
Month: 2020-09


github 12:36:47

#216 API can determine its concurrency using WEB_CONCURRENCY env var

*As-is* PM2 always spins up 2 instances of rumors-api *To-be* PM2 will respect `WEB_CONCURRENCY` env var to determine its concurrency. This can be helpful if we want to scale up / down API servers on production server.

github 12:48:39

Comment on #216 API can determine its concurrency using WEB_CONCURRENCY env var

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 88.582% when pulling *<|784d6dc> on web-concurrency* into *<|a9a68b9> on master*.

mrorz 15:06:16
我已經完全不知道怎麼重現了,但這個卡著未來都不用 release⋯⋯
mrorz 18:19:05
看起來 open data 有新的運用實例囉 ~
> 資策會的「快篩平台」已於近日上線。該平台目前搜集台灣事實查核中心、MyGoPen與Co-Facts等三組織的謠言舉報資料,透過「異質資料擴增比對暨叢集技術」,可以將相同內容、但不同類型的謠言(如文字、連結、影片)歸類,並進一步擴大比對社群平台資料庫的資料,並整理出各謠言的舉報數與查核情況。


台灣事實查核發展大躍進! AI不實訊息快篩平台上線


🙌 2 4 😂 2


mrorz 01:09:32
我要來再在 production 做一次實驗
這次測試的版本是 test-apollo3 這個 branch,具體來說有這些變更
也就是不含 `ArticleReplyFeedbackControl` 的部分

看起來用了 apollo client 3 就是在 ddos 自己
carol 02:44:33
看了一下我想 loadArticlePage 應該是我(舉手)我想說為了減少一點 cofacts db 的負擔,就從 Articles 和 Replies 把資料 cache 下來,這樣未來群組使用者只要打到美玉姨這邊就可以
carol 02:46:11
現在 articles 資料大概四萬多筆,理想上我第一次緩存的時候一個 batch 一千筆大概爬 40 頁,如果 cursor 是可以相信的話,在那之後只要更新新的資料(by 上一次的 cursor)就可以了,然後剩下的 query 都是美玉姨這邊來處理,可以有效減輕 cofacts 這邊 query 的負擔
1 🐳 1
carol 02:47:57
沒有注意到 @mrorz 居然有發現我在實驗 XD
不過 staging 的部分就不是我了,我不知道 staging 的 endpoint
mrorz 09:15:33

但 `LoadArticlePage` operation 的大量增加應該不是美玉姨的問題 XD
(`LoadArticlePage` 這個是開發者寫在 GraphQL query 的 operation name,是這幾個月加到 rumors-site 的 query 上來方便觀測的。如果 GraphQL query 的 `query` 這個字後面直接接 `(` 的話,就屬於無名的 operation。 )
我這裏 deploy 不同版本 image 會顯著影響 request per minute,已經滿確定是我升級 Apollo client 3 的 foot gun 惹。
那我就放心了 XD 緊張一下
😛 3 3 🧘‍♂️ 2 🔫 2
github 13:05:10

Comment on #213 Feature highlight searched text

I have some problem in highlighting hyperlink, details updated in the PR description.

mrorz 13:29:45
這是這幾天 0831 release 的分析。在 production release 不同版本的 image 後比對 nginx log / apollo studio 的 API 流量,可以確定問題是發生在 upgrade apollo-client 3 的 pull request ( 不聽 @lucien 言吃虧在眼前 :sob: ),但詳細原因仍然不明。

目前想要把 apollo-client 3 降級回 2,不知道大家有沒有什麼其他想法。


20200831 release thrashing issue - HackMD

github 13:49:18

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

Actually I am not sure if `test()` is called first, or if `MockDate.reset()` is called first. Depends on how `initStoryshots` calls `test()`. Judging from `Info`'s snapshot change (`over 30 years` -&gt; `about 31 years`) I suspect that the mock is not in effect.

github 17:48:14

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

you're right, I didn't think it through lol I've modified the test accordingly.

github 21:17:21

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

This can be omitted because of the existence of `position: absolute`

誤觸誤觸,請無視 lol
mrorz 21:37:33
@stbb1025 @lucien 文章的 chart 這樣呈現如何呢~?

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

<|Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 8 18 31 PM> <|Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 8 18 52 PM> <|Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 8 18 43 PM> <|Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 8 21 08 PM>

目前是寫死的,因為日期固定是31天, vertical space 也幾乎是固定的
👌 3
github 22:42:57

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

Seems that `15` is the only place that implies `dataset` length in this component. How about using `dataset.length / 2` here?

github 22:42:57

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

If we use absolute positioning for tooltip as well, we can use `left` or `right` to position `.tooltip.left` and `.tooltip.right` as well. In this way both `.tooltip.left` and `.tooltip.right` do not need to rely on actual tooltip width / height.

github 22:42:57

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

Since `totalWebVisits` is not storing JSX elements, we can directly use <|`t`> here, instead of <|`jt`>. The same goes to occurrences of `jt` below.

github 22:42:58

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

Since we may change tooltip content in the future and its size may vary in different languages, I think we can should avoid fixed width / height here and rely on its content's size. We can add paddings to further adjust space around the text.

github 22:42:58

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

It's pretty rare to see line-height smaller than font size :thinking_face: What would happen if we remove this line and let it inherit from `.tooltip` ?

github 22:42:58

Review on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

The chart is looking pretty good! I have added some comments regarding some details of CSS and i18n.

github 22:42:58

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

We can use <|ngettext> to handle plural form. ``` c('LineChart').ngettext(msgid`${num} time`, `${num} times`, num) ```

