-02-09 15:41:03.525 287 <158>1 2017-02-09T15:41:00.343746+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=c95bd372-0186-4507-a0dc-e7d165fc0340 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=3ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-09 15:41:05.644 288 <158>1 2017-02-09T15:41:05.335263+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=37f3b8ec-2d0d-4609-bd31-aef91da0a43c fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=5ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-09 15:41:05.707 241 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:41:05.332540+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-09 15:41:05 +0000 web.1 (7)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-09 15:41:05.774 175 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:41:05.334166+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [09/Feb/2017:15:41:05 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0030 2017-02-09 15:42:00.974 296 <158>1 2017-02-09T15:42:00.719768+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=POST path="/callback" host=<|> request_id=b5d5d34f-2f3f-4306-81ac-ce4eecdf34e3 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=2ms service=644ms status=200 bytes=193 2017-02-09 15:42:02.171 623 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:42:01.882004+00:00 app web.1 - - #<Airtable::Record :message_id=>"5624309101413", :rumor=>"\"<\>"", :answer=>"[\"我的朋友,這則貼文含有不實資訊!\",\"現金袋裝法定紙幣,每件報值限額為新台幣1萬元。\\n收到假鈔民眾自身也不能使用,不可能會有假鈔換真鈔的情況產生。\",\"資料來源:<\%22|\">]", :type=>"Rumor search", :timestamp=>"2017-02-09T15:42:00.823Z", :id=>"recFo2QBuDACvF8by"> 2017-02-09 15:42:02.256 181 <190>1 2017-02-09T15:42:01.883238+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [09/Feb/2017:15:42:01 +0000] "POST /callback HTTP/1.1" 200 2 0.9458 2017-02-09 15:43:35.705 288 <158>1 2017-02-09T15:43:35.397048+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=5cb52835-fbe5-4f74-b04a-49c23c475333 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=3ms status=200 bytes=195
Privileges - edit questions and answers
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
rumors-db - Scripts for managing rumors db
Is an SSH Key Required to clone a public github account?
Does github require all cloning, of both public and private repositories, to use an SSH public key? Maybe a better question, is can git clone a github repo without a ssh key at all. at master · g0v/ · GitHub
<|> site
GitHub - MrOrz/rumors-line-bot at koa2
rumors-line-bot - Line bot that checks if a message contains internet rumor.
2017-02-16 03:40:45.518 174 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:40:45.135877+00:00 app web.1 - - {:type=>"text", :text=>"找不太到與這則訊息相關的澄清文章唷!"} 2017-02-16 03:43:20.530 2494 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:43:20.152018+00:00 app web.1 - - #<Line::Bot::Event::Message:0x007fe1d8010948 @src={"type"=>"message", "replyToken"=>"68a276c9b25045518c9fb9eaf2882b8e", "source"=>{"userId"=>"Ua3a891b26d77d9c84bca42be485850a5", "type"=>"user"}, "timestamp"=>1487216599454, "message"=>{"type"=>"text", "id"=>"5654373636485", "text"=>":red_circle: 可 怕 的 訊 息 終 於 宣 佈 :\n美國正式宣布了 : 基因改造食物含有嚴重的毒素,終於爆了 。\n:red_circle: 腫瘤大面積爆發與基因改造食品有關 。\n緊急擴散,讓你(妳)的親友都知曉 ! 特別要注意 !\n:red_circle: 大家到超市一定要認真看清楚 : :arrow_down:\n:red_circle: 條形碼以" 8 "開頭的是基因改造食品 ! \n:o: 無論是任何食物,只要是基因改造的,千萬別買別食用 !\n無論專家怎麼鼓吹基因改造食品無害,我們只要記住 :\n一、美國人不吃;\n二、歐盟絕對禁止;\n三、中國特供食品系統嚴禁;\n四、世博會嚴禁;\n五、亞運會嚴禁; \n六、非洲人餓死也不進口轉基因;\n七、世大運會嚴禁;\n八、俄證實基因改造食品使動物三代絕種\n:red_circle: 避免吃這些假 (毒) 食物 :\n:red_circle: 1. 