
Month: 2021-04


mrorz 01:00:09
tofus 01:01:12 has left the channel
mrorz 01:19:50


mrorz 00:01:26
我想把 profile page「評價過的回應」做成像這樣,大家有沒有什麼想法呢~?
cc/ @stbb1025 @lucien
adachang 14:04:39
@adachang123 has left the channel
github 15:54:09

#422 [ProfilePage] fix slug infinite redirect

Currently slugs with characters will trigger infinite page reload. This PR modifies the reload detection mechanism so that it handles URL encoded paths correctly.

github 21:24:07

#252 Validate slug and block invalid slug

This PR fixes <|#242> . The definition of "invalid slug": matches any of the following • empty, or contains just space • has trailing or leading space • contains URL components like `:` or `/` • is already taken by another user This PR • adds a query API `ValidateSlug` for UI to check if a slug is valid • blocks invalid slug in `UpdateUser`

github 21:27:21

Comment on #252 Validate slug and block invalid slug

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.06%) to 86.406% when pulling *<|81d5065> on validate-slug* into *<|0c42992> on master*.

github 21:30:55

#253 Update rumors-db to latest

Will merge after CI pass.

github 22:03:32

Comment on #253 Update rumors-db to latest

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.1%) to 86.207% when pulling *<|1c61b10> on update-schema* into *<|0c42992> on master*.


github 16:53:23

Comment on #234 Support Google sign-in

Signin with Apple Need $$$ <|> <|截圖 2021-04-04 下午3 53 04>

github 16:58:13

#254 Add new signin methods

Fixes <|#234> *<|Google sign-in>* Use <|passport-google-oauth2> *To get google OAuth credential* 1. <|Create> OAuth Client ID credential 2. Edit `Web client` and add `PUBLIC_URL/callback/google` to `Authorized redirect URIs` 3. Paste `Client ID` and `Client secret` to env *<|Instagram sign-in>* Use <|passport-instagram-graph>. (<|passport-instagram> is out-of-date.) *To get Instagram OAuth credential* 1. <|Create> Facebook login application 2. Setup Instagram Basic Display 3. Add `PUBLIC_URL/callback/instagram` to `Valid OAuth Redirect URIs` 4. Paste `Client ID` and `Client secret` to env Tester should approve invitation <|here>. Should submit your app for App Review when you are ready to switch it to Live Mode.

github 17:01:04

Comment on #254 Add new signin methods

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.5%) to 85.81% when pulling *<|3065871> on new-login-methods* into *<|0c42992> on master*.

github 22:12:00

Review on #254 Add new signin methods

Thanks for supporting new signin methods! The setup instructions are super clear. I have also reloaded `users` index to `v1.2.0` on staging. I am concerned that when creating "Basic Display" IG API, Facebook says that my app review will be rejected if we use it to authenticate user. <|image> Can IG users login directly using FB?

github 23:05:07

Comment on #254 Add new signin methods

&gt; Can IG users login directly using FB? Maybe no. They always ask user to link IG and FB account together. I think if a IG user doesn't link FB, (s)he can't use Facebook login. &gt; Facebook says that my app review will be rejected if we use it to authenticate user. Then we should add share (article/reply) to Instagram function to pass the review :p


github 23:22:59

#255 Use FB Graph API v10

doc: <|jaredhanson/passport-facebook#234 (comment)> <|image>

github 23:26:39

Comment on #255 Use FB Graph API v10

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 86.131% when pulling *<|befb928> on upgrade-graph-api* into *<|57958a2> on master*.


github 00:12:24

Comment on #254 Add new signin methods

Deployed to staging. <|> should work.


github 13:16:31

Comment on #386 "The user does not exist" sometimes appears after updating username

As <|cofacts/rumors-db#53> merges, this should be fixed. Close for now.

mrorz 13:34:52
以及跑過上次檢討的新小聚 rundown
@acerxp511 今晚會測 google 登入嗎
可以啊,我有先“隨便”加了兩個測試登入按鈕在 site
github 14:01:17

#423 Show error for EditProfileDialog

Show snack when edit profile dialog errors. <|image>

這個小變更是單純顯示 `UpdateUser` 的 error message
希望晚上可以測到他,煩請 review
mrorz 14:02:25
這個小變更是單純顯示 `UpdateUser` 的 error message
希望晚上可以測到他,煩請 review
nonumpa 16:28:26
可以啊,我有先“隨便”加了兩個測試登入按鈕在 site
github 20:25:48