lucien 23:28:22


[Wireframe] Pages

Created with Figma

如果要實作的時候英文翻譯還沒好,我們就先直接放中文(不上 ttag)
嗯圖片的 i18n 再說~
❤️ 1 🐳 2


github 00:46:16

#13 Bump googleapis from 32.0.0 to 39.1.0

Bumps <|googleapis> from 32.0.0 to 39.1.0. Release notes _Sourced from <|googleapis's releases>._ &gt; *v39.1.0* &gt; &gt; 03-28-2019 16:17 PDT &gt; &gt; *This release has security fixes.*. Versions 36.0.0 =&gt; 39.0.0 have a potential <|vulnerability> where the scope of auth objects may be shared across different clients. This was addressed in <|#1660>, and is part of this minor release. All clients should be updated to the latest version. &gt; &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • fix: move context from namespace to class scope (<|#1660>) &gt; &gt; *New Features* &gt; &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1659>) &gt; &gt; *Internal / Testing Changes* &gt; &gt; • fix: README should not be generated (<|#1657>) &gt; &gt; *v39.0.0* &gt; &gt; 03-26-2019 22:05 PDT &gt; &gt; *This release had breaking changes*. There have been a variety of TypeScript type changes. There have also been a variety of changes to the Google Plus API, and the OAuth2 API. Please take care! &gt; &gt; There are also some sweet new APIs: &gt; &gt; • cloudasset_v1 &gt; • cloudtasks_v2 &gt; • factchecktools_v1alpha1 &gt; • servicenetworking_v1 &gt; • websecurityscanner_v1beta &gt; &gt; *New Features* &gt; &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1653>) &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1644>) &gt; &gt; *Documentation* &gt; &gt; • docs: remove the plus samples (<|#1654>) &gt; • docs: Update typo in (<|#1640>) &gt; • docs: fix typos in README files (<|#1642>) &gt; &gt; *Internal / Testing Changes* &gt; &gt; • chore(deps): update dependency tmp to ^0.1.0 (<|#1652>) &gt; • chore: publish to npm using wombat (<|#1645>) &gt; • build: update npm token (<|#1641>) &gt; • chore(deps): update dependency hard-rejection to v2 (<|#1643>) &gt; • build: use per-repo publish token (<|#1638>) &gt; &gt; *v38.0.0* &gt; &gt; 03-12-2019 14:00 PDT &gt; &gt; Greetings y'all! This release has some new APIs, says goodbye to a few older ones, and fixes a bunch of doc issues. Enjoy! &gt; &gt; _BREAKING CHANGES_: The following APIs have been _deleted_: &gt; &gt; • appengine_v1beta4 &gt; • appengine_v1beta5 Changelog _Sourced from <|googleapis's changelog>._ &gt; *v39.1.0* &gt; &gt; 03-28-2019 16:17 PDT &gt; &gt; *This release has security fixes.*. Versions 36.0.0 =&gt; 39.0.0 have a potential <|vulnerability> where the scope of auth objects may be shared across different clients. This was addressed in <|#1660>, and is part of this minor release. All clients should be updated to the latest version. &gt; &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • fix: move context from namespace to class scope (<|#1660>) &gt; &gt; *New Features* &gt; &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1659>) &gt; &gt; *Internal / Testing Changes* &gt; &gt; • fix: README should not be generated (<|#1657>) &gt; &gt; *v39.0.0* &gt; &gt; 03-26-2019 22:05 PDT &gt; &gt; *This release had breaking changes*. There have been a variety of TypeScript type changes. There have also been a variety of changes to the Google Plus API, and the OAuth2 API. Please take care! &gt; &gt; There are also some sweet new APIs: &gt; &gt; • cloudasset_v1 &gt; • cloudtasks_v2 &gt; • factchecktools_v1alpha1 &gt; • servicenetworking_v1 &gt; • websecurityscanner_v1beta &gt; &gt; *New Features* &gt; &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1653>) &gt; • feat: run the generator (<|#1644>) &gt; &gt; *Documentation* &gt; &gt; • docs: remove the plus samples (<|#1654>) &gt; • docs: Update typo in (<|#1640>) &gt; • docs: fix typos in README files (<|#1642>) &gt; &gt; *Internal / Testing Changes* &gt; &gt; • chore(deps): update dependency tmp to ^0.1.0 (<|#1652>) &gt; • chore: publish to npm using wombat (<|#1645>) &gt; • build: update npm token (<|#1641>) &gt; • chore(deps): update dependency hard-rejection to v2 (<|#1643>) &gt; • build: use per-repo publish token (<|#1638>) &gt; &gt; *v38.0.0* &gt; &gt; 03-12-2019 14:00 PDT &gt; &gt; Greetings y'all! This release has some new APIs, says goodbye to a few older ones, and fixes a bunch of doc issues. Enjoy! Commits • <|`f29dfd0`> Release v39.1.0 (<|#1661>) • <|`db5e0f2`> fix: move context from namespace to class scope (<|#1660>) • <|`73eab9b`> feat: run the generator (<|#1659>) • <|`d69c920`> fix: README should not be generated (<|#1657>) • <|`32279b5`> Release v39.0.0 (<|#1655>) • <…

github 14:00:13

#9 README refinement

*To be added* • environment variables • Deployment guide

github 14:06:48

#327 Rollback apollo-client to 2.X

As discussed in <|meeting> we are rolling back apollo-client to 2.X to fix SSR thrashing issue.

0831 的 release 範圍,在把 apollo-client 退回 2、修正 request 問題之後,已經 deploy 到 staging 囉,請大家測測看:

功能方面應該要跟我們在 8/26 時測試的完全一致(8/26 測到的待改進項目也還沒處理):
mrorz 15:29:39
0831 的 release 範圍,在把 apollo-client 退回 2、修正 request 問題之後,已經 deploy 到 staging 囉,請大家測測看:

功能方面應該要跟我們在 8/26 時測試的完全一致(8/26 測到的待改進項目也還沒處理):

Cofacts - Connecting facts and instant messages

Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports or different opinions together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan.

20200826 會議記錄 - HackMD

github 16:21:03

#1 Post tags json data to AI API can not get correct response

`aIbert` 聽起來像是人名 👨‍🏫
gary96302000.eecs96 2020-09-03 18:11:05
哈哈哈 不過確實有一個叫 a”l”bert 的輕量化模型就是了


github 09:15:27

#14 Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2

Bumps <|lodash.merge> from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2. Commits • See full diff in <|compare view> <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.

Dai -大輔/東京 22:24:59
@dai has joined the channel
github 23:24:48

#2 Add 0904 incident



github 00:32:54

#319 Articlereplyfeedbacks

這個 PR 醞釀了好久,終於可以 review 啦~~~
是關於「看理由」的 refactor,這個會讓 article-reply feedback control 更簡單
github 19:26:40

#15 Bump handlebars from 4.5.1 to 4.7.6

Bumps <|handlebars> from 4.5.1 to 4.7.6. Changelog _Sourced from <|handlebars's changelog>._ &gt; *v4.7.6 - April 3rd, 2020* &gt; &gt; Chore/Housekeeping: &gt; &gt; • <|#1672> - Switch cmd parser to latest minimist (<|@dougwilson> &gt; &gt; Compatibility notes: &gt; &gt; • Restored Node.js compatibility &gt; &gt; <|Commits> &gt; &gt; *v4.7.5 - April 2nd, 2020* &gt; &gt; Chore/Housekeeping: &gt; &gt; • ~Node.js version support has been changed to v6+~ Reverted in 4.7.6 &gt; &gt; Compatibility notes: &gt; &gt; • ~Node.js &lt; v6 is no longer supported~ Reverted in 4.7.6 &gt; &gt; <|Commits> &gt; &gt; *v4.7.4 - April 1st, 2020* &gt; &gt; Chore/Housekeeping: &gt; &gt; • <|#1666> - Replaced minimist with yargs for handlebars CLI (<|@aorinevo>, <|@AviVahl> &amp; <|@fabb>) &gt; &gt; Compatibility notes: &gt; &gt; • No incompatibilities are to be expected &gt; &gt; <|Commits> &gt; &gt; *v4.7.3 - February 5th, 2020* &gt; &gt; Chore/Housekeeping: &gt; &gt; • <|#1644> - Download links to aws broken on <|> - access denied (<|@Tea56>) &gt; • Fix spelling and punctuation in changelog - d78cc73 &gt; &gt; Bugfixes: &gt; &gt; • Add Type Definition for Handlebars.VERSION, Fixes <|#1647> - 4de51fe &gt; • Include Type Definition for runtime.js in Package - a32d05f &gt; &gt; Compatibility notes: Commits • <|`e6ad93e`> v4.7.6 • <|`2bf4fc6`> Update release notes • <|`b64202b`> Update • <|`c2f1e62`> Switch cmd parser to latest minimist • <|`08e9a11`> Revert "chore: set Node.js compatibility to v6+" • <|`1fd2ede`> v4.7.5 • <|`3c9c2f5`> Update release notes • <|`16487a0`> chore: downgrade yargs to v14 • <|`309d2b4`> chore: set Node.js compatibility to v6+ • <|`645ac73`> test: fix integration tests • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|erisds>, a new releaser for handlebars since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.