紅色的牛蕃茄基因是毒蠍子\n:red_circle: 2. 甜玉米是真正的基因改造食品 ;\n:red_circle: 3. 紫地瓜也是基因改造食品;\n甜玉米就是老美的基因改造食品,吃了好幾年的甜玉米竟然就是 .... 老外餵動物的基因改造食品 。\n然而,這麼多年來,普通老百姓好些根本都不知道,還是喜歡買甜玉米吃 。\n年輕的,沒成家的,沒生孩子的,一律不要吃!\n當然知道這可怕的訊息宣佈後,所有的人為了自己也為了家人,千萬記得:都不要再食用基因改造的食品了 。\n:red_circle: {@=還有記得..所有的不是時節的疏果都不可吃\n\n不管多忙,請轉發到你的另外群。 \n \n各位朋友:中央電視台《焦點訪談》已經播出,務必把這條信息發給你知道的群。 \n \n可口可樂承認旗下(果粒橙)含有美國禁用農藥「多菌靈」,多菌靈可致腦麻痺、肝臟腫瘤等癌症。包括香港正在銷售的(果粒橙),香港食環署正在了解此事件。 \n \n專家指出,(多菌靈)跟其他農藥一樣,對腦部影響最大,可引致局部麻痺,並會導致癌症。 \n \n台灣叫美粒果!\n\n小心,別喝了!"}}> 2017-02-16 03:44:08.223 288 <158>1 2017-02-16T03:44:07.894131+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=c202dd9f-2566-4e52-990d-8ef4fa72988e fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=3ms service=4ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-16 03:44:36.776 420 <134>1 2017-02-16T03:44:12+00:00 app heroku-redis - - source=REDIS sample#active-connections=2 sample#load-avg-1m=0.065 sample#load-avg-5m=0.06 sample#load-avg-15m=0.05 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=15664468.0kB sample#memory-free=12665032.0kB sample#memory-cached=965456kB sample#memory-redis=309184bytes sample#hit-rate=0.89377 sample#evicted-keys=0 2017-02-16 03:47:14.257 241 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:47:13.867447+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-16 03:47:13 +0000 web.1 (7)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-16 03:47:14.342 174 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:47:13.868196+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [16/Feb/2017:03:47:13 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0014 2017-02-16 03:47:24.254 242 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:47:23.950024+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-16 03:47:23 +0000 web.1 (11)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-16 03:47:24.338 173 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:47:23.951151+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [16/Feb/2017:03:47:23 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0020 2017-02-16 03:47:36.431 421 <134>1 2017-02-16T03:46:44+00:00 app heroku-redis - - source=REDIS sample#active-connections=2 sample#load-avg-1m=0.045 sample#load-avg-5m=0.06 sample#load-avg-15m=0.045 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=15664468.0kB sample#memory-free=12664912.0kB sample#memory-cached=965456kB sample#memory-redis=309184bytes sample#hit-rate=0.89377 sample#evicted-keys=0 2017-02-16 03:47:49.383 175 <190>1 2017-02-16T03:47:49.082327+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [16/Feb/2017:03:47:49 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0013
g0v 第柒次基礎建設緊急松 - 德國 Prototype Fund x g0v 獎助金 2/16
德國開放知識基金會的 Eileen 在 Code For All 的交換計畫支持下,來台灣一個月在 OCF 辦公室 co-work,並將一起與社群的夥伴協作公民科技獎助金、 等專案。我
g0v 是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發公民參與社會的資訊平台與工具。 g0v 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,在近年跨界參與政府與 NGO,以線上協作(網路)結合實體活動(黑客松)推動公民參與的新模式。 「萌典松」是 g0v 社群單月的中型黑客松,...
g0v hackath23n | 台灣零時政府第貳拾參次開放資料黑客松
本次 g0v 大黑客松將於 3/4 日舉行,並與全世界 130 個城市共同響應「世界開放資料日」!
GitHub - MrOrz/rumors-site: Rumors list / creation UI, with server-side rendering
rumors-site - Rumors list / creation UI, with server-side rendering
rumors-line-bot/processMessages.js at koa2 · MrOrz/rumors-line-bot · GitHub
rumors-line-bot - Line bot that checks if a message contains internet rumor.