#424 New signin methods

Support Google sign-in. (IG temporarily hidden as it requires app review) <|image>

github 20:42:25

Comment on #256 Add email scope to google auth method

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.05%) to 86.044% when pulling *<|fbfd136> on new-login-methods* into *<|7e05f57> on master*.

github 22:27:20

Comment on #408 Sync UI english text and the tutorial

Fixed in <|#415>, closing

github 22:28:07

Comment on #399 Using Mandarin in slug will break profile page

Fixed in <|cofacts/rumors-db#53>, closing.

github 22:29:23

Comment on #390 Content too long and cause horizontal scroll on mobile

Seems fixed, kudos to <|@playpool513> !

github 22:31:03

Comment on #361 Provide better placeholder for editors

Fixed in <|#383>, kudos to <|@ulayab> !

github 22:34:34

Comment on #283 Adjust avatar components

Closing this as it is fixed by <|#357>

github 22:36:29

Comment on #279 Keyboard on Android is covering up editing area too much

Personally I am having no issue using editor form on my Pixel 2 ever since <|#344> is merged. Closing.


github 00:26:46

#425 Show author of reply requests (article comments)

We should show author of reply requests, as depicted in ffigma.

mrorz 13:42:07
感謝 @acerxp511 ,Google 登入目前上 production 囉!
如果 Google 登入的 email 與之前登入 Cofacts 用的 email 一致,帳號會自動連在一起。
❤️ 3 🎉 3
zhang CC 16:27:51
@zhangc546 has joined the channel


circles0309 13:11:58
@circles0309 has joined the channel


Walter 16:46:12
@hangie921 has joined the channel
Walter 17:00:24
Hi 大給厚
👋 3
roro 18:25:43
@wowdy has joined the channel
caleb 19:03:24
Yooo we're having a potluck next Saturday at 5pm in Xinyi. If you're interested, react and I'll send you a fb invite or the address or something
🦒 1 1


github 13:10:30

#426 iOS safari 13 does not have Intl.RelativeTimeFormat

iOS safari 14 works fine. However in v13: <|image> <|image> *Solutions* <|> or other polyfill


ichieh 16:10:11
1️⃣ 有意願參與,4/15 前有時間填寫引導師訪問卷
2️⃣ 有意願參與,可以約時間與引導師線上訪談
3️⃣ 因為種種因素,可能無法參與

再麻煩大家幫我按 Emoji 回覆一下,感謝~~




跳起來!g0v 坑主工作坊 2021 - HackMD

# 跳起來!g0v 坑主工作坊 簡介 在 2020/02/02 g0v 揪松團邀請 g0v 社群比較長期的專案坑主,一起來分享討論,彼此專案遇到的問題,以及是否有哪些解法。而今年,我們將再次舉辦坑

github 23:12:47

#427 Recolor Google sign-in button

Google's requirement: <|> Figma TBD


Carmen 20:30:33
@carmenkuo0628 has joined the channel
Carmen 20:41:25
請問「真的假的 Line Bot」
在Line上線,提供加入Line的人使用, 是幾年幾月開始的呢?
mrorz 20:49:18
我看了一下 statistics
應該是 2016 年 12 月
Carmen 20:52:58
mrorz 20:53:51
2016/10 有個 proof of concept 但後來我停用那個帳號了
mrorz 20:54:21
2016 年 12 月版本的 chatbot 應該是 airtable 協作版
github 21:14:18

#257 Should allow clearing slug (UpdateUser with empty slug)

*As-is* Currently if the user does not provide slug when editing profile (for example, just changing display names), the operation will be rejected. *To-be* Change `UpdateUser` • When slug is exactly an empty string, clear the slug (For edit name dialog) • When slug argument is not provided at all, leave it as-is. (For avatar dialog)


ichieh 08:54:49
打開會有 0.5 秒是正常的然後就跳轉這個畫面了。使用會場 wifi 跟我自己的手機網路都無法打開網頁 QA
Zenfone4 ze551 chrome
@chiehg0v 感謝感謝
請問瀏覽 <chrome://version> 的話會看到的 Google Chrome 版本是多少呢
Google Chrome 70.0.3538.110 (正式版本) (32 位元)
browserstack 的 Google Chrome 都升級到最新的 Chrome 88 了,難怪無法 reproduce QQ
感謝提供版本,目前更新了這張票的敘述以及 browser compatibility 資料