github 16:09:59

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

`right: 40px` should have similar effect, but using `right` could have no dependency on tooltip actual width.

github 16:09:59

Review on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

I found that currently the red cursor will not align with the x-axis: <|image> To make them aligned, there should be 11 x-axis ticks for 31 days. For example, for 9/6 the ticks should be: &gt; 8/7 8/10 8/13 8/16 8/19 8/22 8/25 8/28 8/31 9/3 9/6

github 20:47:03

Review on #213 Feature highlight searched text

LGTM overall, thanks for adding highlight function that we long wanted!

github 20:47:04

Comment on #213 Feature highlight searched text

This makes me notice that we <|forgot to use `cjk_url_email` analyzer> for `reference` field...... This is a bug that will affect reply search. I am adding a ticket for this.

github 20:47:04

Comment on #213 Feature highlight searched text

What would happen if we use the original setup?

github 20:49:12

#46 Reply reference field should use cjk_url_email analyzer

Current setting will mess up with reply search functionality. Modifying analyzer will need reindexing.

mrorz 20:52:13
推銷一下這個小 PR 求 review
主要是讓 rumors-api 能像 rumors-site 一樣可以用 env var 來控制 pm2 要開幾個 instance 這樣
原本是因應 0831 release 導致 API server loading 暴增做的變更
在 rollback apollo client 之後似乎沒有急迫的需求,但我覺得這個設定還是可以進
github 23:30:20

Comment on #213 Feature highlight searched text

Let's see the test case `ListReplies filters by moreLikeThis and given text, find replies with the said URL's content`: The original fixture `moreLikeThis2`(reference:barbar) should match, but it only matches `userFoo` and `rumor`.


github 00:07:20

#288 Replace &lt;ArticleItem&gt; with more reusable card components

放了一個月的 PR 終於可以 review 啦~

這是接續過去 article list page 的 refactor,將過於萬能的 `ArticleItem` 拆成比較好重用的小 component
mrorz 00:08:26
放了一個月的 PR 終於可以 review 啦~

這是接續過去 article list page 的 refactor,將過於萬能的 `ArticleItem` 拆成比較好重用的小 component
github 14:04:17

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

Recently I have rolled back apollo client to version 2. Please also rebase the PR and change apollo-client 3 dependencies accordingly. More specifically, • `import { gql } from '@apollo/client'` should be `import gql from 'graphql-tag'` • `import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'` should be `import { useQuery } from '@apollo/react-hooks'`

mrorz 14:16:12
Rich menu 在 production 上線囉,大家可以試試看 ~~
感謝 @stbb1025
檔案目前放在這裡用 CC0 釋出

想問 @stbb1025
1. README 裡的文字(尤其是放棄版權宣告的人)是否有要修改的地方呢
2. 請問有原始檔可以讓我們一併公開出來嗎~
github 有設計 repo 可以放
想說之前貼圖與投影片都放 google drive
好棒喔 ❤️ 官方網站那位是⋯
新 landing page 的角色
科飛子( cofacts)
讓謠言飛一下 動手來闢謠😉
1 ❤️ 1 👍 1


github 02:44:28

Review on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

LGTM now :) Thanks for the fix and let's <|:shipit:>

github 02:51:41

Comment on #213 Feature highlight searched text

I see, very interesting. Seems that using `fields: ['text', 'reference']` would concat the two field into one, which may cause `not being selected as representative terms [in` more_like_this` process](<|>). Splitting into separate more_like_this should indeed fix this.

mrorz 11:40:57
@acerxp511 這個 PR 是關於 article item 如何實作,會與 highlight 如何實作習習相關唷

#288 Replace &lt;ArticleItem&gt; with more reusable card components

List items part of the 2nd planned PR for <|`ArticleListPage` component revamp> <|#286> . Originally, `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` component is shared across all list pages including `/articles` , `/hoax-for-you`, `/replies` and `/search`; however, in each of these lists, the item looks different in mockup (see below). Original implementation adds a lot of props to `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` and is not accurately reflecting to all these different visuals. This PR replaces monolithic `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` with atomic, reusable components of these components. *Spec in Figma* *In <|`/articles`>, <|`/hoax-for-you`> and <|searching articles in `/search`>* <|image> *In <|`/replies`>* <|image> *<|Searching replies in `/replies`>* <|image> *<|The "articles also used this reply" dialog>* <|image> *Refactor* • decompose `components/ListPageDisplays/ArticleItem` into `ListPageCards`, `ListPageCard` and original `ReplyItem` • `ListPageCards`: the list container for all card items • `ListPageCard`: basic card look, with RWD paddings matching the mockup <|image> • `ArticleCard`: the article card shared across `/articles`, `/hoax-for-you` and `/search`, built upon `ListPageCard` <|image> • `ReplyItem`: article reply item within each article card in `/replies` page. This component already exists, but its props are simplified in this PR. <|image> • adding `page` prop to `ArticlePageLayout` • The ultimate goal is to split `ArticlePageLayout` into each page components like `/articles`, `/hoax-for-you` and `/search` • However, this PR has already collected too much changes, removing `ArticlePageLayout` in this PR will be very difficult to review. • Therefore I added `page` prop to differentiate pages in `ArticlePageLayout`. This will help us splitting logic into respective pages in the future PR. • Introduce `&lt;ReplyCountInfo&gt;` for reply info with reply stats • It's only used in 2 places. However its calculation is a bit complicated, thus we are turning it into a component. *Others* • Lists 25 items per page (fixes <|#307>)

mrorz 13:53:31
因為最近資料庫有 user ID revamp 以及 reference analyzer 的問題,明天開會我想討論一下 rumors-db 的 versioning 怎麼做。

目前的版本是所有 index 要一起前進,但只改一兩個 index 就全部都要 reindex 似乎不太合理 @@ 想要改成個別管理這樣。

大家對於 elasticsearch mapping 管理有什麼想法呢?

20200909 會議記錄 - HackMD

github 15:27:16

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

`tick` could be a `number` or a `date`, `-0` remains the same if it's a number and converts `date` into epoch seconds otherwise. it's not necessary, just makes the `key` look cleaner

github 16:52:34

Comment on #315 Initial implementation of LineChart

I see. We could use <|unary `+`> to convert things to number, it's shorter ;)

github 18:08:54

Comment on #47 update analytics and users' schema &amp; write a migration to update mappings



github 12:30:18

Comment on #47 update analytics and users' schema &amp; write a migration to update mappings

I think we can use `keyword`. 1. Previously we use `keyword` to store `url`: <|> 2. For longer data, we still use `keyword` but add `doc_values: false` also. <|>

mrorz 13:24:59
Cofacts open data 加入每日 LINE bot / website 個別訊息的瀏覽量資訊囉!

• 資料範圍:網站為 2017 年 3 月起,LINE bot 為 2018 年 4 月起;兩者都有包含 2018 與 2020 大選前後期間
• 資料來源同 ,但是是以 CSV 形式放在同一個檔案,無需在 analytics 頁面單次下載
• 有將相同對象、不同 URL的瀏覽量 (如帶有 fbclid 的版本) 合併計算


Open data of Cofacts collaborative fact-checking database

github 13:57:07

#217 Ask user to turn on notification after submission

In <|20200812 meeting note>: &gt; 如果預設都關閉,我們都準備好之後再發個推播說有這個選項可以設定 &gt; 想說預設開啟的話,使用者可能會不知道如何關閉,就把我們封鎖了 &gt; [name=mrorz] &gt; 商業產品的話我會考慮預設開啟,但調整推播頻率 &gt; 我們這裡可以預設關閉,然後如果使用者送新訊息進來後,沒有得到回應,使用者又沒有開啟推播的話,可以多問一句要不要開啟 &gt; [name=lucien] Therefore we can • add a sentence after they successfully send a message asking the user to turn on notification if their notification setting is off. • If their notification setting is turned on, also states that they will receive notification after the message being replied.

mrorz 14:23:48
小聚、RSS 教學與 rich menu 各功能介紹需要有人幫忙處理~~
github 14:26:54

#218 Feature highlight searched text

Highlight searched text using <|cofacts/rumors-api#213> *Need to discuss* Highlight hyperlink.title and hyperlink.summary or not? Currently line bot doesn't show hyperlink.title and hyperlink.summary, but search-API may highlight them and return a null text field if the original message is a URL.

github 21:56:29

Comment on #218 Feature highlight searched text

若為 hyperlink.summary,一樣顯示 summary 的 highlight,但前面用稍小的灰字加上: `(Words found in the hyperlink)` 或 `(網址裡找到的字)` <|image> Color palatte: <|>

mrorz 22:35:42
請問手機版 Google Chrome 是不是打不開下面這一頁?
請問 @iacmai的是 iOS 嗎
android 不過chrome是舊版67
我的是 85.0.4183.101
看起來確實是 Google 又 optimization 到 segfault lol


mrorz 02:09:19
@zoetwca 實作的新版圖表上線囉,感謝 Zoe m(_ _)m

網站因為大家 google 就會進來,瀏覽量真的跟 LINE 有不少的差距呢,能一次呈現真是太好了
github 02:10:44

Comment on #211 Entering article page from article list takes 2 back to go back to list page

Confirmed that it's fixed via <|#314>.

zoe 09:28:57
我之前有測一些手機尺寸,殊不知我自己的手機是edge case xDDD
Image from iOS
Ohhh 一行放 4 個資訊對手機來說還是太難了呢 XDD
我的手機又算是螢幕比較小 XD
mrorz 11:20:04
我覺得與其顯示 visit 數,換成顯示 user 數好像比較好


圖表上看起來好像有 15 web visit 很多、跟前一天比看起來「變熱門了」,但實際上只有 5 user,前一天的 8 user 才是高峰。
看到圖表實際在 production 上運作,我才意會到在 visit 數稍低的時候,visit 數在判讀「人氣」上還滿可能會失真的,可能用 webUser 作圖比較合適呢。
hmm…原本思考方式是讓 Line 跟 web 的數據有可比性
query 數也是 PV 而不是 UV 的概念
如果 Line 那邊也做成 UV ,我覺得可以一起換
另外突然想到,美玉姨這種打 API 的,我們要怎麼收資料呢?
對,我覺得 LINE 跟 web 都可以改 UV

其他 client 如美玉姨、趨勢科技防詐達人的部分
1. 兩者都已經改成 cache + periodic sync 所以 cofacts API 這裡沒有什麼資料可以收
2. 兩者可以放進群組,隱私疑慮較高,不一定會想收資料
Line 有UV可以拿嗎
我們有把 LINE user ID 傳給 google analytics 所以 GA 分得出 user
關於其他 client 的 analytics,其實我覺得比較希望他們自己主動開放耶,像我們的 一樣~

嗯嗯,讓對方開放,我們可以另外分開表 sync
那可以改成 UV ,但 wording 要想一下
N 人瀏覽此頁 / M 人在 LINE 查詢

N visitors of this page / LINE inquiries from M users
英文越來越長了 XDDDD 這下手機上肯定要分行
github 17:51:02

Comment on #218 Feature highlight searched text

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1109>* • *27* of *27* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *1* file are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage increased (+*0.6%*) to *84.691%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

eopXD 23:37:11
@yueh.ting.chen has joined the channel


github 11:42:34

#16 Bump node-fetch from 2.2.0 to 2.6.1

Bumps <|node-fetch> from 2.2.0 to 2.6.1. Release notes _Sourced from <|node-fetch's releases>._ &gt; *v2.6.1* &gt; &gt; *This is an important security release. It is strongly recommended to update as soon as possible.* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG> for details. &gt; &gt; *v2.6.0* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. &gt; &gt; *v2.5.0* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. &gt; &gt; *v2.4.1* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. &gt; &gt; *v2.4.0* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. &gt; &gt; *v2.3.0* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. &gt; &gt; *v2.2.1* &gt; &gt; See <|CHANGELOG>. Changelog _Sourced from <|node-fetch's changelog>._ &gt; *v2.6.1* &gt; &gt; *This is an important security release. It is strongly recommended to update as soon as possible.* &gt; &gt; • Fix: honor the `size` option after following a redirect. &gt; &gt; *v2.6.0* &gt; &gt; • Enhance: `options.agent`, it now accepts a function that returns custom http(s).Agent instance based on current URL, see readme for more information. &gt; • Fix: incorrect `Content-Length` was returned for stream body in 2.5.0 release; note that `node-fetch` doesn't calculate content length for stream body. &gt; • Fix: `Response.url` should return empty string instead of `null` by default. &gt; &gt; *v2.5.0* &gt; &gt; • Enhance: `Response` object now includes `redirected` property. &gt; • Enhance: `fetch()` now accepts third-party `Blob` implementation as body. &gt; • Other: disable `package-lock.json` generation as we never commit them. &gt; • Other: dev dependency update. &gt; • Other: readme update. &gt; &gt; *v2.4.1* &gt; &gt; • Fix: `Blob` import rule for node &lt; 10, as `Readable` isn't a named export. &gt; &gt; *v2.4.0* &gt; &gt; • Enhance: added `Brotli` compression support (using node's zlib). &gt; • Enhance: updated `Blob` implementation per spec. &gt; • Fix: set content type automatically for `URLSearchParams`. &gt; • Fix: `Headers` now reject empty header names. &gt; • Fix: test cases, as node 12+ no longer accepts invalid header response. &gt; &gt; *v2.3.0* &gt; &gt; • Enhance: added `AbortSignal` support, with README example. &gt; • Enhance: handle invalid `Location` header during redirect by rejecting them explicitly with `FetchError`. &gt; • Fix: update `browser.js` to support react-native environment, where `self` isn't available globally. &gt; &gt; *v2.2.1* &gt; &gt; • Fix: `compress` flag shouldn't overwrite existing `Accept-Encoding` header. &gt; • Fix: multiple `import` rules, where `PassThrough` etc. doesn't have a named export when using node &lt;10 and `--experimental-modules` flag. &gt; • Other: Better README. Commits • <|`b5e2e41`> update version number • <|`2358a6c`> Honor the `size` option after following a redirect and revert data uri support • <|`8c197f8`> docs: Fix typos and grammatical errors in (<|#686>) • <|`1e99050`> fix: Change error message thrown with redirect mode set to error (<|#653>) • <|`244e6f6`> docs: Show backers in README • <|`6a5d192`> fix: Properly parse meta tag when parameters are reversed (<|#682>) • <|`47a24a0`> chore: Add opencollective badge • <|`7b13662`> chore: Add funding link • <|`5535c2e`> fix: Check for global.fetch before binding it (<|#674>) • <|`1d5778a`> docs: Add Discord badge • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|akepinski>, a new releaser for node-fetch since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.


github 12:39:15

#328 Layout components for header

• Adjust page header's margins and font size so that it matches <|the design> • `&lt;Tools&gt;` • hosts controls like `TimeRange` and `SortInput` • in mobile, all controls are stacked and have the same width • on desktop, all controls are laid out horizontally • `&lt;ListPageHeader&gt;` • layout title text and other items horizontally • adjust font size on mobile and desktop • Adjustments are made to `BaseTimeRange` and `BaseSortInput` so that they have same size and relax their width to work with `&lt;Tools&gt;` *Screenshots* *mobile* <|image> *Desktop* <|image> *`BaseTimeRange` and `BaseSortInput`* Their width are now controlled by its container, thus shows 100% width in storybook <|image> <|image>

github 12:46:19

Comment on #328 Layout components for header

Desktop safari 上看起來超母湯 <|image> 但 iOS safari 好像還好 <|IMG_C3809E0AD43B-1>


mrorz 13:06:54
我正在在把 `ArticleListPage` 拆到各個頁面裡,所以現在各個頁面的 sort 可以分開囉~

想問 @lucien 關於文章頁面的排序選項

@bil 現在實作的「最近被查詢」「最近被回應」「最多人詢問」是否已經足夠呢?會有人在「可疑訊息」(含有回過跟沒回過)這個頁面選用「最近被回應」來排序嗎

[Spec] 可疑轉傳訊息 - HackMD

不過用 article reply count 排序的話,會有一堆 0 reply、一堆 1 reply\
@mrorz 文章收錄時間
github 16:26:52

#217 Interface for connection related types

• Create `Node`, `Edge`, `PageInfo` and `Connection` interfaces and have similar object types inherit from them. • This helps components like `&lt;LoadMore&gt;` in rumors-site to create object-agnostic fragments that only retrieves common fields • Also defines more strict `NonNull` and `ID` so that their type is more rigorous. • When `resolveEdge` errors, the whole request (like `ListArticle`) would return `null` now, rather than return partially in the past. This makes more sense in terms of param error. • Upgrade graphql-js to get better error message regarding interfaces. see <|graphql/graphql-js#2513>

這個 PR 有些特別

因為有些 component 可能會跨列表共用
無論是 Article 列表還是 Reply 列表可能都要用到

但在用 fragment 寫 data dependency 的時候,又必須要指定這個 fragment 是 base on 哪一個 type

所以這裏把形狀類似或相同的 object type 都加上 interface,這樣 fragment 就可以直接 base on 這個 interface 來寫。

應該是沒啥 breaking change~
github 16:29:33

Comment on #217 Interface for connection related types

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.04%) to 88.706% when pulling *<|c12f235> on interfaces-non-null* into *<|869bfcb> on master*.

mrorz 16:38:08
這個 PR 有些特別

因為有些 component 可能會跨列表共用
無論是 Article 列表還是 Reply 列表可能都要用到

但在用 fragment 寫 data dependency 的時候,又必須要指定這個 fragment 是 base on 哪一個 type

所以這裏把形狀類似或相同的 object type 都加上 interface,這樣 fragment 就可以直接 base on 這個 interface 來寫。

應該是沒啥 breaking change~


``` fragment LoadMoreEdge on Edge { ```

github 19:32:29

#218 ListArticles categoryId filter fix

Currently `ListArticles(filter: {categoryId: [XXX]})` will include articles that has `XXX` even if • `XXX` has been deleted from the article, or • `XXX` receives more negative feedback than positive. This PR fixes the above scenario to make sure only `articleCategories` that is not deleted yet and has positive (or neutral) feedback are considered.

github 19:35:21

Comment on #218 ListArticles categoryId filter fix

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 88.666% when pulling *<|952c06f> on fix-category-id-filter* into *<|869bfcb> on master*.

github 21:52:46

#329 Show loading progress bar when apollo client is fetching query

Currently when changing filters, there is no loading state in UI. We would like `AppLayout` to show progress whenever apollo-client has pending network requests. This should be doable via this apollo-client link: <|>

github 22:08:56

#330 Remove ArticlePageLayout from /articles, /hoax-for-you and /replies

• `ListPageControls` • index • values • `LoadMore` fragments • `ListPageDisplays` • index • `/pages/articles`, `/pages/hoax-for-you` • `/pages/replies`

github 22:12:15

#331 Search page

This PR fixes <|#286> . • Removes `ArticlePageLayout` and `ReplySearchPageLayout` completely -- This marks the end of article page refactor!! • `AppLayout` container boolean prop • `SearchPageJumbotron` • `/pages/search`



github 00:11:01

#332 UI/UX enhancement for GA charts

• show unique users instead of numbers of visits (or add a toggle to switch datasets?) • enhance legends on smaller screens <|>

github 00:14:27

Comment on #166 Implement Google analytics stats field in Article

closing this issue as the feature is completed additional UI/UX enhancement will be tracked here: <|cofacts/rumors-site#332>

github 00:20:12

#48 update db schemas to reflect the new user model

update schema files and write a migration script to update existing mappings in db

github 00:29:27

#49 create users from existing entities

☐ design collision handling? ☐ fetch all entities with `userId` and `appId` (`articles`, `replyrequests`, `articlereplyfeedbacks`, etc...) and create users for each unique (`appId`, `userId`) pair, where the new user id is `appId_sha(userId)` ☐ update `userId` for entities mentioned above ☐ `analytics` only has `docUserId` and no `appId`, need to refetch all data from `replies` ☐ unit tests

github 00:49:44

#219 implement name/avatar generator

<|> • use PlatoForum's <|pseudonym_gen> to generate names • use <|Open Peeps> for avatar generation • storing `props` as a json blob • should use non-uniform distribution for some fields (i.e. `none` should have higher probability of occurrence than any other glasses/facial hair styles)

github 01:17:03

#220 ad hoc backend user creation

when resolving `user` with `appId` and `userId`, aka backend user: 1. do a term query on `appId` and `appUserId` (could also query on id to be `appId_sha(userId)` but there might be collision) 2. if the user doesn't exist, create a new user with `id` being `appId_sha(userId)`[iii] and randomly generated name and avatar. 3. in case of collision, generate another id somehow (collision prevention mechanism TBD, should be the same as <|cofacts/rumors-db#49>) unit tests

github 02:15:46

Review on #218 Feature highlight searched text

LGTM! I can't wait seeing this working on staging and production :rocket:

github 03:15:28

Comment on #221 remove unused utils

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.3%) to 88.379% when pulling *<|e08f1d1> on cleanup* into *<|869bfcb> on master*.

ccl_emt 03:32:27
@ccl_emt has joined the channel
mrorz 13:28:54
這張是關於把包山包海的 `ArticleItem` 拆細成可重用部件的 PR,標成 ready to review 之後已經放了快 10 天囉

#288 Replace &lt;ArticleItem&gt; with more reusable card components

List items part of the 2nd planned PR for <|`ArticleListPage` component revamp> <|#286> . Originally, `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` component is shared across all list pages including `/articles` , `/hoax-for-you`, `/replies` and `/search`; however, in each of these lists, the item looks different in mockup (see below). Original implementation adds a lot of props to `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` and is not accurately reflecting to all these different visuals. This PR replaces monolithic `&lt;ArticleItem&gt;` with atomic, reusable components of these components. *Spec in Figma* *In <|`/articles`>, <|`/hoax-for-you`> and <|searching articles in `/search`>* <|image> *In <|`/replies`>* <|image> *<|Searching replies in `/replies`>* <|image> *<|The "articles also used this reply" dialog>* <|image> *Refactor* • decompose `components/ListPageDisplays/ArticleItem` into `ListPageCards`, `ListPageCard` and original `ReplyItem` • `ListPageCards`: the list container for all card items • `ListPageCard`: basic card look, with RWD paddings matching the mockup <|image> • `ArticleCard`: the article card shared across `/articles`, `/hoax-for-you` and `/search`, built upon `ListPageCard` <|image> • `ReplyItem`: article reply item within each article card in `/replies` page. This component already exists, but its props are simplified in this PR. <|image> • adding `page` prop to `ArticlePageLayout` • The ultimate goal is to split `ArticlePageLayout` into each page components like `/articles`, `/hoax-for-you` and `/search` • However, this PR has already collected too much changes, removing `ArticlePageLayout` in this PR will be very difficult to review. • Therefore I added `page` prop to differentiate pages in `ArticlePageLayout`. This will help us splitting logic into respective pages in the future PR. • Introduce `&lt;ReplyCountInfo&gt;` for reply info with reply stats • It's only used in 2 places. However its calculation is a bit complicated, thus we are turning it into a component. *Others* • Lists 25 items per page (fixes <|#307>)

github 13:38:17

Comment on #321 Track rss, and add utm_source to each url that generated from feed.js

What would `&amp;utm_source=Others&amp;utm_medium=Subcribe` do?

github 13:38:17

Review on #321 Track rss, and add utm_source to each url that generated from feed.js

Thanks for the update, it's looking good! Some thoughts and questions appended.

github 13:38:17

Comment on #321 Track rss, and add utm_source to each url that generated from feed.js

I think we can use something like `Poll`, which better describes this action.

mrorz 22:58:09

其實我也覺得手機版的登入常常找不到 QQ

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups

【Cofacts 真的假的】編輯交流天地 has 3,908 members. 【給編輯:真的假的闢謠平台】 <> 《貼文規範》 :ok_woman:?‍ 這裡歡迎各位闢謠編輯,在這裡交流各種闢謠經驗、假新聞或訊息的相關資訊。 :man-gesturing-ok: :warning: 不過這裡『不是』LINE bot 使用者的謠言解答區,『不歡迎』像這樣的伸手文: :u7981:「這真的假的?!(貼上連結)」...


這件事情王大師也誤會過唷(舊版 UI)


github 00:23:53

Comment on #321 Track rss, and add utm_source to each url that generated from feed.js

It should be `&amp;source=Others` only, I forgot to remove `&amp;utm_source=Others&amp;utm_medium=Subcribe` after testing.

github 10:35:03

Review on #221 remove unused utils

Thanks for the fix!

mrorz 14:41:46

本週 slack 對話已經備份進去囉
github 21:03:26

#219 Simplify state, return state only when we need it

Fixes <|#177> 1. Remove useless state assignment and return state only when we need it • `ASKING_REPLY_FEEDBACK` state is replaced by `input.startsWith(UPVOTE_PREFIX or DOWNVOTE_PREFIX)`. • In [handleInput], `context.state` is mainly used for postback message. But now it's also used to distinguish state `ASKING_ARTICLE_SUBMISSION_CONSENT` and `ASKING_REPLY_REQUEST_REASON` from `input.startsWith(SOURCE_PREFIX)`. Maybe we can use different prefixes for them in the future. 2. Move reason message handler from [initState] to [askingReplyRequestReason] • Merge reason message(original in `initState`) to `ASKING_REPLY_REQUEST_REASON`. Note: I don't update test in this PR, so we can see if there's fatal test fail after this refactoring. Will fix test in another PR.

github 22:04:21

#222 user id collision prevention

since this is a good-to-have per offline discussion, will track it separately in this issue

lucien 23:06:31
感謝測試 m(_ _)m
另一個是「看起來多像」的邏輯要重新設計,目前是只看 text 欄位並使用 dice coefficient,但實際上我們不只看 text 欄位
哦哦,我原本有打算處理這個 case 但是後來覺得 elasticsearch 應該不會切成這樣,所以又把它 discard 了...
我覺得這個問題應該不只是 LINE bot 會遇到,其他 bot 應該也會,所以如果能在 API 上提供
另一個可以改進的小小地方是 Lucien 第一張圖
文字應該是 100% match
但 highlight 只有標出 `more_like_this` query 認為重要的那些 query。

之前 answerfamily 的解法是使用 highlight query,搜尋時繼續使用 more_like_this,但 highlight query 指定 `match` query 之類比較巨細彌遺的 query 來標記 search match.

雖然後來我改成讓 more_like_this 查更多字,但我覺得 cofacts 的 case 可能比較適合繼續使用 more_like_this + highlight query @@


mrorz 13:34:59
昨晚測試的 LINE bot 與網站都完成 release 囉!

🤖 LINE bot 重點:
• 搜尋時有中的字會 highlight,更容易辨識哪一則是要找的訊息
:globe_with_meridians: 網站重點:
• 正常顯示 LINE bot 使用者的 upvote / downvote 理由
• 文章列表一頁會顯示 25 篇文(原本僅 10 篇)
感謝 @acerxp511 的開發 m(_ _)m

另外,也請大家幫忙 review 這些 PR:
這些 PR 會讓 search page 恢復用相關度排序,等於修復壞了好幾個月的搜尋功能唷!

20200916 會議記錄 - HackMD

👍 1
github 15:49:54

Comment on #223 pseudo name &amp; open peeps avatar gen

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.4%) to 87.957% when pulling *<|404c5b5> on name-avatar-gen* into *<|c236081> on master*.

github 17:05:25

Comment on #1 Post tags json data to AI API can not get correct response

Fix post bug by specifying headers when sending an array of dicts. ``` headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'} post_response = <|>(post_task_site, json=result_task_payload, headers=headers) ```


github 13:53:22

#220 TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

*An article matches but there's no highlight* Should take a look at cofacts-api to see why it matches. <|螢幕快照 2020-09-18 下午1 54 35> View details in Rollbar: <|> ``` TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined File "/app/build/webhook/handlers/utils.js", line 438, in createHighlightContents for (let highlightPair of text.split('&lt;/HIGHLIGHT&gt;')) { File "/app/build/webhook/handlers/initState.js", line 217, in &lt;unknown&gt; contents: (0, _utils.createHighlightContents)(highlight, text), File "&lt;anonymous&gt;", line unknown, in File "/app/build/webhook/handlers/initState.js", line 192, in initState const articleOptions ={ File "&lt;anonymous&gt;", line unknown, in runMicrotasks File "internal/process/task_queues.js", line 97, in processTicksAndRejections File "/app/build/webhook/handleInput.js", line 96, in async handleInput params = await (0, _initState.default)(params); File "/app/build/webhook/index.js", line 210, in async processText result = await (0, _handleInput.default)(context, { File "/app/build/webhook/index.js", line 128, in async singleUserHandler result = await processText(context, type, input, otherFields, userId, req); ```

github 14:27:47

#221 Adjust share text to promote LINE bot

*As-is* Currently when users share Cofacts results to others, the following text will be pre-filled: <|> <|image> *To-be* Refer to 疾管家,their share text contains link to chatbot: <|image> We can use the following wording: ``` Someone says the message “${articleText}” ${replyType}. 📝 Please refer to ${articleUrl} for more information, replies and references.` 🤖 Add Cofacts to look up dubious messages on LINE: <> ```

github 14:52:44

#222 Consult rule / example based agents (Dialogflow) before looking up text in database

*As-is* Currently for some common interactions like "Hello", "Hi", or "Thanks", we need to create an article and reply to teach users to use Cofacts lookup feature correctly. <|image> *To-be* We can integrate rule / example based agents for such interaction. More specifically, • We can build rule-based agents using Dialogflow, specifying examples and sample responses there. • When we detect new messages <|here> (or in <|initState handler>), we first consult rule-based agents • If the agent returns fallback, proceed to `ListArticles` rumors-api call as before • If the agent returns a preset response, use the response directly.


github 13:54:20

Review on #219 Simplify state, return state only when we need it

The code change looks reasonable and it works on my local machine / test accounts. Thanks a million for simplifying the code base! Looking forward to the fix of test cases.

github 14:35:53

Review on #223 pseudo name &amp; open peeps avatar gen

Thanks for the implementation! It's fun to have these pseudonyms and avatars. Some comments has been added regarding probability of separators &amp; decorators.

github 14:35:53

Comment on #223 pseudo name &amp; open peeps avatar gen

看到這兩個我以為是自己加的,原來本來的檔案裡就有這兩個人 XDDDD <|>

github 14:35:53

Comment on #223 pseudo name &amp; open peeps avatar gen

Though it's me that come up with these separators / decorators, I still think the use of separators and decorators are pretty 中二 lol I think for separators and decorators we can duplicate identity items (such as `${adj}${place}${name}` and `${joinedName}`) a couple of times so that most of the time there is no separators / decorators inside generated names.

github 16:37:05

#223 Improve README to document MongoDB and Redis

Current README did not mention that we need to spin up MongoDB to get chatbot server ready. This PR • Adds `docker-compose` command to dev instructions. • Although it's mainly used in unit tests, current docker-compose settings &amp; its combination with `.env.sample` is pretty suitable for development as well. • Moves env var setup to `Production Deployment` section.

github 16:40:13

Comment on #223 Improve README to document MongoDB and Redis

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1121>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *84.809%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

github 22:06:58

#334 Ribbon component

Implement component for ribbon-like visual display. Fixes <|#275> . • Replace `AppLayout/Widgets/Level` with `&lt;Ribbon&gt;` and custom CSS • Remove unused `AppLayout/UserName` Figma: • App menu <|> • Mobile sidebar <|> • Article detail <|> *Screenshots* <|image> <|image> <|image>


github 00:37:36

#224 [User] Make profile page related fields publically available

This PR is for fields required in Profile page UI. • Figma: <|> • Spec: <|> Detail • Change `points` and `repliedArticleCount` from 'current-user only' to publicly available • Add `votedArticleReplyCount` to `User` • Add `GraphQLNonNull` when applicable

最近我這裡會實作 profile page 的一部分

• 讓使用者可以改名 (舊版可以,新版沒做進去)
• 顯示使用者回過幾篇訊息、給過幾個回應 feedback
• 列出使用者回過的回應
• 列出使用者送過 reply request 的文章
• 列出使用者送過 article reply feedback 的回應
這個 PR 是相關 API 需要的變更 (user 欄位方面)
另外還會再開一個 PR for `ListReplyRequest` (方能列出使用者送過哪些 reply request)
github 00:40:20

Comment on #224 Make profile page related fields in User object type publically available

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-0.08%) to 88.299% when pulling *<|474265d> on profile* into *<|c236081> on master*.

mrorz 00:48:53
最近我這裡會實作 profile page 的一部分

• 讓使用者可以改名 (舊版可以,新版沒做進去)
• 顯示使用者回過幾篇訊息、給過幾個回應 feedback
• 列出使用者回過的回應
• 列出使用者送過 reply request 的文章
• 列出使用者送過 article reply feedback 的回應
這個 PR 是相關 API 需要的變更 (user 欄位方面)
另外還會再開一個 PR for `ListReplyRequest` (方能列出使用者送過哪些 reply request)
github 01:01:53

#335 Level icon in Profile page

Figma: <|> <|image> <|image>

mrorz 01:52:42
提醒一下上週還有 5 個 PR 還沒 review & merge 唷
沒問題的話這幾天我會 merge 進去

20200916 會議記錄 - HackMD

github 13:10:19

#224 Update LIFF translation to match rich menu

Ref: <|20200916 meeting note> • `/settings` 網頁標題要換成「設定」,內文要翻譯 • `/articles` 網頁標題要改成「問過的問題」

github 13:22:01

Comment on #332 UI/UX enhancement for GA charts

Related discussion <|>

github 13:36:18

#336 Differentiate comment section of article detail page

From <|> &gt; 在沒有回應的時候,使用者會把「我想補充」的那些留言當成是「結論」。這件事情王大師也誤會過唷 In the discussion we decide to add a title in front of comments.

github 15:27:51

#225 Fix simplify state test

Fixes <|#219> test


github 14:07:00

Review on #225 Fix simplify state test

Review is 33% complete, let me submit my initial comments now

github 14:07:00

Comment on #225 Fix simplify state test

The test case is simulating the case when user scrolls back and choose another reply in the dialog to test if `postbackHandlerState` logic in `handleInput()` works. Since `ASKING_REPLY_FEEDBACK` does not exist anymore, I think we can test `postbackHandlerState` using `CHOOSING_ARTICLE` and `CHOOSING_REPLY` instead. That is, • Initially the context is in `CHOOSING_REPLY` state • The event has `postbackHandlerState` being `CHOOSING_ARTICLE` and the article id • Mocks `choosingArticle` and assert that it has been invoked • Expect `choosingReply` is not invoked

github 14:07:00

Comment on #225 Fix simplify state test

Seems that we are really downplaying the chatbot logic as a state diagram -- "next state" is not guaranteed in context anymore. Personally I think this is the right direction, because conversations has too many possibilities (users can reply previous chats) . Instead of modeling it using state diagrams (which limites the output), it is more suitable to identify intents (by events and / or `postbackHandlerState` that comes with an event) and react accordingly. (See: <|call graph analogy>) However, currently the code itself looks like a state machine. This means that we are in a middle -- we are not going to implement state machine but the code still looks like a state machine. We may need another refactor in the future to remove the `state` analogy from chatbot codebase.


github 12:46:16

Comment on #328 Layout components for header

We should remove style `classes.filters`, it's already written in `Filters` component.

github 14:09:02

Comment on #328 Layout components for header

Thanks! It's removed in the PR that remove `ReplySearchPageLayout.js` entirely.

mrorz 14:42:05
要討論 Q4 與明年 Q1 方向唷
github 14:51:04

Comment on #225 Fix simplify state test

I'm considering removing `context.state`, it's currently only used to <|distinguish state `ASKING_ARTICLE_SUBMISSION_CONSENT` and `ASKING_REPLY_REQUEST_REASON`>. If we use two different `SOURCE_PREFIX` to distinguish asking source of both `first submission article` and `not-yet replied article`, we can make sure state will <|be overridden in `handleInput`> and then remove `context.state`. * * * *Reference* Current flows of `first submission article` and `not-yet replied article` in production <|> <|>

github 15:18:32

Review on #225 Fix simplify state test

100% reviewed. Thanks for the fix!

github 21:31:10

#337 URL filter params should be case insensitive (in lower case)

*Bug* <|截圖 2020-09-23 下午9 23 12> The filter params in the url should be in lower case. This change doesn't have to be backward compatible.

github 23:14:37

Comment on #335 Level icon in Profile page

Need to add. ``` &lt;defs&gt; put your gradient definition here &lt;/defs&gt; ```



github 13:56:13

#226 Settings page style &amp; translation

• Adjust look of settings page so that it looks more welcoming to new users. • Add translation that matches rich menu <|image>

mrorz 13:58:58
說到 rich menu 右下角 viewed message 功能,我還是覺得「看過的訊息」比現在 rich menu 上「問過的問題」還要好,因為:

• 如果要照著週三討論過的群組功能來做,那該列表不一定都是主動「問過」的,用「看過」我覺得比較恰當。
• 「問題」會讓人覺得是 chatbot 使用上的「問題」,例如「我要怎麼 OOO」這種。我們鼓勵整篇轉傳「訊息」,我覺得「訊息」也比「問題」恰當。
所以我覺得應該要修正的是 rich menu 圖上的 wording 而非翻譯呢。
相關 ticket:
Rich menu 我想改成這樣唷,還加上了英文版試排
github 13:59:30

Comment on #226 Settings page style &amp; translation

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1134>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *84.846%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


github 13:36:07

Comment on #335 Level icon in Profile page

Nice catch! `&lt;defs&gt;` is now added and UI does not break after add. <|image>

mrorz 14:13:08
週三會議 @lucien 希望大家幫忙的說明部分我寫了一些,大家可以看看這樣行不行或會不會太長:
👌 1


github 17:03:51

#227 Remove context.state

1. Use different SOURCE_PREFIX to handle first submission article and not-yet replied article logic • Prefix [:one: I got the message from] for first submission article • Prefix [:information_source: I got the message from] for not-yet replied article • When `createAskArticleSubmissionConsentReply`, send a liff.source url with `article_submission=true` 2. Remove context.state

github 17:06:47

Comment on #227 Remove context.state

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1137>* • *16* of *16* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *8* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage increased (+*0.01%*) to *84.858%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

mrorz 22:31:13
Rich menu 我想改成這樣唷,還加上了英文版試排


Cofacts LINE bot related

Created with Figma

🐳 1 ❤️ 1


github 13:53:44

Comment on #227 Remove context.state

I am wondering if it is possible for `should block incorrect prefix` to happen under the current action handling logic, since `SOURCE_PREFIX_NOT_YET_REPLIED` will be redirected to other state for now. If not, I think we can remove the logic that emits `ManipulationError` together.

github 13:53:45

Review on #227 Remove context.state

LGTM! This is a stepping stone PR that leads us away from state diagram towards future models. Thanks for the fix.

github 13:53:45

Comment on #227 Remove context.state

This is brilliant :+1: Cannot think of edge cases here. Let's test this in Wednesday.

mrorz 22:04:29 profile page 需要的 API 放了一陣子囉

#224 Make profile page related fields in User object type publically available

This PR is for fields required in Profile page UI. • Figma: <|> • Spec: <|> Detail • Change `points` and `repliedArticleCount` from 'current-user only' to publicly available • Add `votedArticleReplyCount` to `User` • Add `GraphQLNonNull` when applicable

mrorz 22:05:11
另外想問一下 @stbb1025 Cofacts 編輯如果想改名字的話
按下 profile page 的編輯,是另外跳一個新視窗,跟頭像那些一起換嗎?
@lucien 對這個有什麼想法呢
那目前 UI 上編輯按鈕可能有點太遠
那 edit mode 的外觀是如何呢~?
mrorz 22:05:56
github 23:43:05

#225 Similar replies API and revamp related artitle API

This PR adds `similarReplies` to `Reply` object type to display <|similar reply section in reply page>. Given that replies are often copied over to another, this function should be useful when finding duplicated replies. Several refactors to `Article` object type's `relatedArticles` are also added, including: • Default to sort by score (high to low) • Add hyperlink title / summary matching • Test highlights are generated in unit tests


github 00:44:30

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

English wording has been revised. Kudos to Jack for revisiting these words!

mrorz 13:04:01


caleb 02:27:14
@caleb has joined the channel
mrorz 13:10:42
LevelIcon 沒啥問題的話我就 merge 囉~?

#335 Level icon in Profile page

Figma: <|> <|image> <|image>

mrorz 13:43:29
@acerxp511 這個會在今晚之前改好ㄇ
github 14:34:58

Review on #338 Add storybook to &lt;Hyperlinks&gt;

雖然這個是今天才標成 ready,不過
• 他跟外觀無關,比較像是補文件
• 中秋連假應該會滿多 PR 的⋯⋯
所以也想要排進今天的 release >“<

如果有看到不妥的部分請跟我說,不然我應該 6pm 會 merge 唷
github 14:55:06

Review on #227 Remove context.state

LGTM! Let's test it tonight :rocket:

mrorz 16:09:31
雖然這個是今天才標成 ready,不過
• 他跟外觀無關,比較像是補文件
• 中秋連假應該會滿多 PR 的⋯⋯
所以也想要排進今天的 release >“<

如果有看到不妥的部分請跟我說,不然我應該 6pm 會 merge 唷
❤️ 1
github 21:20:46

#339 Cofacts website redirect to Cofacts LINE bot

From: <|> • 用類似客服按鈕的方式黏在旁邊 • google 來大部分是手機使用者,所以用連結連到 <|> • 分享文案加入 Cofacts LINE bot • article detail「複製」按鈕 / share 功能的文字 • 在 Cofacts 複製文字時,加上 Cofacts 網站網址(如<|ETToday>)

❤️ 1