總獎金 300 萬. 6 個月、每個專案 30-50 萬. 2017/1/31 提案截止
剛發現都沒人說這次黑客松報名中午開始了 <> XD
所以我想要把現在 articles 裡面儲存 `replyIds[]` 的做法 (has-and-belong-to-many) 更新成 articles 裡面儲存 `replyConnections[]` (一樣是 has-and-belong-to-many) 每個 connection 會是個 object `{replyId: "要連結的 reply ID”, userId: “哪個小編建立的連結", feedbacks: [{評價 good / bad, 使用者 ID}]}`
所以我想要把現在 articles 裡面儲存 `replyIds[]` 的做法 (has-and-belong-to-many) 更新成 articles 裡面儲存 `replyConnections[]` (一樣是 has-and-belong-to-many) 每個 connection 會是個 object `{replyId: "要連結的 reply ID”, userId: “哪個小編建立的連結", feedbacks: [{評價 good / bad, 使用者 ID}]}`
2017-02-21 07:01:28.987 287 <158>1 2017-02-21T07:01:28.704883+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=67a74980-f5c0-495f-9ab6-169824180912 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=6ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-21 07:07:37.412 546 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:07:37.037241+00:00 app web.1 - - #<Line::Bot::Event::Message:0x007fad47b59158 @src={"type"=>"message", "replyToken"=>"3092f71f18e04448a1dcdf0ddea6e456", "source"=>{"userId"=>"U9c1e8ac1b03bb3cd05027c255e05fb5e", "type"=>"user"}, "timestamp"=>1487660856312, "message"=>{"type"=>"text", "id"=>"5678852213703", "text"=>"最近都不要吃雞,尤其外面的熟食看不到,不知是不是病雞\n雞得了H5N6的,家禽鳥類都會出現皮下出血,尤其脚會特別嚴重。"}}> 2017-02-21 07:11:06.544 175 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:11:06.083079+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [21/Feb/2017:07:11:06 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0035 2017-02-21 07:12:13.683 175 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:12:13.362794+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [21/Feb/2017:07:12:13 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0013 2017-02-21 07:13:29.405 241 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:13:29.034140+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-21 07:13:29 +0000 web.1 (7)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-21 07:13:29.476 173 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:13:29.034988+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [21/Feb/2017:07:13:29 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0018 2017-02-21 07:14:23.799 297 <158>1 2017-02-21T07:14:23.456905+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=POST path="/callback" host=<|> request_id=c9652fef-2807-4c5c-a0de-96830608056b fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=2473ms status=200 bytes=193 2017-02-21 07:16:29.090 287 <158>1 2017-02-21T07:16:28.779783+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=d384cae9-cea3-405a-a3d7-62e1b001be93 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=3ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-21 07:23:12.127 949 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:23:11.756840+00:00 app web.1 - - [{:type=>"text", :text=>"我的朋友,這則貼文含有不實資訊!"}, {:type=>"text", :text=>"經過查證後,無論中醫或西醫皆不認為原信食療法有辦法治療心血管堵塞,建議民眾,身體不適還是看醫生,勿相信網路偏方"}, {:type=>"text", :text=>"資料來源:<|">}, {:type=>"template", :altText=>"謝謝您的使用。", :template=>{:type=>"confirm", :text=>"請問這份資訊對您有用嗎?", :actions=>[{:type=>"postback", :label=>"是", :data=>"{\"id\":\"5678906617726\",\"ok\":true}"}, {:type=>"postback", :label=>"否", :data=>"{\"id\":\"5678906617726\",\"ok\":false}"}]}}] 2017-02-21 07:23:12.201 564 <190>1 2017-02-21T07:23:11.756966+00:00 app web.1 - - #<Line::Bot::Event::Message:0x007fad466c4d28 @src={"type"=>"message", "replyToken"=>"d8958f0e5d3f409ab95a23ffdf09a871", "source"=>{"userId"=>"Ua8e1b3dd50c9179b471da6c750bc4f32", "type"=>"user"}, "timestamp"=>1487661760448, "message"=>{"type"=>"text", "id"=>"5678906618860", "text"=>"太特別了!每天一杯「五青汁」,排除毒素和宿便,一周瘦三公斤!還清血脂,消水腫!痘痘沒有了,皮膚變嫩了!...<}}|"}}>>
2017-02-22 06:55:18.576 175 <190>1 2017-02-22T06:55:18.123856+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [22/Feb/2017:06:55:18 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0018 2017-02-22 06:56:02.116 174 <190>1 2017-02-22T06:56:00.745769+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [22/Feb/2017:06:56:00 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0017 2017-02-22 06:57:01.614 287 <158>1 2017-02-22T06:57:01.391971+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=c311c3f0-49e2-4c55-87a6-94e82e85ff4c fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=5ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-22 06:57:04.734 383 <190>1 2017-02-22T06:57:04.333392+00:00 app web.1 - - #<Line::Bot::Event::Postback:0x007f451e0f78b8 @src={"type"=>"postback", "replyToken"=>"90625ef98f7b4937b1958f93d20738fc", "source"=>{"userId"=>"Uab88a93a6d3efbd47d6e4bdd49f4282c", "type"=>"user"}, "timestamp"=>1487746623678, "postback"=>{"data"=>"{\"id\":\"5602600194034\",\"ok\":true}"}}> 2017-02-22 06:57:48.317 288 <158>1 2017-02-22T06:57:48.196760+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=a6e259e1-7887-4144-ab20-873a6027ae66 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=4ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-22 06:58:57.023 173 <190>1 2017-02-22T06:58:56.649856+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [22/Feb/2017:06:58:56 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0021 2017-02-22 06:58:57.034 286 <158>1 2017-02-22T06:58:56.685244+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=6d24efc0-e741-41b9-a4ba-6bd5466790d8 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=3ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-22 07:02:01.728 241 <190>1 2017-02-22T07:02:01.353626+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-22 07:02:01 +0000 web.1 (7)] WARN : Skipping RUM instrumentation. Unable to find <body> tag in first 50000 bytes of document. 2017-02-22 07:02:01.795 174 <190>1 2017-02-22T07:02:01.354664+00:00 app web.1 - - - - [22/Feb/2017:07:02:01 +0000] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4 0.0019 2017-02-22 07:03:56.985 286 <158>1 2017-02-22T07:03:56.701709+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=f9c32b74-6493-4d04-8616-131aff463637 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=4ms status=200 bytes=195