我下午應該會想辦法處理 `Intl.RelativeTimeFormat` 不存在的問題,不過 `Intl.DateTimeFormat` 看起來可以放心用。
好的好的!感謝 orz
ichieh 08:55:34
Android 8.0
bil 09:19:57
@mrorz 請幫幫他
mrorz 12:25:24
感謝提供版本,目前更新了這張票的敘述以及 browser compatibility 資料

我下午應該會想辦法處理 `Intl.RelativeTimeFormat` 不存在的問題,不過 `Intl.DateTimeFormat` 看起來可以放心用。

#426 Chrome &lt; 71, iOS safari 13 does not have Intl.RelativeTimeFormat

iOS safari 14 works fine. However in v13: <|image> <|image> Also for Chrome &lt; 70: <|image> *Analysis* <|Cofacts browser statistics (Cofacts chatbot LIFF stats, conducted in April 2020)> *<|`Intl.RelativeTimeFormat`>* <|image> Supporting Chrome &gt;= 71 only covers 90% of Android user session; and iOS does not have v14 in 2020 (when this analysis is conducted). Therefore, we should handle the case when `Intl.RelativeTimeFormat` is not supported. *<|`Intl.DateTimeFormat`>* <|image> In Cofacts, 100% of android sessions and 99% iOS sessions have `Intl.DateTimeFormat`. We can safely assume `Intl.DateTimeFormat` always exists. *Solutions* Choose one from the following: 1. <|> 2. Change back to date-fns 3. other polyfill

github 13:53:57
⚠️ *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* ⚠️
github 13:53:58

#428 Fix when Intl.RelativeTimeFormat is not available

Fixes <|#426> *Chrome 70* <|image> *Safari 13* <|image>

請問 @chiehg0v @zoetwca 打得開這個嗎:

我把 fix deploy 到 staging 惹
讚讚 感謝感謝
mrorz 14:21:46
請問 @chiehg0v @zoetwca 打得開這個嗎:

我把 fix deploy 到 staging 惹

Cofacts 真的假的 - 訊息回報機器人與查證協作社群

「Cofacts 真的假的」是一套連結網路訊息與查證訊息的協作型系統,試圖對假訊息問題作出草根應對。

👍 1
mrorz 14:31:58
> For example, to attract and retain new contributors, who might become the future workforce, projects could invest in promoting career, fun, kinship, and learning, which are particularly relevant for young contributors.
> Because over time altruism becomes more important to contributors, FOSS projects aiming to retain experienced contributors, who tend to be core members or maintainers, could invest in strategies and tools showing how their work benefits the community and society (altruism) and improve social interactions.

What motivates open source software contributors?

The reasons people contribute to free and open source (FOSS) projects has been a topic of much interest. However, the research on this topic dates back 10 or more years, and much has changed in the world since then. This article shares seven insights from a recent research study that revisited old motivation studies and asked open source contributors what motivates them today.

mrorz 23:02:29
Hi all `rumors-site` developers,

按照 4/7 會議討論的提案

我要把 `rumors-site` 的 default branch 改回 `master` 並且移除 `dev` branch 囉
我們在採用 master/dev branch 的時候,還沒有 release tag,但現在我們每個 release 都有 tag 了。
再者,master 其實一直以來都只是 fast-forward 到 dev 所在的地方,然後又要等 docker build 同一個 commit hash 的東西。
最後,如果真的有 staging / production 不同的狀況,那麼也可以在 localhost checkout 特定 commit 來 build + push image。

20210407 會議記錄 - HackMD


mrorz 21:40:21
@acerxp511 之前在開發 LIFF 的時候
是不是有遇到 LIFF ID token 過期的問題呀
要手動登出再登入,不然會一直拿到過期的 token QQ
印象中你好像有接一個 `liff.logout` 是用來解什麼問題的

但也可能是我記錯 >“<


github 00:58:05
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github 00:58:07

#248 [WIP] Stitch

TODOs ☐ Cross resolve article ☐ Change codegen directory to somewhere outside `src` so that it works after build

github 01:01:40

Comment on #248 [WIP] Stitch

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1302>* • *9* of *10* *(90.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *4* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-0.1%*) to *86.712%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


github 23:18:00
⚠️ *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* ⚠️
github 23:18:02

#429 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2

Bumps <|ssri> from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2. Changelog _Sourced from <|ssri's changelog>._ &gt; *<|6.0.2> (2021-04-07)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • backport regex change from 8.0.1 (<|b30dfdb>), closes <|#19> Commits • <|`b7c8c7c`> chore(release): 6.0.2 • <|`b30dfdb`> fix: backport regex change from 8.0.1 • See full diff in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|nlf>, a new releaser for ssri since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.


Eugene 04:01:48
@eugene2528 has joined the channel
github 14:01:12
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github 14:07:56

#248 Expose Cofacts API on Cofacts LINE bot GraphQL

這個 PR 是因為我們想在第三方 bot 使用 Cofacts LINE bot LIFF 而生的第一步:LIFF 可以直接透過 Cofacts LINE bot 呼叫到 Cofacts API

這裡用的是 GraphQL schema stitching (感覺比 federation 簡單,而且比較適合 Cofacts LINE bot 與 API 的非對稱結構)
mrorz 14:35:16
這個 PR 是因為我們想在第三方 bot 使用 Cofacts LINE bot LIFF 而生的第一步:LIFF 可以直接透過 Cofacts LINE bot 呼叫到 Cofacts API

這裡用的是 GraphQL schema stitching (感覺比 federation 簡單,而且比較適合 Cofacts LINE bot 與 API 的非對稱結構)
卡米哥 14:45:54
@et284vu065k3 has joined the channel
github 23:44:48

#430 Put Call to Donation Information on website

We should put donation information on the index, article pages. Reference: <|>

github 23:48:10

#249 Put donation information in the last card of search result

We need to show our donation information when users query suspicious messages.


github 01:01:00

Comment on #430 Put Call to Donation Information on website

I think one of the doable item is to add <|Cofacts impact page> at the footer area, which will guide user through a series of information and then goes to donation page. Another thing would be that we can replace or adjust the current footer image so that user can be redirected to either chatbot or donation page.

mrorz 15:30:40

OCF Lab 開放實驗室

自由、開源軟體 2020 年度貢獻調查:如何激勵開發者?

2020 &#24180;&#65292;Linux &#22522;&#37329;&#26371; &#65286; &#21704;&#20315;&#21109;&#26032;&#31185;&#23416;&#23526;&#39511;&#23460;&#37341;&#23565;&#33258;&#30001;&#21450;&#38283;&#25918;&#21407;&#22987;&#30908;&#36575;&#39636; (free and open source software; FOSS) &#38283;&#30332;&#32773;&#36914;&#34892;&#35519;&#26597;&#65292;&#20006;&#20844;&#24067;&#35519;&#26597;&#32080;&#26524;&#12290;


github 00:40:08
⚠️ *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* ⚠️
github 00:40:10

#250 Aritcle LIFF scaffold

This PR implements an article &amp; reply LIFF (<|Previous proposal>) that functionally supports: • Show the article by `articleId` in URL param • If no reply, allow users to submit reply requests • Lists all replies or show only the reply specified by `replyId` in URL param • Upvote &amp; downvote article replies • setup userArticleLink so that users can be notified via Cofacts chatbot when new replies are available • implements `setViewed` mutation in LINE bot GraphQL to support this • sends GA events

github 01:14:40

Comment on #250 Aritcle LIFF scaffold

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1311>* • *3* of *3* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *1* file are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage increased (+*0.02%*) to *86.629%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

mrorz 12:57:59
Figma 免費版規則更新
Team 只能有 3 個檔案、每個檔案 3 頁
但移除了編輯者 2 人的限制


About Figma’s new Starter plan

Changes to our Starter plan

😱 2
John Cronin-McCartney 18:10:33
@john989 has joined the channel


mrorz 13:32:39
之前我們討論過 Article LIFF:

我排了一下 Article LIFF 的樣子,讓 LINE 使用者可以在 Cofacts chatbot 之外的任何地方都能對 message 下 comment、以及對回應下 feedback。目標是讓所有 LINE 使用者都能使用到 Cofacts chatbot 可以提供的功能,即使他們跟 Cofacts chatbot 之前不一定是好友。

Article LIFF Prototype:[…]672%2C0.4206191301345825&scaling=scale-down&page-id=3004%3A224


20210106 會議記錄 - HackMD


Cofacts website (MrOrz's copy)

Created with Figma

mrorz 13:48:07
Design considerations
• 內文字至少 16px,且避免橫向排版,給調大系統字體的使用者預留空間。
◦ LINE 使用者有回報,當網站傳給長輩的時候,長輩看不到。
◦ 其他 Fact checker 網站的內文字體,有些甚至到 18。
• 由於字要大,所以目前的版本把 card 左右與螢幕貼邊,省下橫向空間放更多字。
◦ 目前作法參考 FB mobile app 的外觀。
◦ 不過其實像 snope 網站在 mobile 上其實還是 card view 的樣子,所以如果有需要,還是可以試排一個更接近目前網站外觀的 card view。
• 資訊架構,按照 LINE 使用者需求來重構:
◦ 網站同時要滿足 fact checker 需求與查謠言的人的需求,而且有較大揮灑空間,所以資訊呈現上可以較豐富;但 LINE 使用者在認知能力上可能較為受限、更容易被其他東西 distract,所以設計上會拿掉網站有呈現的一些資料。
◦ 使用情境是,使用者看到一個謠言回應之後,下面有個「看詳細」按鈕。若訊息有回過,重點在 (1) 確認在問的訊息(但沒很重要) (2) 看回應、看出處 (3) 確保使用者會按 feedback
👍 2


mrorz 21:02:09
上面的 figma 補了
1. 若 LIFF URL 有帶 replyId,可以顯示單則回應的樣式
2. 沒有回應時的外觀
mrorz 21:06:10
我媽說 figma 上的字太小看不到
mrorz 21:11:09
但這已經比 slack 預設字大了

剩下的交由手機作業系統來修正吧 (眼神死)


craigb 11:34:05
@craig.bossley has joined the channel
github 13:03:30
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github 13:03:32

#10 Create

add 陽曉曉

Anna M 15:41:03
@anna.marti has joined the channel


github 21:44:42
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carol 00:15:48
My god 他做了啥事要這樣打

用第一個 frame 以圖找圖找到最早是 3/14 的這裏
mygopen 真的超猛
我其實有試過手機開 google translate app

但我選的每個語言他都沒有辨識出來 QQ
github 01:01:11

#21 Bump redis from 2.8.0 to 3.1.1

Bumps <|redis> from 2.8.0 to 3.1.1. Release notes _Sourced from <|redis's releases>._ &gt; *V3.1.1* &gt; *Enhancements* &gt; &gt; • Upgrade node and dependencies (<|#1578>) &gt; &gt; *Fixes* &gt; &gt; • Fix a potential exponential regex in monitor mode (<|#1595>) &gt; &gt; *v3.1.0* &gt; *Enhancements* &gt; &gt; • Upgrade node and dependencies and redis-commands to support Redis 6 (<|#1578>) &gt; • Add support for Redis 6 `auth pass [user]` (<|#1508>) &gt; &gt; *v3.0.2* &gt; &gt; No release notes provided. &gt; &gt; *v3.0.0* &gt; &gt; This version is mainly a release to distribute all the unreleased changes on master since 2017 and additionally removes a lot of old deprecated features and internals in preparation for an upcoming modernization refactor (v4). &gt; &gt; *Breaking Changes* &gt; &gt; • Dropped support for Node.js &lt; 6 &gt; • Dropped support for `hiredis` (no longer required) &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `drain` event &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `idle` event &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `parser` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `max_delay` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `max_attempts` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `socket_no_delay` option &gt; &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • Removed development files from published package (<|#1370>) &gt; • Duplicate function now allows db param to be passed (<|#1311>) &gt; &gt; *Features* &gt; &gt; • Upgraded to latest `redis-commands` package &gt; • Upgraded to latest `redis-parser` package, v3.0.0, which brings performance improvements &gt; • Replaced `double-ended-queue` with `denque`, which brings performance improvements &gt; • Add timestamps to debug traces &gt; • Add `socket_initial_delay` option for `socket.setKeepAlive` (<|#1396>) &gt; • Add support for `rediss` protocol in url (<|#1282>) Changelog _Sourced from <|redis's changelog>._ &gt; *Changelog* &gt; *v3.0.0 - 09 Feb, 2020* &gt; &gt; This version is mainly a release to distribute all the unreleased changes on master since 2017 and additionally removes a lot of old deprecated features and old internals in preparation for an upcoming modernization refactor (v4). &gt; &gt; *Breaking Changes* &gt; &gt; • Dropped support for Node.js &lt; 6 &gt; • Dropped support for `hiredis` (no longer required) &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `drain` event &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `idle` event &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `parser` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `max_delay` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `max_attempts` option &gt; • Removed previously deprecated `socket_no_delay` option &gt; &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • Removed development files from published package (<|#1370>) &gt; • Duplicate function now allows db param to be passed (<|#1311>) &gt; &gt; *Features* &gt; &gt; • Upgraded to latest `redis-commands` package &gt; • Upgraded to latest `redis-parser` package, v3.0.0, which brings performance improvements &gt; • Replaced `double-ended-queue` with `denque`, which brings performance improvements &gt; • Add timestamps to debug traces &gt; • Add `socket_initial_delay` option for `socket.setKeepAlive` (<|#1396>) &gt; • Add support for `rediss` protocol in url (<|#1282>) Commits • <|`fc28860`> Bump version to 3.1.1 (<|#1597>) • <|`2d11b6d`> fix <|#1569> - improve monitor_regex (<|#1595>) • <|`7e77de8`> Add Chat (<|#1594>) • <|`5d3e995`> Merge branch 'master' of <|> • <|`b797cf2`> add user to • <|`79f34c2`> Bump version to 3.1.0 (<|#1590>) • <|`7fdc54e`> fix for 428e1c8a7b2322c2650294638cb1663ac5692728 - fix auth retry when redis ... • <|`09f0fe8`> "fix" tests • <|`428e1c8`> Add support for Redis 6 `auth pass [user]` (<|#1508>) • <|`bb208d0`> Add codeclimate badge (<|#1572>) • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|leibale>, a new releaser for redis since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reope…


mrorz 01:36:33
這個介紹裡面,把很久以前的 timestamp highlight 出來我覺得不錯[…]%B6%E4%BA%8B-zdpuArs14BWQ71HRFh1mzPmRRpyAiCUZyCQJGba3bhPWn6sQF

例如說訊息如果距今 1 年以前回報的,就在時間上標一個顏色;如果更久以前,就底色 + 粗體之類。


用區塊鏈溯源能否打擊假照片?紐約時報架了一個社群網站來驗證這件事 - Yeefun (@szyeefun)



lucien 02:33:10
lucien 02:33:16
NFT 募資
mrorz 15:19:40
mrorz 15:19:51
@lucien 有興趣主導嗎
lucien 15:21:43
lucien 15:22:07
fact-nft 這個平台流量似乎也沒有很大
lucien 15:22:29
TFC 這個買賣我覺得是象徵意義比較大
lucien 15:25:38
他最後還是上 opensea[…]132305123917530239240041013450196849453076546217202331278114817


Taiwan TFC - Arrests - FACTS-NFT - Collection | OpenSea

Do you know what happened to those eight 'disinformers' arrested by Chinese police forces for alerting Wuhan people about the new coronavirus? Did you know this fact check helped to bring 99 organizations to work together against

👍 1
mrorz 15:25:46
或許先做 會比較不突兀

#430 Put Call to Donation Information on website

We should put donation information on the index, article pages. Reference: <|>

lucien 15:27:44
要不要做 -> 市場對於事實查核的 nft 興趣
要不要跟他們合作 -> 掛一個 fact nft 聯盟
怎麼做 -> 挑有共鳴的題目,畫精美的圖卡
lucien 15:28:05
lucien 15:28:12
lucien 15:29:02
現在有個全世界的大事件,大家都會有關注的謠言,我們跟上包裝一個精美的 nft ,這樣應該會賣得出去
mrorz 15:29:15
捐款選項裡面有一個是 NFT,形式是你會得到我寫的某個 fact check 的精美圖卡這樣 (?)
像是一種捐款小禮物 (?)
那就要 nft 發行跟轉移的成本要小的情況了呢
原來還是有成本的呀 QQ
我前幾天趁 gas (成本競價)低時發幾個交易
可以吃很好很好的 fine dinning 了呢
lucien 15:29:19
比如說之前長榮塞子都可以做成 nft 賣了
github 17:36:53
⚠️ *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* ⚠️
github 17:36:55

#431 Embed Wondercall in Cofacts

• Implement `WonderCallEmbed` that loads iframe in a tooltip activated by a FAB • Shows loading until iframe is fully loaded • The FAB is not included in server-side rendering <|wondercall> Email: <|圖片>