2017-02-27 02:19:01.729 288 <158>1 2017-02-27T02:19:00.560816+00:00 heroku router - - at=info method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=984eb1aa-143a-490e-b8de-28e24c8e4855 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=3ms status=200 bytes=195 2017-02-27 02:22:31.600 102 <45>1 2017-02-27T02:22:31.415926+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Idling 2017-02-27 02:22:31.675 125 <45>1 2017-02-27T02:22:31.416381+00:00 heroku web.1 - - State changed from up to down 2017-02-27 02:22:31.675 129 <45>1 2017-02-27T02:22:31.424276+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Idling because quota is exhausted 2017-02-27 02:22:32.555 135 <190>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.177431+00:00 app web.1 - - [4] - Gracefully shutting down workers... 2017-02-27 02:22:32.630 176 <190>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.179671+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-27 02:22:32 +0000 web.1 (18)] INFO : Starting Agent shutdown 2017-02-27 02:22:32.630 175 <190>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.185021+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][2017-02-27 02:22:32 +0000 web.1 (7)] INFO : Starting Agent shutdown 2017-02-27 02:22:32.891 146 <190>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.526336+00:00 app web.1 - - [4] === puma shutdown: 2017-02-27 02:22:32 +0000 === 2017-02-27 02:22:32.957 108 <190>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.526353+00:00 app web.1 - - [4] - Goodbye! 2017-02-27 02:22:33.008 124 <45>1 2017-02-27T02:22:32.862015+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Process exited with status 0
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When I started designing chatbots for BEEVA almost a year ago, I applied some of my UX knowledge and did some unsuccessful research looking…
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2017-02-28 02:12:39.754 422 <134>1 2017-02-28T02:12:31+00:00 app heroku-redis - - source=REDIS sample#active-connections=1 sample#load-avg-1m=0.025 sample#load-avg-5m=0.095 sample#load-avg-15m=0.105 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=15664468.0kB sample#memory-free=12633592.0kB sample#memory-cached=996996kB sample#memory-redis=278320bytes sample#hit-rate=0.86935 sample#evicted-keys=0 2017-02-28 02:12:50.061 326 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:12:49.871188+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=2244bc7c-c1a9-4fbd-8d06-d44097156c3e fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:13:03.961 328 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:13:03.845949+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=637d3f1a-e403-4f12-91be-4d6ac166ebe6 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:13:40.440 419 <134>1 2017-02-28T02:13:26+00:00 app heroku-redis - - source=REDIS sample#active-connections=1 sample#load-avg-1m=0.18 sample#load-avg-5m=0.13 sample#load-avg-15m=0.12 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=15664468.0kB sample#memory-free=12633012.0kB sample#memory-cached=996996kB sample#memory-redis=278320bytes sample#hit-rate=0.86935 sample#evicted-keys=0 2017-02-28 02:14:12.414 327 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:14:12.072655+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=afad9bc3-dc9e-48e9-9400-4a9c65562c32 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:15:20.087 326 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:15:19.849732+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=acf3de34-c184-4028-9397-61483047473f fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:15:27.340 327 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:15:26.994564+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=901f3a29-8a57-4aa3-ae71-a5c46d1479c0 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:15:34.174 328 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:15:33.789563+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=f29c68c6-d815-49d0-add0-ce02ef5e5439 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:15:48.804 328 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:15:48.605560+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=4a4d48a7-0ae2-4c19-a302-541aa027fe58 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= 2017-02-28 02:16:42.337 327 <158>1 2017-02-28T02:16:42.200844+00:00 heroku router - - at=info code=H82 desc="Free app running time quota exhausted" method=GET path="/ping" host=<|> request_id=666771a7-8cef-4e35-85cb-3aa25093c2ef fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes=